LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 414 Let’s put a crown on him!

In the S8 arena, Akali's BP rate is around 80%, and her winning rate is over 60%. She is a hero who often takes the position.

The rework in version 8.15 allowed Akali to leave the sewer and have a new life in the professional league.

In the 8.18 version before the World Championship, as more and more players realized Akali's strength, Riot also urgently cut her ultimate move to prevent it from being too OP.

At present, it seems that this knife is just right.

The new version of Stray Thorn is excellent in online single kills, mid-term single kills, and team battle entry, but it is very difficult to get started and has a low fault tolerance rate in team battles. If you don't have enough practice, it can easily turn into a monkey show.

But for Li Hao, compared to Akali who will be stabbed several times in the future, her current mechanics and strength are perfect in all aspects.

In addition to the fact that the basic life has not been cut, what is more important is the Q skill.

Akali in 8.19 can cast two Q skills when she has full energy!

This kind of laning strength cannot be compared with later versions.

In the previous game, Li Hao had the opportunity to choose but did not choose, just to use it as a trump card.

Now on the S8 finals stage, there is nothing left to hide.

Caps’ Akali Li Hao has watched it, what do you think of it?

It's just lackluster.

Li Hao's electrocution weapon is equipped with three red long swords when going out, which can synthesize the Hex Technology gun blade more quickly.

At level one, the two sides did not cause any trouble as in the previous game, and still positioned their defensive eyes along the river.

Gaining wisdom after every experience, Baolan lost his accessory eye on the triangle grass in the bottom lane early to prevent Casalan from opening and causing another level 2 capture.

The IG uniforms who were watching the game could see clearly in the background that Snake's blind monk stayed in the red zone, obviously giving up the routine of the previous game.

Old silver coins!

They gritted their teeth, it turned out that they had been calculated in the last game!

"There's no problem with this game, right?"

Su Xiaoluo snorted, and the camera on the big screen moved to the middle, where Enchantress and Akali were standing on opposite sides of the Summoner's Trophy design, facing each other.

Seeing the two assassins standing together, Su Xiaoluo always felt a little worried.

Rookie's assassin hero plays well, but the opponent is even more of an assassin among assassins.

He turned his head to Jin Jingzhu and confirmed:

"Rookie has been unable to beat Akali many times with Enchantress. So far, she has been keeping her opponent steady online. This time, there should be no surprises."

After Jin Jingzhu understood what he meant, he nodded firmly:

"Will not."

"Even if Rookie can't solo kill The King like he can with Caps, he won't suffer a loss online."

"The female tank Keg can start a team, TheShy's Sword Girl has strong combat power in the mid-term, and Rookie has a lot of room for harvesting. It wouldn't be surprising even if he achieves the same outstanding record as The King in the last game."

He smiled sinisterly: "The King chose Akali as a second choice. The momentum is scary, but it may not necessarily be able to continue the miracle."

"For Rookie's Enchantress this season, I know very well what level it is."

"Based on the current BP, we have at least a 60% chance of winning."

"The tragedy of the first scene cannot happen again!"

Jin Jingzhu’s voice was as resounding as gold and jade, sonorous and powerful.

When Su Xiaoluo heard these confident words, she also put her heart back in her stomach.

The IG uniform team looked at the LCD screen in the background, and the director quickly switched his sight from the jungle and bottom lane where nothing happened back to the middle lane.

The audience was very excited as the two powerful mid laners had a conversation and it was another duel between the most popular assassins.

Li Hao checked the enchantress's going out outfit and found that it was a corruption potion.

Level one, of course, is learning the Q skill.

Against the Enchantress, as long as this version of Akali can keep up with her operational reactions, she is not weak at all.

Enchantress has a high burst, but is also very brittle. It seems that long hands beat short hands, but Enchantress is different from the traditional long-handed mage. She is not the kind of hero who loses her skills far away. If she wants to deal high burst damage, she basically needs W to attack.

As long as she seizes the moment when the Enchantress's Shadow Follower steps up, Akali can also fully deal her own damage.

Li Hao brought a long sword and wanted to fight Rookie.

At the same time, in terms of Akali's proficiency, some of his operations and experience are not comparable to players like Caps at this time.

With the huge experience gap, Li Hao believes to a large extent that even Rookie will have blind spots in understanding that have not been touched before.

The duel between assassins in the middle is full of suspense and touches people's hearts.

The audience at the scene and in front of the screen were attentive. They did not expect that this wave of confrontation would come so suddenly!

At 1 minute and 28 seconds, the soldiers in the middle collided on time.

Li Hao controlled Akali to wave the Ninja Scythe in her hand. A was on the first melee soldier, and the word "83" appeared on the head of the blue soldier. This is the damage caused by the normal attack of the long sword.

After two consecutive A strikes in front of the enchantress, Rookie did exactly what Li Hao thought. He would not let go of the opportunity to consume him.

LeBlanc took a step closer and hit Akali with a basic attack. Li Hao lost 44 blood points.

