LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 472 Excited LCS!

After the men and horses left, Benji controlled the prince to press forward. Faker had no choice but to retreat because of insufficient mana, losing part of his online experience in vain.

Li Hao cleared all the troops and prepared to return to the city.

Faker saw the minions entering the tower and chose to rely on a wave of lanes.

The ruthless stupid chicken controlled the prince to come to the tower, consumed QE, and accurately disabled Silas.

It was hard to be harassed in the first place, and the person who was harassing was an idiot, so the devil's heart was stabbed one after another.

The scene of falling in love and killing each other in the middle continued. Silas, who was walking back and forth in front of the tower to touch soldiers, was hit by the prince with his shield against the defense tower and a rhythm of war.

After this fight, Faker's health bar entered Li Hao's killing line.

At 4 minutes and 53 seconds, the red soldier behind Silas came to the first tower, and Li Hao immediately canceled his return to the city.

Knowing that Li Hao had brought Ignite, Faker saw Akali's actions and decisively gave up on the few minions behind him and retreated all the way to the second tower and returned to the city.

The considerate stupid chicken moved directly towards the river in the lower half of the area, not grabbing the experience in the middle.

In the SKT player box, seeing the two of them having a tacit understanding, the big devil had no expression on his face, but he felt something different in his heart.

"elder brother!"

"You T, let's kill him!"

After finishing F6, Clid shouted to Faker and sprinted out.

The moment the big devil returned to the city, he quickly bought the murder ring, the amplification book, the true eye and the fairy amulet from the old man in the shop.

A complete set of small accessories fills the inventory.

TP, lights up on the last red square minion.

Li Hao saw a man and horse that had activated a destructive charge, rushing towards him from the upper river channel.

After judging that he did not have enough blood and energy to fight back, Li Hao calmly looked down and leaned against the wall of the river.

The moment Faker lands, press Falcon Dance.

The shuriken marked the centaur, followed by a backflip over the wall.

Clid's kick was still very close to being able to step on it.

On the big screen, a funny scene appeared again.

Clid's reaction was extremely fast. The moment he judged that he could not catch up, he slammed on the brakes. With a high movement speed, he turned around and kicked the minion.

The carousel effect is happening again.

Li Hao returned to the city and bought straw sandals, a vampire scepter, a long sword, and a real eye.

Because of the advantage in last hit, the equipment is obviously better than Faker.

At 6 minutes and 08 seconds, the stupid chicken came to crouch in the middle again.

Faker stole Li Hao's ultimate move. In terms of the hero's mechanical strength, Silas got Akali's ultimate move, which was even stronger than Akali's own.

The director moved the camera to the middle, and the mid laners on both sides moved back and forth, looking eager to try.

However, no one made the first move.

Out of sight, the prince and his men were hiding in the corner.

Clid obviously followed the arrangements of the uniform team and kept going around the middle, trying his best to prevent Faker from getting into trouble at this point.

This scene of crouching against each other made many old viewers burst into tears and cry "Ye Qing Hui".

After squatting for about 15 seconds, both junglers retreated.

Not sure where the troops are, Faker is now at full strength and has stolen a big move, so Li Hao doesn't dare to mess with it.

Likewise, Faker is also extremely cautious.

Except for testing each other with small skills, the middle lane is basically in a stalemate.

At 7 minutes and 35 seconds, the director moved the camera downward.

Teddy suddenly rose to 6, and used his ultimate move to control the gems under the tower. Mata and Q's Bound of Light combined to ignite the top, and the SKT duo focused their fire output.

Fortunately, TSM has two breasts, and Black also weakened the captain in time.

With the ignition effect, the gem flashes behind the defense tower.

The last 18 drops of blood, thrilling lock!

The senior brother saw his good brother being bullied, so he controlled Qin Nu to have sex under the tower.

Mata's next wave of skills improved, EQ combined with basic attacks, and the damage was fully maxed out.

Varus was outputting from the side. Although the senior brother purified and controlled instantly, Teddy's most deadly arrow still passed through Qin Nu's body and killed her with a Q!

"First blood!"

The belated first drop of blood was taken by Teddy!

The biggest shortcoming of Gemstone Qinnu was exposed in front of the SKT duo.

When the gem falls or leaves the piano girl, the piano girl lacks protection, and her body is very fragile. In addition, she has not reached six, and she does not have the skills to move or protect herself.

SKT seized this opportunity and decisively killed the big brother.

The audience roared, and the two commentators in the LCK commentary box, Jin Dongjun and Eunjun, were very excited.

This is what SKT should be like.

In the TSM player's seat, the senior brother felt annoyed.

"How do you go up and order someone?"

Blake asked doubtfully: "You're not watching me get beaten and you want to help me teach them a lesson, right?"

