LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 354 Violent demolition team! (Also available at night)

For Xu Xiu now, the ID "TheKing" is really a light in his heart.

Unlike Faker, who stepped on the famous LCK player An to become the leader and had two famous scenes in one game, in Xu Xiu's eyes, Li Hao's career experience is obviously more inspirational.

Xu Xiu felt excited every time he looked through the dormant records about Li Hao in previous seasons.

This is a history of successful struggle before him, which is different from his own experience, but has similarities.

Just like the DWG team he was in at this time, it could only be regarded as an Internet cafe team with difficult conditions.

Recently, Xu Xiu's dark circles have become a lot heavier.

Because I often stay up late training.

He firmly believes in one thing: If The King can do it, so can I!

Xu Xiu looked at the live broadcast of the intercontinental competition. The competition had not officially started yet. He said to Niu Guli next to him: "Xia Quan, have you recovered from your cold? I watched you train very late last night. sleep."

Nuguri waved his hand, "Nothing."

"The spring split is embarrassing enough, and I don't want to be the one holding us back in the summer split."

Coach Micro smiled happily when he heard this.

When he recruited Nuguri last season, this guy was the best top laner to catch besides Theshy. He averaged 3.3 deaths per game. He had the momentum to kill you if you dare to catch him.

However, Coach Micro values ​​​​his extremely outstanding personal strength more. Daring to catch and kill him is just a harmless thing, so nuguri was recruited by the DWG team.

Although they failed to challenge the LCK in the spring split.

However, Micro is very confident about the current DWG.

Moreover, he now has a new goal.

It's canyon.

This boy, who is one year younger than Xu Xiu, is a genius in the eyes of Coach Micro.

More importantly, in addition to talent, this person, like the members of DWG, is also very hardworking.

Ranking at four o'clock in the morning, you can also see Canyon's high intensity online.

Micro couldn't help but think: Wasn't this what The King was like back then?

The magic city at four o'clock in the morning, that kind of romance that never admits defeat in silence.

At this time, DWG, in Mirco's opinion, may have a group of "TheKings"!

"me too."

"Next spring, we want to play in the LCK! We also want to be in these broadcasts."

"come on!"


In the small training room, excited voices came one after another.

Micro reminded, and after a series of animations, the lights on the stage of Dalian Sports Center suddenly flashed with light.

The Grasp of Immortality appeared in the center of the stage wearing a crisp suit.

After his opening remarks, he shouted: "Welcome the representatives of the 12 teams!"

The first person to appear on the field was the big devil representing SKT.

Next, there is Dremer from Team MACHI.

It is worth mentioning that both Faker and Dremer, although they are players in the LCK and LMS divisions, received cheers from the audience.

Seeing this scene, the audience at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center should feel pain in their faces.

It's all an intercontinental competition, why can't you guys open up your game?

Then Ah Shui, who appeared on the LPL side, received a warm welcome.

Representative players from the 12 participating teams appeared one by one. On the LPL side, after the subsequent Factory Director and Uzi both appeared.

Li Hao, as the last representative player in the audience, walked out of the flashing red channel.

At this moment, Dalian Sports Center became excited as expected!

Even the audience who are separated by mobile phones and computer screens can hear the huge cheers!

Wherever you go, that's your home court.

This sentence is very applicable to Li Hao now.

He has a large number of fans throughout the league.

Li Hao waved towards the scene and said hello to the enthusiastic fans.

Immediately, there was another huge response from the scene!

In the live event commentary broadcast room, remember to sit in the middle. Rita is on the left side of the screen, and today's guest Zhang Binbin is on the right.

This guest is now debuting, but he also played e-sports before.

The terrible thing is that he also came from WE's youth training.

Feeling the terrifying popularity at the scene, classmate Binbin was also shocked.

While he was talking to Remember and Rita, a message naturally emerged from his words. He was also a Haochui. Although his professionalism is not as high as that of e-sports poet and Europe's top player Koster, he has a WE youth training soul ring and can claim to be in the same school as Brother Ritian, which immediately adds a lot of color.

This triggered discussions in the barrage and comment section.

Many people are saying: WE youth training has produced a lot of talents.

WE uniforms are happy.

With smiles on their faces, they happily accepted the compliments from the outside world.

But I laughed and cried again, and cried loudly, and then a bunch of people scolded the operations director who had left the WE club.

