LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 474 It’s really hard! !

At ten o'clock in the evening on May 13, TSM was still backstage at the Vietnam National Convention Center.

Their game today is over, but the two teams competing at the scene still affect their hearts.

IG vs. SKT.

From the perspective of the TSM front office, MSI, IG and SKT are undoubtedly the biggest obstacles on the road to the championship this time.

In the last round, IG beat SKT to 1557. This game started with BP, and SKT showed its own attitude.

Ah Shui's Draven was knocked down on the first floor.

As BP continues, the lineups of both sides are selected.

What makes LPL players more disappointed is that IG failed to crush SKT, which gave up the Gem Piano routine like in the last game.

At 22 minutes into the game, the head ratio was 9:4, and SKT led by 3,000 yuan.

What is surprising is that all nine heads on the field are in the hands of the Big Devil and Clid.

After being educated by two teachers, Benji and Ritiandi, SKT's midfielder played with super intensity. In the last round of the merry-go-round, this time he took out the prince and chopped off 6 heads. King Ning's Zhao Xin was once beaten to 0/4/2.

The miracle that the LPL audience was waiting for did not appear. The Big Devil got super statistics of 8/0/8 in the whole game, seeming to show that he can still play!

The audience was a little surprised by SKT's overall performance.

[SKT played really well in the middle and jungle this game. How come they were so suppressed against TSM? 】

[Don’t ask, ask Li Gekante Li Ge]

[Laughing, Clid’s MSI has been relatively stable this time, but she gave in when meeting Brother Hao]

[SKT and IG have wins and losses. This time Msi is evenly matched. I have a vague feeling that with Brother Hao here, the rest of TSM will be more normal, and IG and SKT may not be able to beat them]

Some people reacted:

[Holy shit, once TSM wins the MSI championship this year, wouldn’t Brother Hao have three consecutive championships in the mid-season championship in 2017/2018/2019? 】

Someone replied below: "Not only three consecutive championships, looking at this posture, MVP is not running again."

Similar discussions triggered quite a stir.

Many fans felt a sense of absurdity and astonishment.

A few months ago, everyone was still discussing the sequelae of TheKing's injury, whether he could adapt to the healthy life in LCS, and whether people would gain weight due to the intake of high-energy foods.

When most people thought he was leaving the throne and withdrawing from the top stage.

In the blink of an eye, this one was ready to set a bright gem on the throne.

Today, a few months later, everyone has begun to include him again in the discussion of the highest probability of MVP.

SKT's victory also made Msi's situation even more confusing.

The two teams have very close wins, which will affect the knockout matchup.

TSM also studied this game seriously.

Seeing that IG's bottom lane was exposed, Jin Sangxiu and other members of the uniform team focused on chatting with the TSM bottom lane duo.

At the same time, they also formulated tactics for the last two games.

As usual, we still use the remaining group stage games for practice.

May 14th, the last day of the group stage.

This morning, many e-sports people expressed their evaluation of the current MSI group stage.

The North American cult led by Li Hao has a low score and a high score. It has reached the first place in the championship prediction list.

For an LCS team to win eight consecutive World Championships, reaching this point is already a miracle in North America.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on May 14, TSM played against IG in the second round.

In this game, TSM made substitution adjustments. The starting Benji had slight soreness in his shoulder, and Yuka came on as a substitute.

Therefore, TSM also changed its approach when it comes to lineup selection.

After the BP of both sides ended, the lineup was locked.

Blue square IG: Akali, Xin Zhao, Clockwork, EZ, Braum

Red side TSM: Kennen, Kayn, Ryze, Kai'Sa, Galio

After the game officially started, IG showed a completely different state from the previous round.

Especially Ning Wang and TheShy. In the first eight minutes, Bilson was caught.

AD Kennen, who started 0-3, can only be described as explosive.

Regardless of whether it was King Ning or Shaman, they all got 2-0 data.

The only kill on TSM's side is that of Li Hao.

