LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 467 It’s just a lie left by this man!



On the mini map, TSM lit up the beacon.

At 1 minute and 19 seconds, the scan on the prince's head was turned on, eliminating Baolan's opportunity to invade the ward in his own F6 area.

Coach Mafa in the background was already suspicious, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger at this time.

In just over 1 minute of the opening, TSM has already demonstrated its understanding of IG in small details.

From God's perspective, Dao Mei eliminated this ward and stood near the F6 wall waiting for the line of troops.

The TSM duo helped Benji win, and TheShy also helped Ning Wang win.

Because of the lack of attention just now, IG has already grasped the trends on TSM's side.

The IG backstage uniforms heard clearly that Commander Ah Shui in the team was still urging the shy man and the broiler to be careful of the stupid chicken.

Judging from previous TSM games, Benjihong drove to the upper half to clear the jungle, and then focused on the middle, linking The King to do things. Once the middle opened up, TSM would calmly start the middle rhythm. This is almost their most A mature way of playing.

Everyone at IG who has studied TSM for a long time knows it very well.

Of course, many LCS teams knew this very well, but they still lost in the end.

Mainly because TSM's absolute strength in the middle is too difficult to deal with.

However, Chicken Allah’s Light of God can barely resist it.

IG's team voice is communicating, and TSM is also communicating.

At 1 minute and 33 seconds, when Li Hao saw Niutou and Kai'Sa on the bottom lane, he instantly understood IG's early formation.


Li Hao called out stupid chicken and followed the mark down the road.

In the player's seat, the stupid chicken bulged his fleshy cheeks, his eyes wandered from the red buff to the bottom lane.

At 1 minute and 45 seconds, everyone saw that the prince immediately moved towards the bottom lane after finishing the red buff.

Because the TSM duo came online late, the army line was overtaken by TSM.

Ah Shui focused his vision on the grass in the river. Because they were aware of TSM's jungle movements, they positioned themselves relatively forward.

Taking advantage of the army line, Ah Shui also made the senior brother miss a last hit in detail. At the same time, he took advantage of Xia's last hit to rain down on Icasia, and he also took advantage of the blood exchange.

From the perspective of the IG duo, if they can continue to play like this in the early stage, Kai'Sa's development will be faster than expected, and the combat effectiveness of the lineup will be formed in advance.

While the prince is on his way, the camera moves to the middle.

At 1 minute and 49 seconds, Sword Girl stacked up her passive, Q-dead ranged soldiers instantly struck with sharp blades, and rushed into Syndra's face.

Broiler reacted quickly. He saw the sword girl start to move and release a dark magic ball behind her.

According to the current Q skill mechanism of Dao Mei, no matter how far away the opponent is, it will always rush behind the target. Assuming that the target dies during the Q process, the Blade Assault will also be refreshed.

Syndra was moving, and the landing point of Sword Girl's attack was already determined.

Chicken Master threw Q on Dao Mei in detail. Li Hao turned sideways slightly, but still couldn't avoid the ball's judgment range.

However, the sword girl with the talent of the conqueror and the enthusiasm of Ionia made Syndra dare not stand up at all.

Li Hao A launched two basic attacks and immediately retreated.

Syndra fell close to two bars of health, and turned back to chase A-sword girl.

Li Hao retreated decisively, and the range of Dao Mei's basic attack was 200 yards. When he escaped without being blocked by the soldiers, he did not let Broiler A make a second attack.

The electrocution did not work, and the broiler suffered a small loss due to this wave of blood exchange.

On the big screen, the director immediately turned the camera towards the bottom lane.

1 minute and 55 seconds, the prince arrived!

Seeing Luo walking straight forward, Ah Shui and Bao Lan felt something was wrong.

They wanted to withdraw, but because they started to press too deep, it was already too late.

Everyone was at level 1, and Blake faced Ah Shui and made a grand debut.

Ah Shui moved diagonally backward, and the bull's head came over, but Kasha was still lifted up by Luo.

Li Hao, who cut the screen to look at the bottom lane, felt happy when he saw this scene.

He shouted: "Don't save skills, you can kill!"

Blake showed no mercy and immediately released the ignition before being run away by the bull.

The prince with the red buff appeared from the river. The moment Kai'Sa landed, the second company of EQ carried the rhythm of war and the red buff's basic attack, hitting Kai'Sa hard.

