LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 461 Where is our God now? !

As the mid-season championship approaches, the playoffs in each major region have entered the final stage.

The same is true for the LPL division at this time.

After winning three consecutive S championships, the LPL division has undoubtedly become the strongest division at present. In the S8 semi-finals, the scene of three LPL teams surrounding a Korean team is vivid in my mind. In the Incheon finals, two extremely powerful LPL teams fought internally.

Regarding the dominance of the S competition, the LPL division has reached its peak.

This season, due to extreme reasons, Shi Yizhong left his hometown and went to North America.

This caused Snake, who had just established his dynasty, to lose his deadly fangs.

Although Snake still maintains the top three levels in the league with its deep foundation, there is still a huge gap compared to last year's dominance.

However, in the latter part of the regular season, Snake performed well in the jungle, and coupled with the most stable bottom lane combination this season, Snake still won 12 wins and 3 losses, and won the first pick of the regular season.

In second place is IG, with only one fewer win than Snake.

When one super team's dominance of the league disappears, powerful players from all walks of life take advantage of the situation to rise, which has led to the current LPL entering the most chaotic era.

All the talented young players showed their heads one by one after the suppression in the sky disappeared, all working hard to show off their super strength.

Therefore, even the top three teams in the division cannot guarantee a guaranteed victory when facing other teams.

The biggest suspense of the game is the LPL division at this time.

Even in the regular season, the audience has already seen the clues.

The probability of winning the game 2:1 is higher than that of sweeping it 2:0.

Moreover, many of them were won in thrilling duels.

In the playoffs, it's even more true.

The roster of the S9 Spring Playoffs is packed with talents, including glorious dynasties, ancient giants, the "Royal Three Families" and young upstarts. No matter which team is there, it is quite interesting to watch.

Starting from April 4th, an inconspicuous team on the fringes of the playoffs has been causing trouble in the LPL playoffs!

This team is none other than JDG, which won the Most Improved Team award last year.

No one could imagine that they, ranked eighth in the regular season, not only did not get out of the first round, but instead went upstream crazily!

April 4th was another sad day for the old 60E.

JDG defeated WE from below and easily sent away WE with 3:1.

At five o'clock in the evening, the old 60Es broke through the defense.

As soon as JDG came up, they shaved off the traditional giants of LPL with a 16:0 bald head!

Looking at the data that everyone has zero or even a few points, the 60Es don’t know what to say.

When the game reached 2:1 and entered the decisive game, everyone was looking forward to seeing the laundry detergent choosing the enchantress.

But instead of being the savior, this enchantress only managed an average damage of 398 points, which made many old 60E players feel sad and cursed.

This is not only very different from the average damage of toothpaste, which is close to 700, but also far from the performance that everyone expected.

Of course, 60E players are not blaming Xiye, because he really tried his best in this series.

However, the black rose that the old 60E fans want to see is blooming in the LCS right now.

April 4, 2019, the spring rain was pouring, and it was another day when the old 60E people missed the cornerstone of the dynasty.

Soon, WE's sadness was conveyed to Yujianmen.

On April 6, RNG played against JDG in the playoffs.

Uzi's opponent is none other than Imp who is currently in great shape!

In the last round, Imp faced WE and used Kai'Sa to score more than 900 points in average damage.

In the first game against RNG, JDG won the game in 30 minutes thanks to the outstanding performance of Flawless and Imp.

In the second game, the dog fans at the scene became excited again.

Who said Uzi can't play Xia? !

On 12/4/6, Uzi produced MVP-level data and even accounted for 46% of the team's output, helping RNG regain a victory and return to the same starting line as JDG.

The third game started again, and Uzi selected a representative hero.

Night Hunter, Vayne!

Vayne, who scored 10/1/5 in the game, made the sound of Uzi Uzi ring out in the game.

In this game, Imp's performance was crushed by Uzi.

The moment he got the match point, Uzi showed a confident smile, and the old dog fans burst into tears. Uzi can still fight!

