LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 389 The super record is just around the corner!

September 14th.

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, the Jinling Youth Olympic Sports Park venue was packed with spectators, and all seats were occupied.

Players from IG and Snake were already sitting in the player seats. On the big screen, the pre-match trash talk between the two teams made the scene even more exciting.

You Sheniu waved the black Snake flag in the venue and took the lead in shouting "Come on Snake". Many Snake fans echoed the response with great momentum.

Although there were far less IG fans at the scene than Snake, they also gathered together to cheer for IG, and their momentum was not much weaker.

Whether they were fans of the two teams or passers-by, the audience at the scene today was very excited.

They are likely to witness a transcendent record.

If Snake performs a sweep again, he will complete the super feat of going undefeated throughout the summer split!

Lifting the record directly to the top of the pyramid, no one can surpass it in the future, becoming the most gorgeous chapter in the history of LPL e-sports.

In turn, if IG wins the game, they will be able to break Snake's undefeated streak, which will also be big news in the league!

On the commentary stage, Miller, Wawa, and Wang Duoduo were already in place.

IG is also a strong team in the Eastern Conference. Since Ah Shui joined the bottom lane, they have become a complete unit in the 2018 season.

Despite the volatility, the ceiling is high and the strength is strong.

If you want to defeat Snake, who is extremely stable, a high upper limit is a prerequisite.

IG is also one of the few teams that can arm-wrestle with Snake head-on.

During the spring split, the three powerful Eastern Conference players were swept out.

During the summer split, IG was also defeated miserably by Snake.

Coach Jin’s trident and two-point-five-prong theory is still being made fun of by some people.

If you want to wash away the shame of the past, today is the best chance.

At two o'clock, the BP interface appeared on the big screen on time.

Snake, who got the priority to choose the side, decisively chose the red side.

The newly revised version of Akali is very strong, with a current ban rate of 20.6%. Compared to Sword Demon's ban rate of more than 70%, this number may not seem large, but Sword Demon was very popular before it was revised. Akali, however, has only recently come off the bench. No one used her before the revision, and it is impossible to occupy the ban position.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the audience to see Akali appear today.

Snake knocked her off with the first move.

After some BP, the two teams’ lineups were locked:

IG: Qinggangying, Troll, Zoe, Varus, Fengnu

Snake: Sword Demon, Barrel, Sword Master, Jhin, Tam

In this game, the showdown in the middle is the biggest highlight.

Rookie's state in this summer split can be said to be second only to Li Hao. He has strong laning strength and has repeatedly posted explosive statistics.

The heroes chosen by both sides are also very violent, Yasuo vs Zoe, tit for tat.

In the first three minutes, the two fought back and forth in the middle, but neither took much advantage.

Although Yasuo successfully consumed several waves of Zoe, Zoe's Corruption Potion came out, and Chicken God had more medicine. In addition, he took advantage of his hand length. When Yasuo didn't have a wind wall, Rookie used his normal attacks to harass a lot of people. Second-rate.

If Zoe's passive was not slashed and Yasuo came out with Doran Shield, Rookie's situation would be better.

With both sides playing the game carefully, the situation in the middle lane is stable and there will be no killings for the time being.

The director knows what the audience wants to see, and the camera keeps moving to the center.

But soon, the show-stealer appeared.

At 3 minutes and 44 seconds, Casa's barrel came to the bottom lane.

IG's bottom duo is very strong, and this wave of pressure was caught by the wine barrel coming around the triangle grass!

Kasa started his drunken rage and took a sip of wine. He didn't save any skills at all. He went around and hit Varus with his E-dodge. Lin Weixiang followed up with Huacai and used the combined attack stunt to get the Ah Shui combo. Lao licked and stuck out his tongue. Licking Varus, at 3 minutes and 53 seconds, Jinping A received the Manwu grenade and gained first blood!

As soon as Ah Shui's screen went dark, Chicken Master didn't care about where he was going and shouted to King Ning.

Rookie knew the timing and knew that Li Hao's wind wall was not ready, so he was ready to cooperate with King Ning to regain the rhythm in the middle. The backstage uniform team was watching this wave nervously.