The elder brother activated the W that he had prepared long ago, allowing Luo to enjoy the effect of the fatal feather coat.

There was a commotion at the scene, and Ah Shui was left with only one and a half health bars almost instantly. The treatment was unable to raise the health volume under the effect of ignition.


Kai'Sa flashed and fled to the defense tower.

Because TSM had communicated in advance, Benji and Senior Brother did not hesitate at all.

Three flashes of golden light lit up one after another!

The prince chased to the edge of the defense tower and attacked with a basic attack and slowed down Kai'Sa, while Xia continued to chase A.

The stupid chicken held the defense tower, swung the spear from top to bottom, and poured a burst of sharpness into Kaisha's body.

The blood light special effect flew out from the health bar, and Kai'Sa died on the spot!

"First Blood!"

The first blood was taken by the stupid chicken.

In the backstage lounge, Mafa slapped his thigh depressedly.

"Catch the stupid chicken at the second level?!"

Colonel Guan didn't know whether he was happy or sad, but he raised his tone and said, "IG didn't expect it at all!"


Wang Duoduo said: "Judging from the details of the opening, TSM's formation changes are very orderly and the purpose is very clear. This is for IG."

"You know, Brother Hao knows IG very well, so the TSM they face will be very different."

"I have been paying attention to the mini map just now. The signal marks given by TSM are always ahead of time."

"Even the wave of active exchanges of blood by the knife girl in the middle may be to attract attention."

Miller was also surprised:

"IG should be careful, TSM is completely serious about this game."

Colonel Guan looked at the barrage and comforted the hearts of IG fans:

"Now it's just first blood, and Xia Xia hasn't taken the kill. With IG's lineup, if we delay the time a little, the chance is still great."

Suddenly, the old IG fan was furious:

"Shut up, dog!"

"Thank you on behalf of IG!"

"Brother Wolfberry must have transferred money to Guan Zeyuan."

"Kill the tube dog and grab the remaining frost!"

On the big screen, after the stupid chicken finished killing people, Xia was left to take the line alone, while Luo and the prince entered the river together.

Baolan immediately pins the signal and gives a voice reminder.

Now, TSM's Nosuke can quickly eat river crabs, can also catch them in conjunction, and can also threaten Zhu Mei's blue buff.

King Ning is fighting the three wolves, and he is also making decisions.

Next, he went to play Lantai Adventure. He planned to go around the middle of the second tower to eat upper river crabs and also protect the middle road.

If nothing happens to Syndra, he can find opportunities to cooperate with the broiler to catch, or go to the top lane to put pressure on Neeko.

The prince is anti-blue, so he can change to the jungle.

However, on TSM's side, after the prince cooperated with Luo to quickly collect the river crabs, he did not enter the Zhumei jungle area at all.

Benji's basic strategy in this game is not to invade King Ning's wild area at all.

As a veteran jungler, despite his naive appearance, his heart is as clear as a mirror.

The prince does not need to take a detour and is faster.

After hunting down the crabs in the lower river, he passed behind Li Hao, avoided Syndra's sight, and went directly to the upper half of the river.

The position of the cock is relatively far back, because Black's head is never exposed.

He must be careful of Luo coming to the middle.

At 2 minutes and 30 seconds, there was another fight in the middle.

Broiler guessed that Li Hao wanted Q soldiers, so he accurately released the dark magic ball to consume.

At the same time, the E skill is directly launched!

In this wave, Broiler was sure that Li Hao was going to hit him in the face and deal damage, so he prepared to interrupt the connection of his skills and earn a set of skills and electrocution damage.

However, Li Hao stood on a higher level.

On the big screen, the moment Dao Mei Q killed the soldier, the dark magic ball fell down.

The first double-winged blade has appeared behind the sword girl. After the next sharp blade rushes forward, the second E is predicted to be half of Syndra's back.

The Dark Head of State launched the magic ball, but the sword girl did not show her face!

Irelia's figure shuttled between the long-range soldiers behind the red square artillery soldiers.

It was precisely by giving up the damage of this Q skill that Sword Girl narrowly missed Syndra's dizziness!

With a pull of Biyi's double blades, the cock was stunned!

The dazzling chess game on the big screen made the scene burst out with exclamations of surprise.

Sword Girl took advantage of Syndra being stunned, walked up to A and launched a basic attack, and continued to chase A.

Broiler looks ugly, he has no skills, and he is bound to suffer losses this time.

