LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 398 Every cell is excited!

The second round of Group A is between AFS and Flash Wolves.

Perhaps seeing Samsung being eliminated, AFS was extremely cautious in this game after losing in the first round.

The same goes for the Flash Wolves on the opposite side. Both sides rushed to the Bladder Bureau. At 29 and a half minutes, the head-to-head ratio between the two sides was still 1:1.

At 30 minutes and 16 seconds, many Korean spectators in Busan finally let out a burst of cheers in the tense atmosphere. Kuro stood up at the critical moment. Galio taunted and flashed and hit four people. The opposite Big Bug, Kai'Sa, Ice Girl, and Shen were all retained. AFS won the team battle, defeated FW, and ended the game directly.

AFS, which was 1-2 in the first round, finally evened the score, 2-2 like FW.

The Korean division seemed to be running out of energy, and G2 had a chance to secure a qualifying spot, but the Europeans accidentally missed Jingzhou in the game and unexpectedly lost to PVB.

The Vietnamese took advantage of the situation to fight FW again, and what was fantastic was that they won again.

PVB, who should have packed up and gone home, became the dark horse in the second round, which also saved AFS in disguise.

Next, AFS regained face with G2 and turned the score into 3-2. After struggling in the first round, they finally drew with the European team.

AFS played against PVB in the last game. This game was extremely dangerous. The two sides fought for 30 minutes without deciding the winner.

The Vietnamese had a chance to play in the extra round. Their appearance was not bad, but their vision was not good enough. They took advantage of a big dragon at about 32 minutes. After killing the lost Qinggang Shadow, AFS took advantage of three earth dragons. Take advantage of the dragon quickly.

With the Baron Buff, AFS broke through the Vietnamese high ground and kept the victory at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

Several AFS players who saved the day couldn't help but hug each other.

The LCK commentary booth was relieved, and several Korean commentators regained their spirits.

Although AFS is dangerous, they fought their way out. If they are eliminated again, the LCK division will lose face.

In G2's last battle against Flash Wolves, the head ratio between the two sides was 28:18. Flash Wolves were 10 heads ahead, but when G2's crystal hub was destroyed at 43 minutes and 56 seconds, G2's economy was still in the lead.

AFS laughed, because once G2 lost, they were locked in first place in the group without having to play extra rounds.

Two 3-3 teams will compete for the second place in the group through playoffs.

At the critical moment, the European emperors woke up and took out the AD head again. In 32 minutes and 51 seconds, the Flash Wolf took out the ticket hidden under the keyboard.

4-3, G2 advanced as second in the group and became the second European team to advance.

After Snake saw this result in the training room, he said sincerely:

"This year's European team really has something."

"Yes, G2 is too wild, otherwise it's hard to say who is No. 1 in Group A."

"The area where European teams are stronger than before is in their operations. In the past, they were good at chaotic battles and their playing style was straightforward, but now they also have some twists and turns."

"When everyone in a team has strong personal abilities, the best way is to control the resources so that the opponent is unable to compete, and it will naturally be easy to win."

“When there are no obvious shortcomings but the lack of a soul to lead the team or the lack of strong command, the best solution is to focus on execution, that is, make all tactical plans before the game, minimize the element of personal performance, and make all actions Focus on the general direction designated before the game.”

"If the team has shortcomings, it needs to make up for it through efforts."

Chris smiled and said: "These things seem very common to us. The LCK has been playing these things for a long time, but the European teams didn't understand them before, but now they understand them."

Li Hao sat on the armchair and said with approval:

"If we encounter a European team in the quarter-finals, we must be cautious and be careful of overturning."


Flandre laughed.

Kasa: "Brother Hao is right, what are you laughing at?"

Flandre hugged Casa's neck: "You really believe it."

"Brother Hao is now serious about being cautious and cautious. When the time comes, he will definitely be the first to kill indiscriminately when he encounters a European team. I have seen this scene much more."

"When I was in S6, he told me to be careful about the LCK team, but I was dumbfounded when he killed them."

Brother Wolf also laughed: "Oh, that's it."

"You are still too young. Brother Hao's water is very deep. When he said caution, he meant: Be cautious and don't die, otherwise your super-god record will be lost."

"Oh, what are you doing~"

Li Hao raised his foot and kicked Holy Spear on the butt. This brat talked too much and disturbed the morale of the army.

The atmosphere of the training match was very good, full of laughter.