He sent TheKing away, leaving a mark in the history of e-sports.

"Now the representative players of the 12 teams have been assembled. In the next four days and nights, they will fight against each other on this stage, fighting bloody battles, all in order to compete for the strongest in Asia!"

"Only the winner who persists until the end can return home full of glory."

"Now, let's light up the division together!"

The lights on the stage were completely turned on, and the logos of LPL, LCK and LMS were displayed on the screens under their feet and behind them.

Ren Dong approached the steps and shouted:

“The 2018 League of Legends Asia Intercontinental Tournament has officially begun!”

The broadcast screen once again jumped to the live broadcast room. Rita, remember, and guest Zhang Binbin began to introduce the 8.13 version to the audience.

This version is the first time it has officially landed in the professional league. Each major team has a different adaptation period, which will bring many variables to the results of the intercontinental competition.

The camera returns to the scene again.

Players from EDG and M17 have debugged their equipment, and BP has officially begun.

In the LPL commentary box, the Haier brothers and Changmao began to show up. They laughed at themselves that after the combination of pretty boys and girls, it was their turn to be a group of "old people".

In the match between EDG and M17, the audience captured many elements.

For example, they grabbed the support Rakan from the beginning.

The AD player Deul on the opposite side took out Xayah.

This wave is a reverse reproduction.

Jokes aside, in this game, EDG played without any problems, especially as a junior, his Zoe was too C!

In the LPL division this season, the junior has already won the hard honor of second Zoe.

Known as the number one person among gods!

In other words, apart from TheKing, Zoe from Junior School is the strongest!

It is no exaggeration at all, this is hard honor.

Perhaps since the end of the finals last year, the status of the second player in the LPL has changed, and it is much higher than before. Especially in the middle lane, the gold content has been greatly improved.

Not just anyone can be called the number one person under God.

For example, some live broadcasts of Shark Fighting used to have titles such as "The No. 1 Ekko in the National Server" and "The No. 1 Vampire in the National Server", but these are no longer popular.

These headlines can be identified as false at a glance.

Ike is the number one in the national server and the number one vampire in the world. Isn’t that The King? Are you stronger than Brother Wolfberry?

Therefore, this group of people have changed the titles to "God's Best Ike", "God's Best Vampire" and the like, which not only shows respect for God, but also attracts a wave of popularity, which is the best of both worlds.

At the beginning of the 28th minute, EDG took the Baron Buff to attack the high ground in the middle of M17.

Zoe, who had annoyed M17 throughout the game, slept on the top laner 3Z's Nuoshou in a hypnotic bubble below the high ground. The girl control immediately activated her ultimate move and flashed to start the team.

3Z was killed by the fish man in conjunction with the explosion damage from his junior brother. Ray's Bobbi Benbi and the factory director's trolls rushed to the M17 highland as if they were in no man's land.

M17's headcount lag is not that much, but that's just for good looks. In fact, the economy is far behind.

M17 fought to the end, and only Kasumi was left alive.

EDG won the team battle with one change for four, and they pushed all the way to the front of the front tooth tower.

Xia, who was preparing to defend, was put to sleep by the hypnotic bubble again. The fish man controlled Lucian to go up and connect points, and combined with the damage of the junior boy to kill Deul. The game was basically over here, and EDG ended the game without any surprise.

The LPL players were very happy whether on site or in front of the screen. EDG took the lead and scored a point for the LPL division.

Backstage in Dalian, all the LPL members were there, and there was a relatively long wooden table behind them, which was used for meetings.

Now everyone is sitting around the table and applauding.

Ancestor Severn had a serious face when he came on stage. When he returned to the backstage from the contestants' tunnel, Li Hao saw him holding his head high and smiling crookedly.

Moreover, he patted Uzi on the shoulder, teasing him not to stretch his hips and so on.

It's different when you win a battle.

The elementary school boy happily followed the factory director, not looking like someone who had obtained MVP data at all.

One thing to say, although EDG is fourth in the LPL, it is really not comparable to the configuration of the M17. There is already a gap in hard power between the two sides.

Although the LMS and LCK teams went to Dalian first to participate in the 8.13 training camp, judging from the first game, their playing styles were not much different from those of 8.11 and 8.12.

At five o'clock in the evening, RNG played against GRX.

It is still a competition between the LPL and LMS divisions.

