LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 456 Exploding data!




For a time, the signal from TL's middle lane was pinging wildly.

Whether they were on the wing or in the jungle, they all saw the situation on Jian Huang's side.

Dutch veteran Xmithie said hurriedly:

"Jensen, stay calm, I'll help you right away!"

Xmithie actually wanted to complain.

How could Xerath be beaten like this by Akali in the early stage?

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend time standing far away?

Of course, Xmithie cannot understand Jensen's difficulties for the time being.

On the player bench, looking at Akali walking around among the soldiers, Emperor Jian frowned deeply.

The situation was obviously different from what he thought.

Especially in the wave just now, even Emperor Jian was somewhat off guard.

Everyone knows how much attention this game has received, but on such an occasion, how could he, a Xerath, be played by his opponent?

"Okay, I'm taking drugs, you come and catch me."

"With his blood volume, no matter whether Rek'Sai is here or not, as long as our set of damage can hit, it will definitely hit him in seconds."

"Even if he can't be killed, if he flashes out, the threat to me will be much smaller."

Jian Huang continued:

"I gained a slight advantage, and it wasn't that easy for him to touch me again."

What he said is correct. A classic long hand versus short hand attack will definitely suppress the opponent's bloodline.

If the short-handed hero's health line is not healthy, he will not dare to stand forward, thus being snowballed by the long-handed hero.

However, it must be able to be consumed by others.

While Jian Huang was speaking, he pressed his Q skill.

Arcane Pulse!


Xerath raised his hands high, and the magic sound effect continued.

He aimed at Akali, and a golden magic lightning bolt illuminated the canyon, passed through the pile of soldiers, and hit Akali directly.

The momentum of this wave was very scary, but Akali in the middle was moving up and down, and Jian Huang was stunned. He charged up his Q and hit her by the corner of her clothes in anticipation.


Jian Huang lowered his head a little. He had already heard the noise in Madison Square Garden.

The pressure came to him instantly.

Jian Huang also understood that after he kept emptying his skills, everyone was watching his good show, just like he was watching Piglet's good show.

However, he has seen many big scenes and can still withstand them so far.

Moreover, it was only three minutes, so it was still early.

Jian Huang, who had just comforted himself, soon heard a voice that cheered him up.

"I am coming!"

Yes, this is Xmithie's voice.

The Dutch sweeping monk is going to the middle road to beg NT$400 from The King.

From God's perspective, the audience saw that the junglers from both sides with red and blue buffs moved toward the middle.

Because Xerath's health line was not healthy, he stood relatively far back, squatting behind the wall of the river.

On TL's side, CoreJJ in the bottom lane looked at the six lanes and pinned a question mark towards the approximate position of the stupid chicken.

They also know that there is a high chance of being counter-crouched.

However, the third-level blind monk and Xerath have a set of explosions together. Akali saves medicine and is in a very subtle state. It feels like she can kill him with one set.

On TSM’s side, Bilson reported in the team voice:

"Darius is very wretched, and Xmithie is most likely not behind him."

The stupid chicken sneered: "The blind monk is coming towards the middle. Xerath's A soldier returns to mana and deducts his skills. He wants to make a wave."

Li Hao stared at the military line and said:

"See that melee soldier?"

He pinned towards the middle, "I'll make up for that sword later, get out of the way of the blue soldiers and give the blind monk a position."

"If he were on the F6 wall, he would be able to touch me from a wide angle if he touches his eyes."

"If he comes with his second Q, let's leave Xerath alone and focus our fire on Xmithie."

"Be decisive and knock him away as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Stupid Chicken responded simply.

At 3 minutes and 39 seconds, TSM's midfielder executed as planned.

The Dutch monk indeed smelled prey.

TL's plan is simple and violent. The blind monk steps forward and uses his skills in conjunction with the red buff to hit a large amount of slowdown. Jian Huang is almost certain to hit with the 1100-yard center W.

If the deceleration in the core area of ​​the Eye of Destruction reaches 60%, then the probability of a stun hit with the E skill will be much higher. As long as E hits, Akali will definitely die with this amount of health.

Despite the possibility of failure, this wave is indeed an opportunity for TL.

Xmithie also wanted to put pressure on the middle to prevent The King from being too presumptuous.

The Dutch monk, who is strong in the early stage, needs to make his presence felt.