"I've been keeping an eye on the Spell Stealing Blade. I'm trying to make more money under the tower this time."

The senior brother was a little depressed: "I didn't expect that I could still die without purification."

"The glorious passive is still on you, Mata's damage has been enough."

Li Hao comforted and said:

"But don't panic. We continue to grow. It doesn't matter if we are pressed a little."

“I didn’t originally intend to gain an advantage in the bottom lane matchup.”

"When we get up to speed, it will be easier than SKT."

Both Eldest Brother and Black said there was no problem.

At more than 9 minutes, Benji came to the bottom lane, ready to help.

He stood in the position of exploding cones in SKT's blue zone, ready to climb over at any time.

Stupid chicken stared at the lower route. In order to increase the success rate, he must wait for Teddy and Mata to move forward a little further, because according to Mata's urine, there is a high probability that the grass in the river has eyes.


Suddenly, Pilsen, who was on the road, gave a signal.

"Centrals, here!"

Bi Huang accurately reported the signal.

9 minutes and 19 seconds, the poor man and horse who have only reached six have been trying to do something.

Bihuang inserted his eyes into the upper triangle where the grass was about to disappear, and happened to see Clid's figure.

Li Hao glanced towards the top lane. The line of troops was in the middle position. If Khan could not hit the captain's oranges, there would be no success rate in capturing the troops in this position.

Judging from the route of the men and horses, Clid came from the stone monster.

Looking at Clid's equipment again, there are two more swords and shoes. This man has returned home.

Next, we will definitely go down the road.

After making a quick judgment, Li Hao immediately called Benji.

The prince showed his head, followed the crab acceleration circle in the lower river, and crouched in the direction of Li Hao's real eye in the middle.

9 minutes and 31 seconds.

Li Hao noticed Faker's movement and knew that Clid was about to arrive.

From God's perspective, Clid has arrived near the F6 wall.

At the river, there is the true eye of the Great Demon King.

As long as this wave of big demons hits E and Clid comes over with a big move, they have a great chance of killing Akali!

At 9 minutes and 34 seconds, Silas moved forward to hit the target.

Li Hao immediately retreated to Q and pulled back, avoiding Silas' passive circle, and at the same time pulled out the Hidden Dragon Seal passive.

This time, knock off the white shield on Silas.

The big devil pulled back, and Li Hao pulled out the Hidden Dragon Seal and passively turned around to pursue him.

This is part of the big devil's plan.

Before Li Hao's basic attack was launched, Silas turned around and seamlessly connected E to W, accurately dealing damage to Akali.

At the same time, it directly sucks back the bit of blood that was just lost by Q.

The passive basic attack was instantaneous, and Akali released her Q skill.

Clid is behind the wall of F6. The big devil aims at Akali and releases the second stage of E!

The chains clicked. However, Akali gained a 40% movement speed bonus when moving towards the ring. As she moved towards the upper river, she avoided this control with her flexible posture!

Suddenly, Clid on the big screen shook back and forth, feeling extremely tangled in his heart.

At this time, if you open it up, the chance of being shown off is very high.

For the first time, the Centaur blocked his ultimate move.

Li Hao's passive basic attack slashed Silas's body, and his scimitar sucked at Faker's body. Both of them now lost a little more than 1/5 of their health.

Without hesitation, a piece of my secret flow passed through Silas's body.

The men and horses in the corner have been exposed to Li Hao.

However, when the distance between the two was less than 700 yards, Clid did not open wide.

Because, the level 7 prince with full health appeared on the middle route from the lower river channel!

The men and horses moved forward at full speed, and the prince's backhand was astonishing.

Clid without flash will definitely die.

Because he had stolen Akali's ultimate move before, Silas could not steal it again in a short period of time. This wave of initial moves failed, and there was no room for maneuver. With Clid's current development, there was no chance of two against two.

"Something happened! Silas' E skill is empty again!"

"Akali R gets behind Silas, attacks with basic attack, and ignites Q!"

"Pull the passive Hidden Dragon Seal, then use Xia Formation to attack again!"

"Faker's health dropped too fast, he only has half of his health!"

"Silas steals the prince's ultimate move and flashes across the wall."

"You can't escape!"

"Brother Hao's second stage R kills and follows up, the prince's EQ crosses the wall, Clid is wandering around, I don't know what to do!"

"The prince's basic attack will kill the line!"

"Akali took the head of Silas, and Faker temporarily released his desperate move!"

"Two people, one corpse, all trapped in the earth's collapse!"

"Stupid Chicken assisted Brother Hao and killed Faker. The famous scene has been locked!"


With a scream from the scene, Faker's screen went black.

He saw an even more incredible scene.

