LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 420 Who can restore glory?

November 4, 2018, was the second day after Snake won three consecutive championships.

Many domestic mainstream media have rebroadcasted this news and congratulated China's e-sports industry for its sudden and rapid development.

Snake, who won the dynasty, has naturally become a benchmark in the industry.

News about Li Hao winning Fmvp again are everywhere.

Three consecutive Fmvp games, plus a dynasty. Such achievements have pushed him to the forefront of the league and become a trend-setter of the era.

Especially the wonderful performance of S8 has gained him a large number of fans all over the world.

This time it can be said that the popularity exploded, almost sweeping the entire e-sports field.

A large number of Hao fans emerged in places like "Wolfberry Bar", "Brother Hao Bar", and "E-Sports Louvre". They rushed to discuss, reviewed the entire S8 game, and saw the various competition areas. The mid lane geniuses were beaten one after another, and several geniuses were crowned emperors.

Fans who still feel it's not enough have dug out material from a long time ago.

While sighing, someone made this sound:

"Every year we hire a talented mid laner, and my brother Hao is really getting more and more awesome as he gets older!"

Some people also said: "It feels like Brother Hao has turned into a boss with golden light all over his body, Snake and a bunch of elite monsters, and many teams in S8 have just entered the novice village and have not experienced it in other competition areas. As soon as he touched Snake, he was beaten black and blue."

Others are explaining: "Snake's victory is really not because other teams are too weak. It can be compared to the previous seasons. It feels weak just because Snake is too strong. The most unlucky one is IG. They will never lose in the previous championships." Team.”

"Haha, that's right. But my Brother Wolfberry is too much like Sister Wu. I maintain health with my left hand and dynasty with my right hand. It's so outrageous."

Some newcomers who had just entered the industry opened their mouths in surprise when they saw these news and experienced the explanations and comparisons of the veterans.

It is unimaginable that there are such exaggerated existences in the alliance!

On the day of winning the championship, Snake’s championship splash screen appeared on both the official Riot Games and the game login interface of each major competition area.

On the LPL side, the "Dynasty Celebration" event was announced.

Summoners who participate in the event will have the opportunity to win various limited skins and physical rewards. All heroes used by Snake in S8, in addition to discounts on corresponding skins, are also included in the weekly free offer.

Because of the overwhelming news outside, players who originally only played games and did not pay attention to the professional league noticed it, thus attracting another group of people to pay attention to the professional league.

With the support of Dynasty's reputation, Team Snake has made a lot of money.

In just one day, the number of followers on Snake's homepage has increased by hundreds of thousands.

The most successful team in the league, the top powerhouse, and the first dynasty have received a series of labels and honors one after another. The operations department has received a lot of high-quality endorsements, and there is no need to worry about advertisers.

This is something that many teams would not envy.

The domestic discussion is only part of it, other competition regions are also immersed in S8.

After browsing the current LCK forum, Korean viewers have already developed self-doubt.

When the snake team dynasty in the LPL rose to prominence, the LCK really hit rock bottom, including the LPL Incheon Civil War, and the top four and three LPL teams surrounding the LCK team. This is a good illustration.

The identities of the two divisions have been completely reversed.

Some LCK fans shouted from afar: Who can save LCK? Who can restore the glory of LCK?

Such a sound caused great shock in the LCK and attracted the attention of many LCK professional players.

Like many new-generation professional players, a young man from the DWG team was staring passionately at the S8's new championship poster.

This person is none other than Xu Xiu.

In the very simple dormitory of the base, coach Micro was standing next to ShowMaker and looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Xu Xiu, do you have any ideas?" Micro asked.


"I'm very excited and looking forward to the start of S9."

"LCK has changed its story, and we have also changed our story. S9 will be a brand new world."

"The King is very powerful, I hope I have the opportunity to challenge him."

Xu Xiu's expression was serious and her words were firm.

Micro didn't find it strange. He understood the talent of the young man in front of him.

If the LCK is waiting for glory recasters, then Xu Xiu will definitely be one of them.

This summer, in the CK League Summer Split, DWG directly advanced to the promotion and relegation rounds with a record of 13 wins and 1 loss.

In the promotion and relegation match, they first defeated the relegated BBQ team 2:0, and then defeated the BtC team 3:1 in the winner's bracket final to enter the LCK league.

An Internet cafe team entered the LCK top league from the secondary league.

This is a team full of talent, young and energetic, and they have every chance to become a dark horse in S9.

Unlike KT, which integrates multiple eras, DWG is the real new generation of LCK!

Micro's eyes changed slightly. In his opinion, after Snake got this dynasty, they entered the heyday and will probably decline next, because many teams are like this.