On the middle route, as Akali took a step forward and killed the melee minion with one knife, the battle was about to break out.

"It hurts~~!"

Xmithie touched the wall, Tianyinbo predicted Akali's path back, and cleverly came out with Q.



Xmithie's eyes sparkled with joy.

Is TheKing's positioning excellent? I didn’t feel it.

The thought flashed across his mind, and Xmithie followed him without any tricks.

The skin of the Ultimate Fist is full of impact. A red buff effect is produced in one A. Thunder breaks out with a palm, and electric shock falls from the sky. Akali's health bar drops sharply under the fierce attack of the blind monk to Xerath's slashing. Kill line.



Xmithie shouted excitedly, completely ignoring the damage caused by the surrounding soldiers, and continued to pursue!

Jian Huang has been waiting for this moment!

Facing Akali's movement trajectory, Xerath smashed down with a W.

A golden mark appeared on the ground!


However, the joy on Jian Huang's face and Xmithie's basic attacks all came to an abrupt end.

The excavator digs a tunnel and comes over, and the stupid chicken jumps directly and flies away!

The blind monk was knocked into the sky. Li Hao used his backhand to Q and then E. He did a backflip and moved out of Xerath's skill range.

Jian Huang's skills only hit stupid chickens.

The second stage E is pulled back instantly, and the upper ignition is fired to perform a passive basic attack.

On the other end, the stupid chicken's Q underground, AQ on the surface all hit, basic attack A and then full of angry E.

The two gathered fire blind monks, causing Xmithie's bloodline to become critical.

But Xmithie was not afraid and immediately went to A with Akali's remaining health.

Li Hao pressed W instantly for Q!

The acceleration of the Xia Formation and the Hidden Dragon Seal allowed the female assassin to miss Xerath's magical lightning once again!

Akali walked in the Xia Formation, pulled out the ring and used it for passive basic attack, and shot it towards the blind monk again.

This time, let Xmithie click to flash!

On the big screen, two flashes of light lit up.

Akali follows up with Blink while passing through Xerath's blast orb.

Jian Huang's three skills are all empty, and he can only retreat while basic attacking.

Xmithie also wants to turn around and swap Akali with Li Hao.

However, Li Hao used his Q skill passively, and the range of his basic attacks became longer.

The red sword light, which looked like a butcher's knife, struck the blind monk one step ahead of Xmithie.

The Dutch monk looked stiff, watching his screen flashing in black and white.

"First blood!"

The system prompt sounded in his ears, which also stimulated many viewers.

On the big screen, Akali's blood volume was less than 100!

"The most dangerous game, brings the greatest glory." - Noxian Reckoner.

The triumphal effect was triggered, restoring 12% of Akali's lost health.

Looking at Akali, whose blood volume was increasing and who was still taking drugs, Jian Huang's plan to take the kill with basic attacks was instantly frustrated.

At this moment, Emperor Jian was furious.

If he had brought a powerful long sword, A could have killed Akali just now.

"Ding! Ding~!"


The question mark from Xmithie has been pinned towards the middle road.

"Jensen, where are your skills?"


"All my skills have been released."

Jian Huang said helplessly, the skill was released, but it seemed that it was not released.

At this moment, the "Rang Di Hand Shaking Sutra" was triggered, and his body trembled slightly.


At the LCS commentary desk, even Riv, who was mature and steady and had been helping Jensen smooth things over, was shocked.

He controlled his expression and said methodically:

"Now it seems that Jensen's trump card is not suitable to be used against The King."

"Just now, The King dodged three of his skills, one of which was Xerath, and relied on basic attack output throughout the process."

Smith smiled and said:

"Thankfully, Xerath's ballistics are better than Karthus's."

Coster spread his hands:

"After this game, I think Jensen needs to make a call to Piglet. I think they should have a phone call for at least an hour. There is a lot to talk about."

"Actually, it was my prediction of The King that was predicted by The King in advance."

"In this wave just now, TSM's midfielder and jungler were completely waiting for TL to take the bait. TheKing stopped taking drugs in advance to give TL the illusion that they could get the kill. Therefore, TheKing was confident from the beginning. Waiting for skills, Xerath's threat to him is almost only basic attacks."

"This is a strong self-confidence that does not allow for any mistakes, but he just nailed Jensen!"


