LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 366: Reach the Twelve Emperors in one step!

Coach Homme's eyes widened.

Then he smiled bitterly again.

The mid laner Pike is indeed a tactic spread from Snake, and I really have the instruction manual on hand.

A change of formation formed an ingenious means of restraint.

In the LPL studio, the three commentators were talking non-stop.

"This infinitely superior mid-laner male gun simply opens the door to a new world of pure violence for men!"

Remember to continue:

"In this version, male guns basically like to make demon-drinking knives and resurrection armor, and the error tolerance rate is very high."

Sun Yalong's head kept shaking: "Those are all regular gameplays. The King won't play with you with these fault tolerance rates, it will just be the Infinity Blade! Shoot out six rounds of bullets with one shot. After two shots, quickly draw the gun and kill you directly." Turn it into gold coins and put it in your pocket.”

"In the end, this Pike didn't even dare to hook the gun. If you hook him and hit him in the face, there will be no retreat."

"But everyone still needs to learn carefully. The King is a game that most people can't play. If you don't control it well, you can easily make mistakes and lose your advantage."

Miller smiled slightly: "JDG surprised us by hiding a mid-range Pyke, and Snake gave us a brand new response. I feel that all major teams can get inspiration from it. This version is really interesting."

Miller was indeed right.

At this moment, Coach Heart's eyes lit up at the RNG base.

On the screen, the footage from the previous game was being replayed.

At 24 minutes and 3 seconds, the male gun fired his second basic attack at Parker A on the high ground. This was a critical hit and directly activated Parker's displacement skill. Then the male gun activated R flash at the moment of the reload animation, and then connected seamlessly EQW. .

Pike, who was almost full of health, was instantly killed!

No wonder the audience was so excited when watching the replay. Even Heart, who was watching the game at the RNG base, found this scene so pleasing to the eye.

"Xiangguo, what do you think?"

Teacher Guo was stunned for a moment and said casually:

"He plays very smoothly, but that's normal."

"If he can't play well, it won't be The King."

Listening to Mr. Guo's tone, it seems that it is natural for Li Hao to play the male gun well, and it is a crime if he does not play well.

Obviously, Mr. Guo is judging by the standard of the league’s first player.

Herat waved his hand: "That's not what I'm asking."

"What I mean is, if you were asked to take the male gun and walk in the middle, would you be able to walk in the middle?"

Teacher Guo said oh.

This is similar to mid laner Kai'Sa's punishment. Li Hao's male gun does not have punishment, and he has his own considerations in it.

Ignition can provide vision, and Pike's passive will be restrained.

This is a relatively specific gameplay, and RNG can change it.

The mechanism of the male gun is very different from Kai'Sa's, but most of his skills are AOE damage. He has the dirty soldier attribute and his ability to push the line is not bad, and he is more suitable for the pot teacher. As for Kai'Sa, Heart will definitely not make him spicy. Go play incense pot.

Xiangguo nodded honestly.

Coach Heart looked satisfied.

With this lineup, they could really give it a try, especially at this stage when Uzi is injured.

Heart was inspired, and at the same time, like everyone else, he admired Snake's tactical reserves and on-the-spot ability.

Of course, this is mainly because Snake's mid laner is so special and can really play anything.

Heart is extremely envious now.

If RNG also has a TheKing, Heart can swear that he will dare to play any tricks.

Somehow, he glanced at Uzi, who was leaning on the gaming chair.

With active treatment, Uzi's injury has improved recently.

Therefore, when Uzi and Xiao Ming were talking, smiles continued to appear on their faces.

RNG's recent games have not been smooth, and their wins have been stumbling.

Uzi's return is very important to RNG.

Heart is vaguely looking forward to it. I wonder if Uzi, like Li Hao, can be in peak condition after an injury?

Will something like this happen to Uzi and RNG?

When Heart was thinking about it, at 7:40 pm, the second game between Snake and JDG started.

After some BP, the lineups of both sides were locked.

JDG: Ornn, Troll, Snake, Lucian, female tank

Snake: Prince, Leopard Girl, Ryze, EZ, Luo

After a rather bizarre duel, both Snake and JDG came up with a more conventional lineup.

Especially JDG is extremely stable.

In the first few minutes of laning, the gap between the three lanes was not big. Clid and Casa caught two waves, but there was no kill.

It wasn't until 4 minutes and 45 seconds that something unexpected happened in the game.

Li Hao, who had returned to the city to update Tears of the Goddess, used the TP that Liu Qingsong had placed in advance to support the bottom lane. At this time, Lucian and the female tank were in a state of pressure.