On the morning of October 16, Li Hao met the RNG players. Uzi and others were not joking as usual. They were all serious today.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Group C match will begin.

The situation in Group C at this time is exactly the opposite of Group B. Except for MAD, which is extremely stretched, the remaining three teams are very competitive. It is still unknown who will be eliminated today.

Although Cloud9 is the third seed in North America, their performance in the World Championship obviously does not match the seeding ranking. No matter how you look at it, they are stronger than 100T and TL.

Li Hao knows very well that C9 is a team that can sweep AFS out of the knockout round.

There were a lot of upsets in the second round, and RNG was also worried.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Snake played two training games with RNG, and then they had an appointment with IG.

RNG is actively preparing for the competition and obviously does not want to leave the World Championship stage early.

At four o'clock, the Group C match starts.

This round of competition lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. Under the attack of the three big brothers, the LMS team MAD improved 0-6 and failed to win a game in the group stage. It became the bottom team in this world championship. The Vietnamese next door watched Everyone laughed.

The records of RNG, KT, and C9 are all 4-2!

People were surprised to find that this was the death group, so tragic!

The wheels of the troika all hit MAD's face, and the commentators in each competition area worked overtime collectively.

Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, at 11:30 in the evening, RNG in the player seats cheered!

They finally defeated KT and became the first team in Group C.

KT lost in regret and fell to second place in the group. As losers, C9 went home.

Even though Huang Jian was in a good state of mind, his face showed bitterness at this time.

The last step of the knockout round was not passed after all.

North American players can only place all their hopes on 100T, but 100T in Group D now only has one point, which was obtained from GRX. Facing FNC and IG, they were both beaten.

October 17th is the last day of the S8 group stage.

FNC and IG defeated GRX and 100T consecutively, one with 4 points and the other with 5 points. GRX and 100T were eliminated without any suspense.

100T defeated GRX and maintained the last North American face.

The LMS division has become the biggest background board.

Both MAD and GRX were 0-6, returning to the treasure island empty-handed.

LPL players are naturally very happy, because IG is very likely to be first in the group, so all three LPL teams will qualify first.

According to various predictions and support rates from the outside world, a large part of them are optimistic about IG.

"I feel like IG is going to win."

Flandre said in the training room: "To be honest, judging from my experience, IG's hard power is definitely stronger than FNC."

"That's for sure. Didn't FNC lose to IG in the first round?"

Liu Qingsong added: "If a miracle doesn't happen today, IG will qualify first in the group, because FNC needs to win two games in a row against IG to be first, which is almost impossible."

"If IG wins directly, they will be 6-0, which will be the same record as ours."

"It seems that this year's biggest opponent is not in the LCK, but in the LPL."

Seeing that Li Hao was silent, Chris couldn't help asking:

"Brother Hao, what do you think?"

Li Hao turned his head and smiled: "I don't have any opinion, IG is definitely stronger."

"But FNC is not weak. IG must not expand in terms of BP, otherwise it will be difficult to predict. If FNC's hero pool is not limited and the mentality is not good, anything could happen today."

After hearing this, Flando came over and said with a smile: "Brother Hao, your words are a bit exaggerated."

"If IG expands a little bit, FNC won't be able to beat it. It's really impossible to win two games in a row."

"There are no underdogs in the World Championship."

Li Hao struck: "We can't expand either."

"Until the final result comes out, anything can happen."

"When every team comes to the World Championship, they are eager to win the championship. Facing the Summoner's Cup, what they can explode is completely different from usual."

"What's more, the European division is indeed on the rise this time."

If someone else said this, Snake and his gang would definitely not believe it.

But the person who spoke was Li Hao, so he let them hear part of it.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Snake was sitting in the training room, staring at the screen seriously.

The game between IG and FNC begins.

In the next hour and a half, it was teacher FNC’s class time.

In the surprised eyes of many people, FNC won a game in less than 28 minutes.

The two sides played an extra match at 10 o'clock in the evening, and FNC took 36 minutes to gain another victory.

In the end, FNC ranked first in Group D with a record of 6-1!

Fight a bloody path when people are not optimistic about it.

In these two games, he really showed his style as the King of Europe.

Snake's backstage, including Chris, were a little stunned.

"Brother Hao, are you really a god?"

Holy Spear said in a very neutral tone: "God said that IG will expand, and then they will expand. God predicted that IG may lose, and then all FNC members will be evil, giving IG two consecutive defeats!"