The troll went around and caught him with red and blue buffs. Rookie used the healing spell he picked up, accelerated and approached to deal W damage.

The troll roared and released its pillars, blocking the swordsman's retreat to the defense tower.

This wave forced Li Hao to dodge.

After a flash, Yasuo will be wretched for the next 5 minutes.

In addition, Rookie can flash chase to the hypnotic bubble, and they have a chance to kill Yasuo in a wave.

However, Li Hao immediately moved in the direction of F6.

The distance between the F6 wall and the river wall is narrow, so it is easier to be slept by the hypnotic bubbles if you walk this way. Yasuo does not have purification, so if you fall asleep in this position, you will definitely die!

Rookie knew what he wanted to do, raised his hand and threw the E skill directly.


The hypnotic bubble hit Yasuo!

However, before the coma came, Yasuo was so bright that he leaned against the wall at F6 and used the bird to move into F6!

If you make a mistake in this step, the screen will go black on the spot.

However, he succeeded.

Use the forward slash to cross the wall gracefully, and quickly use the second bird to strike forward again, pulling it to a farther position. At the same time, press the steel flash to accumulate the second layer of whirlwind slash effect, allowing Yasuo to The whole body is entangled in the strong wind, adding another layer of life-saving means.

This is the self-confidence of a top swordsman, who dares to do tricks in the suffocating professional arena.

Because there is a nest of F6, the damage from Rookie's flying stars cannot hit Yasuo. Even if the troll dodges, it will not be able to kill Yasuo because the damage is not enough.

1.5 seconds later, Yasuo fell into a comatose state and was beaten by the F6 group.

But IG has given up.

Li Hao took some medicine and returned to the line.

This wave of ganks had little impact on him, and Snake earned blood from the bottom lane in vain.

After the three people on the bottom lane pushed the lane, they immediately moved towards the Xiaolong area.

In just 4 minutes and 50 seconds, Snake harvested his first fire dragon.

The head count ratio of 1:0 was maintained until 6 minutes and 53 seconds.

In the bottom river, wine barrels and trolls compete for river crabs.

Kasa and King Ning are both only at level 5 due to gank.

Both Rookie and Li Hao came to support from the middle. The result of this 2v2 wave was hard to say, but Snake's clever cooperation made IG suffer again.

The wine barrel remotely reaches the rolling barrel, successfully slowing down the troll and dealing damage.

The duo in the bottom lane are still some distance away from the river, but Jhin’s long-range cadenza traveled 2,500 yards and hit the troll on the head!

Li Hao seized the opportunity and flashed through the wall. The steel-cutting flash rolled out a gust of wind and knocked the troll away at the end!

Yasuo followed the white line and went up to R. The wine barrel took two steps forward and bumped into the troll when Yasuo landed.

In conjunction with Ignition, Yasuo chopped off the head!

Rookie's skills were blocked by Li Hao's wind wall. Both top laners canceled the teleport tacitly, and IG lost a crucial wave!

The wine barrel invaded the troll red zone and ate two groups of wild monsters. Casa reached 6 first!

Then, Wine Barrel came to the bottom lane, causing Ah Shui to lose another wave of soldiers.

Yasuo got kills and developed, and Jhin's advantage in the bottom lane continued to expand. Coach Jin in the background was extremely anxious.

It’s hard to hit in the mid-term!

At 9 minutes and 41 seconds, a shocked Rookie stood under the tower and returned to the city with a depressed look on his face.

At this moment, he felt increasing pressure.

Just now, the hypnotic bubble was blocked, causing him to be chased and slashed by Yasuo. If he hadn't taken a dangerous position to avoid the wind, he might have been killed in this wave.

Rookie has given up on online competition and is ready to focus on team battles.

However, something happened again on the bottom lane.

Snake seized the time for him to return to the city. After Yasuo disappeared from sight, he and the barrel went directly to the bottom lane.

In this wave, Snake's cooperation is very confusing.

Jhin opens R to keep people, and Tahm opens R and takes the wine barrel to cut off the queen.

Both Varus and Feng Nu were kicked up by the wine barrel, and Li Hao followed up with the big move.