Liu Qingsong naturally controlled Luo to initiate the attack.

But what Snake didn't expect was that Clid, who changed his tactics in this game, gave up toothpaste and squatted in the bottom lane.

The level 4 full-blooded troll emerged from the river in time and turned the tide of the battle.

Lu Mao's female tank was finally killed by Li Hao with the duo, but Lu Mao not only controlled the attack, but also held on for a long time, causing Ryze to be left behind.

At the same time, Clid released a beautiful pillar, turning Lorca back, and Lucian followed to kill Luo.

In this wave, Snake, who initiated the initiative, suffered a blood loss of 2 for 1.

Although Ryze got first blood, he lost a minion in the middle and didn't make much profit.

The last game was tortured for more than 20 minutes, and it was only at this moment that JDG actually gained the advantage.

Next, both sides played more cautiously, and the 2:1 head count was maintained until 12 minutes.

At this time, because Snake's bottom tower was pushed down, JDG had a lead of nearly 2,000 gold.

At 12 minutes and 12 seconds, something happened to the duo that Snake switched to the top lane.

Luo was caught near the triangle grass. Although Liu Qingsong handed over the purification, his health dropped wildly due to the damage instillation from the JDG duo plus the troll.

The crippled Luo fled to the grass on the side of the stone monster, and was burned to death by the female tank at the most extreme level of health!


Such a start makes JDG fans extremely excited.

Coach Homme in the background also shouted Nice!

This game is very promising.

It's exciting, Snake's record of 23 consecutive wins is about to be broken.

At 14 minutes and 02 seconds, the battle on the top road broke out again.

Near the grass in the middle, Lu Mao, who was in great shape this time, once again pointed his finger at Luo and started the group.

Liu Qingsong's purification did not improve, and he was directly controlled until death.

Li Hao and Flandre all teleported down and beat the female tank to blood with their backhand, but Green Hair pressed the stopwatch, Ornn was powerful, Clid and Toothpaste came to support, and pushed Snake back all the way.

When Flandre was leaving, the German military flag was accurately planted, just in time to kill the female tank after the golden body effect ended.

He was beaten to less than half health by JDG's output, and escaped with a flash.

The head count of both sides became 4:2.

If JDG closes when it gets better, they will still make money by switching lines in exchange for resources this time.

However, after seeing the state of Snake's side, they chose to pursue the victory.

Toothpaste controlled the snake girl and circled from the triangle grass on the upper road to the grass behind the previous tower.

Snake was still retreating towards the second tower.

JDG did not push the first tower. At 14 minutes and 23 seconds, Toothpaste's snake girl flashed R directly after the last tower!

The rest of JDG passed under the tower and started fighting directly under the Snake defense tower.

Snake Girl's W hit EZ. Although EZ was not petrified, it still died from the damage of Toothpaste's E skill.

When Flandre was beaten to the last trace of blood, she provoked the snake girl with her backhand EQ, and smashed JDG's double C on the head.

Li Hao, who was in the best condition, was doing output under the defense tower. When Lucian killed the prince, he also killed Lucian.

In conjunction with Leopard Girl's damage, precise QEQ killed Snake Girl.

Clid sucked the leopard girl to death again, and Li Hao chased the troll to deal damage regardless of Ornn's damage.

Near the triangle grass on the top lane, Ryze, who was still in health, played his next set of QEQWQ to kill the troll.

Zoom chased Li Hao into a cripple. At the edge of the wall, when Ornn bumped into him, Li Hao flashed and fled back to the tower.

Zoom flash pursuit!

Ryze, who had almost 100 health, was surrounded by King Qin under the tower. He tried his best to delay, but in the end he was burned to death by Ornn's W.

However, Ornn, who was not supposed to die, was blocked by a minion at the edge of the defense tower, which caused him to take extra damage from the defense tower.

Looking at the lightning from the defense tower of the chasing side, Zoom also changed his expression.


After Snake, JDG was also beaten to death.

Then I heard the female voice of the system announce: "Quadro kill!"

"Four kills!"

"Something big happened to JDG this time! Ryze gets 4 heads and takes off immediately!"

"JDG originally had a huge advantage, but after this wave, it suddenly felt like it was no longer profitable."

"Not only is there no profit, jumping the tower is simply unnecessary. After Snake kills EZ, the others don't count. Snake also has the opportunity to continue replacing the prince. This wave of JDG underestimated Ryze's damage."