After two games, they were convinced that the crazy puppy from back then was back!

I thought that RNG would take advantage of the situation to sweep away JDG. Unexpectedly, in the fourth game, Zoom started a high-level duel, with a lead of 6,000 yuan.

The leader of Noxus, who was born in the upper class, cut down 32% of the team's output, and both sides played the fifth war hymn!

What I never expected was.

As soon as the sky opened, the sword shattered on the spot.

RNG selected top laner Ornn.

Unfortunately, without the constraints of the equality treaty, Zoom turned on the high-end mode, and the DJ boy was 8,000 yuan ahead of Zoom!

Who can stop the super god Archangel of 10/0/7? !

On April 6, the sword shattered Hangzhou.

A sad song lingered in Yujianmen's heart.

At the LGD Alliance eSports Arena, RNG officially bid farewell to the spring of 2019.

The broken sword is restored and we will fight again this summer.

The previous WE fans had warmed up, and the Yujianmen people did not follow the procedures, and they also left tears of regret.

On April 6, the spring rain continued and rained continuously.

That night, many RNG fans recalled 2016.

At that time, it was also spring.

On their bench, next to the water fountain, sat a young man named "The King".

Who can I complain to when I feel so sad?

In the RNG forum, a friend of five years uploaded a sketch.

It's very realistic, with a bench and a water dispenser.

The water in the water dispenser has boiled, but the person who poured it out is nowhere to be seen.

Woohoo, our sword-wielding dynasty! !

JDG won two games in a row and reached the semifinals!

The eyes of the LPL audience were all attracted.

Currently ranked first in the league is Snake, a super team with a dynasty heritage.

It even overtook IG in the second half of the spring regular season.

The e-commerce army and the e-commerce miracle should be coming to an end, right?

On April 13th, still at the LGD Esports Arena in Hangzhou.

Something happened that made the whole place excited and crazy.

Facing a team with dynasty heritage, JDG not only showed no fear, but became more courageous as they fought!

There are two young people in their 20s, weighing more than 60 kilograms. They are Imp and Zoom. In this round of semi-finals, JDG relied on their more team performance and the dazzling performance of some players to win the game. Dragged into the fifth game!

Many snake fans cried out!

Damn it, this is the RNG script, I saw it last week!

For JDG at this moment, they have no psychological pressure. They don't lose even if they lose, and they make money when they win!

Therefore, in the final battle, everyone was extremely excited.

And Snake has a lot more baggage.

After all, this is a dynasty team, and in order to defend its glory, it must not lose!

The emotions of the players were fed back into the game.

Zoom became the biggest X factor in this game.

The first-hand captain produced 42% of the team's explosive output!

The two sides fought for 42 minutes and 01 seconds, and JDG won a thrilling 3-for-5 victory over Snake in the key team battle.

Both sides' high ground has been destroyed, and whoever loses the team loses the game.

Under the eyes of many spectators in disbelief, JDG's remaining captains and Galio led the middle line into the high ground.

The Snake team members have just resurrected and walked out of the spring, and the captain has already exploded the old crystal!

At that moment, the emotions of Snakes fans were indescribable.

At that moment, Brother Holy Gun on the player bench was so angry that he slapped the keyboard angrily.

The e-commerce army’s celebrations sounded in the contestants’ seats next door, and people like Zoom and Toothpaste raised their arms in excitement.

JDG completed an epic string of threes and completed the miracle of black eight.

They are the darkest dark horse in the LPL spring and are about to enter the 2019 spring finals!

April 13th was a sunny day, but for the Snake team and fans, it was more like an extremely gloomy day.

Since the 2016 Summer Split, Snake has never missed a world event.

Moreover, they have been winning consecutive championships in world competitions and have dominated all major competitions for three years.

Now that they have just won the glory of the dynasty, they have to tear off the fig leaf.

The first place in the regular season is the result of the efforts of the team members. It is the final embellishment of past glory!