"Fuck, this is too scary. It's like a witchcraft that lowers the head. IG instantly becomes dizzy. It's so scary."

Li Hao rolled his eyes at this guy, but the people around him looked at him a little differently.

The thick eyebrows sighed: "My brother Hao is really my brother Hao."

Li Hao coughed lightly and brought the topic onto the right track:

"In these two games, IG made a mistake that a top professional team should not make. FNC obviously controlled the vision, but was still too aggressive in dangerous situations and was caught. Even when it already had vision, it was still caught, or the vision was I found the opportunity to start a group but unfortunately missed it.”

"Looking at the tactics, the style is actually very similar to that of the league. It doesn't matter how the top and bottom lanes perform in the early stage. Use the midfield to gain advantage, and then radiate the advantage to the bottom lane. Through the strong mid-term teamfighting ability and quick rhythm to end the game, even in the early stage Even though he has a big disadvantage, he can also use his extremely decisive ability to seize opportunities and start the battle at the right time with key equipment."

"However, if you look at the lineup in these two games, it is obvious that FNC's mid-term strength is higher and the combination is more reasonable. IG is a little too obsessed with the counter chain."

"There's really nothing to say about mentality. At the last moment, everyone is under pressure. It depends on who can withstand it."

Li Hao said again:

"These two games are not a bad thing for IG. A slap in the face can help them wake up. After recognizing the reality, they may play better in the future. For us, it is also a wake-up call."

"As I say again, don't underestimate your opponent."

This is not the first time Li Hao has said these words, and he has said them quite often.

His teammates are all young, and not everyone has the same life experience as him. Under the strong aura of Snake's winning streak, it is inevitable that his heart will swell.

This will bring variables to S8, making this S8 journey less than perfect.

IG is an opponent that everyone recognizes. Now that they have witnessed the unexpected situation with their own eyes, everyone has a deeper understanding of Li Hao's words.

For Snake, IG and FNC have joined forces to teach them a big lesson.

The Snake Team uniforms looked at this scene with tacit and gratified smiles.

This is how team culture is established.

It is a beautiful thing to have an old god at home.

After the game between IG and FNC, the rankings of each group were officially determined.

On October 18, the knockout draw ceremony began live in Busan.

Former Korean Black Sword player Watch became the guest of this draw.

Each team sent a representative to the scene and stood in front of POOL1 and POOL2 respectively, waiting for the final draw results.

On Snake's side, Flandre participated as a representative.

"The draw for the knockout rounds has begun, and Watch is dialing four silver balls. These are the four teams in Pool One."

Ruofeng's voice came out.

The watch pulled out a ball, smiled at the camera, and then twisted the ball away.

I remember immediately saying in the studio: "It's the first AFS of Group A, so they come to the left half."

"The next team drawn will be in the lower left half of the field and will compete with AFS."

"It's drawn out, it's RNG!"

The camera showed Xiang Guo, and his smile could clearly be seen.

For RNG, this is a good pick.

Including RNG backstage, Uzi Heart and others also showed satisfied smiles.

Judging from the performance of the group, AFS should be the most hip group first.

Then, Watch drew Snake in the right half, and then FNC.

An even more touching moment came when Watch came to the front of Pool 2 and began to stir four small black balls.

What the LPL is most worried about is drawing the top eight for a civil war. Other than that, the draws are not bad.

"It's G2!"

Ruofeng immediately became energetic: "G2 and AFS are in the same group. According to the draw rules of the knockout round, he cannot be assigned to the left half, so he will automatically be matched to the upper part of the right zone."

"G2 is lucky, they ran into Snake in the first round of the quarter-finals!"

Anyone can hear Big Nose’s teasing voice.

The person on the side remembered smiling and said: "Ah P doesn't look too happy."

"I feel like he should really want to kick Whytch now. I'm afraid no team in the second pool wants to be the first to encounter Snake."

"The Snakes are the only team with six consecutive wins in the group stage. The King has been amazing in five games. The other players are also in good shape. The momentum is scary."

In the barrage and comment area:

[Ah P was also miserable. He was beaten by Brother Hao in S6, and this time he met Snake again]

[The third European brother is very fierce, it’s not good for you to do this, IG just overturned, oh, it’s Snake! That’s okay, let’s lift G2 down]

[Ah P: The P King of TL is just rubbish. I will prove for a quarter who is the only P King! 】

[G2, don’t be a coward, give everyone the whole job first]

Before the pool, watch draws the second draw.