Sun Yalong smiled and said: "After JDG kills people, it will push the tower honestly. This wave will snowball and steadily expand its advantage. Snake is not in good condition, so he will definitely not dare to defend. As a result, this wave of tower jumps concentrated the heads on The King. , Ryze’s equipment took shape after a wave! This simply makes the game more difficult.”

"Luo has already given several waves of opportunities. You can't always expect Liu Qingsong to make such mistakes. Moreover, Lu Mao can't guarantee that he will always be able to create good groups like this."

The two sides tied at 5 for 5, and Snake instantly became energetic.

Coach Homme backstage was dumbfounded again.

He just heard a very excited voice in the team's voice, as if everyone wanted to go up and share a bite of meat, but the result was a fight like this?

Instead of widening, the economic gap has narrowed.

Coach Homme became more and more frightened as he watched.

Snake begins to counterattack!

At 16 minutes and 2 seconds, Li Hao drove next to the blue buff and came directly to the ruins of the next tower. The duo plus the middle and jungle blocked the JDG duo's back path!

It has to be said that Lu Mao opened a big shot at the position where Ryze R came.

Lucian also dealt his own damage instantly.

Unfortunately, there were four people on Snake's side, and it was difficult for JDG to defeat them with two fists.

After Li Hao dealt the first wave of damage, Leopard Girl jumped on Lucian's face and scratched him to death with one claw.

Lu Mao was stuck by EZ's ice fist, and Lin Weixiang accepted the head.

Not only were the two sides tied with heads, Snake also took the opportunity to push down JDG's first tower in the bottom lane and take away the second earth dragon at the same time.

On the big screen, Snake's economy has surpassed it!

JDG also knew that the situation was not right. In their panic, they had another team fight with Snake in the river in the upper half.

In this wave, everyone played 2 for 2, but Snake's kill was taken by Double C, and JDG's mid laner Snake was killed.

Li Hao seized the opportunity of JDG's poor condition, drove his soldiers and rushed into the defense tower, directly pulled out the first tower of JDG, and then worked hard to break the second tower.

Although Lin Weixiang's EZ was chased to death in the red zone in this wave, Snake still made a lot of money.

Viewers noticed that when JDG was in the upper hand, they were slow to snowball on the Snakes.

But once Snake got the advantage, JDG seemed unstoppable.

Moreover, JDG, who was a little panicked at this time, obviously did not have the courageous state at the beginning.

At 23 minutes and 13 seconds, a burst of cheers broke out in Supermarket Square.

Li Hao's Ryze used his vision advantage to drive into the JDG red zone. Snake double-teamed four people and killed Lucian again!

If it hadn't been for the toothpaste snake girl delaying for a while, JDG would have lost the baron this wave.

At 25 minutes and 46 seconds, Ryze started again.

This time, something ridiculous happened.

Ryze drove from the river in the lower half to the middle lane. Lin Weixiang made an arcane jump at the last moment of the winding path jump to the place where Ryze opened up.

Coincidentally, Ryze's ultimate move happened to be activated.

So there was a situation where Lin Weixiang was confused and didn't get on the bus.

The audience and the commentators laughed.

The absence of Lin Weixiang in this wave has no impact. Toothpaste, who was caught, used his big move with his backhand.

However, Ryze on the big screen turned around to avoid petrification, and a series of damage from his backhand QEQWQ instantly turned the snake girl into a crippling person.

After Liu Qingsong gained control, Leopard Girl jumped on Toothpaste's face and killed him.

Snake took the middle route forward. Flandre's prince returned to the city to buy real eyes after breaking the second tower, and followed the TP to the Dalong Pit.

Although JDG lacked key output, they still gathered towards the Dalong Pit and tried their best to harass.

They can't just let this big dragon go.

While Snake was fighting the dragon, Lucian fired the Holy Spear. Clid, who wanted to be a hero, took a sip on the prince and then flashed into the dragon pit.

A slight error can make a difference of a thousand miles.

Clid's Punishment fell first, but he wanted to grab Dragon Punishment too early.

The troll was lifted up by Luo Shengsheng and failed to take a bite.

This scene made Coach Homme in the background slap the table.

A cold air came out from Kasa's back, and he held his breath when he pressed the punishment button.

It was so dangerous, I almost took the blame!

If this dragon is to be robbed, it is likely that JDG will overturn it.

JDG wanted to keep a few more people while Snake was in bad shape, but Li Hao's Ryze was basically at full strength and his combat effectiveness was too strong!

In this wave, the two sides played 2 for 2 in the Dalong Pit, and both Lucian and Ornn who were escaping were flashed.

