LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 412 Who can stop me? !

"Dear viewers, BP has officially begun!"

"Snake got the priority to choose the side, and they took the initiative to choose the blue side."

"Yes, even in the last round of semi-finals, Snake will give priority to the blue side, which will give them an even greater advantage in BP."

After Wang Duoduo finished speaking, Snake took down Galio with his first hand.

IG took down Luo.

Snake then took down Jace and Sword Demon with two hands, while IG took down Zoe and Akali.

"IG still has many points to target. Snake can easily get Urgot on the first floor. TheShy can't get Sword Demon. This version of Urgot's single belt is not so easy to handle."

"Yes, when Snake played KT before, he used the Sword Demon single belt to open up the top lane. The tactics were completely executed in the top half. At that time, Brother Hao was playing Zoe. IG must have realized this and banned Snake's system. Lost."

"Niutou, locked on the first floor of IG."

"Prince Ning showed off Kaiyin, probably just for fun."

"Qinggang Shadow is locked! This is the hero he has used the most in this world championship. The current winning rate is over 80%. It can be said to be the most confident choice."

"Haha, my opponent is Snake, no one will hide it."

"Snake picked Tammu on the second floor. This one is very comfortable to hold. Will it be Kai'Sa on the third floor?"


This time, the predictions of several commentators were wrong. Snake did not dwell on Kai'Sa, but chose the Trickery Enchantress on the third floor.

"The Enchantress locked it directly, so decisive!"

Colonel Guan hurriedly said: "Brother Hao's Enchantress is very strong, and Rookie's Enchantress is also top-notch. It's not a bad thing for Rookie to show off this move. After all, he knows the Enchantress very well."

Miller said excitedly:

"Syndra is still out there. What I'm more curious about is whether Rookie will choose Syndra to face off against Brother Hao. The mid-lane showdown in this final will be a highlight."

"Snake took the initiative to choose the blue side. He must have thought about the BP steps from the beginning, and had no intention of hiding the hero Hao Brother. Now it depends on how IG will resist."

The hero on the third floor of IG was soon released, and without much surprise, it was TheShy's Thain.

This is also the hero that Shy Man uses the most and has a 100% winning rate in the World Championship.

In Coach Jin's original plan, he also assigned Jayce to Shy Man, allowing him to play stronger in the top lane, but unfortunately he was banned by Snake.

Don't worry about taking out Sion and laning with Urgot, it just means using other systems.

Looking at the enchantress opposite, Coach Jin kept thinking in his mind.

Because Snake's AD hero did not come out, according to IG's understanding of Snake, they took down Xia and Xiaopao with two hands.

Snake took down Lucian and Draven.

"The last four hands took down four ADs!"

"IG bans people in the hero pool and version, and Snake seems to have eliminated all the strong AD in the early stage."

The doll was surprised and said: "But, they released Kasha!"

"Ah Shui is very good at Kai'Sa. I think he has a higher chance of choosing Kai'Sa than Draven."

"You can choose Kai'Sa on the fourth floor of IG. There is a high probability that you won't miss it."

The commentators were a little confused, and IG was equally confused.

But these doubts only made them hesitate slightly, but did not waver.

IG selected Kai'Sa on the fourth floor, and the last counter position was left to Rookie.

Snake quickly selected the fourth and fifth floors, adding wine barrels to the ashes!

There was a sudden commotion in the live broadcast room of the super spectator group next door, and Cube Dragon shouted:

"Hey, there's something going on!"

"Snake's EZ and Verus don't choose, so the fortune teller starts playing!"

"With this functional AD, Tahm Kench can drive, Nakano Enchantress + Wine Barrel, this rhythm is much faster than IG!"

"Although the lineup is a bit of a gamble and it can't deal with the front row in the later stage, it is also a test for IG. After all, Snake's various styles can usually kill people in the early and mid-term. Rookie's Syndra feels that I can't choose. It's best. Choose one that’s flexible, otherwise Casa will come when you smell it.”