The audience has been looking forward to Jian Huang's trump card for a long time. Judging from the on-site effects, it is indeed a "skill that astounds everyone". This expectation is undoubtedly worth it.

In Madison Square Garden, the screams didn't stop from the exchange in the middle.

With Jian Huang as a powerful background, Akali's assassin figure, set against the backdrop of a red dress, is not only charming and erratic, but also more calm and elegant.

Whether it is the audience at the scene or in front of the screen, there is a feeling of beauty.

"Let me tell you a joke. I have already prepared a trump card against Brother Wolfberry, hahaha."

"Pig King: Mace King, I admit, my voice was a bit loud last time~"

"Comfort from Los Angeles: Emperor Jian, no matter how many skills you have available, you must be decisive enough when releasing the next skill!"

"Excuse me, all of us in the dormitory laughed like pigs."

"Don't hold back Lu Den, Emperor Jian, please buy an attack speed sword!"


On the LPL side, the barrage and comment areas are really fun.

As for the members of the TL team who were playing, every one of them felt bad.

Let The King get the first blood, plus the red and blue buffs, this is simply a hell of a start!

Zven and Corejj in the bottom lane originally had some advantages based on their hero attributes, but now they are not happy anymore.

Xerath's health and mana were not healthy, and he was worried about being overrun by TSM's midfielder, so Jensen had no choice but to go home.

In this wave, he became the loser.

Li Hao went home and took out the magic shoes and the murder ring, and then went straight on the road with Benji.

Bilson's feedback was very timely, and Teacher Ohmu's ward insertion time was calculated.

When Jensen in the middle discovered that Akali was not online and there were various Pin signals, Impact had become a turtle in the jar.

TSM's top, middle and jungle trio swarmed forward. After the excavator provided a knock-up, Sword Demon's Q line cooperated with Akali's damage, and Impact finally died under Hanying's row of kunai.

With the addition of heads and layers of killing rings, Akali has officially taken off.

For the next three minutes or so, Jensen was extremely wretched, clinging to the defense tower and only using his skills to withdraw troops from a distance.

As long as Akali disappears in the middle of TSM, everyone in TL will be in danger.

At 7 minutes and 01 seconds, Akali and Rek'Sai invaded the bottom lane.

In this wave, all four players in the bottom lane flashed forward, and Lucian and Braum were out of form and had no choice but to go home.

Because the blind monk came to support, TSM did not pursue anymore.

The first water dragon was taken over by Benji and the duo.

Despite being at a disadvantage, the TL team behind the scenes still saw a little hope. As long as the game could be delayed, they would be able to win later.

They hope that Jensen can regain his form and produce the poke effect required by tactics.

At 8 minutes and 43 seconds, a desperate moment occurred in the middle.

In the middle, Akali and Xerath are cleaning up the artillery soldiers.

Jensen was slutty for a few minutes, and now he was focused on the military line, so he didn't fall too far behind in level.

As Xerath released a W, the blue side only had one remaining health cannon truck left, and the red side had three more long-range soldiers.

Seeing that Xerath was leveling A back to blue and using Q to close the cannon truck, Li Hao pulled in Xerath's direction and activated the first big move!

This ultimate move passes through the minions, thus giving space for the E skill.

Jensen did not flash, but instinctively released the impact ball.

But the moment Li Hao landed, his E was on Xerath's head. After staggering the impact of the ball, he got close with the second stage E. He basic attacked A and then Q, then released the Xia Formation to speed up the pursuit.

Jian Huang instantly lost his blood and ran away from the tower.

It's chaotic inside and outside!

The second stage R shuttled over under Akali's sharp shout, and Jensen flashed and fled behind the tower to avoid being killed directly.

However, Akali pulled out the Hidden Dragon Seal and pursued her to the back of the tower. She took the defensive tower damage and slashed flatly to beat Xerath to blood. While pulling out of the tower, she released the fatal Q skill at the extreme distance.

Jensen on the player bench was in despair~~

Xerath was killed, and Akaliela passively accelerated and moved outside the tower!

After safely exiting the tower, Akali still had more than half of her health including the health recovery from killing people.

Even though Jensen had a flash, backed up by a defensive tower, and had a series of safety factors, he was still killed by one attack and couldn't escape at all.

This feeling made Jensen suffocated.