Snake didn't rush to chase.

At 28 minutes and 24 seconds, after Snake led the troops, five people surrounded JDG's middle high ground.

Ryze, who gave JDG a huge headache in this game, stood up again. Lucian's move to clear the line was caught by Li Hao, and a flash lit up on the big screen.

Ryze's W controlled Lucian without any brains, and with the arrangement of the four major items: Archangel, Ghost Book, Magic Penetration Rod, and Golden Body, Lucian, who had no magic resistance, was knocked down by QEQ for half of his health.

Follow a golden body to avoid the snake girl's petrifying gaze!

This first wave of confrontation ended in an instant. EZ released his ultimate move, Prince EQ provoked and then connected with R. The sky was shattering and Lu Bu's skin effect was played, killing Lucian on the spot!

Ornn calls the sheep, the troll takes a sip, and the battle below the tower explodes!

Liu Qingsong, who made several mistakes in the early stages of this game, took advantage of the situation and controlled many people in this wave of team battles. JDG had the strength to fight, but lacked a C position.

After Toothpaste's snake girl was killed, the remaining three lumps of flesh were randomly refreshed by Snake.

The annoying Blue EZ used ice fist to make Clid feel sick and want to vomit. The troll was killed after escaping to the Incisor Tower.

Snake with the Baron Buff quickly bulldozed the middle lane, and Li Hao drove the soldiers directly, without giving Lucian a chance to resurrect Shoujia.

No one cares about the Japanese girl and Ornn, and no matter how high-level they play, their output is not enough.

Lu Mao used Ignition and his own skills to kill Luo, who was still alive, with difficulty.

When Lin Weixiang was hammered to death by Ornn, he still hadn't forgotten to level A's incisor tower. At the same time, he also released Essence Leap (w) to increase the attack speed of his teammates by 30%.

Flandre, who was still on health, also used EQ to place flags and flash and jump horizontally repeatedly. There was a wave of "I came over, and I passed again."

LokeN controlled Lucian and had just rushed out of the spring. When the special effects of the penetrating holy light were refreshed on Ryze, their old crystal had been shattered by Snake.

Debris was flying, and LokeN stared at Ryze in front of him, feeling lost in his heart.

Li Hao's surname is Li, and my surname is Li. Why is the data out of sync? !

If Xiaohu heard this, he would definitely roll his eyes.

It’s no use. Our surname is Li, so why don’t we still get beaten up?

"JDG still lost! Snake made a comeback and won the game!"

Miller lamented: "In the first wave on the road, after JDG gave Ryze four kills, all the advantages they had established before disappeared like an avalanche."

Sun Yalong waved his hands wildly, "As I said, The King is very strange!"

"Advantages make the sun shine, disadvantages are God!"

"It's unrealistic to fight against Snake without playing slowly and steadily, and trying to swallow it in one gulp to make quick achievements, especially when The King hasn't been defeated yet."

"However, JDG played really well in the beginning. Clid's reverse squat in the bottom lane was very essence, and the duo also performed perfectly. They have improved so quickly this season, and there is a reason why they can reach second place in the Eastern Conference."

"This round is a bit of a pity for JDG."

I remember that my voice raised a few degrees:

"I feel that the more disadvantaged the game is, the more I can see the huge role of The King, and at the same time, I can also see the resilience of Snake's team."

"This is the best team in the league right now, and it's really a challenge to beat them."

"Although JDG lost two games in a row, whether it was the attempt of new tactics in the first game or the strong start in the second game, they all played well. I hope they will continue to work hard."

"And now, after defeating JDG, Snake has won 24 consecutive victories in small games!"

"The total points are 12 points, ranking first!"

"Yeah, 24 consecutive wins!"

As an 'old man', Miller is still feeling emotional at this time:

"This record is too terrifying!"

"If they defeat IG in the next round, Snake will sweep across the East and West and completely dominate the LPL league!"

“This summer, it’s still Snake’s stage!”

"I can't believe this is a team that has won two S divisions and two MSIs in a row! On the way to the dynasty, they are still so strong!"

In the LPL match commentary live broadcast room, the oxygen tank commentator and Sister Zhou both looked at the naughty pig in the guest seat:

"Teacher, you are a veteran member of IG. What do you think of the next round of the game between Snake and IG?"

Sao Zhu restrained his smile and spoke with some seriousness:

"Let's put it this way, IG is playing very well in this summer split, and its status ranks among the top in the league."

"But the two sides have played against each other before, and IG's head-to-head record is not very good."