After all, Cube Dragon is an old IG member and often appears in the IG base, so he also hopes to see greater breakthroughs in IG.

As a bystander and a retired professional player, he felt a vague sense of foreboding.

Sika on the side seemed to point out his doubts: "Did Snake give it to Kaisha on purpose?"

"If IG is afraid of Snake's fast pace and will definitely choose a conservative mid laner, then will the main output task be left to Jack's hands, and it will be a disguised form of four-guarantee-one?"

"Snake's four-guaranteed one is accurate every time. KT and RNG have tried these. Brother Hao's game is the Enchantress again. It only takes one second to kill. The big move of the wine barrel blows up the formation. Maybe IG When I regain my senses, the Kasha people will be gone.”

Sika's description was exaggerated, but when Cubosaurus heard what he said, it was possible for him to scream.

Shenchao looked at the screen and said, "In IG's last move, Rookie didn't choose Ryze and replaced him with Lissandra."

Shenchao analyzed a wave of heroes:

"Ice Girl has the highest appearance rate in the mid lane, but I think she is a bit like a version trap. Except for Brother Hao's Ice Girl, no one else has performed very well with this hero."

"The current winning rate of Ice Girl is less than 35%, and the requirements for Rookie in this game are also very high."


No matter how the outside world discusses it, the lineups of both sides have been locked in.

Snake: Urgot, Gragas, Enchantress, Jhin, Tamm

IG: Thane, Qinggangying, Ice Girl, Kai'Sa, Niutou

After shaking hands in front of the Summoner's Cup, the coaches from both sides returned to the backstage.

Jin Jingzhu stared at the lineups on both sides, feeling suddenly uneasy in his heart.

Their current lineup is also very familiar to IG, but it does not have strong IG characteristics.

What Rookie is best at is two goals and one goal, and the final ice girl. He pays more attention to creating opportunities for his teammates, so he relies heavily on Ah Shui's performance.

Perhaps, IG's lineup is a little more conservative.

When playing against other teams, being conservative is not a big problem, but when it comes to Snake, it is easy to fall into passivity if you don't take the initiative to create opportunities. Once you fall into Snake's rhythm, the game becomes difficult to play.

Jin Jingzhu frowned, feeling that the first BP was not going well. If the enchantress and ice girl on the field were exchanged, he might not have so much to worry about.

While he was thinking, the hero had already entered the Summoner's Rift.

The voices of the commentators from each major competition area rang out one after another, and cheers rang out at Incheon Munhak Stadium, and the game officially started.

At the Snake player table, Li Hao listened to the discussion between Flandre and Casa, and when he bought the corruption potion and went out, he interrupted:

"We want to see IG play this tactic, but everyone must not relax."

"In the early stage, absolutely nothing can happen."

"Well, cheer up!" Flandre shouted.

Casa also said:

"Ning's Qinggang Shadow is decisive in catching people, so don't overdo it with skills."


Kai'Sa was indeed released intentionally by Snake, and they intentionally guided IG to play the current system.

In the group stage, IG used a similar lineup, except that the shy man on the road used Sword Princess. In mid-term team battles, they were often defeated by FNC in one wave.

FNC's capture made Ah Shui useless. Rookie's Ice Girl was not super developed, so she didn't have enough damage to change her fate.

From a single perspective, Li Hao is very confident. Rookie wants to gain an absolute advantage in his hands, but Lissandra on the defensive side is basically unable to do so.

"The eye positions are all in the river, and we haven't made it over yet."

Li Hao replied to Lin Weixiang: "Stand at the entrance of the red zone, don't give the bull head a chance to come in."

"Casa goes to the top half to expose his vision."


"The green steel shadow is in the upper half of the river, Ning should be in red."

Kasa then said, "I'm showing my head, Ning will definitely be able to see it."


On the big screen, Snake's movements are very regular.

The wine barrels that were exposed on the upper river course circled back to the red zone.

The duo did not help, and Flandre, who was on the road, was not exposed in the lane for the first time.

Backstage, Jin Jingzhu could see clearly.

His bad premonition became even stronger.