At this time, Rookie was still very careful.

After his A strike, he immediately pulled back to get rid of the hatred.

At the same time, he also paid attention to Akali's movements. After being beaten, he retreated in a normal manner, obviously not wanting to be beaten by Thunder.

The Enchantress hit A at the soldier, and Li Hao controlled Akali to twist back and forth near the long-range soldier.

At this time, Rookie controlled the Enchantress to move forward and launched a basic attack towards Akali A.

Li Hao was waiting for this moment, and he turned around and received a Q.

——I flow mysteries! Cold Shadow (Q)!

The hand length of the enchantress is 525 yards, and Akali's Q has a maximum range of 550 yards. The arc-shaped kunai is thrown at the enchantress, dealing magic damage and at the same time, the ninja technique is passively triggered.

Li Hao accelerated towards his own defense tower. Rookie, who had suffered a small loss, naturally wanted to chase the Thunder.

But Akali passively accelerates, and Rookie can only step out.

At the moment of Enchantress W, Akali, who obtained the Hidden Dragon Seal, suddenly turned back and ran, coming to the middle of Enchantress's true body and W mark.

Li Hao was thundered by Enchantress AWA, but the Ninja Scythe in his hand, which gained double the attack range and extra magic damage, slashed at Enchantress.

Even if Rookie presses W to return immediately, he still can't dodge the basic attack.

Akali's A comes out and she immediately gives her second Q skill!

The electrocution was lowered, and the Enchantress, who had eaten two Qs and a passive basic attack, was now down to half her health.

Li Hao habitually took a bottle of medicine, and Rookie was retreating towards the defense tower.

When the Dragon's Circle forms, Akali gains a burst of movement speed as she moves toward it.

This movement speed allows Akali's Ninja Scythe to easily pursue and slash.

The enchantress didn't dare to stop, and Li Hao chased after her!

Akali passes through the Dragon's Ring, triggering her passive and gaining another burst of movement speed as she moves towards enemies.

Coupled with the double attack distance, two steps in front of the tower, Li Hao chased A with a passive basic attack and immediately turned back.

On the big screen, two brief bursts of pink light erupted from where the Enchantress was, and LeBlanc disappeared on the spot.

Jing Hua Shui Yue was beaten out directly!

When it was known that he was going to be passive, Rookie chased Akali to the limit.

But it’s not just a loss at all!

On the player stand, Ji Zhen's expression changed.

It’s also Akali, why are there two games!

The Akali of other people is completely different from the one in front of me!

The time at this time is 1 minute and 40 seconds, which means that in just 12 seconds after the soldier came online, he was passive!

"Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water! One wave of passive attacks, oh my god!"

Sika's voice echoed in the super spectator group.

The bald man on the side was no longer calm. He opened his mouth and shouted: "Something happened! This is the ultimate move!"

"The details of The King are captured so well. This is simply a textbook level of play. Akali has made it now again. I wonder why The King has not been played even once. This is so weird. It turns out it was hidden on purpose! It's just a wave. You can feel the horror, Rookie doesn’t know how deep the water is in here, and he suffered a big loss from the blood transfusion.”

“Before, we used Caps’ Akali as a reference, which was a big mistake!”

"Yes, compared to this one, Hat King's Akali is only a genin at best, and she is a genin from Sunagakure Village. This one is completely at the level of Hokage."

"Rookie, be careful. Once you are single-killed by The King, you will fall into the ice cave and be completely cold."

Shenchao listened to the two anti-Korean middle-aged men talking to each other, and he also interjected:

"I have played a lot of new versions of Akali, but Brother Hao's game here feels particularly smooth to me. The connection between distance, timing, skills and passive is very clear."

"Akali's operation requirements are relatively high, and I can be sure that this is definitely not an ordinary proficiency."

He said confidently: "It really could be a big move!"


Discussions continued outside, and in just 10 seconds, Incheon Munhak Stadium reached a climax.

The duel between assassins is so exciting!

Backstage at IG, Coach Jin no longer looked confident as before.

At 1 minute and 46 seconds, on the middle line, the Enchantress, who had taken the corruption potion, took down a melee soldier that was pulled over with her basic attack, and then used Akali's Q skill to the limit in the defense tower.

Rookie stared at his own blood line. As expected, he gave up chasing A and immediately turned around and pulled away.

At the contestants' table, Li Hao secretly felt regretful.

He turned around and pulled out his passive, A on the minion.

As long as the enchantress just chased A, she would definitely die. Pull the passive flash back and attack with a basic attack, and then ignite it, which is enough to kill.

As expected of Rookie, Li Hao sold him a flaw, but he didn't fall for it.

If she had the intention of chasing A to regain face, the enchantress would have returned to the spring water by now.

At 2 minutes and 11 seconds, the effect of the second layer of corruption potion on Enchantress disappeared, and more than half of her health was restored, almost the same as Akali's.

The two seemed to be back at the same starting point.

However, the audience's feelings are completely different from before.