"For IG, playing Snake will be a huge challenge. If they can break through Snake, they will have a lot to do this season. If they can't break through, then I feel it will still be the era of Snake."

"To be more precise, I think this is The King's era."

"Ya'er, this guy Li Hao is getting more and more scary the more I look at him. Just now he got four kills, so I said JDG was gone, and it was true."

"However, Rookie's current level can be called the best among gods. If he challenges the gods, I think there is still a chance."

Their discussion here was in full swing, and everyone at IG boarded the bus back to the base with various emotions.

"Rookie, The King is so strong!"

Ah Shui sat next to the broiler and let out a sigh.

Rookie smiled and said:

"Jack, don't be afraid."

"You can always trust Song Yijin!"

Ah Shui smiled and nodded.

The shy man came over, smiled at Ah Shui imitating the tone of a broiler, and then said in Mandarin with a hint of kimchi flavor:

"Jack, you can always trust Jiang Chenglu!"


Ah Shui rolled his eyes.

He didn't believe what the shy man said.

In tonight's game, the shy man yelled words like "start the team" and "go" in the team voice, but it turned out that he, Jack, was at the front.

If the top laner can't carry the tower, can we still have a good time?

Compared with their more lively atmosphere, Coach Jin has a serious look on his face.

He recalled the discussion about the "Trident".

How to break through Snake's key link in the middle?

Coach Jin didn’t have an answer to this question for a while.

From his backpack, under the not too bright light in the car, he took out another stack of player information, which had the player's six-pointed star chart on it.

The top page is marked "The King".

Average output per share, average kills per game, average economy per share, survivability, and average last hit per share.

In these five key abilities, Li Hao's statistics have all reached the top!

The only thing that sinks in is the even distribution of injuries.

But Coach Jin understands that this is the real hexagon warrior!

Assi, why are there such perverted guys?

Coach Jin frowned and turned the hexagram chart to the second page.

It happened to belong to Ah Shui.

What is extremely eye-catching is that Ah Shui's column for sharing injuries is actually full.

"Well played, you were full of energy on the court."

After Toothpaste took the initiative to call Brother Hao, Li Hao did not hesitate to praise him.

"You are still young, and you will definitely have greater breakthroughs in the future."

"Keep the energy going."

“The more you practice, Parker, the greater the results you will see.”

The corner of Toothpaste's mouth twitched.

The bigger result is the super ghost, right?

He usually surfs the Internet and is very aware of the style of the big brother of the league.

Toothpaste exchanged a few words with Li Hao, but he was not too depressed because of the two failures.

After all, whether it is losing to Snake or losing to The King, it is not a shameful thing.

However, when I returned to the dormitory at night to visit the forum and post bar, the toothpaste couldn't hold on.

In forums and post bars, such a spoof picture now appears.

A pike opened his mouth, and the male gunman stuffed the barrel of his gun into his mouth.

It also includes a line from a male gunman: "What are you playing at?"

Toothpaste also saw that after a round of competition, he also received many nicknames, such as Blood Harbor Chef, Water Ghost Advent, etc. What's even more terrible is that someone specially changed the hero skills for him.

[W Stealth in the Deep Pond]——Toothpaste version.

Pike acquires the disguise state and makes a dessert. When the disguise ends, he will provide food delivery service to Graves. During the food delivery service, Pike will be provided with a 40% acceleration effect.

And so on, these people had a great time.

Toothpaste didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He didn't expect that he would be so famous.

Of course, the most resounding nickname is "Tooth King".

Because he imitated Brother Ritian's tactics and took bonuses, the bonus itself became a classic. He is said to have reached the sky in one step and became one of the Twelve Emperors in the future. He can keep pace with M Emperor, Dian Emperor, B Emperor, R Emperor, Bi Emperor, etc.

Friday, July 27th.

The summer split continues, and the RNG team has come up with a new set of tactics.

Ornn, Braum, Male Spear, Swain, Bullhead.

The male gun of Spicy Xiangguo develops as a wild core, and two flowers bloom in the middle of the wild area.

This is a new tactic developed by Heart after being inspired by Snake.

And, using this tactic, they defeated EDG 16:11.

At this moment, the fans of Yujianmen laughed and pointed their swords at JDG.

"Did you see that? This is called taking bonuses!"

"I don't know how to take the bonus, so it's not good to occupy the second place."

"It's not very smart to use snake team tactics to defeat the snake team. You only read half of the instructions."

"JDG, learn how to order it. Look how smooth we eat with the bonus."

PS: Good night, book friends!

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