Ah Shui, who was caught in the fire, was immediately killed by Yasuo's Steel Cut Flash. After Bao Lan was freed from the control, he just released his ultimate move to blow away the people around him. Jhin's fourth bullet came towards him. Feng Nu He was killed before his blood came back!

The four Snakes gathered together and took advantage of the situation to pull out a tower on the bottom lane.

This is a suffocating rhythm.

After the Snake duo returned to the city, they immediately rushed from the red zone towards the river.

Varus happened to show up in the bottom lane to close the line. Snake seized the opportunity and hit the Canyon Pioneer with a backhand.

Although Feng Nu was in place, IG still had few people. They did not dare to start a group, and the vanguard was taken by Snake.

At the beginning of 13 minutes, one of IG's towers was demolished by Snake.

After this wave, many people knew that IG's rhythm was completely gone.

Without the protection of the first tower, Zoe did not dare to go out. Yasuo, who was extremely developed, could only pursue her along the line of soldiers and kill her.

At the beginning of 15 minutes, both sides engaged in a team battle in the jungle.

TheShy forcibly replaced the fortune teller before dying, finally interrupting Snake's rhythm.

However, only one minute later.

"The wine barrel blocks the vision, throw it in the middle!"

"Zoe was blown out of the second tower, Yasuo took over!"

"Land to Q, level A, step forward and slash, this damage! Rookie was dropped instantly!"

"This synergy is too confusing. Kasa's jungle outfit is Fu Neng Echo, and with Yasuo, he can beat anyone now!"

"Rookie has only died once in battle so far. The price is a bit high! The second tower was pushed directly!"


Snake did not leave after pushing down the second tower. Instead, he took the artillery soldiers to the IG middle high ground.

The fortune teller activated his ultimate move, and King Ning launched Tiamat first. IG had no real meat to block it for the time being. Snake seized the space and rushed to the high ground.

After Rookie was resurrected, IG took advantage of Snake's lack of R in the middle and jungle, and Varus started the team with R in Sword Demon.

TheShy hook locked up to force T Li Hao, and gave Hex an ultimatum. The troll also rushed up, and IG was ready to kill Yasuo first. But Liu Qingsong flashed up and swallowed Yasuo in one gulp.

Coach Jin in the background was so angry that he stomped his feet. In this game, they made two major mistakes in BP.

First, I chose Tahm Kench later but was robbed.

Second, I didn’t choose the ultimate move of Ice Breaker.

Judging from the results of these ten minutes, IG's uniform team regretted it.

On the high ground, Flandre activated the Great Destruction and rushed to the forefront.

He was slept with by Zoe and eventually died on the high ground.

The wine barrel was also taken away by Varus.

However, the Qinggangying who rushed up from IG was also killed, and the disabled troll flashed to save his life.

Snake lost 2 heads for 1, but secured the high ground.

Now there are no dragons or big dragons, and IG can't get resources. In addition to better-looking data, there is an extra dry head, which is not just thirsty at all.

If IG continues to delay, with the current economic gap of more than 5,000, they still have a chance to make a comeback.

However, these people made a bold decision.

At 22 minutes and 31 seconds, when Snake tried to move the baron, IG changed from harassment to actively starting a group!

If they win the team fight, they can take advantage of the situation and make a comeback with the Baron.

If you lose, take the next one.

However, IG, whose vision was inferior, was tricked by Snake!

When the sword demon in the blocked field of vision stamped three people with a magical second-stage Q, all Snake's team voices were filled with Flandre's rapid and high-pitched "RRR"!

Does he need to remind him? !

Three white lines!

The ancient Ionian spell sounded instantly!

"——Soryak pain!"

The line is here and the people are here!

Feng Nu, Troll, and Ah Shui, the three of them accurately received Sword Demon Q to take off, and then received Yasuo's ultimate move to fly into the sky.

Jhin, Sword Demon, and Wine Barrel kept up with the output immediately.

Varus, who was ignited by the trap and set fire, died instantly. Rookie fell asleep to the swordsman, but Li Hao was not afraid at all. He was still outputting wildly after the delay of 1.5 seconds, as if he didn't regard Zoe as a human being.

