LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 440 Three consecutive Fmvp commemorative skin Magneto King!

“Happy New Year~”

Early on the morning of February 4th, people at the TSM base kept saying "Happy New Year" to Li Hao.

Although the first few games of the LCS season were very successful, at this time, he was still homesick.

For the first time since birth, Li Hao has not returned to his hometown to celebrate the New Year.

Being a stranger in a foreign land, I miss my family even more during the festive season.

The experience at this moment is even more profound.

As you can imagine, my parents must not be used to it at home.

Because of the time difference, he could only convey his blessings and thoughts through messages.

Fortunately, the contract with TSM is only for one year.

In this special year, Li Hao didn't want to leave any regrets for himself.

So, after eating breakfast, he entered the base training room.

The TSM team has long been aware of the "Chinese New Year", which is a very sacred and special festival for the Chinese. In order to let Li Hao feel a little bit of the New Year, Maggiola also specially found someone to post a couplet on the gate and was training again. The word "福" is pasted upside down on the room, and some lanterns and colorful ribbons are hung in the base, making it look cheerful.

Aunt Mary in the kitchen worked with several Chinese chefs to prepare a sumptuous lunch for the base.

"Brother, did you come so early today?"

Kaliu pulled open the gaming chair in the training room and sat down next to Li Hao.

"I'm used to it. There's a game tonight, so come over and get a feel for it."

"At my stage, the state comes slower than the young players. It's impossible not to prepare in advance."

Hearing this, the e-sports mercenary twitched the corners of his mouth.

He has been superb in three consecutive games, killing everything indiscriminately. No matter how young the player is, he can't compare to this.

However, Kabo has gradually figured out Li Hao's habits.

Usually when people talk like this, they are planning for the competition, but it looks like they are about to kill randomly again.

After a while, the starting lineup of the team arrived.

Around 10 o'clock, they played a training match with the FOX team, and the process was quite relaxed.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, Maggiola pulled Li Hao to the office with a mysterious smile.

He said there was a "surprise".

When he arrived at the place, Li Hao was surprised to find that in addition to the Orangutan Captain and several members of the TSM Operations Department, there were also Riot staff members. One of them he also knew, named Brown, who had been following the LCS general manager Chris. Greeley.

After Li Hao arrived, this group of people no longer held back and opened a gift box in front of Li Hao.

Inside is an exquisite hand model with a skin that Li Hao has never seen before, but from the character shape and the ninja scythe, it can be seen that it is Akali.

"TheKing, forgive us for hiding it until now."

"Actually, we are suffering even more. We have been wanting to release this information, but there is no surprise in it."

Brown smiled and said: "Today happens to be the Chinese New Year, and on behalf of Riot, I give you this special gift."

"Fmvp in S competition for three consecutive years, an incredible three consecutive championship dynasty."

"In the past three years, you have been the most successful and greatest summoner in the league. Thank you for everything you have given to the league."

"Our designers made this Akali skin especially for you, I hope you like it."

Li Hao's eyes lit up.

Not only figures, but also skins?

Don't tell me, it's really a surprise.

This is the second skin made for him by Riot Games, the previous one being Blood Romance Ekko.

This time, it's Akali.

For a professional player, this is the biggest recognition from Riot.

As if seeing the joy on Li Hao's face, Brown smiled and explained this skin:

"Her whole body, including the ninja, is red, tainted with the joy of the Spring Festival. I hope you can be blessed and stay healthy. Have you noticed the jewelry around your waist?"

Li Hao took a closer look: "It's a Chinese knot."

"Yes, it took a lot of effort, including the patterns on the clothes and the ribbons, which are all carefully constructed. The textures are exquisite and very clear."


Judging from the appearance of the figure, this Akali with Chinese red meaning adds a heroic flavor, especially the red highlight on the ninja scythe and the faint misty purple on the blade, which has an ancient oriental feel. sense of mystery.

Maggiola brought the computer over, and Li Hao became the first summoner besides Riot's internal designers to appreciate the special effects of this skin.

The three skills of Cold Shadow, Xia Formation, Falcon Dance, and QWE were full of special effects in the demonstration, and the main color was red.

The second E skill will have a fluctuating and flashing special effect after it, which is full of impact.