His ideal image of taking the initiative to attack and push The King into a desperate situation with constant pokes has no chance of being realized.

Even Jensen himself felt that his Xerath was useless.

Akali's current development is already a disaster for TL.

At 10 minutes and 9 seconds, TSM's midfielder forced a tower jump.

Xerath, who had not flashed, was knocked away by the excavator. The Dutch monk kicked Akali away. Akali's second E wave flickered to Xerath, and a big move passed under the tower. The ancient wizard The spirit collapsed into a pile of rubble.

The duos from both sides rushed over. There was no fight in the follow-up wave, but TL's middle lane collapsed.

Stupid Chicken got the Canyon Pioneer, allowing Li Hao to eat up all the tapioca in the middle at 11 and a half minutes.

The two of them went to the wild area, used their vision advantage to calculate the location of the blind monk, and made a beggaring trip to the Dutch monk at the stone monster.

On the big screen, Akali E pursued the stone monster in reverse. She used a passive basic attack, followed by Q, followed by Xia Formation, entered the tower, and then pulled the passive Hidden Dragon Seal. When the defense tower attack light came on, she killed Luohuang with one basic attack. The blind monk who escaped followed E back to eat the stone monster again.

This wave of flying thunder gods made the audience watching the game hooked.

The LCS Spring Finals has become Akali’s show place.

For the entire league, this is Li Hao's belated New Year's surprise.

Teacher Omu who was under the tower on the road shouted "Brother Ba, bless you", and he TPed to the front tooth tower in an attempt to escape.

Bilson flashed QE with a big annihilation and knocked Noshou away.

This wave of three people jumped the tower, and Bilson used the death-giving sword energy to kill one person under Akali.

The barrage was full of "better than the emperor"!

Bjergsen on the player bench was also having fun, and the Dane laughed without grace.

Climb up the tower and break again. The skin of the tower is divided by three people.

At this point in the game, TL's winning rate is probably only 10%.

In the 17-minute Xiaolong team battle, TL lost even the final 10% chance of winning.

Akali, who got three kills in the team battle, escaped from the battlefield with the Xia Formation. Zven dealt the most damage to Li Hao, but Lucian died under a cloud of pain.

Looking at Akali with remaining health, Zven shouted Jensen in the team voiceover.

Jian Huang didn't hesitate and pressed Xerath's ultimate move.

Level 11 Xerath fired four cannonballs at Akali, each of which was a fatal threat to Akali.


Jian Huang fired into the air, but Akali sauntered out of the way of the impact point of his shell.


"Empty again!"

"Miss! Keep missing!"


The commentators were all a bit incoherent.

"I discovered something very sad," Coster said.

"Actually, I also discovered it." Smith also gave up.

Under Riv's praise, the two shows said:

"Jensen is even worse than Piglet, because Karthus' ultimate move does not require prediction and can explode directly on The King's head, while Xerath's ultimate move can only increase Jensen's blood pressure."

"Yes, if I were Jensen, I would never use Xerath in the future."

"This game is over. A super god Akali who has already killed 15 times cannot be solved by TL at all."

"I hope Jensen has other tricks up his sleeve."


The game lasted 24 minutes and 12 seconds. Amid the applause and cheers of nearly 20,000 people at Madison Square Garden, the TSM players in the player stands stood up to celebrate.

Many viewers were surprised when they saw the data on the big screen.

The 2019 season is a year where LCS data explodes.

In previous finals, no professional player has ever been able to produce such exaggerated statistics!

In just 24 minutes, he scored 20 kills with an assassin hero!

Many spectators who came here to watch the LCS finals for the first time were all stunned. Their emotions were aroused, and they even wanted to play Akali.

The on-site guide was very interesting, and a clip was played back.

The content inside has nothing to do with the game, but a scene of Akali shopping in the spring.

The old man at the spring water store was saying good things to Akali, while the female assassin was sitting on the throne buying equipment domineeringly, with great style!

And this is the treatment that belongs to the first person in the league.

You didn’t receive a New Year surprise, but you did receive a special surprise for the finals!

A killing show from Shi Yizhong!

"Oh oh oh, distinguished king, please sit down and welcome to buy goods. These are all top-quality goods."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

National Day is coming soon, I wish the motherland and everyone a happy holiday!

S12 has started, LPL teams come on~~!

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