LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 434 Revolving around the sun!

It's hard to describe Benji's mood. He and Bang are also close old teammates.

According to TSM, Li Hao will undergo rehabilitation training around January 25. As long as his condition is not too bad, he may play in the LCS opener this time.

Then, he will join forces with Li Hao to deal with his former good brother.

The famous scene of the banana boat capsizing on the spot is almost guaranteed.

Stupid chicken shook his head secretly, and the inner drama continued:

"Junzhi, if that's really the case, don't blame me, there's nothing I can do about it."

Even though he was once a good brother, Benji, as a professional player, his minimum professionalism does not allow him to do things like "acting" in official competitions. He does not want to bear the infamy.

"Junzhi, going all out is the greatest love and respect I can show you!"

Stupid Chicken thought a lot in his mind, and finally glanced at Li Hao.

What kind of story will happen this season is all tied to Li Hao.

Not only for TSM, but for the entire league world, Li Hao's recovery from injury around January 25 was like a blind box opening.

No matter how optimistic the major teams are, they will still be nervous about such moments.

Who dares to ignore Shi Yizhong?

After the training plan was arranged, Maggiola took Li Hao to visit the TSM base.

Li Hao will live here for the next year, and he must understand the various functional areas of the base.

The entire 25,000 square foot space is dedicated to competition, innovation and content production.

"The King, the e-sports base you see is the largest and most expensive in North America."

Maggiola introduced proudly and opened a glass door.

Li Hao could see that everything in the base was basically brand new, and the walls seemed to be shining.

What surprised him was that on some of the murals hanging on the walls, he saw several pictures of himself winning the championship and holding the trophy. They were framed by carved wooden frames and looked very delicate at first glance.

Li Hao pointed to these murals, and Maggiola explained with a smile:

"This was recently put up. They were originally put on display at the old base. Boss said that these things can inspire the team members. He hopes that there will be many you in the TSM club, and then the entire e-sports circle will be attracted by TSM. Dominate and build an eSports kingdom.”

"Of course, this is impossible."

Maggiola said with a bad smile:

"So far, I have never seen a young talent like you in the club. Boss can only dream."

"Don't say that. I'm just an ordinary professional player. Maybe there are talents in TSM that you haven't discovered. When I was the age of these young people, I was just a substitute. The future is difficult to predict."

Maggiola agrees with Li Hao's words, but like Captain Orangutan, he pays more attention to results.

The only dynasty in the alliance was established by Li Hao.

No other genius has such ability.

All visitors entering the TSM base will first pass through a display case with glass windows on both sides.

There is a clear dividing line inside, representing the old base and the new base.

And TSM's honors were all brought to the old base.

The new base has not yet received any honors.

"What are these two empty golden showcases going to be used for?"

Li Hao was a little curious, and Maggiola didn't hide it:

"This is why the Boss wants to recruit you."

"He believes that the LCS division's first S championship commemorative trophy should be placed here."

"The other golden display window is prepared for Fmvp of S Crown."

Maggiola hypothesized: "If you lead the team and bring the S championship to TSM, then there will be a team uniform with 'The King' written on it, and it will always be remembered by this most luxurious base."

"The S Crown will bring TSM to the top of North America. This corridor will become a holy place in the minds of North American players. The customized team uniforms will be viewed by everyone and become the team culture."

When he said this, Li Hao was looking forward to it.

At the end of the corridor is a hall with a large screen of about 10 feet. TSM-related videos are played 24 hours a day, unless someone wants to play Nintendo All-Stars Brawl here.

Li Hao continued to walk forward and saw a place similar to a training room, but surrounding the huge screen were some seating arrangements that looked like a movie theater. Maggiola said that this place can be used for entertainment, video review, and even game viewing. party.

The red room below is for TSM staff and players to watch live TSM games together.

Maggiola took him to another place where there were many computer office seats. In addition to being a place for e-sports players to work, there were also analysts from and agents from icon-talen. In this open space In the office, employees work together to create TSM’s future vision.

Judging from the layout of the venue, we can feel the ambition of Captain Orangutan.

Next to the hall and through two corridors is the restaurant, with smooth floors, white tables and chairs, and some green plants around, making the environment comfortable and relaxing.

Seeing Li Hao's arrival, an aunt in the kitchen wearing white chef uniforms greeted him friendly.

After Li Hao responded, Maggiola told him that this was his aunt named Mary, who lived in California and was the head chef of the base.

Even though she looks ordinary, she is proficient in multi-national cuisine and can even make dumplings.

Li Hao gave a thumbs up.

He actually knows how to make dumplings, which is amazing!

After walking around the base, Maggiola asked him to do something that all new TSM players would do.

Selecting peripherals in the specially designed Logitech Groom, new players can test all Logitech products, including mice, mouse pads, keyboards, custom headphones, etc., until they are satisfied.

This process took Li Hao about ten minutes.

As for peripherals, his requirements are not high, as long as the sensitivity is adjusted well and the mouse can be used smoothly.

Next, he saw something very 'evil' about TSM.

Previously at Snake Base, I would do some yoga and aerobics, and occasionally play badminton and billiards.