Follow Lao Licking over and swallow Yasuo under the desperate eyes of the Chicken God.

IG was forced to fight back. Rookie and Shy Man tried their best. Jhin who rushed forward arrogantly was replaced by them. When the troll escaped, he released the pillar of ice. Zoe, who was digging holes in the ground, was blocked back and was followed by The sword demon spread its wings and chased and slashed continuously.

Sword Demon's trash talk passive triggers immediately:

"I know it was you, fraudster! The tools they used to imprison me were given by you."

"Come on, let me kill you a thousand times and it's not enough!"

Flandre was a little over the top. When killing Zoe, he even imitated the sword demon's words excitedly:

"Twilight Star Spirit, you deserve to die!"


When he did this, Li Hao and others couldn't help laughing.

Snake won the team battle, and the remaining four people gathered in the middle. Only the troll was left on IG.

"No, Snake gave up the dragon. This is a plan."

After Miller finished speaking, the doll also said:

“Snake’s economic lead now is over 10,000. Regardless of whether there is a wave or not, IG’s fortune is gone.”

“Ten Thousand Economic Leaders is unlikely to be overturned.”

After hearing what he said, a lot of "??????" immediately appeared on the barrage.

[Who said that the economy cannot turn around with 10,000 yuan? 】

【Big courage! This commentary is exaggerated and doesn’t take us EDG seriously! 】

[You named me on purpose, right? Your number is gone, baby! 】

[In fact, the lead is endless, and the damage is really high]

On the big screen, King Ning could not defend himself. Jhin's death did not affect Snake's tower pushing speed at all.

The remaining four people ignored it and were still pushing towers crazily when people on IG were resurrected one after another.

Although Verus and Zoe took the opportunity to steal two heads, Li Hao's swordsman was also killed.

But Tam and Keg completed the finishing work and knocked out the last HP of IG's old crystal.

With a loud bang, Snake took the lead.

It seems that just like the last round of playoffs, IG still needs to find its form.

However, this time they encountered Snake, leaving them very little time to react.

After a short break, the second game between Snake and IG began.

The two sides switch sides, and Snake comes to the blue side.

This time, IG changed their tactics, and Rookie also brought out Ryze, who performed well in the last round.

In this game, IG seemed to have come back to their senses and did not give opportunities as easily as in the previous game.

Snake found a rhythm, and IG immediately counterattacked.

Both sides played very strongly, and the number of heads increased alternately.

At 15 and a half minutes, the head ratio on the field became 9:10, and IG was still one head ahead.

The statistics of both mid laners are very good, Rookie's Ryze is 3/0/4.

Li Hao's Syndra 4/1/3.

The top lane of the two teams became a big enemy. Flandre and TheShy died three times each, forcing them to develop to the same level.

From God's perspective, the economic gap between the two sides has been around 200, and the game has been going on anxiously.

At the beginning of the 27th minute, the two sides collided in the Dalong Pit.

This time, there was a fierce team battle between the two sides. When the baron sprayed Ryze to death with his last blow, a 5-for-5 was played near the baron pit!

However, Rookie was in great form and scored three kills, seemingly emitting the light of God and saving IG.

The game lasted far longer than fans expected. It lasted until 37 minutes. The head ratio had become 19:22, and IG led by 1,500 gold.

In this way, they have every chance to win the game!

Many IG fans were excited, and Coach Jin and others backstage almost held their breath to watch the game.

However, at the 39th minute and 1st second of the ancient dragon pit team battle, the Youth Olympic Stadium erupted with a roar like a mountain and a tsunami!

Urgot in the front row of Syndra's R on the field followed an E goddess to scatter flowers and knock out a group of people!

Liu Qingsong's Luo followed up to start a team battle, but Ah Shui's policewoman was killed by Snake immediately!

At this moment, the key C position is killed, and the output is momentarily insufficient!

The shy Urgot R hit Syndra, but Li Hao opened the golden body in seconds.

Although Ryze tried his best to deal damage, it was difficult for him to fight with two fists.

Snake won this team battle, because the resurrection time was too long, and both sides broke through each other's high ground, IG was defeated by a wave and ended the game!


Snake gets the finals match point!

PS: Good night, book friends!

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