LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 379 Decisive battle!

Mahaka is in the north of the city, less than 20 kilometers away from the Asian Games Village. Although the distance is not far, it was already relatively late when we returned to the Asian Games Village in the evening.

Defeating the Saudi team did not excite Li Hao and the others, but the performance of the Bayan team surprised everyone. After they beat Saudi Arabia in the third game, it was the time when South Korea and the Bayan team were fighting fiercely. Bao and others won the third game.

They watched the fourth game at the scene. The Bay Bay team was ahead by more than 2,000 yuan at the beginning, and seemed to have the momentum to let the second team catch up with the third team.

Li Hao and the others were happy to watch the show, and they were cheering for the little brother Wanwan in their hearts.

However, Ma Bao did not seize the opportunity given by the Korean team.

Two waves of rhythm and one wave of team battles destroyed all the advantages.

Although this Korean team has some unreasonable aspects and is not well-integrated, there is no doubt about their personal ability and there is no room for relaxation in the game.

"The match between King Chi and the Great Demon King was really good."

"Korean double C's are getting serious again."

Hearing Smarty's sigh, Flandre waved her hand: "It's not a big problem."

"Leave the King of Rulers to Little Fatty, and the King of Devils to Brother Hao. The Korean team will not be able to fly."

Li Hao smiled and said cautiously:

"We still need to have a calm mentality. There is no room for sloppiness in tomorrow's final. This is the most critical game of our trip to Jakarta!"

"If we win this round of BO5, we can represent the Chinese team and win the Asian Games exhibition championship!"

"This step must be taken steadily!"

After hearing this, everyone around them stopped smiling, looked more serious, and stopped joking around.

Chris patted Uzi and the incense pot from behind and said to them:

"Okay, it's getting late."

"This ends tonight's little meeting, go to bed now."

"Everyone recharge your batteries and prepare for the decisive battle tomorrow!"

"Well, go to sleep."

"Come on tomorrow!"

"come on!"

On the morning of August 29, the sky was not completely bright yet.

Li Hao woke up early and looked at the time. It was only a quarter past six.

Flandre in the bed next to her didn't make any movement, she was probably still asleep.

Li Hao stood up and tried not to make any noise. He stood by the window and opened half of the window. There was only a breeze outside and he could smell the morning air, which was much better than the air-conditioning in the room.

Leaning against the window, Li Hao was in a good mood.

For him, this will be an unforgettable and special day in his entire career.

"Brother Hao."

"What time is it?"

Li Hao turned around and Flandre also woke up.

"It's past six o'clock, you can still sleep for another half hour."

Hearing this, Holy Spear closed his eyes again, but suddenly opened them again, then stood up and sat on the bed.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao smiled:

"What's wrong, aren't you going to stay in bed today?"

Flandre shook her head, her eyes gradually clearing under her messy hair:

"No, I couldn't sleep, and it suddenly occurred to me that today is the finals day!"

"Brother Hao, if we win the competition, can we carry the national flag on stage to receive the award?"


Flandre was very excited and energetic.

Why shouldn't Li Hao be excited?

At 7 o'clock, Chris came to knock on the door on time, but Li Hao and Flando were already dressed and had finished their chores.

"Did you get up early too?"

"Why 'ye'."

Chris explained: "Uzi and the others too."

"I woke up at four o'clock and couldn't fall asleep."

"It seems everyone is excited."

Li Hao smiled and said, "You got up to watch Jakarta at four in the morning, right?"


After everyone gathered together, they went to the restaurant to have breakfast together.

After that, they went to the Mahaka venue together, where there was a temporary e-sports room for training.

Everyone can practice heroes and maintain their feel.

Not long after, the members of the Korean team also arrived.

The two teams also played two training games together, winning and losing each other.

Of course, at this time, no one would reveal their trump card in advance.

At 12 o'clock at noon, the third-place match between Saudi Arabia and Wanwan begins.

This time the Bayan team is not weak. After losing to the South Korean team, they also worked hard to compete with the Saudi team for the bronze medal.

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and the third game of the third-place match was about to end. In the commentary box on the Bayan side, the two commentators were excitedly telling that the Bayan team was about to win BO5 3:0.

After a wave of highland groups, the Saudi team was wiped out, and the third place match ended.

Of course, this is just an appetizer for today.

On the left side of the big screen at the scene, in a white background trapezoidal frame, half-length photos of all the members of the Chinese team appeared. Everyone was wearing the same national team uniforms. There was a bold "CHN" logo in the upper right corner, and on the right Wearing a miniature version of the Chinese flag, the color exactly corresponds to the red square of the canyon.

On the blue side, the KOR players also appeared on the big screen.

As the finals began, the background music became exciting.