The ultimate move will have a phantom of red sword light, and at the same time there will be a sound similar to a sonic boom and Akali's scream.

Because it is a three consecutive Fmvp commemorative skin, the taunting special effects are naturally full.

The character will reach into the void in front of him and take out the S Tournament Summoner's Cup three times in a row, with "2016", "2017", and "2018" marked on it in detail. Then Akali will hug the three trophies. , jumping around in place, with a cheerful style.

Regarding the special effects of returning to the city, the style of painting suddenly changed.

Li Hao can hear the lines spoken by the characters. Of course, what he hears now is in English:

"Reach the peak of perfection, the most proud king."

The rough meaning is: "The most aloof king who has reached the top."

The beam of return to the city enveloped a gleaming throne, and Akali, dressed in red, crossed her legs and sat domineeringly on top.

Behind the throne, there are four big flags, namely 2016/2017/2018. On the other side, there is a poisonous snake with its mouth open. The four red flags hunt and make a sound, and finally return to the spring together.

Ordinary heroes stand while buying equipment in the spring.

The most different thing about this Akali is that the old man selling equipment in the spring actually knows her and will say something that can be heard by teammates: "Oh oh oh, noble king, please take a seat, welcome to buy goods, these It’s all top quality.”

If Akali stays in the store for two seconds, the special effect will be triggered, and she will sit on the throne and buy equipment with great panache.

On the shelf behind the old man in the shop, you can also see three very small trophies, which are new to the canyon.

In terms of special effects and style, this skin is absolutely amazing.

Of course, if the player is too tight, the gold coins in his pocket will still be limited.

Li Hao is very satisfied with all aspects of the skin, and it is indeed Riot’s conscience.

The only terrible thing is that when this skin triggers the passive Hidden Dragon Seal special effect, instead of swinging the Ninja Scythe over the head, it gives the Ninja Scythe an extra layer of red light, and you can see that the distance between level A becomes longer.

But the overall look is a bit like a long butcher knife.

I don’t know what the designer who designed this style was thinking at the time. Maybe he wanted to eat pig meat.

Brown also brought a contract, which clearly stated the revenue share of this skin, and Li Hao could get 40%.

This income is equivalent to being given by Riot for free.

After all, it’s them who have the final say whether or not a commemorative skin will be released.

It is impossible for ordinary S competition champion skins to give such a large share.

Of course, with the golden name of Li Hao, this skin will definitely sell well, and everyone will help each other.

Through Brown's statement, Li Hao clearly felt the goodwill from Riot, which was more abundant than before.

It can even be seen from the version changes in the new season that compared to previous years when the hero was greatly reduced, this year's targeting of him can be said to be minimal.

Some of Li Hao's inner speculations are actually no secret at Riot headquarters.

When he joined TSM after being injured, Ryze, Tryndamere and others almost fainted with joy when they heard the news.

Not only did they not have to target Li Hao, they also had to find ways to help.

Balance, the fist has always maintained its own balance.

The LCS is an absolutely disadvantaged group in the world arena. Now that the league's number one person has come to provide guidance for poverty alleviation, Riot Games naturally wants to make things more beautiful.

This commemorative skin has been updated in the last version, but it has not been released.

The skin will be unlocked during today's match between TSM and CG.

This is also Riot’s New Year surprise for all summoners.

The implication of Brown's words is obvious. If TSM can choose Akali today, they will choose it.

The sudden appearance of the commemorative skin will definitely have an explosive effect on the show.

Coupled with the terrifying attention Li Hao currently receives, and at this special time, the possibility of the skin selling out is very high.

In the last round against King P, he was able to kill even Qinggangying at will. Wasn't Akali the master of it?

Brown and another staff member did not stay, and went directly back to the headquarters after finishing the work.

TSM held a special "New Year celebration".

Li Hao tasted the dumplings made by Aunt Mary. The taste was okay, but the armor of the dumplings was a bit high and thick.

In fact, Mary Poppins is more suitable for making egg yolk pie.

Seeing the old aunt waiting expectantly for his comments, Li Hao still said "Death to the Mine Club~" against his will.

However, Aunt Mary was encouraged and said she would make more dumplings in the future. Li Hao had an inexplicable fear of being dominated by the Los Angeles version of Zuo Wu.