Snake is going to be caught if he does this!

For a moment, he thought of the group stage and the FNC teacher from before.

Snake is really holding back his bad intentions!

At 1 minute and 24 seconds, the bottom duo met unexpectedly in the river and started fighting.

When Tam's giant tongue whipped and licked Kasha, Jin Jingzhu was very nervous.

The director showed the camera and the duo had a PK.

Jhin followed AQ and attacked Kai'Sa first.

Lao Lianliang's combat effectiveness is obviously stronger than that of Niutou. When Snake takes the lead, the IG duo can only retreat while fighting and cannot stand up.

At 1 minute and 36 seconds, Jhin fell to half health, and Kai'Sa was healed.

On the contestant bench, the thick-browed brother tilted his mouth and smiled with satisfaction.

"Well done, Lin Weixiang!"

"Strong, Liu Qingsong!"

The duo gained an advantage and exchanged passion.

They started to make up the first wave of lanes. Li Hao looked at the red buff and everything in the bottom lane in the middle, paying close attention to the situation.

After the wine barrel finished the red buff, Casa shouted "I'm here". At 1 minute and 54 seconds, the wine barrel came to the bottom triangle grass.

There was a loud shout from the super spectator group:

"Oops, it's broken, IG didn't realize it, Casa is coming!"

"Capture at level 2, Pule'er possessed by Dirty Dancing, and Snake's opening layout. I'm afraid this tactic was already thought out during BP."

"Bao Lan and Ah Shui retreated slowly, this wave will at least be defeated!"


The bottom lane's troop line comes online 10 seconds later than the middle lane's, and the second wave of creeps will not come until 2 minutes and 8 seconds later.

When the wine barrel reached the bottom lane, the red soldiers had not yet arrived under the tower, which resulted in an empty space behind Kai'Sa. E, who wanted to use the soldiers to block the wine barrel, had no chance.

Ah Shui immediately retreated when he saw the Snake duo moving forward, and kept calling Bao Lan.

But it was too late.

A wine barrel with a red buff appears from the river.

Tahm's tongue licked Kai'Sa, and the bull's head moved to the left to block the skill. After being slowed down, it was hit by the rolling barrel thrown at Kai'Sa. The fortune teller chased A from behind, and Tam moved forward to give Kai'Sa Lit on.

Then, the wine barrel hit Kai'Sa with an E!

Ah Shui escaped in a flash.

His condition was already not good, and if he was pressed to the bloodline again, Jhin would definitely flash up and kill him.

The bull's head pushed the wine barrel away, but the fortune teller and Tamu pursued them until they reached the vicinity of the defense tower, and the bull's head became severely damaged.

The kills didn't explode, but the bottom lane exploded.

The second wave of minions came online. Kai'Sa and Niutou were unable to step forward to take the line at the first time. After the Snake duo got to 2, the IG duo was pushed out of the experience zone.

Backstage at Snake, Chris, Zuo Wu and others shouted "Hello!"

This is the opening you want!

Liquong went to brush river crabs as planned. After Ning Wang finished playing red, he went to fight stone monsters, and then brushed river crabs in the upper half of the area.

At 2 minutes and 29 seconds, Li Hao inserted his jewelry eye near the grass in the middle of the upper river and clearly saw that the river crab had been reduced to 854 health points, and the Qinggang shadow was obviously there.

Flandre seemed to be talking crazy, but in this round, he didn't want to make any mistakes.

Before Li Hao could issue a warning, Flandre, who was fully focused, had already controlled Urgot to retreat slightly.

In the middle, Li Hao and Rookie are relatively peaceful.

On the IG side, Shy Man saw Flando's actions and immediately sent a signal to Prince Ning.

If the field of vision is detected, then the blue zone will definitely be invaded. In other words, you must change to the wild zone now, otherwise you will lose a buff from the wine barrel at the start.

Don't expect the duo to go to the jungle to see if they can safely eat the minions under the tower.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this rhythm is obviously wrong.

IG was forced to expose the lower half of the area to the threat of wine barrels, and was already being led by Snake.