The prince made a big backhand move and pinned the man on the edge of OB.

Akali's E reaches the centaur, and her second stage E basic attack connects to Q.

In an instant, the low-level troops were knocked out of half of their health.


An unrestrained sound effect sounded, and Clid immediately released F6 and escaped at an extreme angle!

The prince and Akali behind him were far behind.

The big devil's face darkened.

The enemy is in the jungle, our team is in the jungle.


"Hahaha, Clid escaped with his ultimate move!"

In the LPL commentary box, the three commentators all laughed.

Sun Yalong said venomously: "I saw Clid hanging there for a long time, wanting to go up but not daring to go up. The whole process was OB, and in the end he used his ultimate to escape. It was really amazing."

"Faker should be very sad right now. After all, the stupid chicken is fighting Clid this time."

Sika pinched her chin and turned into a happy person:

"Clid's escape posture looks a bit familiar."

Wang Duoduo meant something: "It's a pity that senior brother is not Han Bing. He is missing a magic crystal arrow, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you want your number?"


The three of them were talking and laughing, and the rhythm of the barrage and screen areas was soaring.

"Kkoma: Hey, boss, Clid doesn't use his big moves, he keeps fighting, and he lets them go when he runs away. This guy has a mental problem."

"It's so funny that Clid acted against the will of heaven. The OB watched the big devil being tortured to death by Brother Hao and the stupid chicken throughout the whole process."

"Stupid chicken's back stab, Clid's back stab, the big devil's heart is bleeding~~"

"Clearlove logs in from another place. This wave of Clid has inspired the talent of jungler named C. Not to mention, the last escape was quite sharp."


After this wave of fighting, Li Hao led the artillery soldiers into the tower at the beginning of ten minutes. Clid only dared to watch from a distance. Li Hao got two layers of tower skin and a huge wave of fat.

The head-to-head ratio on the field is 1:1, but TSM has an economic lead of nearly 2,000.

The captain on the road has always had an advantage in the lane, and he has ten more CS than Kennen.

Coupled with his passiveness, his development must be faster than Kennen's.

At 12 minutes and 19 seconds, the entire SKT coaching staff backstage covered their foreheads.

On the big screen, Akali, who had a technology gun, after the captain left someone for R on the road, cooperated with the prince to kill Silas who did not flash again!

Facing his former good brother, the stupid chicken gets more and more passionate.

The most suffocating thing is that this wave of troops still failed to save Silas, and his ultimate move was used to escape.

Kkoma couldn’t help but said:

"What are Clid thinking? It's useless in the middle right now. Can't you understand the situation?"

"This ultimate move should be used in the bottom lane to snowball!"

"Even if you go on the road to force a flash, you will still make money."

"How can we win the game if we are not developed yet?!"

Zefa shook his head aside:

"Stupid Chicken's Prince starts with Slag, and the current damage from our midfielder can't shake him."

"The King on the opposite side is very flexible, and there is also the Xia Formation, so there is no chance of two-on-two."

"It's hard to count on this one. Clid is already dizzy. When he watches the replay after the fight, he may not even know what he is doing."

"This water dragon must be released. The routine of Gemstone Qinnu is clear. If the following rhythm cannot be maintained, the game will basically be lost."


On the big screen, there was another wave of vicious replays.

In this wave, the Regicide in front of the Big Demon King's Tower stabbed and raped everyone in the air, but Akali used her ultimate move and E skill to show off.

Many old viewers are sighing.

Of the two former Li brothers, one gradually declined, while the other became more and more demonic as he got older.

The two people who were once able to compete with each other, now have a greater gap than before!

The one in LCK seems to be unable to keep up with the rhythm.

At 14 minutes and 37 seconds, both Centaur and Lux ​​came to the middle to gank.

Li Hao released the rosy glow formation. Lux and Silas lost their skills by guessing their position in the rosy glow formation, but Li Hao successfully escaped.

Stupid Chicken took the opportunity to get the Canyon Pioneer.

Using this vanguard, TSM destroyed SKT's first tower at 15 minutes and 12 seconds. This was also the first defensive tower to be destroyed in this game.

The financial difference between the two parties is close to 4,000 yuan.

Li Hao, who was half-healthy, did not go home. After being sucked by Qin Nu for a few times in the red zone, he quickly moved towards the bottom lane.

Akali released the Xia Formation, and used a reverse E to cross the wall and approach Varus, who was pushing the tower with the line.

After Teddy took a sip from the technology gun and ate a Q, he suddenly couldn't walk.

Akali's ultimate move passed through Varus, and the captain shot out, tying up the piano girl behind Akali.

Teddy knew he was cold, so he didn't show up.