Dao Mei uses the special effect of Conqueror, coupled with the passive effect, Master Fa's body cannot bear it at all.

The 9.8 Sword Girl is still after being nerfed. If it is an S8 Sword Girl, if Master Fa is pulled by the Sword Girl E, there is a high probability that the screen will go black.

Rookie was beaten to a third of his health, and King Ning came from behind the tower to support him.

However, Li Hao knew that Rookie had a barrier and did not pursue him.

Despite being electrocuted by Rookie's backhand A, this wave of blood exchanges still made a lot of money!

Moreover, Prince Ning wasted time again. When he arrived at the upper river at 2 minutes and 45 seconds, he searched the river for 3 seconds and found that the prince had just collected the river crabs.

At this time, the prince upgraded to level 3.

Pig Girl is only level 2, and King Ning's rhythm is out of whack!

Bilson, who was on the road, saw Piggy running back, and immediately became more aggressive.

As a vampire, facing the strong Neeko in the early stage, even TheShy can only be wretched in the future unless he makes a big mistake.

What's more, the upper half of the area is already controlled by stupid chickens.

"Can I catch it?"

In the team voiceover, the stupid chicken is chasing the pig girl while moving closer to the middle.

"I can't catch you. You didn't dodge."

Li Hao responded and said:

"You just pass by and let them know that you can go and fight against the blue."

"Blake, follow up."

"Pig sister will not give up on this blue one, otherwise Ning will collapse and Syndra will definitely be involved."

"If Rookie forces it, the middle line of troops will suffer a big loss."

"This Syndra is not developed, and IG has no mid-term."

"If I bring my troops into the tower, I can find opportunities."

Stupid chicken laughed evilly and said it was no problem.

TSM continued to press, and the prince came to the IG blue zone at 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

The stupid chicken was exposed to the field of vision, and IG could see it clearly.

In the bottom lane, the IG duo began to retreat. The scene when they entered the grass behind the defense tower was clearly visible to Blake's eyes when he inserted a wave of accessories.

The TSM duo also moved towards the jungle.

Once there is a 3v3 in the jungle, IG is currently at a low level and will definitely not be able to beat them.

In the middle, just as Li Hao predicted, Rookie could only drink the corruption potion and go to support.

As soon as Syndra came over, the prince retreated.

Several people wandered around the jungle for a while, and the two top laners were each looking for positions, ready to TP at any time.

However, at this time, when Neeko comes down and the vampire comes down, the combat effectiveness is completely different.

"As soon as the stupid chicken saw someone coming, the blue buff ran away in the middle of the fight without giving him a chance."

"The prince was driven away, Ning Wanglan was not lost, but Syndra suffered a loss."

"Just after Syndra left, the stupid chicken came back again. Prince Ning didn't dare to take over. It's so uncomfortable!"

"The middle line of troops enters the tower, and if it is delayed any longer, IG will suffer even greater losses."


"Prince Ning just played blue. The prince didn't go. The stupid chicken should have given up."


As soon as the commentators finished speaking, the sword girl in the middle lane was already moving towards the bottom lane along the river.

In this wave, the blue buff was taken away by Pig Girl's punishment, which could have stabilized the situation, but TSM's suffocating rhythm followed one after another!

The duo followed the next wave of minions online, and the prince and Luo shot out from the grass behind the defense tower.

TSM’s goal is still Kai’Sa!

Bao Lan immediately pushed Luo away, but the prince's EQ hit him and knocked Ah Shui away on the spot.

If the prince is alone, Kai'Sa can retreat and wait for Pig Girl to support him.

However, the knife girl has arrived!

In Ah Shui's field of vision, he could only see the sword girl flashing forward, her long double-winged blades drawn diagonally, intertwining his Kai'Sa!

When the sword girl's Q hits the face, she can coordinate with the prince's damage and easily hit him to a gray screen!

Xia came through with her troops, and Luo Sheng came on stage to lift up Lao Niu.

King Ning was in place, but TSM was surrounded by four people, and he didn't dare to support them at all.

Vampires on the road can't teleport either.

The bull's head was taken over by the knife girl again!

"Two heads! Brother Hao got them all!"

“IG exploded!”

"This rhythm is so good!"

Miller was surprised and asked: "Is this the same team as TSM from the previous two games?"


The eldest brother got an assist and even got a tapi, which also made a lot of money.

