LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 376 Explode the background board!

At the Korean players' table, Faker took a look at Chi Di's record. On 1/5/2, Kai'Sa gave away almost half of the team's kills. It was unbearable to watch.

Although the opponent has been targeting the bottom lane, this is not the reason. Emperor Chi must still bear the blame.

For Li Guapi, the trip to the Asian Games should have been a happy one.

After leaving SKT for a short time, I got a temporary experience card as a stronger teammate.

However, the teammates who were temporarily cobbled together from various major teams have never reached the ideal state.

Of course, Li Guapi was not satisfied with Chi Di's performance in this game.

Excluding the interference factors from other roads, Chidi was already far behind the little fat man on the line.

It was clear that Faker was in better shape in the summer split, but Faker missed Bang a little while meditating in SKT.

If it were Bang, he should be more confident in fighting this little fat guy.

Trial and error with the AD position as the core does not seem to be a wise move.

What makes the big devil a little worried is that in the next group match with the Chinese team, the Korean uniform team will still adopt similar tactics. In such a patchwork team, Li Guapi does not have as much say as SKT. .

Moreover, if the center is the core.

Faker thought of something and turned his head to look at Li Hao and others who were celebrating over there.

Unexpectedly, Li Hao, who was celebrating, suddenly turned around and met Li Guapi's gaze.

The big devil looked away without any trace.

If he mainly plays the middle field, Li Guapi is not very sure about defeating this guy who is in great condition.

He couldn't show his feelings and could only wait for the Korean uniform team to make their own decision.

The big devil secretly gritted his teeth. If the Korean team still puts its treasure on him in the end, he will definitely give everything he has in the subsequent finals with a high probability.

Snake has firmly established itself as the top player in the LPL division. In addition, they are still the champions in the spring split. With only their spring and summer points, it is a sure thing to enter the S8 World Championship this time.

And what about their SKT?

Now they can't even make it into the top four, and the players are in poor condition. The uniforms and players are no longer as energetic as they used to be. They are completely incomparable to Snake's team.

Looking back, they were tit-for-tat opponents in the World Series two years ago, but now they are completely different.

It was impossible for Li Guapi not to feel a little disappointed in his heart.

Because of their poor record in the Spring Split, it will be difficult for SKT to break through the LCK this summer. The probability of participating in the World Championship is less than 50%.


This time against Li Hao in the Asian Games, it is likely to be the swan song of this season.

No matter how certain he was, Li Guapi secretly vowed to seize the opportunity.

In this dark age of the league known as "The King", the sky over LCK is full of dark clouds, and the Korean League Forum has been waiting and looking for the person who can clear the clouds and see the sun.

Li Guapi really hoped that person was him.

He thought about it and looked towards the left side of the front row of the Mahaka scene.

There, there was a short Korean grandmother with curly hair. She was sitting on a chair and excitedly waving a banner with "Come on Lee Sang Hyuk" and her profile picture printed on it. The corners of her depressed mouth kept rising, and her smiling eyes curved into a line. A thin slit, muttering "Faker" under his breath.

Although the Korean team lost this game, Faker's Lulu performed well throughout the game, and the old man was still very happy.

She is the devil's grandmother who raised Lee Sang Hyuk single-handedly. The middle-aged woman sitting next to her is Lee Sang Hyuk's aunt. They traveled from South Korea to Indonesia to accompany Guapi in the audience from the group stage to the finals.

Just like back then, this devil's grandmother had been silently staying beside Faker and accompanying him in the rankings until the early morning.

In an interview with Korean media a few days ago, the old woman recalled:

"Sang Hyuk sat in front of the computer and didn't go to sleep until four in the morning. At that time, I sat next to him and stayed up with him until four in the morning."

When the big devil was playing with clockwork, his grandmother once said to him: "When you reach level 6, you should release shock waves."

For the big devil's e-sports career, the devil's grandmother is really crucial.

Li Guapi, who had lost the game, looked towards the audience. His aunt raised the support object in her hand higher to cheer him up.

Li Guapi felt a wave of faith and unknowingly added another layer of Buff to himself.

Wolfberry, this time, I will definitely defeat you!

Little Peanut on the side felt a little guilty when he saw Li Guapi clenching his fists. He silently leaned towards Kiin.

In that one just now, he didn't go to the middle very much.

However, helping Lulu catch Ryze doesn't mean much.

On the other side, the Vietnamese team, which defeated Kazakhstan, also returned to the background.

After losing two games in a row, the Vietnamese team finally enjoyed the experience of winning a game in the Asian Games.

Mid laner Warzone said excitedly:

"We really have a chance!"

"The Korean team isn't that strong. They didn't even last 26 minutes against the Chinese team, which is about the same as us."

Yi Jin smiled and said:

"There is still hope for us to cooperate well with the Korean team in the next round."

The speed of these two mentality adjustments pleased the Vietnamese coach.

Although he doesn't have high hopes of qualifying, judging from the performance of the players, the previous chicken soup still works.

Taking advantage of his victory, he said:

"There's still round four today."

"We will continue to play the Chinese team at 6:30 in the evening. This is a tough battle."