He got this by wandering down the lane, but King Ning arrived just in time, so that both sides' assistants died.

If he hadn't flashed in time and turned around to avoid Ah Shui's two Q shots, Li Hao's Ryze would also have to deal with this wave.

Kayn was relatively weak in the early stage, and couldn't find the rhythm by relying on Kao. Li Hao asked him not to mess around, and to farm to increase his level and improve his vision at the same time.

Kayn has 55 knives and Xin Zhao has 43 knives. This is the only bright spot for Kayn.

At 8 minutes and 48 seconds, IG made a wrong decision.

When Akali and Xin Zhao didn't flash, they didn't pay attention to Kennen, who was below half health of Bilson, and chose to jump directly over the tower.

Unexpectedly, King Ning, who was carrying the tower, was stunned by Kenan under the tower. The shy man killed Kenan, but Kaliu arrived in time to finish off Xin Zhao and get the bounty.

The director's camera showed the bottom lane, and the duo teamed up for a PK in Imperial City. The assistant was killed again, and his head was taken by the ADs of both sides.

This head is very precious to Senior Brother.

And TSM's rhythm has improved since then.

At 10 minutes and 58 seconds, Kabo and Blake made the catch.

Li Haota made the next E to compensate for the damage and got the clockwork head.

The head ratio on the field became 6:4.

At the same time, the three of TSM gathered together to eat the clockwork pie.

King Ning gave up the vanguard and rushed to the middle with Akali and the duo.

Xin Zhao stabbed him up without thinking, but TSM turned around and beat him to a point where his health was reduced, and the stopwatch was pressed at the limit.

On TSM's side, Li Hao was outplayed.

The stopwatch changed to flash, which IG found hard to accept.

Without leaving anyone behind, this wave is over and IG’s early advantage is basically gone.

Taking into account the two-man lead and the difference in tap and last hit, the economies of both sides are almost the same.

At 13 minutes and 50 seconds, the LPL audience cheered.

TSM and IG went 4v4 on the road. The people on IG came faster and kept together, which made TSM look like a gourd baby saving grandpa.

Kayn, Kennen, and Galio were all killed.

After Ryze killed Akali in the chaos, he was chased by the three IGs while still in a state of residual health. The phase rush was triggered and a passive shield was triggered. Ryze, who was doing damage while walking, entered the previous tower with 150 health. It was thrilling. escape!

IG took advantage of the situation and took the vanguard, breaking the first tower.

The balance tilted towards IG again.

On TSM's side, Li Hao made a timely decision and asked Bilson to sell the long sword, switching from AD Kennen to AP.

There was no chance of a single lead in this game. Pilsen's stunted AD Kenan met Akali and was killed.

In the next few minutes, Li Hao actively communicated with his teammates, had a good vision, and kept avoiding the battle.

IG actively looked for offensive opportunities, but to no avail.

The first Wind Dragon was taken away by TSM because of the switch line.

The economic gap between the two sides is about two thousand, and they are still in a stalemate.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, the senior brother made Arashi Kiri + Attack Speed ​​Shoes + Sheep Knife. Although it was not endless, the combat effectiveness was initially formed.

Just when TSM was looking for a chance to counterattack, they suffered heavy losses at the second tower.

Rookie cooperated with King Ning, Xin Zhao dribbled the ball past the opponent, and knocked Kai'Sa to pieces in one wave. Akalixia's formation reversed E over the wall, R went to Kai'Sa, and killed the senior brother who flashed to escape with Q, and then Second section E returns. The exquisite coordination, coupled with the shy man's flying thunder god, made the IG fans excited and shouting.

The hero of Galio appeared on the scene. After knocking Xin Zhao and Clockwork away, Kennen and Kayn on the top lane all arrived, and the two sides started a team battle in the middle lane.

Li Hao controlled Ryze to come from the lower half and join the middle battlefield.