The gaming and e-sports media who came to the scene because of the e-sports event were a little anxious, but at this Mahaka venue, they did not have much authority. The seats were arranged on both sides of the stands, and they were not allowed to move around at will, and they were not allowed to take photos or videos at will. .

Due to copyright reasons, there is no domestic broadcast, especially the sub-stage competition. The whole world can only watch it on a small TV in the media room. On the one hand, domestic audiences are crying for food, and on the other hand, reporting rights are strictly restricted.

Many media people still take risks, frantically testing the boundaries of "illegality" and exploring many methods.

Some commentators have recently started the Jakarta Voice radio station - live broadcasts with the screen in front of their faces, and then use the voice to explain the game. Domestic spectators held their mobile phones to their ears to listen to the game, dreaming back to the 1980s.

At the same time, the text editor of Zhangmeng updated the latest content:

[The members of the Chinese team and the Korean team appear, and the finals officially begin! 】

Although the game cannot be broadcast, there are still Chinese commentators on the scene. In addition to a few people holding national flags in the audience to cheer, two battlefield commentators, Colonel Guan and Yu Tong, are currently sitting in the commentary box.

Although they cannot be broadcast for the time being, they still face the camera with full concentration and try their best to explain this significant round of the finals.

"Okay, everyone."

"This is the live broadcast of the e-sports sports performance event of the 2018 Palembang Asian Games in Jakarta. Hello everyone, my name is Guan Zeyuan."

"Hello everyone, I am Hu Yutong."

Colonel Guan, wearing black-rimmed glasses, continued: "I am very excited today. Our contestants have already taken the stage."

"You can also hear that there are many spectators cheering at the scene. There are also many Chinese spectators at the finals. It is really not easy for them to come from home. Everyone is looking forward to a good performance by the Chinese team today. .”

The university changed the subject:

"However, the challenge faced by the Chinese team today is still huge."

"In yesterday's semi-finals, the Korean double C was extremely eye-catching in various carry games between the Demon King and Ruler Emperor. This is completely different from what they did in the group stage."

Yutong also answered:

"Yes, once they bring yesterday's state into today's game, the final BO5 will be a tough battle."

The director panned the camera across the auditorium. Yu Shuang, Eleven and Ruofeng were sitting in the front row. Behind them were many Chinese audience members holding small national flags. There were about a hundred people, and they all sat together in groups.

The Korean audience on the other side was smaller, and the Demon King's Aunt and the Demon King's Grandma were also waiting at the forefront.

Compared with previous large-scale competitions, today's scene is indeed a bit shabby.

However, the sense of ritual is not lacking at all.

Li Hao quickly debugged the equipment, and his eyes drifted to the flag-raising platform over there.

Take a deep breath and let your emotions stabilize.

The referee asked about the situation on both sides and made an OK gesture towards the staff on the right side of the stage.

Li Hao couldn't help but muttered:

"here we go!"

"come on!"

"Come on, brothers!"


In the team's voice, after cheering, Li Hao, Uzi, Xiangguo, Shao Shao, and Flando all cheered up.

In the first game, SKT had the right to choose the side, and they gave priority to the blue side.

This is obviously different from the tactics they used against the Bay Team in the last round.

"Are you trying to steal the hero?"

"should be."

"Don't think about it so much, knock off the barrel, Score has a lot of records recently."


On the big screen, the Korean team defeated Ornn, Lulu, and Snake one after another.

The Chinese team took down the wine barrel and Verus with the first two hands.

The third hand hesitated a little.

"Are they Snake Girl trying to rob Ryze?"

Uzi also answered: "There is a high possibility that Faker will take Ryze."

"Do you want to ban him? This guy's Ryze in the last round was pretty scary. He moved around and used his skills to fool Ma Bao and the others."

"No need to pull, let them grab it."

Li Hao said: "Let's get rid of Luo."

"This hero cannot be released, CoreJJ will definitely choose it."

Chris instantly realized that even if Faker's Ryze was a unique skill, there was nothing to be afraid of. They had Li Hao and were not afraid of Faker at all.

Luo's current version is strong, with a ban rate as high as 70%. Coupled with a 26.5% pick rate, he is almost a must-choice.

They took down Luo with their third move. The Korean team did not hesitate and grabbed Ryze in seconds on the first floor.

The Chinese team selected Qinggang Ying on the first floor and rocked the field.

Then, they immediately grabbed Tam on the second floor.

If Tahm Kench doesn't grab it, the opponent will definitely grab it because Tahm Kench can restrain their entry.

If Ruler changes to functionality, he will most likely choose Ashe, and then Tam is currently Ashe's best partner.

Sure enough, the Korean team locked the ice shooter on the second floor.

