LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 370 The era of big bonuses!

Li Hao took off his headphones and smiled in front of the camera.

The cheers from the scene are still lingering in my ears.

"Get it, brothers!"

Brother Shengqiang's words were mixed with excitement.

Although they have many championship honors, no one will think that they have too many honors.

This is also an unforgettable day for the Snakes.

After Li Hao and others celebrated a little, they lined up and walked to IG.

In the studio, Wang Duoduo was announcing loudly:

"Congratulations to Snake for defeating IG 2:0 and ending their journey of inter-group competition. So far, they have a complete victory record! Facing 13 different LPL teams, Snake lasted two months and won 26 consecutive victories!"

"Snake in the 2018 Summer Split performed better than the previous two seasons! This may be their peak moment!"


Wang Duoduo’s words moved many people with emotion.

Ever since the Snakes won the S6 championship, people have said similar things almost every year.

But Snake is evolving every year. This is completely different from the feeling after SKT won the championship, which surprised many league viewers.

In addition to finding the puzzle pieces correctly every year, Snake's absolute core is the key!

"It can really sweep across the east and west, it's so powerful!"

There are also people who are looking forward to it:

"The LPL has never lost in the Asian competition, and the status of the first division is well deserved, but these teams that defeated the Korean team all lost when facing Snake! This year's Snake team's road to dynasty is really great. There is hope! The LPL may give birth to the first dynasty team in the history of the league!"

Someone in the comment area responded rationally:

"I feel that as long as Brother Wolfberry is not injured and has such a group of good teammates around him, this Snake team will be very invincible!"

"I have been watching professional games for a long time. Brother Wolfberry is really incredibly stable. You will never find another player like this in the league."

Someone laughed and said, "I believe you all when you say that Brother Hao is an alien. Apart from acting like a veteran when commanding, he doesn't look like a veteran in other places. Who in the alliance can control Brother Hao better?"

Someone immediately joked: "No one has ever done it, but there are many challengers. Otherwise, why would there be so many emperors sealed?"

There is a lot of content talking about these topics in the comment sections of major forums related to e-sports and in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

As the big brother in the East, IG has a very strong Trident and has no opponents in the East.

Before the game, many people thought that Snake would have a tough battle today, but they did not expect that after the two games, Snake became more and more relaxed, and his tactics were to crush IG!

The contrast evoked various emotions in the audience.

Coupled with Snake's 26-game winning streak in small games, sweeping across the East and West, the popularity was unprecedented.

Someone checked Snake's record and discovered another shocking truth.

Snake struggled for a while in the 2018 Spring Split, when Li Hao was injured for more than three months.

But since Li Hao returned from injury, he has not lost a single game in all the games he has participated in, including the Spring Playoffs, MSI, Asian Games, and Summer Games! !

These record lists were quickly made into tables and pictures and disseminated on major platforms, attracting more and more league enthusiasts to participate in discussions, and there were also people who made videos to narrate this process.

In addition to absorbing huge traffic, fans also recognized one thing.

The peak of Wolfberry is in the 2018 season!

In Baidu Tieba Haoge Bar and Wolfberry Bar, many old fans gathered together. Some were old S2 fans, and some claimed to be fans of TheKing when they were in the WE training camp. Some said they were fans of TheKing when he was not playing professionally. Paying attention.

Whether they are old fans from the "Chaos Beginning" era or believers who accompanied him at dusk, now everyone is discussing together and uncovering the past. In addition to seeing Li Hao's current glory, he also feels his past downfall.

However, after studying along one line, I discovered what an inspiring path it is!

Many people were touched and moved.

Some people say this is their youth.

Some people also said that they would always protect Giegie.

Of course, Li Hao did not expect that the outside world would suddenly raise such a topic.

He had already shaken hands with the IG players and was bowing to the audience on the stage with his teammates.

These lovely and respectable fans have been clapping and cheering with joy from the bottom of their hearts.

In the end, Li Hao was left behind.

Aunt Yu Shuang led him to the interview seat with a smile on her face.

You can hear some rough guys shouting "Brother Wolfberry is awesome".

Li Hao is not thin-skinned, and he doesn't feel embarrassed at all, but he feels more appropriate when fans call him "Brother Hao is awesome" or "The King is awesome".

"Brother Hao, please say hello to everyone."

Li Hao waved to the camera:

"Hello everyone, I am Snake mid laner TheKing."

Yu Shuang raised the microphone and asked a very common question:

"Now that you have won the Eastern and Western Conferences, how do you feel?"

"It must be fun and a little surprising."


"Because when the summer split started, we had no plan to win everything."

"I was just fighting, and suddenly I looked back and realized that I didn't lose a game."

Speaking of this, Li Hao showed a very sincere smile.

Yu Shuang licked her lips and clicked her tongue in her heart, thinking that it was so good.