"You should adjust your condition and strive to create miracles!


At 5:15 in the evening, the third round of Group B competition officially started.

The Gulf Province team easily defeated Saudi Arabia, while Pakistan Railways battled with the Indonesian team and successfully scored a point from the host nation.

The Indonesian host really gave me face and was very good at hospitality.

Can't get points?

It's okay, just have a fight with me and you'll be fine.

Don’t ask, just ask and welcome to Jakarta.

For the host Indonesia, league competition can only be ranked second, and friendship is the first.

The Kazakhstan team in Group A was almost crying. How they wished they could feel the friendship of the Indonesian team in Group B. Group A is simply a hellish difficulty for Kazakhstan. Not to mention the two kings of hell, China and South Korea, even bulls like Vietnam can defeat them.

At 6:30 in the evening, Li Hao and others appeared again.

China VS Vietnam, next door is South Korea VS Kazakhstan.

The copy editor on the Zhangmeng side was typing cracklingly, constantly sending back information from the Mahaka scene.

For many domestic viewers, today’s Jakarta is full of good news.

In the match against Vietnam, not only the Chinese team was playing art, the Vietnamese team who refused to admit defeat seemed to have drunk fake wine, they were also playing art.

Mid laner Warzone confidently picked Yasuo when facing The King, and at the same time used the S7 champion skin, which boosted his momentum.

The day when the broken sword is reforged, when the knight returns!

Li Hao locked onto Riwen.

Zhangmeng text editor:

[At 0 minutes and 42 seconds, Warzone’s Yasuo and TheKing’s Riven met in the bottom lane. The two sides, who were just looking at the field of view, suddenly had a fight. Yasuo made the first move to kill Steel Flash, but Riven moved to avoid it. The King opened Q to get close and continued to chase Yasuo! 】

[0 minutes and 51 seconds, Warzone couldn't fight and escaped with a flash, Riven flashed to pursue, The King used the second dance of broken wings to intersperse the normal attack at the speed of light, and combined with the ignited damage to kill Yasuo! 】

[Riven scored first blood, and Warzone set a record for the fastest single kill during the Asian Games! 】

The text editing is still going on, but many netizens have already noticed this, and the comment area of ​​the forum is filled with joy:

"Hahaha (laughing and crying), Haomen is playing tricks."

"Warzone: What's so shocking? If I come to the Asian Games, I can break the record, and I can get the title of King W. What can you get?"

"The Riven players are crying, we Rui Mengmeng can also play! The elder brother at the scene can help to see if Brother Hao is using a rabbit skin. I want to know Brother Hao's XP (dog head)"

"The Vietnamese team has King W, and the mid laner of the Indonesian team also has King W. If the two kings get one, they will get 20, and if they get two, they will get 15."

"I really regret not buying a ticket to go to the show in Jakarta. I must have been so happy. I can already think of that little fat man's smile."

This guy is obviously an old dog fan, and his guess is absolutely correct.

When Li Hao killed Warzone alone, Uzi on the player bench did not hold back and burst out laughing.

"Gouzi, calm down."

"He was very excited. He finally saw a competition where Yasuo was better than him."

"Damn it, I, Yasuo, am playing well!"

Gouzi licked his lips and smiled: "After watching Yasuo in Warzone, I feel that my Yasuo can also be on the Asian Games stage!"

Flandre joked:

"I knew when Warzone picked Yasuo that he was here to gain background achievements. You don't want to be the background board for Ruler King, do you?"

"Chichi Emperor?"

Uzi said in an aired voice: "Who is Emperor Chi?"

Li Hao was also amused by him: "Okay, Gouzi, don't take Emperor Chi in your eyes anymore, right?"


The voice on their side is very cheerful, and the backstage of the Chinese team is also very cheerful.

But backstage in Vietnam, everyone's heart was filled with despair.

All three lines collapsed!

No kidding at all, the upper, middle and lower lanes are all at a disadvantage, and none of them can be beaten against each other.

On the opposite side, Riven already had a three-piece set with 20 points.

Qinggang Shadow has been hanging on their wild area, and even seems to have forgotten to brush their own wild monsters. Riven brushes the lane and wild monsters, which is called a violent development.

At 19 minutes and 49 seconds, a famous scene broke out.

The fat Riven stopped in front of the highland tower in the middle of Vietnam. The five members of the Vietnamese team involuntarily stepped back. This step was done in a tacit understanding and no communication was needed.

Riven's panel is 13/0/0. In this data panel, all five people in Vietnam contributed.

Such a tacit retreat scene clearly showed their fear.

The sharp contrast is that Li Hao uses the bunny girl skin.

A pair of bunny ears, his skin was obviously very cute, but the Vietnamese on the field were frightened to death.

Especially Warzone, after all kinds of tricks were eliminated, he now not only became a frightened bird, but also wanted to practice Riven.

If you can't beat me, just join. It's not shabby.