Their glory will last forever in the history of e-sports and will be difficult to surpass in the future, that’s for sure.

However, in today's era, they must admit that they have left the grandest stage.

The prosperity and decline are so consistent with the laws of all things.

After JDG's string of three, the audience kept witnessing what happened in the LCS.

Major forums, especially those related to Snake, were filled with complaints.

An old snake fan expressed sadness and anger:

"If Brother Hao was here, why would this happen?"

"That's right. Snake was careless. Why not take a gamble and show a little more sincerity at that time? He would definitely be able to keep Brother Hao!"

Someone sneered angrily:

"Letting Brother Hao go was definitely the wrong decision. However, this was not entirely Snake's fault. At that time, there were so many voices saying that Brother Hao was dying, that the injury would not heal, that he would suffer a serious decline, and that he would even be unable to play the game due to the sequelae. What are you looking at now? This is all bullshit! If Brother Hao leaves, these people also have a very big responsibility!"

"Could another person be able to produce this kind of data in the LCS? Do you really think that the LCS is made of dirt? Do you really think that everyone can defeat the Twelve Emperors?"

"Brother Hao in the 2019 season is still the strongest mid laner, even stronger than in the 2018 season!"

"Such a heaven-defying weapon is unwilling to give a contract."

"Get rid of it! Get rid of the uniform staff, coaching staff, and operations department! Get rid of them! Get rid of them all!"


There are really not a few people who rant like this in the forum.

Moreover, there were also many people who responded.

There are still a large number of Hao fans dissatisfied with the matter of letting Li Hao go.

At times like this, it's natural to vent like crazy.

However, after enjoying the full release, everyone felt extremely empty.

They started discussing another issue.

"Another day of missing God. When will the eternal God of LPL come back?"

On April 21, 2019, the LPL Spring Finals officially came to an end.

JDG, who performed a miracle of black and eight, finally fell at the Foshan International Sports and Culture Performing Arts Center. After a week passed, their fiery touch seemed to have cooled down.

In addition, he was unable to retain his energy when fighting Snake, so he used all his trump cards, which resulted in him being thoroughly studied by IG.

3:0, IG swept JDG and officially represented the LPL in the 2019 MSI.

Compared with last year, except for the coach, IG has no changes in the starting players.

Many people believe that this team, which shined in the World Championship last year, can achieve greater success in this year's MSI.

Just after the quota for the LPL was confirmed, the official updated the list of participants in the MSI three days later.

Thirteen teams from thirteen divisions around the world will compete for the "Mid-Season Championship".

The tournament held the qualifying and group stage competitions in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi respectively, while the subsequent semi-finals and finals were held in Taiwan Province of China.

According to the previous World Championship results, the representative teams from the three divisions of LPL, LCK and LEC do not need to participate in the qualifying rounds.

The two divisions, LCS and LMS, will automatically advance to the second round of the playoffs.

This official arrangement can also give those small competition areas more gaming experience.

If they were really allowed to compete against the world's top teams, they would probably be beaten to the point of breaking their defense.

As May approached, another incident occurred in the LPL division that shocked fans and viewers.

The source is in the live broadcast room of Sharks and Pigs.

After the LPL playoffs ended, a large number of Hao fans and wolfberry fans recalled Li Hao and called for the return of God.

On the evening of April 28, Sao Zhu was in high spirits, controlling the snake girl while chatting with water friends about this matter.

Recently, due to the establishment of Pippi Happy Hope Primary School, the prostitute teacher has improved the situation and brought a wave of positive energy.

The establishment of a Hope Primary School allows some dedicated teachers to not have to rush for water and electricity, or to feel the roaring cold wind outside the window.

Teachers and students can calm down and integrate into it.

This means that some children in mountainous areas have the opportunity to change their future and destiny.

Although Sao Zhu does not do as much as Principal Gu, and some people say that he is putting on a show, more viewers hope that he can put on more of this kind of show.

In front of the camera, the naughty pig chatted a bit too much.

He said that a new Hope Primary School will be established soon.