What made King Ning even more devastated was that at 2 minutes and 44 seconds, as soon as he entered Snake's blue zone, he received Rookie's pin signal.

After clearing the minions in the middle, the Enchantress headed towards the blue zone.

At the same time, Urgot, who was on the road, followed suit.

The shy man and the cock are not as fast as Snake, but they are also rushing towards the blue zone.

At one time, there were five people in the blue zone.

Of course, Li Hao and Flando were not here to fight. They were just making Qinggang Ying uncomfortable and delaying his development speed.

On the other side, Casa was eating and drinking without any pressure in King Ning's blue zone.

At 3 minutes and 26 seconds, the barrel finished the blue zone.

Because Qinggangying was delayed, he had to replace a group of three wolves.

At this time, the middle line of soldiers was close to the Snake defense tower. Li Hao casually held the small soldiers, while Ice Girl stood behind the long-range soldiers.

Rookie is not stupid, he also knows that the wine barrel is almost finished.

From God's perspective, the IG uniform team was sweating for the cock.

The wine barrel is squatting in the grass in the lower half of the river. If you give him a little position, this person will definitely dodge up.

Enchantress A-soldier keeps using her skills.

The outburst of these two people can kill people if they can control it!

Fortunately, Rookie is smart enough.

Li Hao saw through Rookie's mind. He controlled Enchantress to move forward, Ice Girl retreated, and King Ning, who was playing F6, also rushed towards the middle.

Enchantress Mo Shadow Fanzong stepped forward and stepped on the remaining health long-range minion, instantly closing the distance between him and the Ice Girl, while Rookie stared at Qinggang Ying's position.

LeBlanc let out a scream and threw AQ on the ice girl's head.

She continued to chase forward, and the phantom chain came out of her hands.

Suddenly, the retreating ice girl looked back at the moon, then turned back suddenly.


The ice girl's ring of frost releases a layer of ice, and Rookie wants to imprison the enchantress at the extreme position.

At the same time, Qinggang Shadow E was on the wall next to F6, sweeping towards the Enchantress with a tactical sweep.

If this set hits, even if the wine barrel reverse squats, it will be too late when the Enchantress is attacked first.

However, IG's thunderous attack was completely in vain, and the crowd at the Incheon stadium burst into laughter.

The moment the enchantress threw the chain and judged when the ice girl turned around, she released the second W with extremely quick reaction!

The ring of frost brushed against the corner of Enchantress's clothes, passing by a few wisps of cold air, while Enchantress's phantom chain poked at Ice Girl's body, detonating the second level of Q damage, and firing an electric shock, causing Ice Girl's blood to drop.

The Gray Lady swept through the air, and she could only continue to use F6 dejectedly.

Prince Ning and Broiler's eyes twitched, showing off their faces.

"Wow! Brother Hao's reaction is too fast. A few tenths of a second would have caused serious trouble!"

Wawa exclaimed: "Rookie and Prince Ning had already discussed it, but I didn't expect that Enchantress would avoid him."

Wang Duoduo was in high spirits: "This is the charm of dancing on the tip of a knife. I have seen many anti-counterattack tactics against Brother Hao, but every one of them failed."

"It's because Brother Hao's ability to control timing and calculation can always make your counterattack fail."

"It affects morale very much, and the wine barrel quickly wipes out F6."


Ice Girl was replenishing her form, and the middle lane fell into the control of Enchantress again.

Rookie inserted an eye into the grass in the lower half of the river, and Casa saw it clearly. After he finished using F6, he went around to the grass behind the IG blue buff and came from behind the Ice Girl.

At 4 minutes and 21 seconds, the seventh wave of minions is about to go online.

Li Hao spotted the location of the wine barrel, started with W and got close to the ice girl and threw Q and a chain. Rookie moved and did not avoid it, and immediately released the E skill under the defense tower.

But in order to prevent the chain from causing secondary damage and control, Rookie can only press the crampons in advance.