After quickly killing Varus, Akali flew Thundergod back to the Xia Formation, and then added minions in the bottom lane.

The entire killing movement was made without any unnecessary movements and was extremely smooth.

Both Benji and Black came to the bottom lane, and the four of them attacked the bottom tower.

SKT caught it with a backhand, but Bilson escaped with a mouthful of orange and a flash.

Watching the lower tower being pushed, watching the blue zone being swept away by TSM, and losing the second earth dragon.

Kkoma and others also knew that the game had gone far.

In the next four minutes or so, the SKT players on the court were very resilient and did not show any flaws. They tried their best to stabilize the situation and did not give TSM a chance to snowball quickly.

However, the money-making speeds of the two sides are quite different.

Not only did the troops dare not go deep, Clid's jungle area was also plagued by TSM.

This has led to a gradual widening of economic disparity.

Senior Brother made Archangel, Yaoguang, and Dharma Shoes.

Except for the eye stone, the gems and the abyss mask are almost complete.

On the road, Pilsen's three-phase + small drinking magic knife tightly restrained Khan's Kennen.

The team-fighting abilities of the remaining four players are simply unmatched by SKT right now.

At 22 minutes and 9 seconds, what was supposed to come came.

The elder brother seized the opportunity in the second tower in the middle, and Qin Nu flashed R to hit Varus!

Blake received his ultimate move, and the brilliance of the universe fell from the sky.

The prince was stunned by the gem, and EQ rushed directly to the tower.

After the stupid chicken knocked Varus away, the sky fell and the earth fell directly on Faker.

Varus was instantly killed by Akali, and the E skill was marked on Silas. Mata, who had a lot of fun playing in the bottom lane in the early stage, had no effect at all in this kind of brainless team battle.

After Q, he was completely reduced to a spectator.

Faker was struggling under the tower. Before his stolen gem ultimate could land, TSM focused fire and killed him.

Clid released his ultimate move under the tower, and was saved by Faker's ultimate move, successfully escaping.

Mata was stuck by Black and died in the hands of Qin Nu.

A wave of 0 for 3 completely knocked SKT unconscious.

Khan went home to defend. The second tower on the top lane was pushed down by the captain, and all the defense towers and crystals on the high ground in the middle lane were lost.

From God's perspective, the economic gap between the two parties has reached 10,000 yuan.

With such an advantage, there are not many teams that can be overturned.

At 25 minutes and 9 seconds, Baron Nash let out a wail.

In the LCS studio, Smith said excitedly:

"TSM won Baron, and SKT was 13,000 yuan behind!"

"This is TSM under the leadership of The King. The North American team has never felt this suffocated in the world arena!"

"We are about to win five consecutive games in the group stage. This is a result that the LCS has never had before, so much so that it feels unreal to me now."

"LCS viewers, I think you have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time."

Riv also praised:

"The last Msi, the LCS was still running with me. It was the same in the previous seasons."

"Now, we're number one."

"This is a team game, but when a dominant player appears, the tilt of the balance will be far beyond our imagination."


In the 27th minute, TSM, with the glory of the universe, led by Benji, played a one-for-four on the high ground of SKT!

Blake was the only one who died, and his laughter filled the team's voice.

Because of Clid, this centaur ran away again.

The living fossils in North America laughed in amazement at how it was able to run without flashing.

In the spring, Clid watched TSM continue to tear down the family. He was extremely angry and did not have the ability to kill the remaining four people.

However, Clid was able to put "never destroy the team" on the public screen.

The electric fan who was watching the game was in a daze and couldn't help but rub his eyes.

Nima, what's going on?

Didn’t the factory director say he wouldn’t go after some research?

Why log in to your Clid account?

Compared to Guodian's doubts, when TSM destroyed SKT's Crystal Hub, the LCS division was filled with carnival!

The first round of the Mid-Season Invitational has been completed!

5 consecutive wins!

The unfavorable division, the curse of the league and the place abandoned by the gods.

After TSM achieved a strong record, they were criticized because of the division.

But at this moment, the LCS ushered in the most exciting moment in the past nine years!

From a runner, he became a Goat!

In the Los Angeles Gamers Forum, real-time updates are far more dynamic than before!

"I'm in Vegas, it's an exciting game, I'm happy, The King is a great guy!"

"Is the Korean team strong? Using the same routine, TSM defeated SKT!"

Someone else commented:

"My son said something bad about The King. Now I am educating him. As a 9-year-old child, I will not allow him to have ideological problems. If he does not reflect on it today, he will not be able to eat his favorite burger. !”

Someone else said:

"I have already said that TSM is very strong. I don't know what those guys who underestimated the number one player in the league are thinking. I have matched with The King in the US server. Only my opponents know how terrifying he is. This guy is a god!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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