Assistant Galio stood for a few seconds and was killed by IG. Kayn, who was stuck, cooperated with Kennen to hit a wave of AOE.

But IG pulled back and forth, killed Kayn again, and flashed Bilson out.

With the selfless preparation of his teammates, Li Hao entered the field to seize the harvest opportunity.

Kill Xin Zhao first, then Braum.

Ryze, who was passive in the middle, moved very fast, constantly twisting to avoid Ah Shui's secret skill shots, and used his skills to hit Clockwork like crazy.

Under extreme circumstances, Ryze killed the remaining health clockwork and got three kills!

Just when he was about to jump on the winding path to escape, the shy man appeared and couldn't avoid it, killing Ryze.

The scene continued to be noisy, and the IG fans sat back on the bench, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

Ryze suddenly came in, so scary!

Not only the IG fans, but also the IG players on the field were all shocked.

Ah Shui had doubts about his Q.

TSM replaced 3 people, and there was no explosion.

After Kenan returned to the city, TP went to the second tower and drove EZ and Akali away, without giving IG a chance to push down the second tower.

The guide on the big screen showed the replay of the wave just now.

Ever since Ryze appeared, the style of painting has changed.

It's not that easy to harvest the endgame, but if Van Reese makes the slightest mistake, TSM will explode in this wave, losing the second tower, the high ground, and the baron, and then nothing will be lost after that.

In critical situations, you have to be Mr. Key.

TheKing, you can stand it!

In the picture, Ryze moves and twists away Braum's Q, then raises his hand to kill Xin Zhao.

Then there is a series of positioning and coordination skills, constantly turning your head and outputting while walking, like a mobile tank!

Anyone who encounters such an opponent will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

After killing Rookie in the end, if Ryze really escapes, this wave of IG will definitely be on the background.

IG had the advantage, but Ryze's wave of operations kept the game in suspense.

This game can be said to be the biggest disadvantage TSM faces in this MSI.

At 23 minutes, IG occupied the Xiaolong Pit. Li Hao looked at the dark map and decisively gave up on the fire dragon.

If you use the wind-up ultimate move on the grass side, this wave will be over.

They took advantage of IG to take Xiaolong and formed a group to occupy the view of Dalong Pit.

In the next few minutes, apart from grabbing the view of the Dragon Pit, TSM was still avoiding the battle.

The eldest brother made the Demon-Drinking Knife and the Yellow Cha again, but Wuwu couldn't hold it back for the time being.

As for Li Hao, he already had an archangel, a banshee's veil, magic shoes, orbs, and a magic staff.

He has the most heads and the best equipment in the game.

At 31 minutes, the senior brother used vision transformation to reveal IG's movements.

King Ning took the lead, and the three IGs went over to get the earth dragon.

Li Hao immediately brainstormed and quickly marked the signal towards Dalong Pit.

Everyone in TSM gathered under his command and drove directly into the Dalong Pit via a winding path.

This wave of Rush dragons made the scene noisy.

Halfway through IG's fast dragon fight, I saw five people from TSM appearing in the field of vision of Dalong Pit.

TSM didn't even prioritize the real ward, and just focused on the Fire Baron!

Everyone exerted their full output, and the dragon hit very fast.

By the time IG and the others arrived, Baron Nash had already been killed by Kabo's punishment.

Because he was in a hurry, the IG crowd had positioning problems. Bilson, who was already 0-5, finally found a chance to redeem himself. With the Dragon Buff, he opened E and entered the IG crowd and released the key Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin.

At the same time, Bilson absorbed the first wave of damage from IG and used the stopwatch to lock in the last 1/4 of his health.

Galio fell from the sky, TSM counterattacked IG, and started a team battle with IG in the river.

IG's formation was scattered and unable to focus fire, which made Ryze invincible. He kept chasing people on the flanks and no one could control them.

Akali wanted to kill Kai'Sa, but the elder brother was saved by the demon-drinking knife.