Without Tam, we're left with Braum and Tau.

I asked CoreJJ for his opinion.

The South Korean team selected Bronn on the third floor.

The Bull Head can also be matched, but CoreJJ remembers clearly that when playing against the Chinese team in the group stage, his Bull Head struggled a bit and failed to protect Ruler well. At this time, he felt that Braum was more stable.

And with heroes like Qinggangying on the opposite side, Braum can put a lot of restrictions on him with just one passive touch.

On the third floor, the Chinese team selected Kai’Sa.

Uzi's Kai'Sa is very powerful now, and he will definitely be banned if he doesn't use this hand.

On the fourth floor, they banned the blind monk.

The Korean team took down Galio to prevent him from merging with Qinggangying.

The Chinese team took down the bird girl in the last resort and defended against the Korean team's black technology.

The South Korean team defeated Jess.

The fourth floor of the red square is locked on the sword demon.

In 8.14, Sword Demon encountered a wave of changes. The base life was reduced, the base damage of Q was reduced, the cooldown time of E was increased in the early stage, the attack power of R was increased in the middle and late stages, and the laning ability in the early stage was weakened.

Therefore, in this Asian Games, Sword Demon's BP rate is not too high.

At this time, there was a wave of discussion in the Korean player booth.

Finally, I helped Kiin choose Urgot, which meant that he and Flandre had to play solo on the top lane.

On the fifth floor, the South Korean team came up with a more unexpected choice, the jungle male gun.

Their lineup is very fierce in fighting, but what is lacking is team initiating, which relies heavily on Chikui's ice.

However, in the view of the Korean coaching staff at this time, facing this Chinese team, they must increase the team's operating limit and not be impatient.

It doesn't matter if the team is weak at the beginning. If you play steadily, you will always encounter opportunities.

If the damage is not enough and you can't win a team fight, that would be the worst.

The South Korean team's lineup, together with Ashe, Ryze, and Male Spear, has almost three-core output, and the firepower is absolutely sufficient.

Li Hao looked at the Korean lineup and frowned slightly.

He had originally thought of using the Sword Demon to hit the mark, but he gave up now. His hands were too short and he would not be able to defend the tower later. There was also a disgusting Braum and Urgot.

Chris also said:

"They fight fiercely, but lack control and initiative."

“Both Zoe and LeBlanc can be chosen, so there’s a lot of room for performance!”

Coach Shun's words were somewhat exciting.

Because the two heroes he mentioned are both very good at Li Hao.


Li Hao also thinks this arrangement is reasonable.

He smiled secretly and changed the summoner skill to purification.

This not only maximizes the fault tolerance, but also does not give the Korean team a chance.

You also need to be in good shape when fighting in a group. Zoe's hands are much longer than those of the Korean team. It will be uncomfortable for them when they start to poke later.

After Zoe was selected, the lineups of both sides were locked.

Korean team: Urgot, Male Spear, Ryze, Ice, Braum

Chinese team: Sword Demon, Qinggangying, Zoe, Kai'Sa, Tam

Chris took a look at the lineup and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He gave some encouragement and left the player stand.

At the Mahaka scene, most people could not hear the passionate voices of Colonel Guan and Yutong.


After escaping the "pursuit" of the organizer "Uncle Black", one of the war reporters, Commentator Eleven, also used his voice to describe the current situation.

Some domestic viewers heard this radio wave:

"Brothers, the Jakarta finals have officially begun. Brother Hao finally chose Zoe. This is a choice that makes several colleagues around us excited. The Korean team's lineup is very afraid of Zoe's performance. The big devil will steal Ryze's momentum. It is indeed fierce, but the Chinese team is not afraid at all, BP is very calm."

"Before Ryze had Tears of the Goddess in the early stage, he would have been suppressed by Zoe in all aspects. The big devil didn't dare to add 150 to the blue crystal, so he just went out with the corruption potion."

"Brother Hao's side is the same. Not only did he bring the Corruption Potion, but he also used the minion deplastizer. This is to suppress the enemy and restrict Ryze to death in the middle."

"Our jungler is Qinggangying. With this kind of equipment in the middle, Flandre in the top lane will be radiated. If his Sword Demon is played smoothly, he can push the line. Emperor Chi is giving in. The Chinese team is ready to open up the situation in the middle and upper jungle. .Uzi is protected by Tamu, and Kai'Sa can develop quietly. I am very optimistic about the Chinese team's lineup in this game."

"The Korean team is strong as a team, but they are bulky. They will understand what it means to pull."


Eleven continued to narrate, and even though some viewers couldn't see the scene, the weird thing was that they were very interested in listening.

In addition, there are many brothers staying in the comment areas of major forums and chatting together.

Although it was not broadcast, the atmosphere was not bad at all.