RNG came up with a lineup of Poppy, Barrel, Sword Girl, Kai'Sa and Wet Nurse to deal with GRX's Swain + Morgana going down the road.

GRX performed well in this game, and the two sides remained tied at 2:2 at 21 minutes and 35 seconds.

GRX's economy is less than 200 blocks behind.

However, all the heads on RNG's side were focused on Uzi.

At 24 minutes and 34 seconds, RNG caught Wuji's mid laner Crocodile in the middle. After MLXG blasted the Crocodile back with a precise R, Wuji was killed on the spot.

Camille and Alchemy, who participated in the battle from the side, immediately retreated after the GRX was reduced in number.

However, Uzi's Void Lock accurately hit the Qinggang Shadow who came to the lower river. Following his ultimate move, he cut in alone and chased the Qinggang Shadow to death!

This scene made many dog ​​fans excited.

When the top laner PK saw the people from RNG coming to kill him, he ran away.

GRX's midfielder died, and RNG immediately hit the baron.

After the big dragon was defeated, the economic lead of the blue side RNG instantly reached 6,000 yuan.

In 27 minutes, GRX was broken through two high ground.

Through the ultimate moves of Crocodile and Crow, GRX managed to hold on for a while, but when the two super soldiers came over, their ultimate moves from the C position had not yet turned around. Mala Xiangguo found the right opportunity to forcefully attack, and defeated GRX in one wave. ACE, take it away directly.

LPL’s second consecutive victory!

In the third game, KT played against MAD.

The audience in Wanwan is still in despair.

In this game, perhaps Mata's brain started to work again. Under his command, KT performed superb operations.

The Korean team just pushes towers and crystals.

The game lasted 32 minutes with only 5 kills, and KT won the game with a head ratio of 3:2.

However, their economic lead was more than 10,000, which knocked MAD out of breath.

At more than 20 minutes, KT gave MAD a chance.

But MAD is useless, and even if given the opportunity, it cannot be seized.

LMS has lost three games in a row and has become a point-giving baby in the intercontinental competition.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Team Snake appeared on the stage amid the cheers of the audience.

On the other side is the KZ team of the LCK.

In the trash talk before the game, everyone can feel the revenge flames in KZ.

Brother Khan made a strong speech, claiming that they came for this intercontinental competition just for Snake!

Snake's speech was relatively low-key, and Li Hao also said seriously that they would treat KZ with caution.

However, when the live camera swept across the player stands on both sides, even the audience watching the game could feel the difference in atmosphere.

No one in KZ was smiling, and both Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming were staring at the screen.

On Snake's side, Flandre turned her head away from Casa to talk to Li Hao. Both of them had smiles on their faces. In the end, it was Chris who pulled Flandre aside.

Da Chongming and Liu Qingsong were chatting, and everyone in Snake felt very relaxed.

It’s normal if you think about it carefully.

Facing a team that has been defeated by you many times and swept by you in the knockout rounds, why should you be too nervous?

Snake's current confidence is extremely strong.

Some people boasted: This is the domain of the strong, they have entered a new level.

Li Hao stared at the string of IDs across from him, knowing very well in his heart.

This season's KZ has become a paper tiger.

As the draft unfolded, Coach Sin in the KZ player bench was stunned.

The coaching staff behind the scenes in the LCK also all looked surprised.

Last night they were still talking about not using the Iron Man system on Snake easily. Coach Dunma also analyzed the reasons thoroughly and won the entire team's conviction.


In the blink of an eye, the tactics they had abandoned passed into Snake's hands.

Snake destroyed other people's Tetsuo system and made them give up, but in the end they came up with Metal Master themselves!

When Snake took out Tetsuo on the fourth floor, KZ thought of many things.

Their first three hands are Galio and Qinggang Shadow Gatam. These are short-handed players. Tetsuo is not afraid of these people.

KZ's last two moves, they were debating whether to make steel.

In the end, it is better to play safely around Pray.

On the fourth and fifth floors, KZ selected Kai'Sa + Mundo.

Snake took out the Captain with one last move.

KZ: Mundo, Green Shadow, Galio, Kai'Sa, Tahm Kench

Snake: Captain, Scorpion, Vampire, Tetsuo, Pike

After KZ selected this lineup, they immediately changed lanes at the beginning, switching Pray's Kai'Sa to the top lane to ensure development.

The two sides also had a tacit understanding at level one and exchanged jungle areas.