On TSM's side, there is the first healthy focus area in the entire e-sports field.

Not to mention the SPA room and massage by professional masseurs, the sleeping cabin that looks like an alien spaceship is really a black technology.

In the water tank, people float on the water. The cabin is similar to the night sky, with many starlight spots. In it, people can isolate themselves from the outside world, relax their muscles, and adjust their condition for the next game.

"Did you know? Boss created this area because of your influence."


"If you were not troubled by injuries, you would definitely have greater achievements. Boss pays attention to this. Moreover, not only physical health, professional players also pay attention to the mental aspect."

"A clear mind and a strong heart are the ingredients of a strong person."

Maggiola's voice was meaningful: "You once mentioned meditation. TSM's e-sports analysts think that is effective, or it is an in-depth review."

"Have you seen this sleeping water capsule? Its appearance is like a starry sky. Maybe the human mind is the same."

“In the future, we plan to install a display screen that fits the cabin door in the water tank. When an e-sports player lies alone in the water tank, he is isolated from the outside world and can watch replays while meditating in some specific scenes. Deepen your understanding of the game and develop a strong awareness.”

Li Hao almost collapsed after listening to his serious story.

Maggiola was very interested in magical meditation and kept asking for advice even before he went to the area around TSM.

Maggiola didn't understand some of Li Hao's perfunctory words, but he looked at Li Hao even more differently.

As expected of this man!

If you don't understand, it can only be because your level is not high enough.

Don't say that you are just a team operations officer. Professional players like Bang are lost in meditation, which shows how scary it is.

Coming out of the surrounding area, the second floor is the training base he visited before.

There is a large training area in the center with several table tennis tables. You can see several North American players gathered there, but their table tennis skills are very good. Domestic primary schools can’t even take orders.

The new base is indeed very large, with brand new and complete facilities.

After walking around, Maggiola wanted him to take a rest, but Li Hao was worried and went to the training room where Pilsen and the others were.

At the door, he met another TSM coach, SSONG.

He was originally the mid laner of the Najin team. After retiring in 2015, he transformed into a coach and coached successively in Rox Tigers and Longzhu. In 2017, he took over the IMT (immortals) team and promoted the team from the bottom to the second position in an instant. SSONG also won the The title of best coach.

At the end of 2017, TSM rebuilt its lineup around mid-to-top, and SSONG joined the team. However, problems immediately emerged after joining. During drafting, the team had improper communication, which indirectly caused the team to miss the LCS finals for the first time, and the team also lost in the qualifiers. In C9, he missed the World Championship for the first time.

As early as June, ESPN announced that TSM's former Korean coach SSONG had been demoted, and assistant coach Lustboy was temporarily acting as head coach.

However, the arrival of Li Hao allowed SSONG to be retained by TSM.

Because compared to Lustboy, Kim Sang-soo pays more attention to mid-lane tactics.

At the same time, the communication problems within the team no longer exist, and SSONG is like coming back from the dead.

If Li Hao's condition is determined to be OK, Kim Sang-soo will return to the position of head coach.

TSM was not prepared to use Lustboy's team-based play style because Bao had already placed pressure on Li Hao during the winter window transfer period.


Play around the big daddy in the middle, no explanation!

When Jin Xiangxiu saw Li Hao, his eyes immediately lit up.


He immediately came up to me with a smile on his face and said hello politely.

Li Hao asked with a smile:

"I just heard you mention Pilsen?"


Kim Sang-soo explained: "We were playing a training match within the team, but Bjergsen did not participate, so he was training alone."


Jin Sangxiu was a little surprised: "He is playing with crocodiles."

"That's not a good sign."

"TSM cannot carry such art."

Li Hao looked at the worried best coach in North America and persuaded him: "Don't worry, I asked him to do this."

? ? ? ?

Coach Jin had a string of question marks on his forehead, and then suddenly realized:

"Senior, do you want to...!!"

"That's right."

Li Hao said seriously: "Do you think it's feasible?"

"It's totally doable!"

"Bilson is very talented and can pick up heroes quickly. He is definitely more reliable than BrokenBlade."

"However, the premise is..."

"The premise is that I can take the middle road, right?"

"That's right."

Kim Sang-soo knows TSM fairly well. He said:

"Only seniors can control these players by commanding the team from the middle. In the entire league, only seniors can do this job."

"Bilson is very maneuverable and easy to get on top of, especially in the upper unit. I'm not worried about him laning, I'm just worried about getting caught. He needs someone to supervise him."

"If the entire TSM team can operate under effective command, we will be completely different."

Jin Xiangxiu stared at Li Hao with some excitement.

Li Hao's next words did not disappoint him, and Maggiola on the side was also very surprised.

Li Hao was seen shaking his left arm: "I feel that I have recovered well recently. Even if I am not in peak condition, there is a high probability that I can play in the game."

"I still know my own body very well."

Jin Xiangxiu and Maggiola were still thinking about Li Hao's words. He had already walked to the training room and came to Bilson's side.

King Bee is operating the crocodile.