In the post bar, a picture like this appears.

Shiyi and Yutong, who had also participated in the radio operation before, were put in front of an ancient telegraph machine, surrounded by very retro-style scenes, as if they were in a war period.

The gold content of war correspondent is directly reduced to the bottom.

Both sides should position themselves near the river at first level to prevent their own wild areas from being invaded.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the male gun on the big screen opened blue. Kiin controlled the crab to stand on the triangular grass on the top road, but Flandre pierced the grass. Kiin's position was clearly seen. He wanted to move from the sword It is impossible to steal any damage from a demon.

After seeing Kiin, Flandre helped Xiangguo hit a few more A's, hit all three Qs, and then took a detour from the stone monster.

Everyone basically knows the opponent's opening route.

Li Hao easily pushed away a wave of soldiers in the middle, and used the splash damage from the flying stars to affect Ryze when he was finishing the attack. The original five and a half bars of health bar were now only four and a half bars left.

At 1 minute and 49 seconds, the big devil controlled Ryze, while attacking the melee minions with residual health behind him, while retreating under the tower, because the blue side's first wave of minions had already become Li Hao's last hit.

Zoe walked in front of the three long-range minions and pulled out the flying star. Before the defense tower hit the melee minions, the big devil was tricked by Li Hao.

Ryze turned around with AQ to kill the minion. While his body was stiff, he took Zoe's normal attack damage along with Alley's. This time, it had the effect of passive fireworks. Following the second stage of Q, he turned back and the flying stars entered the Q on Ryze's head. , the blood bar on the big devil's head dropped again.

Three ranged soldiers entered the tower, and it was difficult for the big devil to make up for it now, missing two swords in a row.

Ryze opened the first layer of corruption potion.

Li Hao took advantage and retreated without thinking of killing Ryze.

He didn't bring a ignition, so it was basically impossible to kill the big devil alone at this stage. Li Guapi had teleportation on him, so he was very careful, and he would definitely return to the city if he was not in good condition.

After brushing off the red buff in the fragrant pot, control the lower half of the river crab first.

Then, Xiangguo asked in the middle, and Li Hao immediately responded:

"No chance, you should level up first, don't delay yourself."


The bottom lane is very stable. Kai'Sa has 11 last hits and is already ahead of Han Bing.

Kiin, who was on the road, also knew that Qinggangying was not nearby. After he pushed the line of troops through, he was also very courageous and stood close to the Sword Demon defense tower.

Flandre was two knives behind, but his tower knives made up for it very easily. When the artillery soldiers gathered in front of the tower at 2 minutes and 35 seconds, the number of last hits surpassed that of Kiin.

From now on, the situation between the two sides is relatively calm.

But the audiences in both countries were very nervous, not knowing what would happen next second.

Backstage of the Chinese team, Chris, Lin Weixiang and Tian Tian were sitting together. They rarely talked and focused entirely on that screen.

At 2 minutes and 51 seconds, when the camera panned to the center, there was a scream.

The special effects of the corruption potion were seen on both Zoe and Ryze. The red square cannon soldiers had arrived under Ryze's tower. Both sides were at level three.

Li Hao moved forward and saw an ignited fragment in the blue square defense tower. He immediately pressed down the barrier on his body, and three missiles appeared with his skillful hands. He followed Zoe's passive basic attack and fired fireworks towards Rui. This is the output.

The big devil backhanded EQ and gave W to Li Hao at the moment when he picked up the ignited fragments under the tower. This W was short-lived, but Zoe suffered damage from the defense tower.

Ryze used the acceleration effect of Phase Rush to output Zoe with AQ. The big devil on the player's bench saw Zoe's action and twisted his body crazily.

Ryze's movement speed is fast enough, and the Demon King's positioning is cool enough!

Suddenly forward and suddenly back, in and out!


The hypnotic bubble hit him at the corner of the F6 wall while he was twisting his butt!

Li Hao took two hits from the defense tower and was left with residual health like Ryze.

He connected with his basic attack and ignited it on Ryze, creating a second W effect.

Flying stars come in!

Zoe on the big screen pulled the missile back and moved forward just as Ryze was about to fall asleep.

At this time, Li Hao had already thought of the possibility of Ryze flashing to extend the distance.

He is ready to kill with Flash!

A flash of golden light!

The big devil flashed into F6 at the extreme moment of being asleep. The old captain Score happened to be inside. The male gunman moved forward with an E and helped Li Guapi block the missile!

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene!

Colonel Guan and Yutong in the commentary box clapped their thighs and shouted, "What a pity!"

On the Korean players’ bench.

The big devil who had saved his life took a long breath, and he felt that his body was shaking.


PS: Good night, book friends!

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