When he came to the tower, he was hit by a drunken and furious wine barrel. The rolling barrel caused an electric shock on his body. Rookie's backhand restraint caused aftershocks.

He survived, but his health was reduced.

The IG uniform team backstage breathed a sigh of relief again, but this wave of ice girls were out of shape and had to return to the city for supplies.

Having done all the bad things, the wine barrel went around to the three wolves and threw the Q skill from behind the second tower, interrupting the ice girl's return to the city. The chicken master was severely disturbed by the wolf brother.

Looking at the ice girl who retreated to the second tower and returned to the city, Kasa on the player bench smiled with white and confident front teeth.

Li Hao took the corruption potion and took down the seventh wave of minions.

When he returned to the city, his eyes were already aimed at the bottom lane.

There is a large wave of minions under the middle tower, and Rookie must teleport online.

Li Hao returned to the city and bought the murder ring, true eyes and magic shoes, and went directly down the road.

From God's perspective, everyone knows what the Enchantress is going to do.

However, IG does not know.

Urgot had a passionate fight with Thain in the top lane. The competition between the top top laners was suppressed by the hero and did not get many shots.

King Ning returned to the city to refill, and a very poor wine barrel, after looking for some fruit to eat in the river, came to the lower road again.

Kasa cannot return to the city, otherwise he will not be able to keep up with this wave of rhythm.

Snake was even more ruthless than the FNC teacher who educated IG in the group stage. Their original plan was to pin down the bottom lane.

Urgot on the road was more proactive, and a wave of blood exchanges knocked out Thain's state.

The shy man had a bad temper and beat Urgot to a pulp.

In their current state, teleporting to other lanes would basically cost them their lives.

The two top laners have a tacit understanding. Everyone is afraid of being caught by the jungle, so they save on medicine and simply go back to the city to resupply and give it to TP.

"Something is going to happen to IG. Casa has been waiting for Enchantress."

"This Tam is so good at acting!"

"IG bottom lane didn't notice it at all!"


On the big screen, Jhin began to push the line when the Enchantress was close to the lower river.

This was originally a red flag.

However, after Tahm licked the minions a few times, he stood in the grass next to the bottom lane and pressed B to return to the city.

All this can be seen clearly by IG's eyes.

However, Snake also knew very well that there was an eye position inside.

The young Bao Lan and Ah Shui didn't think too much. Standing on the first floor, they looked a little immature and didn't know how the thousand-layer cake was made.

From IG's point of view, Jhin pushed the line and was going back to the city to reinstall. They could also take the opportunity to go home and breathe a sigh of relief.

However, when the red minions were cleared, Tahm Kench canceled the recall at the last second.

The few seconds of prime time to escape were wasted by the IG duo.

The enchantress and the barrel walked out from behind the tower, the soldiers entered the tower, Jhin was loading bullets, and Tam strode over.

There were rapid exchanges and complaints in the IG team's voice.


"First Blood!"

"Double kill!"

"Kasha is charged to death!"

"The cow head is dead too!"

"The Enchantress has two heads, the murder ring is at level 4, something big has happened to IG!"

"Tamu swallowed the Enchantress in one gulp. Brother Hao still has 9 drops of blood left. He's not dead. He's locked!"

"This should be the last thing IG wants to see!"

Backstage, the IG uniform team members changed their colors one by one.

Principal Wang, who was watching the live broadcast, also ate the bread depressedly.

It had only been a little over 5 minutes and the situation was already unacceptable.

IG originally relied on the lineup of Asui Kai'Sa to output. After being repeatedly targeted by Snake, Kai'Sa's development was extremely poor. Lanqi, who wanted to join the battle as soon as possible, did not know when he would be able to come out.

At a disadvantage online, Jhin is lagging behind in last hits by more than a dozen hits.

IG's defense line was officially torn open.

After seeing Snake's very clear tactics, many people really realized that IG was designed on BP.

"Don't panic, I'm here to help!"

King Ning shouted in the team voice.

The game lasted 7 minutes and 9 seconds, and Snake grabbed it again.

This time, the Ice Girl and Qinggang Shadow, who had been prepared for a long time, were in place.