"Here, try this."

The stupid chicken was very enthusiastic and shared his most precious thing at this time.

Yes, a jar of pickles.

"You miss home, don't you? I can understand how you feel."

A smile appeared on stupid chicken's face: "I left my hometown earlier than you. Two years ago, I was just like you. On special days, I always miss my hometown more and more."

"At this time, I will eat some kimchi and feel the taste of my hometown, and I will feel much better."

"I hope you feel better too."

Li Hao glanced at his kimchi jar and said, "Why does he look so familiar? I feel like I've seen him in Seoul."

"Haha, your memory is really good."

"When we were eating fried chicken in Myeongdong, I also brought this jar of kimchi. It was given to me by Sang Hyuk."

"How about it? It not only has the taste of hometown, but also the taste of friendship. This should be the most healing food."

Li Hao smiled slightly and was not polite to stupid chicken.

After taking this bite of kimchi, even if it is not my hometown, I am not far from my hometown.

Korean kimchi, imported from China, nothing wrong~~

After a pleasant lunch, everyone rested for a while and played a training match within the team in the afternoon.

Under the arrangement of Li Hao, Jin Sangxiu, the puppet coach, also asked Black and the senior brother to expand the hero pool and train those heroes who they thought had a chance to play after analysis.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, TSM appeared at the LCS Los Angeles Esports Arena on time.

Just like last time, when TSM started, the venue was absolutely full!

According to relevant statistics, the ratings of recent TSM games are dozens of times the average ratings of last year's LCS!

Who brought this exaggerated increase, everyone knows the answer.

TSM's opponent in this game is CG, which is a team owned by the NBA's Houston Rockets.

According to outside comments, CG was once a "clear stream" in the NA transfer market, and there were no big-name Korean players to join.

However, in the winter window of the 2018 season, CG is no longer a clear stream.

Their top laner is none other than Huni, the familiar Hu Burou, who transferred from FOX.

Another player who transferred with Huni is American mid laner Damonte.

The two had a very good relationship during their FOX days, so they came to CG together.

Vulcan, the auxiliary player of the CG team, directly posted the "adultery" emoticon of the two of them. They were lying on the sofa close to each other with weird expressions, which made people shout "I don't understand today's boys."

Damonte even used quite logical means to prove that Huni loved him.

【∵Huni is perfect

And no one is perfect

∴Huni=no one

∵No one loves me

∴Huni loves me]

It's this weird way of proof, filled with a sword-fighting bar style, that makes everyone think Damonte is interesting, or that his brain circuit is flawed.

Now, Damonte is being targeted before the game.

Many people think that with such intelligence, Damonte has the potential to become the Twelve Emperors.

In the selection of North America's next emperor, Damonte's voice is very high. Some people have already called him "D Emperor", you can also call him "Big D".

The jungler is Lisa, who is not famous.

AD players are different.

That's right, it's the famous S3 champion AD

Piglet, piglet!

At his peak, this person was an absolute liver emperor. He only slept four or five hours a day except for training, which once frightened Kkoma.

Every time I see Piglet, I can always think of the amazing four Qs of EZ in S3, which made the boy's son Hong Wen explode.

Of course, that magical smile will never be forgotten.

A man who could also treat Yue Lun as a background version, didn't expect that he would become a hottie after just a smile.

Many people in later generations said that Piglet was short-lived because it committed the sin of arrogance~!

Although the current combat power of the CG team is average and cannot be compared with the LCS Galaxy Battleship TSM, there are many living fossils in this game and it is very interesting.

TSM is still on the blue side, they took down Luo, Niutou, and Kai'Sa.

CG is to take down the Enchantress and Qinggangying.

According to the current mainstream BP, Ice Girl or Galio should be taken down next.

Originally, CG was prepared to ban people like this.

However, Zhurang, who was on the player's bench, intervened and suggested that "Akali" should be removed.

In last year's finals, Li Hao's horrific five kills of Akali were witnessed by Zhu Rang. He had cooperated with the Big Devil in the Assassin era and knew how terrifying this kind of player was. Li Hao's fear in Zhu Rang's heart has exceeded that of the Big Devil. .