Snake's advancement speed was obviously faster. They pushed down the next tower in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and let Lin Weixiang's Iron Man take it alone.

In the middle, Li Hao's vampire has no pressure on Galio. Peanut has no time to take care of the middle. They have to work together to restrict Flandre in the top lane.

BDD wanted to exchange blood with Li Hao for a fight at 4 minutes and 01 seconds, but during the back and forth movement, the vampire just turned around and moved when BDD released E, which resulted in BDD's skills being completely empty.

Li Hao hit him with a set of skills and did not pursue him deeply.

Without being able to kill Galio, all he needs to do now is grow steadily and direct the team's rhythm.

Li Hao cut the screen to the top lane. When Pike and Tetsuo came up at 4 minutes and 20 seconds, he still had more than half of his blood on the first tower.

At this time, Tetsuo, who had gained the advantage of the first blood tower, had already made a burst wand.

Kai'Sa only has one Doran Ring on her body.

Casa's scorpion went to the bottom lane to protect Flandre from taking the lane. KZ's little peanut came over, and his plan to cooperate with Mundo to kill the captain failed.

BDD's Galio was stopped by Li Hao in the river, and since he didn't reach 6, this wave of KZ's interference rhythm was interrupted.

At 6 minutes and 50 seconds, Li Hao, under the effect of Scarlet Dash, beat Galio!

At the same time, he called to the Casa outcrop hidden in the river channel.

BDD, who originally wanted to fight back, immediately gave up his thoughts of fighting back when he saw the scorpion, and decisively fled down the tower.

Li Hao continued to pursue, knocking out nearly half of Galio's health.

In this wave, Snake has no place for Qinggang Ying, and BDD is very meaty, so Li Hao has no murderous intentions.

BDD's state was knocked down, and Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were already on the road.

They gathered together in the middle and easily pushed the line of troops in.

Pray on the top lane is still using troops to develop. Although Tahm Kench can roam, the rhythm of this wave belongs to Snake.

They gathered at Xiaolong Pit at 7 minutes and 8 seconds and easily captured the first fire dragon!

Tetsuo took the dragon soul with him and formed a division of his own.

The dragon soul sprayed Galio, and BDD's health dropped visibly to the naked eye, making him unable to hold on!

At 8 minutes and 12 seconds, the Dalian venue burst into cheers!

Except for Tetsuo, Snake and others gathered on the road. Vampire and Scorpion both turned on their wolf heads, brayed twice in a row, and rushed directly into the KZ formation!

The captain makes a big move to retain people, and Scorpion R returns to Tahm!

Grela was beaten to a low level by Snake's group of firemen. He opened the shield and escaped back to the previous tower with a flash.

However, after his shield disappeared, Li Hao's ultimate move caused subsequent damage, killing Tahm directly!

Gloria's expression on the contestants' bench changed continuously.

The Rat King was forced to flash out, and was hit by Liu Qingsong's Q-dodge hook. Flandre continued with two consecutive barrels. They ignored Mundo and chased the crippled Kai'Sa. Then the captain fired a finishing shot, ruthlessly taking Kai'Sa away. Walk!

The angry Little Peanut hooked his way into the crowd, and the captain escaped in a flash. Little Peanut followed up with his ultimate move, and used the subsequent damage to kill Flandre.

However, he also died in Snake's crowd.

The level 6 Pike's ultimate move came down, and the sound of water roared in Little Peanut's ears.

This wave is for everyone!

One Mundo was unable to defend the tower, and the previous tower was pushed down.

Then, Lin Weixiang pushed a tower in the middle with one man and one dragon.

In the commentary box, Miller said in surprise: "In less than 9 minutes, KZ lost all three outer towers!"

"Pray was killed, so the game is over!"


The game lasted 25 minutes and 1 second, and various things gathered in front of KZ's front tooth tower.

The captain's barrel, the super soldier blessed by the dragon Buff, Lin Weixiang's dragon son

If we say that what KT showed in the last game is called the art of operating and demolishing towers.

So, Snake's side is the violent demolition team!

If there is a tower, tear down the tower, and if someone stands in the way, kill someone.

When the Crystal Nexus shattered, Coach Sin was so angry that he punched the table in the background.

In his mouth, he shouted insidiously!

Why can't we play the Tetsuo system that we said?

Xiba, why is Snake still playing!

PS: Hit by hand, there will be more at night. ('-'*ゞ

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