Galio taunted Kai'Sa with his backhand, and Ryze's QEWQ combined with Icathia's heavy rain to kill the fattest and shy man!

Ah Shui E-faced and killed Kenan, helping Bilson update his record.

This wave is strong enough and reckless enough.

Hongkai W lifted EZ from the edge, Ah Shui was stuck, and Li Hao got the second head.

Rookie used his ultimate move on Ryze, but Li Hao had magic resistance and a high level, so he couldn't drop it in seconds.

When Li Hao's skills improved, he activated the active effect of the spell-binding orb, which accelerated for 4 seconds, allowing Ryze to catch up with Clockwork.

After Rookie was imprisoned, King Ning, who had already escaped, chose to fight back and exchange his own life for Rookie's.

Rookie cooperated with Braum to kill Galio to the limit.

But Bao Lan and Ning Wang were both killed in battle, leaving IG with only clockwork left.

TSM gathered in the middle and used the effect of the Baron Buff to demolish the second tower and the high ground in the middle, turning the situation around in one wave!

Backstage at TSM, Kim Sang-soo, Maggiola and others celebrated loudly.

The stupid chicken kicked the water dispenser excitedly.

The LPL audience felt numb watching the subsequent games.

TSM used the Baron Buff and the super soldiers all the way to destroy IG's high ground in the top lane, and pushed the economy to nearly 6,000 yuan!

At 40 minutes and 9 seconds, TSM’s Kai’Sa equipment also took shape.

Under the pressure of the highland super soldiers, IG chose to force a group start.

In this wave, it was a 3-for-2 match with TSM, leaving only EZ and Akali.

Moreover, Shy Man and Ah Shui were in very bad condition and had no choice but to return to the city.

Ryze, Kai'Sa, and Galio destroyed the third high ground, and then led the remaining two super soldiers to attack the Incisor Tower.

EZ and Akali were unable to clear their troops under the harassment of Li Hao and others, so they could only choose to operate a wave.

The elder brother was attacked by two people, and Galio went to protect him.

As if he didn't see it, Ryze led his super soldiers to destroy two incisor towers.

Kaisha was killed, but Shy Man and Ah Shui were stuck by Galio, so they could only kill Black by the way.

However, in sub-slave mode, Ryze had already clicked half of the old crystal.

When the two of them returned to defense and beat Ryze to the lowest level of health.

In front of everyone in IG, the wandering mage fired a small bolt of lightning, completely shattering the crystal hub!

The LPL spectators who were watching the game were immediately shocked.

"What should I do? Who can beat Brother Wolfberry! It's too confusing to appear on the opposite side!"

"It's so numb, brothers, Brother Hao is really hard!"

"That's outrageous. IG can lose?!"

"Before taking a shower, IG had a big advantage and everyone was performing. After taking a shower, Brother Hao was demolishing the IG base."

Someone smiled and said:

"Hahaha, TSM is really talented. Brother Hao made me laugh when he acted like a slave. Brother Hao, who led the Peak Snakes team to sweep the world, is still here today, hiahia~~"

Some LPL players lamented: "To be honest, it's really scary for the ID TheKing to appear on the opposite side. If it weren't for Brother Hao's Ryze, IG would have ended the game 30 minutes ago. However, they were suddenly held back. Yeah, Ryze crippled key players in several waves, causing IG to lose its rhythm."

The old snake fan was very depressed:

"If Brother Hao is still in Snake, how could our Orochi team miss the World Championship? Coupled with the more mature ones this year, this is not an appropriate four consecutive championships!! Wow!"

On the stage, Li Hao breathed a long sigh of relief.

He reached up and rubbed his temples.

He was exhausted from this game.

Although extremely stable in operation, it is not without consumption.

Operation and command all require energy.

But it's all worth it.

After defeating IG, TSM secured first place in the group and won nine consecutive victories.

If we win the next game, we will create the most extreme LCS World Championship record! !

For his career, this is also an extremely brilliant page.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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