Therefore, it is still necessary to take targeted measures.

CG unanimously agreed and took down Akali with the third hand.

It’s not just TSM that’s confused, Riot’s designers are also confused.


Our New Year’s Edition plan for three consecutive Fmvp commemorative skins!

It was ruined all of a sudden.

However, there's nothing they can do about it. They can't stop the CG in advance. That's undoubtedly cheating.

TSM can only adjust tactics.

After some BP, the lineups of both sides were locked.

TSM: Sword Demon, Gragas, Syndra, Lucian, Thresh

CG: Victor, Blind Sin, Ryze, EZ, Bullhead

The course of this game was pretty much what people expected. CG, which had poor strength and poor recent form, was completely overwhelmed by TSM.

Especially Ryze in the middle, who was frequently taken down by Li Hao.

Syndra is a lane dominator. She hit four consecutive Qs accurately at the beginning, knocking Damonte out of the experience zone at level 1.

The more the audience watched, the more surprised they became. Except for Syndra's ultimate move, QWE are all non-directional skills, and they need to be predicted before they are released.

However, Damonte's action trajectory was surprisingly consistent with Li Hao's predicted trajectory!

Take Q, take W, take E!

You can pick up if you move, or you can pick if you don’t move~

There's no one I, Damonte, won't answer!

After his health was suppressed, Damonte did not believe in evil. He did not go home and continued to play games with Li Hao.

As a result, at 3 minutes and 9 seconds, Ryze drew blood.

At the beginning of 4 minutes, Lias's blind monk went to the middle to catch Li Hao, and he squatted for 23 seconds and succeeded in seconds.

In this wave, Syndra got a double kill, and Damonte's game was over.

In the following time, Damonte was killed several times in a row, and the climax of the Los Angeles Esports Arena came one after another!

Of course, it's not surprising that he was single-killed. It was mainly because of his catching skills that the audience was so excited.

As a result, every time Li Hao hit Damonte, the audience cheered continuously.

Damonte himself realized it. He was getting more and more nervous and nervous.

But the more nervous you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

As soon as Li Hao moved forward, Damonte twisted like a water snake. As a result, Li Hao got closer and closer to him, and the space for him to move became smaller and smaller.

In addition to flashing, Damonte, who was under huge psychological pressure and had some deformed operations, did not dodge even a single non-directional skill!

The various techniques for connecting skills kept the audience entertained.

There seemed to be a magnetic field around him that could attract Syndra's dark sphere.

The game lasted 11 minutes and 38 seconds, and Ryze died 6 times, running towards the Super Ghost.

Although the game was still going on, it was almost impossible to comeback after a game like this, and Ryze was completely useless.

The LPL audience watching the excitement were all happy:

"Damonte is as good as Tendo Payne, and he's just like the All-Seeing Tenyin~!"

“Brother Hao, the fourth day of LCS fish fry.”

"Dragon King, P King, another Magneto King is here today! I'm in tears. Brother Wolfberry joined the LCS to find the lost Twelve Emperors."

"Magneto's positioning is impeccable and he can catch every skill. This is also a powerful ability."

"When Ah Shui meets Magneto Emperor's level, he calls him Grandmaster!"

"Brother Wolfberry: Magnet King, why don't you hide your skills? The gangsters all say I transferred the money."

At the beginning of 13 minutes, Syndra and Barrel came to the top.

What shocked Huni was that when Wine Barrel hit him with a set of skills, his Victor immediately became disabled.

Syndra came over, and an EQW instantly took away the head.

Bilson was a little slow and didn't even get an assist.

"Why is this barrel doing so much damage!"

Huni shouted in surprise.

Damonte touched his nose and said helplessly:

"Good brother, the wine barrel has a killing ring."

Killing ring?

What's going on? Isn't this idiot more promiscuous and artistic than me, Huni?

Huni quickly pressed TAP to take a look.

In the inventory of the wine barrel, there is indeed a murder ring.

In the past, in SKT, would a stupid chicken dare to do this?

Ah Xiba~!

The wine barrel's murder ring is almost full!

How can a stupid chicken and a poor jungler do this?

The mid laner studies, the jungler buys rings, and someone in the family cooperates to increase the number of layers.


PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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