"It's IG!"

"Then the opening game the day after tomorrow will be IG and AFS."

"Vit also came to the left half to fight against RNG."

"The last team is KT, they are playing FNC in the lower right half."

"Okay, the draw for the knockout round is over, and the quarter-finals will start on October 20th. The venue will be the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center."


LPL viewers are still very satisfied with this draw.

In one sentence, if there is no civil war among the top eight, then it will be a profit.

However, IG and RNG are divided into the same half, and both sides have a high probability of promotion. It can be said that they are tit for tat.

The LCK audience is a little uneasy. The LPL has put a lot of pressure on them this time. The three teams are not easy to mess with, and they feel a bit over-powered.

At this time, in the LCK studio, three veteran commentators, Roaring Emperor, CT Brother and Jin Dongjun, were sitting together.

"We can look forward to AFS and hope they can perform better in the quarter-finals."

"IG showed flaws in the last two games, and AFS should study it in a targeted manner."

"That's right."

Roaring Emperor said very pertinently: "The probability of killing in the left half should be greater. Sanek in the right half is very strong and is a formidable opponent that is difficult to deal with."

"KT is also very good. If they can break through, the championship this time will belong to KT."

"Of course, we should have more confidence in AFS and KT."

"The LCK knockout rounds will definitely be adjusted based on the group stage and adopt flexible tactics."


Brother CT finally said:

"There is hope this year, come on!"

Originally, Brother CT wanted to say, "This year is the most promising year," but after thinking about it, he took it back.

The three old commentators secretly communicated with each other with their eyes, which was obvious to them.

Right now, it’s really the cold winter period for the LCK!

Each LPL team is more terrifying than the other. The terrifying snake among them, let alone eliminated it by BO5, first consider whether it can break the opponent's undefeated golden status!

Not losing a game all summer, this is simply the mythical version of e-sports!

"Hello Perkz, I have a question for you."

A blonde European e-sports media person with an LCS sign hanging on her body came to Ah P after the lottery ceremony.

Ah P smiled and said, "Excuse me."

"That's right, the entire Alliance Europe forum is now discussing one thing, and that is the opponent G2 is about to face."

"Snake has been on a winning streak since the spring playoffs. They seemed to have the key to victory and created a mythical record. In the group stage, they still won 6 games in a row."

"Facing this mythical challenge and facing off against The King, the number one player in the league, how do you feel and are you ready?"

What this media person told is the truth, and Ah P understands it, but it does not mean that Ah P will be afraid.

He faced the microphone with a confident smile on his face:

"Ma'am, you need to understand something."

"S8 is different from before. All three European teams have entered the quarter-finals. This is the only time. The competitiveness of the European division is completely different from before, and G2 is also completely different!"

"You haven't fully felt our light and heat yet. This is a huge amount of energy. In the next game, we will burst out!"

The corners of Ah P's mouth were slightly raised, a little unruly:

"Although The King is very strong, I am not afraid of him. On the contrary, I am very excited! Every cell is excited!"

"This time, even if he is a god descending to earth, I will let him feel my power!"

Facing the camera, Ah P clenched his fists powerfully, as if he was covered in a golden battle suit, and his fighting spirit almost overflowed from the camera.


"Perkz, I look forward to your performance!"

"Look, ma'am!"


This interview video quickly went viral, from the LCS media to the studio, to the Mouse Channel, to the LCS forum, to the LCK League Hall, and to the LPL Esports Louvre.

The Louvre Museum is in a state of excitement!

"Good boy, Ah P is still the same Ah P, declaring war on God! My cells are all excited!"

"Eldest Brother's flirtatious talk is no longer enough. Now, if you want to be flirty, you still have to watch Ah P. So what if the gods come down to earth? I, Ah P, will start the war between the gods. That's right, I want to destroy the gods! I want to defy heaven!"

"I, Xu Caikui, am completely crazy!"

"The pressure is now on Brother Hao. To be honest, the pressure is very high. If Brother Hao doesn't surpass God, Ah P's battle with God will be considered a success."

"Ah P is too arrogant and makes a lot of noise in front of the Emperor of Japan. His later years are destined to be spent on the background mountain, full of uncertainty."


Amid the heated discussions from the outside world, the major teams concluded their two days of training.

The 2018 League of Legends Global Finals knockout rounds have officially begun!

PS: Good night, book friends!

Good night, book friends!

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