Any player who knows something about the lineup will understand that if a breakthrough is not found, IG will be in jail for a long time.

Once they can't stop TSM's mid-game attack, the game will be over.

At 5 minutes and 34 seconds, King Ning came to the top lane to catch Bi Huang.

Double Dolan's Neeko was flashed, which was already the limit of the pig girl.

Together with Shy Man, the two of them didn't do enough damage at this stage.

Niko didn't go home, so Ning Wang wanted to help the shy man push the envelope and gain some experience.

However, the powerful prince arrived in time and not only drove away the pig girl, but also cooperated with Nicole to fight off the flashes of both the vampire and the pig girl.

Rookie pinned the signal wildly, and the knife girl disappeared again, which forced TheShy to go to the second tower to return to the city.

Backstage, the IG uniform team members all looked unhappy.

When Mafa saw this, in addition to realizing TSM's full preparation, he also saw the mistakes made by BP.

Why did TSM give up resources to Sword Girl?

Because the sword girl has risen, Rookie cannot be E at all now, which makes the strong Syndra unable to take advantage. Who can rely on in the mid-term?

If this is the result, it is better to choose a czar in the middle.

To win this game, you need a miracle.

And this miracle will most likely happen in the middle.

Only by reducing the big threat of Dao Mei can we have a chance to restore the tactical normality of IG's lineup.

At 6 minutes and 24 seconds, Rookie fought with Li Hao again.

In this wave, Syndra dodged the double-winged blades, and the sword girl was also not hit.

Rookie used his ultimate move to knock Li Hao down to residual health. Although he didn't lose his health instantly, it also bought him a short period of stable development time.

At 7 minutes and 7 seconds, when the two sides faced each other again, Syndra had a missing chapter.

And Dao Mei is mercury shoes + shining light.

Rookie alone can no longer create miracles.

The prince showed up in the lower half, and with the help of the duo, Kaisha and Niutou were knocked out of the experience zone.

The view of the river in the lower half of the area has also been emptied.

The pressure was constantly put on Ah Shui.

King Ning defeated the red buff and finally reached level 5.

At this time, the troop line was close to Syndra's side, and the sword girl was messing around in front of the artillery troop line in front of the tower, eager to try.

Because of the movement speed given by the mercury shoes, Dao Mei dodges two Q skills in a row.

Rookie felt very uncomfortable.


Mark it directly on the sword girl.

Prince Ning, here we come! !

Backstage at IG, Coach Mafa’s expression changed drastically.

When Pig Girl came out of the red zone, she stepped on Knife Girl's field of vision.

In the middle, the sword girl was scurrying back and forth without any intention of retreating, seemingly unaware of the pig girl whose vision was blocked by the wall.

Syndra's next QW hit Dao Mei, and combined with the basic attack, she used electrocution, and Li Hao's health was knocked down.

At this moment, Prince Ning’s eyes lit up!

The prince is not here, what a good opportunity!



"On the way!"


In the middle, Dao Mei opened the corruption potion and Qed three times in a row, killing three ranged soldiers almost in front of Syndra's face.

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

An honest cock may be able to endure it, but the shoe king can't stand it anymore

Riding a wild boar, King Ning showed his head forward and bumped into him!

However, Dao Mei quickly Qed the last remaining melee soldier behind her, easily avoiding Pig Girl's attack range.

The Sword Girl retreated, Syndra chased A and made a second attack, and the Sword Girl pressed from the flank.


The Dark Head of State gave a sharp shout and QE was launched.

The dark magic ball hit Dao Mei, but Li Hao twisted his body and was not knocked unconscious by the weakling.

The moment Zhu Mei whipped the whip on her head, Li Hao had already pulled out a double-winged blade that formed an angle of 45 degrees with the center line.

The sharp blade attack went straight into Pig Girl's face!

Under the influence of the Q skill mechanism, Sword Girl, who came behind Pig Girl, cleverly avoided the shackles of Winter's Wrath.

Syndra and Pig Girl were knocked unconscious at the same time, and the reverse impact on them caused the scene to boil violently!

Shouts of exclamation raged like waves at the Vietnam National Convention Center! !

Even Coach Mafa in the backstage of IG stood up and stared nervously at every frame!

"Brother Hao won't leave, Sister Dao will fight one against two!"

"This angle will stun two people!"

"Sword Girl Q Syndra again, the basic attack will be full of passives, and the conqueror will be superimposed!"