Zhangmeng text editor:

[At 18 minutes and 13 seconds, Uzi Verus shot Jinks, and the Chinese team defeated the Vietnamese team and entered the second tower]

[At 19 minutes and 49 seconds, Riven came from the jungle to the bottom of the highland tower in the middle of Vietnam. The infinitely super god The King had just appeared. He didn't even make any moves, but the Vietnamese people who were originally defending in front of the tower actually had a tacit understanding and retreated collectively! ! Haha, they were scared of being beaten! This legendary scene made everyone in Mahaka scream. 】

[Interruption: Reposted from Jakarta-based e-sports reporter Amy. 】

[Amy: There are many empty seats at Mahaka, but now many people have been conquered by the performance of the Chinese team. Every time the Chinese team makes a kill, the cheers at the scene get louder and louder. Sitting next to me were reporters from Kazakhstan and Pakistan. It was their first time to watch the Chinese team play. They kept using "God" and "Galaxy Team" to describe our players.

There are also many local Indonesian e-sports fans asking me about it. I am very excited to introduce this Chinese team to them. This trip to Jakarta has allowed many people to appreciate the style of the Chinese e-sports team. We have the strongest team and the strongest players, which makes us proud.

Behind me sat a compatriot from Taipei. Next to him were several spectators from the North American and European competitions. According to our previous conversations, they were all fans of the Chinese team’s mid laner Li Hao, and they gathered together extremely enthusiastically. Here, in their words, it was a wonderful trip. It can be seen that the members of our Chinese e-sports team have huge influence around the world!

The Vietnamese team is going to lose, they can't hold on for more than 24 minutes, and we are about to win our fourth consecutive game in the group stage!

Keep going, Team China! 】

Seeing the information brought back by the reporters ahead, many e-sports fans felt excited and proud of it.

We all feel proud to be Chinese.

Some Haofen even showed aunty smiles.

At the Mahaka scene, at seven o'clock in the evening, Ruofeng Yushuang and others stood up from the audience again. They held the national flag, and the Chinese fans hugging behind them cheered at the same time.

At 23 minutes and 44 seconds, the Vietnamese team was beaten to pieces on the high ground, and the Chinese team ended the game in one wave.

The overall head-to-head ratio was 26:3, another overwhelming victory.

To be able to kill so many people, Warzone has made a great contribution.

Yasuo scored 0/10/1 in the game, maxing out the background.

Over at the post bar, after some guys posted the pictures, someone quickly made all the photos.

Warzone's head was pinned on Yasuo's head, and a dog tag was displayed above his head.

[Want to play in an alliance? Bring me one, I'll be responsible for the output, Yasuo Rogue 6! 】

Followed by the data of 0/10/1.

This prank makes me so happy just to see it.

"My cousin just got into Silver today, and he said his Yasuo can tear apart Warzone!"

"Warzone: Give me ten more minutes and I will give the entire e-sports world a miracle!"

"Warzone: When you have the courage to pick Yasuo in front of Brother Wolfberry, winning or losing is no longer important at that moment. What we want to pursue is the record. Yes, beat those damn records! And then stay happily Let people remember your name, this is the meaning of participating!"

"Yue Lun: So what if you are a super ghost? Can you shake my position? (Please shake me, I beg you!)"

At the Mahaka scene, the Chinese team left the contestants’ bench with their heads held high.

The first day of competition is all over.

Within a few minutes, the match between the South Korean team and Kazakhstan also ended, and it was also a big victory.

When they returned to the Asian Games Village in the evening, the previous official team leader showed a big smile after seeing them.

The praise was very enthusiastic.

In the evening, Chris called everyone together and summarized today's game.

In order to avoid being hasty, I also briefly talked about the tactical arrangements for tomorrow.

At present, they have won 4 consecutive games and have already secured qualification in advance.

Everyone expressed their opinions and talked about today's problems and improvement methods.

Similarly, this scene also happened in other representative teams.

At 11 o'clock in the morning on August 28, the Group B match started.

The Gulf team defeated Pakistan Railways, and Saudi Arabia defeated Indonesia.

Indonesia has kept up with Kazakhstan and has lost four games in a row. When it comes to competing for the position of deputy squad leader, they have no intention of giving in.

At 12:15, the Group A match continues.

The Chinese team replaced substitutes Lin Weixiang and Tian Tian, ​​which also allowed them to experience the atmosphere of the Asian Games.

It took 22 minutes and 19 seconds to defeat Kazakhstan easily.

No matter how the Chinese team makes substitutions, the Kazakh players will never be able to match up.

In order to seize the only hope, the Vietnamese team played their hottest form in this round and kept the Korean team at bay until the 32nd minute.

Although the economy is 5,000 behind, team battles can still be fought.

However, Ruler's Varus scored four kills in the Baron team battle at 32 minutes and 19 seconds. The Korean team took advantage of the momentum to pursue and ended the game in one wave!

At 1:30 p.m., the Bay Area team defeated Indonesia and Saudi Arabia defeated Pakistan Railways.

At this point, the qualifying situation for Group AB is clear.

In the final round of duel, the identity of the group leader will be locked, which will be related to the subsequent confrontation between different groups.

The Asian Games exhibition games are entering an extremely critical moment.

The second round of the China-South Korea war will also start on time at 2:45!

PS: Good night, book friends!

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