For a time, the water friends became very curious.

What's going on? Will Shaozhu become the next "Principal Gu"?

That is really the super positive energy of the alliance world!

"Ya'er, it's not me."

"Don't get me wrong, it was donated by a friend."


Saozhu's words made everyone more curious, and everyone asked, who is this friend?

Are they other team members?

At the beginning, Sao Zhu kept saying that he wanted to keep it secret and never reveal it.

However, the water friends used various threats and coercion to make Sao Zhu submit.

Some people said they wanted to remove the host, some said they wanted to report the anchor, and some said they wanted to throw a snake into his house, etc.

In front of the camera, the naughty pig was numbed:

"Ya'er, before he went to North America, I promised him that I would never reveal it to the outside world."

"I can't say who he is. Mr. Liu always keeps his promises."

When he said this, netizens immediately went crazy.

Who else is Saozhu’s friend who recently went to North America? !

Someone immediately broke the news that a certain man had an appointment with Sao Zhu before going to North America.

Some people say they saw them at the Whampoa Hotel.

Others said that they once stopped by the Huangpu River.

Suddenly, many people remembered what Saozhu had posted before, which was at the beginning of the year.

WC! is God!

Immediately, netizens stepped up their questioning.

Once the news spread, Saozhu could resist it at first, but soon couldn't resist it because Haofen came so fast.

In just a few minutes, the barrage was captured!

"6.6 billion Haofen has arrived!"

"The Twelve Emperors are coming!"

"JRs, you're late. You just came back from the LSC e-sports circle. Are you telling the truth here?"

"Recruit the truth, otherwise report the anchor GHS immediately!"


The backend data monitoring personnel at Dousha headquarters were shocked.

In such a short period of time, there was no traffic weighting. Why did the prostitute teacher gain such a large amount of traffic?

Damn it, the flow is too high, it’s going to explode!

When Li Hao commissioned Sao Zhu, the prostitute teacher patted his chest and promised that he would keep it secret.

Now, the naughty pig who can't stand the pressure of the majority of water friends can only choose to backstab.

However, he only stabbed half of it in the back and did not say Li Hao's name.

I just mentioned a glorious LPL player who has now gone to North America.

Regarding this kind of deceitful behavior, water friends choose to keep this fig leaf for the slutty pig. After all, the slutty pig is also a decent person.

In front of the camera, the prostitute teacher narrated:

“His pattern is huge.”

"You heard it right, it's 3 million US dollars."

"That's more than 20 million! This is the trust in me, Mr. Liu. Fortunately, I handled this matter very well and smoothly. This is why I didn't tell everyone before."

"Why donate so much?"

Saozhu was stunned for a moment, and he recalled:

"I asked him this question when he left."

"He just smiled at me, randomly picked a different topic, and didn't tell me the reason."

"But, I admire it very much."

“In the entire esports world, he’s the only one who does that.”

"Moreover, at that time, he clearly emphasized that I should not tell this matter. Ya'er~~ If you guess who it is, don't say that it was me, Liu, who told you."

On the evening of April 28, the Saozhu live broadcast incident revealed an even more unknown side of the number one e-sports player.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

In league circles, this incident caused huge concern.

Traffic was already exploding, and now it’s spreading even faster.

As the prostitute teacher himself said, in the field of e-sports, this man is the only one doing such a thing.

Many fans and passers-by are moved and miss him.

Fans proudly said: "This is why I like that man! He never disappoints!"

"Do you know why Brother Hao is Mr. Big Scene? Why can he face tens of thousands of people so calmly and listen to the cheers of so many people? Because his mind is bigger than we imagined!"

"Brother Hao is still your Brother Hao!"

Someone cried:

"Brother Hao, come back~~ Let's play hometown e-sports together!"

Some people were moved and asked:

"Where's God?"

“Where is our God now?!”

Someone responded below:

"On April 29, 2019, the LCS representative team TSM arrived in Ho Chi Minh City"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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