After a wave of fighting between the two sides in front of the tower, Tamu and Qinggang Shadow were both flashed.

Jhin also took advantage of Ice Girl's ultimate move and was beaten to a low health level. The two sides seemed to be fighting a 50-50 draw.

However, when the Enchantress quickly improved her second wave of skills, the Phantom Shadow stepped out of the grass, followed by a flash and rushed into the IG crowd, igniting AQE and then igniting it. When the Bull Head Q came, the Enchanter's second W returned to the grass.

In the air, a long chain spanning 1,400 yards swept under the IG tower. Everyone watched in awe as the malicious mark on Kai'Sa's head was detonated. Although there was no electrocution, the subsequent ignition damage burned Kai'Sa to death!

Ah Shui's screen went black again, and Niutou kowtowed to Kasha's body with a dusty sound!


Incheon Munhak Stadium was filled with excitement!

This is the scene they were looking forward to, there is no stalemate, no one can stop that man from starting a dynasty!

"I can't stop it! This enchantress!"

Sun Yalong shouted: "This wave of Kaisha's death has completely collapsed. Ah Shui has no chance, but he is targeted by Brother Hao. With such a large number of people, his skills can be used with satellite positioning to lock Ah Shui. I hope Ah Shui Be strong and don’t lose your mentality.”

"This game is going to be very difficult. Tahm will protect the Enchantress later, Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move is ineffective, IG lacks core output, Snake is about to reach a strong stage, Jhin has an ultimate move, and he will use the big move to persuade him later, and the tower will fall. Fast."

Sika booed: "I've seen this rhythm before, Snake's classic snowball, the game ends in 20 minutes."

"The previous teams were all defeated like this."

Shenchao kept nodding, "Next, there is a high probability that it will be Canyon Pioneer."

"Yes, Enchantress is so fat. IG can't compete for the vanguard now. Snake will definitely take it. Unless IG launches a beautiful counterattack within these three minutes, but this situation is unlikely, because the rhythm is initiated from Enchantress. The wine barrel cooperates with the demon queen to do things, IG can't expect TheKing to make mistakes, right? This is smaller than the probability that the leaked knife brother will not leak the knife."

Cube Dragon kept shaking his head: "IG is going to change tactics. Jin Jingzhu should think about how to arrange the middle and top in the next game now."

"Those who want to rely on bottom lane tactics to defeat Snake are not far behind."

In the main studio, everyone has similar views.

In the next 4 minutes, although there was no kill, Snake controlled the Earth Dragon and the Rift Herald.

At 13 minutes and 6 seconds, the Pioneer was released into the middle.

Snake five people gathered.

IG did not dare to defend the tower in the middle, and was easily destroyed by Snake.

At the second tower position in the middle, Jhin activated his ultimate move.

The most shameless man stood in front, and Urgot directly hit Thain with an R.

When the wine barrel exploded back to Thain with an R, the shy man could only start the team with a backhand.

Ice Girl Qinggangying followed one after another, Tam immediately followed Enchantress, and King Ning drove onto Jhin.

In this wave, the fortune teller died under the damage from the Ice Girl, but Thain also died. Urgot was frightened by the Ice Girl and the Green Steel Shadow, and the Enchantress scored a double kill during the pursuit!

The killing ring is full.

The wine barrel was knocked out of half of its health by Kai'Sa, but the IG duo that failed to keep up could only retreat to the high ground.

3 for 1, this wave basically consumed IG’s potential.

The game is completely out of IG’s control.

When the game time came to 24 minutes and 9 seconds, Incheon Munhak Stadium once again sounded the super sound of Enchantress killing Kai'Sa!

The IG Highland team suffered a disastrous defeat, leaving only Rookie's Ice Girl.

The Chicken God was powerless to stop it, and Snake flattened IG's crystal hub in one wave!

The first act of the dynasty has already begun.

Trailing 0-1, Coach Jin, who watched the whole game, was thirsty, filled with regret and anger!

In the second game, he had to change his tactics!

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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