And what about LCK?

There are a lot of opportunities now.

If DWG can seize the opportunity during this period and take advantage of the situation to break out of the LCK, it may become the dawn of the division.

Different from the icing on the cake that won the championship in the past, whoever wins the championship now will be the savior of the LCK!

It's hard, but it's tempting for everyone in DWG.

Coach Micro brought them out single-handedly, and he is very aware of the incredible fighting spirit of these young people. They all want to be heroes in the division and prove themselves in such a gloomy moment.

So what about the grassroots teams that came up from Internet cafe teams? Their past identities can’t explain anything. Alliance e-sports focuses on strength.

Wasn't TheKing the water dispenser manager back then? Who would have thought that he could be the dynasty's blessing and have FMvp three times in a row?

Thinking of the rise of The King and Snake, Coach Micro's heart was filled with excitement, and he wished that S9 would start immediately.

Xu Xiu stood in front of the 2018 championship poster, staring at Li Hao, who was definitely in the C position in the poster. The more he looked at it, the hotter his eyes became.

"Senior Wolfberry, I will catch up in your footsteps and become a successful challenger."

Xu Xiu clenched her fists.

"It is our duty to rebuild the glory of LCK."

In Europe, North America, wild card and other competition regions, league players there also have heated discussions.

Especially those League fans who worship heroism have raised the ID "TheKing" to god-like heights.

Li Hao's performance throughout S8 really surprised them, and it can even be said that they were frightened.

Many European and American players believe that Snake's three consecutive championship dynasty may be just the beginning, because no one can defeat a team with TheKing in its heyday.

The intense admiration even made them forget Li Hao's injury history and age.

Coster is very active now. European Haofu is at the peak of his career. He even broadcasts a live broadcast to analyze Li Hao's game. From basic battles to technical battles, to pattern battles and psychological warfare, he analyzes Li Hao's games in all aspects. .

On the basis of consequentialism, Coster has a lot of skills and can interpret Li Hao's various behaviors in a fancy way.

Although some of the explanations are very fantasy and make Li Hao seem to be able to read minds, but the record is too scary, so mind reading and the like are acceptable.

At the same time, he also encouraged European professional players to study "Sun Sky Study" and added his own interpretation in English to translate Sun Sky Study into the English version: "Sun Sky Study".

This is the league's first Chinese-English translation classic. After reading it, European professional players were immediately enlightened and shocked.

Coster calls it Li Hao's dynasty concept. Ordinary players only need to control half of it to win a league championship. Ordinary players can learn a little bit and at least 300 master points.

As for those who don't understand, they can only blame themselves for being too bad.

But all Haochui's explanations are now unique and have unlimited scenery.

This irritated many people.

As a result, a group of Haochui commentators appeared.

However, these new ones can only be regarded as top supporters and cannot shake the status of the old Haochui.

The S8 wind continues to blow.

At the same time, people have also set their sights on the 2018 winter window, which opened on November 16.

Many players are out of contract and big trades are about to happen.

It is worth noting that The King's one-year contract has also expired. He can be called a whale on the trading day, the kind who can make big waves with just one turn.

However, more people believe that The King, who has a good relationship with the club, will still choose to stay with the team. Especially after the Triple Crown, continuing cooperation between Snake and The King is the best solution.

The suspense here became very small with the arrival of the dynasty.

After winning three championships, Snake cannot be short of money.

Li Hao deserves a sky-high contract.

This was the case in the 2017 season, and it should be even more so in the 2018 season.

Some people feel regretful, but most people have already acquiesced that this transaction appeared in the ACE Alliance announcement.

Perhaps, the first transaction on November 16th was this one.

Behind the scenes, many teams are in the same situation as the TSM team at this time.

They all have plans to recruit TheKing in the winter window, and have even prepared sky-high price chips.

However, now it seems that the chance is quite slim.


In the TSM office, Maggiora shouted, then paused.

The orangutan captain stretched out his hand to interrupt him: "Okay, you don't have to say anything, I understand what you mean."

The orangutan captain said in a very decisive tone:

"However, no matter how small the probability is, we will still try."

"This time, I must let The King and the LCS see our determination as TSM!"

"Next year, the European division will officially become the LEC division and separate from our LCS."

"The European division has risen in S8. Look at our North American division. Haha, what a shame! While the LEC performed brilliantly in the competition with LPL and LCK, our North American team was mercilessly beaten."

"Now, only if God comes to the North American region can the LCS be saved! Other than that, I can't think of any way."


Maggiola whispered: "Boss, such a contract even exceeds the maximum annual salary of a top star. If"

"No ifs."

Captain Orangutan said: "If The King comes to TSM, I will laugh out loud."