In terms of momentum, Akali is on the absolutely strong side.

Looking at the stray thorn moving in the field, I felt that there was a sense of danger in her whole body.

The director's camera quickly cut from the side and jungle areas, and then returned to the center again.

Compared to the middle lane, the other lanes are too peaceful.

Miller looked excited: "I felt a little nervous just watching the game. The duel in the middle was really exciting, with a strong smell of gunpowder. Brother Hao's Akali was performing right from the start."

"But Rookie has reached level 2. Fortunately, the corruption potion has been released, and his condition has improved now."

"Yes, and the army line is close to Rookie's side. Compared with just running away, Enchantress now has another key Q skill."

Colonel Guan continued: "At this time, Enchantress' explosive ability is definitely stronger than before."

"If you make good use of this wave of soldiers, Rookie will have a chance to counterattack."

"Brother Hao is obviously standing further back than before. He must be worried about Prince Ning coming over."


On the big screen, King Ning was moving towards the red zone, with no intention of heading towards the middle.

However, Casa, who had applied the red buff early, wandered around the middle lane at level 2, but failed to find an opportunity and was driven away by Li Hao's Pin signal.

The jungle styles of both sides are clear at a glance.

I thought that there would be a brief period of peace in the middle, but I didn't expect that such a period of peace would not last even 10 seconds.

Just like Colonel Guan just said, Rookie is also actively looking for opportunities to counterattack.

From the moment he picked Enchantress at the beginning, Rookie had no intention of backing down.

The first wave of losses would not scare him.

What about The King?

I, Song Yijin, want to fight back!

As his condition improved, his eyes kept wandering on Akali.

At 2 minutes and 16 seconds, there are five red soldiers and three blue soldiers on the field.

When Akali moved forward to push the lane with Soldier A, she caught Enchantress's Q.

Li Hao looked at the demon mark on his head. He first pretended to take a step back, then turned around and tried to make up for the wounded soldier.

He wasn't worried about the Enchantress coming up to mark the burst of damage. Instead, he locked up his skills and waited for the Enchantress to take the bait.

Song Yijin, don’t let me down!

Sure enough, his little trick couldn't deceive the eyes and ears of Chicken God.

The moment he turned around, the half-blooded Enchantress stepped out!

The magic damage on Akali's body exploded with a blue number of "106", but under the eyes of people, the Marked Thorn turned around and threw the shuriken.

I am fascinated by mysteries! Falcon dance!

"——Return the sword!"

Akali shouted softly, and this time, she hit the enchantress.

Backflip to get the passive Hidden Dragon Seal, and the second E flies towards the Enchantress who is returning from the second W.

Akali leaped over a thousand yards and arrived in front of Rookie Tower, the moment the second E damage was dealt.

Feeling the danger, Rookie pressed the flash button under the tower without hesitation.

But Li Hao had already pressed the Q skill when E was about to fly to the tower. A row of kunai hit the enchantress under the tower and electrocuted her.

The ignition also appeared directly on the Enchantress's head!

"The Enchantress in Akali's E follows, and the second E is followed by the Q and Ignite!"

"Electrocution! The enchantress is severely disabled!"

"Rookie is going to die!"

"Akali speeds up to chase A and enters the tower! Now she can't dodge, the Enchantress turns around and attacks with a ignition!"

"Akali A comes out, Brother Hao flashes out of the tower!"

"The defense tower chases and attacks, this enchantress will be burned to death!"

"It's over, it's really dead!"


On the big screen, the enchantress under the tower was burned down by the ignition effect.


The Incheon venue was abuzz!

From the beginning, the entire venue has been in a heated atmosphere.

This wave of solo kills ignited the atmosphere even more!

At the last moment, the two of them were still mostly alive.

In the blink of an eye, one person was gone, and the other person became disabled, with the ignition effect still on his head.

Two flexible assassins competed in a game, both sides were the best, and the winner was decided in an instant.

How exciting!

Compared with this exciting game, the match between Rookie and Caps in the group stage with the same heroes was completely inadequate.

Facts have proved that it is not that Akali is inferior to Enchantress, but that the summoner is not powerful.

Looking at Akali with 60 health points on the field and the string of IDs above her head.

Many viewers felt inexplicably horrified and shocked.

"OH!! The King wins!"

"Nice solo kill!"

In the European commentary box, Charles shouted: "The assassin performance that made my palms sweat was easily completed in the hands of The King!"

"This is The King!!"

Coster slapped the table in front of him that was painted black and dotted with stars. He roared like a male lion that had just won the right to mate:

"No one can challenge him!"

"The excellent Rookie is no match for The King. He is a true first-class assassin!"

"You can't imagine how terrifying a King who is about to start a dynasty is, unable to challenge! If I say something now about ending Snake's dynasty, Akali's Ninja Scythe can go through the screen and harvest my soul. That's it. Such a feeling!"

"The assassin's duel seems to have just begun, but"

Coster, the top European Haofu, roared:

"Put the crown on him, it's all over!"

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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