——Ionia, high and everlasting~! ! !

Pioneer Blade, never look back!

Use the power of the blade to attack the enemy head-on!

A large series of sword formations were all injected into Pig Girl and Sindra when Sword Girl came behind Syndra.

The knife girl's blood dropped, but the pig girl, who was only level 5, dropped faster.

King Ning, who was stepping on the red buff, had his heart beating wildly.

Syndra threw W, but Li Hao didn't care at all. Q skill hit the mark, and the cooldown was constantly refreshed.

Sword Girl Q is on the slowed Pig Girl, and she attacks quickly with Ionia's sincere attack speed bonus. Ning Wang also cooperates with Syndra to play passively, and at the same time pulls back.

The sword girl quickly Q Syndra, getting behind the pig girl, using the details of the gap in the basic attack distance to earn more basic attacks.

"Light it up!"

"Pig sister is going to die!"

"Sword Girl activates W, damage reduction!"

"Duan W, Pig Girl is gone!!"

"Sword Girl still has 1/5 of her health, Triumphant is back again! I'm desperate, Rookie can't kill Sword Girl! This time the basic attack hits Syndra, and the glare triggers, it hurts a lot!"

"Syndra wants to retreat, she can't be beaten!"

"The prince is here!"

"Syndra flashes!"

"Prince EQ, the sky is falling apart!"

"One basic attack and Syndra is dead!"

"It's gone! This game is gone!"

The commentators in each competition area were all shouting!

The audience was ignited, and the passionate cheers continued. Some people stood up and shook their arms crazily!

The fans holding up The King's tokens of support almost stood up!



In the team voice, Benji also shouted excitedly:

"Hahaha, brother, your wave is too fierce!"

Li Hao couldn't help but smile. The stupid chicken kept "clucking", which sounded like a chicken's crow.

Blake, Bilson, and senior brother all shouted, and everyone was excited.

In the barrage and comment area of ​​the LPL broadcast platform, there was a mixture of joy and worry.

"One against two, killed in reverse??"

"League of Legends Sex Planner! Look at her, she's one against two! Look at her!"

"Absolutely, Brother Hao is still your Brother Hao!"

"Oh my god, I used to feel nothing when watching Brother Hao show other divisions, but now I kind of sympathize with those people. This man appears on the opposite side. It's really scary, JRs!"

Some people laughed and sighed: "Haha, the rise of LPL is just a lie left by this man!"

Some people wondered: "What kind of team is TSM? When playing PVB and FW, the crotch is so stretched that it looks like a classic car. When playing against the powerful IG, why do I feel like there is a rumbling galactic battleship above my head!"

After this wave, IG completely lost the ability to compete with TSM in the early and mid-term.

Three roads and one tower were sold out in just 13 minutes!

IG is also counting on TSM to slow down the pace.

However, the actions of this group of people were completely different from the previous games. They were the actions of another team entirely.

Although some of TSM's moves were a bit sloppy, they were still full of suffocation.

At 19 minutes and 04 seconds of the game, the unstoppable Dao girl took the lead and led TSM to a 1-for-4 on the high ground.

When the remaining four players pushed down the crystal, the game time was just 19 minutes and 47 seconds.

Not even 20 minutes!

TSM wins the game!

Before the game, the audience had various speculations, but there was no such result.

Originally, when everyone looked at TSM, they felt like they were a bunch of living fossils, none of them could move forward, and they all relied on Brother Wolfberry to carry the weight forward.

Now, looking at the TSM player seats, everyone's image seems to have changed.

Damn, everyone is acting bad, they seem to be very resourceful!

Seeing this scene, there was a lot of discussion in the comment area, and some old people couldn't help but speak.

The LCK e-sports veteran warned: "Be careful with TSM, they have a big killer! That man is still there, and the biggest threat to the LCK has not been eliminated!"

The old European emperor of LEC who was half buried in the ground regretted: "The biggest failure of FNC and G2 was in the winter window of the 2018 season. What they didn't know at that time was that an extra 20 million euros could change an e-sports era."

The old man from LPL E-Sports sighed: "The fourth incarnation of the Sun-Tian Emperor, he has put down the dark turmoil in North America and is fighting his way out. He is still shining brightly without any traces of decay. It's terrible! The Sun-Tian Emperor wants to survive in the chaos and curse. Forcefully conquer the fourth life!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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