There is a young player in the base who plays Riven and Solo, and is slightly suppressed compared to the early stage of the emperor. At level three, he seizes the opportunity when he is low on blood, calculates his anger, and uses a set of damage to kill Riven.

Li Hao nodded frequently. He was worthy of being a guy who could play with four eyes. His operation was better than Huang's.

Get familiar with the relevant heroes and you will be able to play them on the road.

BrokenBlade's fighting power at the moment is definitely not as powerful as Bilson.

"how do you feel?"

After hearing Li Hao's question, Bilson turned around:

"It feels completely different. The competition on the top lane is more intense, and it's not limited to more accurate skills."

"Once I get used to it, there will be no problem playing on the road."

"But, can you really play the game?"

Li Hao pulled up a chair and sat next to Bilson, and said sincerely:

"The game should be playable, but I don't know my status."

"After nearly three months of injury, it is a challenge for me to return to the middle lane, and it is also a challenge for you to switch from the middle lane to the top lane. TSM also has many challenges in the 2019 season, and we will experience a lot. Difficult, but we are not afraid of challenges, are we?”

After being spared by Li Hao's words, Bilson said "that's right", which showed that he didn't intend to cause trouble and had already placed himself on the higher unit.

This is critical because Broken Blade is too young to face top laners, and Li Hao doesn't want next season to be full of twists and turns.

Bilson is not stupid either. Since Li Hao can play, he can only sit by the water cooler.

Bjergsen doesn’t want to manage the water cooler, he wants to play!

At the same time, Bilson must admit that he is looking forward to Li Hao's status.

The brand-new TSM team also makes the Danes excited.

The 2019 season is like a Pandora's box.

Open it, what's inside?

Looking at the ax wielded by the Desert Butcher on the screen, Bilson's eyes became sharp.

Perhaps, we should write a Danish fairy tale on the road.

In the following period, Li Hao gradually adapted to TSM's slow pace.

However, his arrival has obviously accelerated TSM's pace a lot, and the amount of training is more than usual.

As the current leader of the team, Li Hao cannot leave the field to play training matches, but he has been staying in the training room, studying tactics with the coaching staff, studying new heroes, new versions, new routines, new playing methods, and positioning everyone's work.

In just a few days, everyone felt enriched and felt that there was a lot to do.

The team leader is injured and still in the training room. Are the others embarrassed not to work overtime?

"This should be the reason why wolfberry is successful."

Stupid chicken took the time to sigh.


"Sexual male, have you noticed? His appeal is so strong that it is irresistible and very convincing."

"In a short period of time, TSM has come together, which is completely different from the looseness last season."

"Big brother and Bilson are both arrogant guys, but they both obey my brother's words."

Kabo said excitedly: "As expected of me!"

"It would have been great if I had joined Snake back then. I would have supported my brother and never left him. Now I am afraid I have won three consecutive championships."


"But you don't have a single championship."

Kawhi showed a rare passion in his career: "So, this season is of great significance to me."

"I think I'm going to give it a try too."

"Hey, Xingxiong, how about you manage the water dispenser, and I'll be the starter? If one day I die, you can kick over the water dispenser to save me."

"For example, if you ask me to help you in the opening game, I won't be merciful!"

The stupid chicken was angry: "Bingquan, if I listen to your words, I will hold back!"

"Just watch and I will teach Junzhi a lesson! When it comes to understanding him, you are not as good as me!"

After saying that, the stupid chicken roared in his inner world again:

Junzhi, don’t blame me.

Now someone in TSM wants to get involved with me. For the sake of my career, I can only wrong you.

But you have to believe that I still regard you as a good brother. Every time I stab you, tears will shine in my eyes.

TSM's front office staff all find it incredible to see the team's changes.

They can only boil it down to this: everything is an effect brought about by The King.

"He is the sun and all the planets revolve around him," Maggiora said.

"TSM is completely different. We have formed a trajectory that only the strong can possess."

On January 3, just after Li Hao left for the LCS division, LPL officials released the latest news. The 2019 Spring Split will add two teams, SDG and V5, and the competition format will be a BO3 single round-robin.

The single-cycle BO3 makes LPL matches more intense and exciting.

On January 14th, the LPL Spring Split started on time.

The opening match was between Snake and RW.

Both teams are brand new, but RW has undergone greater changes and its combat effectiveness cannot be compared with last season.

Snake finally defeated RW 2:0 and won its first victory in the spring split.

However, although they won both games, and the Snakes also played with the intensity that a strong team should have, there is still a big gap from the feeling of domination last season.

In the 2018 season, once the powerful Xia team fell into a disadvantage, there was almost no chance of a comeback against Snake.

But today's weak team had several opportunities.

All because that man is no longer there.

It is precisely for this reason that today's LPL is in chaos, with all the heroes rising up, and who will win is full of suspense.

Many viewers have also begun to pay attention to the LCS league. TSM is the opening team. Whether that man will appear affects the hearts of the entire league world.

Time flies and it’s January 25th.

This is two days before the start of the LCS Spring Split.

This day is the day when TSM unpacks the blind box.

And this night is destined to keep Maggiola, Captain Orangutan and others awake all night!

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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