"The entire LCS will wake up laughing!"

"You should be able to feel his influence in North America. Even my uncle's daughter is a fan of his."

"If you think about it in the long run, that kind of value will overflow a lot."

"More importantly, once The King arrives, we will give him an absolute core position and give him whatever resources he needs. Then TSM will be able to jump out of the LCS quagmire and become a championship team in an instant!"

"Mark my words, he is the real core of winning the championship, the only one in the league."

"Snake's lineup keeps changing and he still wins three consecutive championships. This kind of thing can only happen to The King! His strong personal strength can adapt to various types of puzzles."

"We also have a stupid chicken now, and he fully fits TheKing's tactics."


The orangutan captain became more and more excited as he talked, gesticulating with his hands, and sketching out a blueprint.

He sees everything clearly and is clearer than anyone else.

But soon, the gorilla captain leaned weakly on the sofa behind him, with a gloomy and depressed look on his face.

He understands the truth, but...

Boss Snake has stopped answering his calls.


Thinking about poaching all day long, Mr. Snake naturally doesn't have a good face.

Naturally, TSM is not the only one making plans in the winter window. There are many LPL teams alone, and the capital behind them has been gearing up for a long time.

Unfortunately, Snake's probability of renewing Li Hao's contract is the highest in the league.

On the afternoon of November 4th, Snake’s boss also flew to Incheon and invited everyone to a celebration dinner in the evening.

It was originally supposed to be done after the team returned to China after playing for a few days, but this time it was a dynasty championship, and Mr. Snake didn’t want to wait any longer, and he had to be sincere enough.

Of course, the purpose of Mr. Snake's trip was especially for Li Hao.

Snake, is ready for a long-term contract.

If he hadn't been too hasty and the situation wasn't right, Mr. Snake would have taken the contract directly to Incheon to sign.

Just let the bullets fly for three or four days, and the snake won't care.

Three or four days is a short time, and it is impossible for others to snatch away the treasure of their snake team.

"What did Li Hao say?"

At the entrance to the second floor of Qinggong Hotel, Mr. She asked Shuangquan.

Shuangquan laughed: "No problem, I asked briefly."

"Brother Hao's intention is that he still wants to stay on the team."

"As long as he is sincere enough, there is a 99% probability that he will continue to be the core of our Snake."

Hearing this, Mr. Snake felt at ease, patted his chest and said with a smile:

"Sincerity comes naturally."

He squinted his eyes slightly and asked again: "What do you think we will do next season?"

Shuangquan didn’t hide anything and said directly:

"There is a common view from the outside world that the 2018 season is definitely the peak of Brother Hao's career. After this year's long offseason, he is one year older and it is normal for his condition to decline a bit, but based on his version of understanding, he will still be the best. A strong mid laner.”

"There is no problem in renewing the contract of other team members, so as long as everyone works together, Snake will still be a championship-winning team."

"Next season, we must pay more attention to psychological counseling."

"After all, if you win a dynasty, you have to be careful of players slacking off and failing."

"But to put it bluntly, renewing Li Hao's contract is Snake's top priority!"

Mr. Snake kept nodding, this was pretty much what he thought.

Shuangquan asked again: "Mr. Snake, have you brought the contract?"

"At the base."

"That's okay. We will return to China on the 7th and then sign the contract at the base, so we will be more comfortable."

"It's only a few days, nothing will happen."

"Yes, that's what I'm thinking about."

Shuangquan and Orochi smiled in unison and returned to the place where the contestants were gathering for dinner.

Everyone exchanged cups and had a great time.

We went shopping again in the evening and bought a lot of local products. When we got back to the hotel, it was already close to 10 o'clock.

Tomorrow, they are going to Seoul.

Some team members wanted to buy something over there in Myeongdong.

Compared with China, South Korea, a palm-sized place, is actually not on the same level.

The attractions are not important, I can only check in and appreciate the special local customs.

Li Hao was thinking that it would be a good time to meet Benji and the others in Seoul.

At the Incheon scene, Li Hao naturally saw the figure of the big devil and the stupid chicken.

Li Hao was also quite curious about their arrival.

Looking at the happy teammates and uniform staff in the hotel, Li Hao smiled bitterly inwardly.

I don’t know how they will feel when November 6th comes.

If Mr. Snake brings the contract, he will sign it.

However, according to Shuangquan, Snake always wanted to have a sense of ceremony and sign the contract at the crystal hub of Snake's base.

So, after the health care comes, I don’t know whether it will have an impact.

On November 5, Snake and his team arrived in Seoul.

These are the last two days in South Korea, and they are about to return home with a dynasty victory.

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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