In the barrage:

[It feels like this person is pretending, but he doesn’t seem to be pretending]

[Brother Wolfberry, now I suspect you are showing off, come with us! 】

[Brother Wolfberry (spreading his hands): I gave you guys a chance, but it’s a pity it didn’t work]

[Get my Qinglong knife and peel an apple for Brother Ritian]

"Brother Hao, in these two games, Snake used unconventional tactics. Especially in the second game, you brought two punishments. Was this decided from the beginning?"

Hearing Yu Shuang's question, Li Hao immediately shook his head:

"We have been practicing the wild core system a lot recently, and we just took it out to try out the effect. As for the two punishment methods, it was improvised and I feel it is not perfect yet."

Jin Jingzhu, who was backstage at IG, suddenly turned dark when he heard this.

Who believes what you say!

It's not perfect, so you beat us like this?

Axi, this old fox!

Jin Jingzhu looked at the man chatting in front of the camera, and he stamped his feet angrily.

In today's two games, IG lost a lot.

Only those who know how to deal with the big losses in tactics can understand them more clearly.

Take TheShy for example, IG was originally a very strong point.

But in today's game between the two sides, especially the second game, it basically played no role. Mundo was developing against the captain on the top lane, and no one was trying to catch him, passively separated from the whole.

By the time armor shoes, Sunfire, and Green Armor come out, the game is over.

In the battle between the two sides around the lower half, IG repeatedly suffered losses.

The personal strength of IG players has basically not been fully utilized.

Why is it so silent backstage now? It’s because everyone is feeling aggrieved.

Of course, this is what makes Jin Jingzhu and other watching teams afraid.

Snake's tactical execution ability is terrifying!

Whether it is the scheduling of the transition line in the first game or the linkage ideas between the middle and jungle in the second game, there are basically no redundant actions.

It seems simple, but it is actually very efficient!

After some advantages are established, the snowball can be rolled through airtight operations to a point where even IG cannot parry. Now in the entire league, only Snake can do this.

If it is another team, IG can also operate it through personal abilities.

But when encountering Snake, it is very difficult to operate it, and it may even crash.

When he thought of Snake's mid laner's powerful operation ability, Jin Jingzhu screamed in his heart that he was abnormal.

Soon, he heard what he had already guessed.

On the screen, Yu Shuang asked Li Hao:

"Everyone is curious. In the two games against IG, Brother Hao, were you always the conductor?"

There is no need to hide this, Li Hao responded directly:

"Liu Qingsong and Casa will always report points, and everyone will keep communicating and signaling. They have a strong ability to read the game. However, in order to have a unified voice, some decisions are basically made by me, but everyone has played their part. Crucial role."


It’s true, it’s still this guy!

Jin Jingzhu felt a tightness in his chest.

Rookie is IG's absolute C position, but his main focus is on the lane, which is similar to TheShy on the top lane. The main command work is done by King Ning and JK, and everyone's division of labor is very clear.

Although JK is ridiculed as the commander of Quanshui, his position in the team is very important.

And Snake's side

A guy who is so good at C, in addition to exaggerating in laning, can actually do such a good job of commanding.

Jin Jingzhu was really speechless.

Many viewers who watched the live broadcast remembered that the first-person view of the game was released before, including Li Hao's.

The screen switching speed makes some people feel dizzy, dizzy, and even want to vomit.

After the match at Zhengda Plaza, the 2018 summer regular season has officially completed most of its journey.

For some teams, they only have the last six games left this summer.

The popularity of Snake's victory is still maintained.

Li Hao's recent popularity is also very scary. The MVP of the summer regular season has basically been locked in advance. Even if he does not play in the next six games, this MVP is unbeatable.

Some people even say that this year's annual MVP will still be Li Hao.

This would be a terrifying achievement.

Three consecutive years of MVP, this will be a record that will be beyond the reach of newcomers.

In the Xiaopo Station, many smart alliance masters have recently taken advantage of the popularity, and some people have started writing "Memoirs of the Emperor of Japan's Ascension to the Emperor".

From S6 to now, by integrating those people who were defeated by Li Hao in the lane, those highlights, combined with the jokes, directly made the grandmas full of one-click three-in-one.

The whole screen was filled with "I'll definitely do it this time" and the grannies laughed happily.

It includes various works such as "The Emperor's Dinner Collection", "The Background of the Republic", "The Emperor's Ordering Encyclopedia", "Brother Khan's Application Progress", "From the Dining Hall to the Vienna Hall", etc., which will be available soon. The Theking universe is formed.

On August 6, the eighth week of competition officially started.

There is internal fighting in the East, RNG versus SNG.

What surprised the audience was that under the operation of coach Heart, RNG came up with Yanjai's mid lane and wild core routine. Except for a slight change in the bottom lane lineup, it basically copied Snake's tactics.

In just 28 minutes and 45 seconds, RNG defeated SNG with a 9,000 economic advantage!

You know, when Snake used this tactic to fight IG, it lasted more than thirty minutes.

Fans of Edge of Swords couldn't be happier.

Earning bonuses may be a beautiful thing!

We not only get bonuses, but we are even better than others. This is the most scientific and correct way to get bonuses.

In the second game, RNG seemed to be addicted to studying tactics, and came up with a male sword in the mid lane to cooperate with the jungle barrel.

The bottom lane is a Iron Man system, except that the top lane is replaced by Ornn, and the male sword does not bring punishment, and it is similar to Snake's tactics!

This damn thing has turned into the shape of the Snake Team, right?

The people from Yujianmen laughed and said that they had recently used the golden snake sword.

Some anti-fans complained:

What a bullshit golden snake sword, it just bends the sword every year!

However, what makes the major teams unable to sit still is.

RNG wins again!

The handsome male swordsman even scored 9/2/5 luxurious statistics on SNG. The hanging man was all smiles after the game.

RNG easily defeated SNG 2:0.

As Uzi is about to return, RNG's results are becoming more and more stable, and the players' condition is also more stable. This is good news for them.

When RNG was being interviewed, Coach Heart said unsmilingly:

"This is not about imitating and being imitated, but a profound exploration and torture of the version. When you discover the secret of the version and then throw it aside, this approach is unwise."

"We have done a lot of research before, and this style of play fits us well. Its successful application shows that RNG is also at the forefront of version research. This is a big victory for data analysts!"

Coach Heart’s words made many people smile.

The uniforms of some teams looked pensive.

RNG can reap dividends, why can’t we?

Moreover, Snake has always been at the forefront of the version. Judging from the imitation results produced by RNG, this may really be the password to victory!

On August 9, this version trend became more and more intense.

At around 6:45 in the evening, the uniforms of the major teams could not sit still.

VG defeated BLG and ended Snake's losing streak before Snake's winning streak ended.

14 consecutive losses!

After VG defeated BLG 2:1, it disappeared.

What is attracting attention is that the key to VG's victory over BLG was precisely because of the successful use of the rock bird wild core tactic in the third game. BLG was not aware of it for a moment, and did not expect that VG could keep up with the times. In just 27 minutes, BLG was defeated. .

Throughout the summer, VG was able to play such smooth games very few times.

Even VG has begun to reap the dividends. If we don’t enter the market, I’m afraid we won’t have any soup left to drink.

You know, now is the most critical playoff sprint stage!

What surprised the audience was that after learning from the painful experience, the JDG team of its own generation returned to its old business, switching from mid laner Pike to playing wild core.

For a time, the wild core wind started blowing throughout the league again.

What’s even more surprising is that similar situations have occurred in other competition regions.

This season, the SKT team, which likes to gamble on Baron, is also letting Faker use Rock Bird, and the effect is pretty good.

It can be seen that this group of people usually pays attention to the Snake team and the LPL competition area.

The trend of chasing bonuses is prevalent, which makes some fans laugh happily.

Because Snake's tactics are mixed with many elements of Li Hao, some people included him in One Piece.

Brother wolfberry:

"Do you want my bonus? If you want, I can give it all to you, go find it! I put all the bonus there!"

Some people say that Brother Wolfberry has opened the "era of big dividends."

However, someone soon discovered that Brother Wolfberry and Xili had once again closed the door to the new world.

Friday, August 10th.

On this day, the light rain in the Magic City could not soothe the fiery emotions of the spectators at Supermarket Square.

The TOP team lost the first game against Snake. They came to the red side in the second game and did not hesitate to play wild core.

However, Qiuqiu's wild core Kai'Sa had a record of 0/7/1 and was brutally slaughtered by Snake.

Li Hao's Enchantress scored Kobe's statistics of 11/0/1.

On August 12, the last match day of the eighth week, Snake will face WE again.

In the first game, WE directly helped Xiye lock the wild core Rock Bird without Snake banning Rock Bird.

The two sides developed steadily until 7 minutes and 12 seconds. After Li Hao's Zoe slept on the rock bird, Xiye was not purified and was killed on the spot by Li Hao in cooperation with Qinggang Ying.

From this wave on, WE completely lost control of the game.

Snake won the game in just 24 minutes and 35 seconds.

Zoe scored 8/0/6 and was amazing again!

When Snake defeated OMG again in week nine, the audience discovered something very strange.

Whenever playing against wild core or Tetsuo system, Brother Gouqi is amazing by coincidence!

Taking a closer look, Snake's wild core and iron man systems have been useless in the past six games.


Many people are extremely frightened when they think about it.

Some team uniforms look ugly.

Damn it, Patriarch Ritian seems to be making plans again!

Snake's record has also quietly reached 16 consecutive wins in the big game!

PS: Good night, good night, book friends!

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