LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 480 North American New Year

Although in everyone's predictions, TSM has a higher winning rate.

However, this start to the semi-finals obviously exceeded most people's expectations!

Since Lee Sin's first-level counter-jungle success, TSM has laid a big hole for Clid.

Clid was very cooperative and completely destroyed the early rhythm, causing SKT to lose its rhythm point.

With the mid-jungle linkage of Silas + Excavator, the plan originally set by SKT completely went bankrupt in just over 3 minutes.

Ryze + Blind Sin on TSM's side work all the way to the side.

The audience has discovered that the huge disadvantage in the laning phase makes SKT extremely uncomfortable when they team up in the mid-term.

TSM has very long hands, and SKT won't be able to pick up the team if they poke a little bit.

In order to avoid further expansion of the disadvantage, SKT has been avoiding the battle.

This resulted in them constantly losing map resources.

During the 18-minute wave, Mata couldn't stand it any longer.

He found a good opportunity and hit Varus and Bronn away with a flash top.

SKT output immediately, but because the damage was not concentrated, all members could not keep up. When Varus handed over his double moves, the senior brother saved his life and released his big move with his backhand.

Although TSM's AD cannot output, the top laner Victor cooperates with the perfectly developed Ryze in the mid laner, and the output is enough.

Bjergsen used ice fist and welding, which tortured SKT very much.

SKT was backhanded and played 0 for 3, allowing the game to enter garbage time.

In the following minutes, TSM flattened SKT step by step, and the latter had little ability to resist.

It’s hard to imagine that the LCK champion would be beaten like this by an LCS team!

The players have returned backstage and entered a short break.

The Taipei Stadium was still noisy, with everyone discussing the game and watching the highlights on the big screen.

In the North American commentary box, Riv was still shouting excitedly:


"We won the first game so easily. In just 24 minutes, we led by more than 10,000 yuan in economy!"

"Hahaha, LCS has changed from a sheep to a tiger!"

"TSM's tactics are quite clever. Benji performed very well and was able to complete a series of actions around The King. Their cooperation was wonderful."

"Especially the one that killed Faker, Benji and The King had such a tacit understanding!"

David was convinced:

"The roles of LCK and LCS have changed. With a super accelerator like The King, TSM is racing towards the semifinals at a speed that SKT can only eat exhaust."

"The MVP of this game still goes to TheKing, whose Ryze scored 7/0/9."

"There were 16 heads in the audience, all related to him!"

"Even if you just look at the data, you can understand what kind of role he played."

Smith contrasted:

"Many people still compare Mata's command with The King. This time, they are both commanders of the game, and those who dominate this game account for at least more than 50% of the decisions on the field."

"LCK's strongest brain seems to be on standby when facing The King."

"Judging from SKT's reaction, there is nothing Mata can do, even though he was so impressive in Season 4."

The three of them were laughing and talking, extremely relaxed.

The same is true for LCS spectators watching the game. For example, at the Los Angeles Esports Arena, the voices shouting "TSM" and "The King" remained high.

DJs in many e-sports venues in North America are using loud sounds to create an atmosphere.

In the 2019 season, because of the arrival of a man, the cursed LCS division ushered in life.

This is the season known as “The Coming of God.”

This is the melody of the "evil times".

This is the "first year of North American esports" that many LCS viewers are full of praise for.

There is no other World Championship that can fill the LCS audience with such enthusiasm and anticipation.

The enthusiasm of the North American audience is beyond imagination.

For example, when a kid from Akron brought Cleveland its first championship, 1.3 million people marched to celebrate.

As the origin of the league, North America has had many fans.

A large number of players who quit in disappointment in the past were inspired again this time.

Therefore, the audience watching the new era of LCS has an exaggerated scale.

Compared to the excited LCS fans, LPL players feel both happy and sour.

"Brother Hao is still so awesome!"

"It's a pity. It's all the fault of the management of the LPL team. Otherwise, can the LPL go home?"

"I was very depressed at the time. Every team gave up on the most critical opportunity."

Someone is remembering:

"To educate new drivers, at the 2018 annual celebration party, Brother Hao said some words that had the idea of ​​'retiring from the stage', and then combined with the injury, all major teams believed it and did not show sincerity, otherwise they would never go to the LCS. However, , At that time, Captain Orangutan was indeed courageous and offered the largest contract in the history of e-sports, and Brother Hao was also moved by this sincerity and respect."

"Later, the prostitute teacher revealed that Brother Hao spent 20 million before leaving. It can be seen that he was unwilling to leave and there was always a nostalgia in his heart."

Some people also joked:

"Brother Hao was saying that he was going to quit the stage in 2016. Look at it now, which year has he not massacred geniuses? Is this what a person who wants to quit the stage should do? Some people actually believe it! In this matter, I think I’m qualified to run the team and I’m definitely more reliable than them, so I’ll just recruit Brother Hao for the brainless stud!”


Everyone kept talking and chatting happily, and time passed by inadvertently.

Soon, the background sound of BP for the second game between TSM and SKT rang.

In the studio, the voices of the commentators continued to be heard.

On the LPL side, after the Haier brothers chatted for a while, they asked player Jin.

"SKT's rhythm in the first game was completely controlled by TSM. What kind of adjustments do you think they need to make?"

Doinb analyzed:

"TSM is too familiar with SKT. Benji and TheKing know how to beat them."

"The first thing SKT needs to do is change."

"If they want to play around Teddy, their tactics need to be clearer. They can't be like in the last game, where Teddy was disadvantaged online and no one could help him, so what's the point of picking Kai'Sa?"

"The hero's level and equipment must keep up, otherwise it cannot evolve quickly, and the damage in the mid-term will be insufficient and it will not be effective at all. For example, when Mata drives to Varus, Teddy doesn't hurt at all when he hits someone."

"If SKT is smart enough, they still have to play from the wing."

"Faker's condition today is relatively average. The chance of winning against The King is very slim. Moreover, the stupid chicken is so targeted. After Clid fell into a trap in the middle, he lost everything of his own. Of course, SKT believes that Faker is not wrong. It depends on how they choose. "

Then, Doinb added: "The second game is about SKT's life and death. If you lose the series, don't even think about coming back. I have never seen a team that has won three games in a row against The King."

"So, I predict that SKT will change their formation."

"Their most stable player now is Teddy. This time Faker may be a tool player, and Clid will also change his jungle thinking."


Following Doinb's words, the three of them continued their discussion.

Facts have proved that professional players have very vicious eyes.

SKT grabbed the blue team and then changed their formation!


TSM is also changing!

After both sides finished banning, SKT selected Ice Lady, Kai'Sa and Titan on the first three floors.

TSM selected Sylas, Tahm, and Scorpion.

After fighting against each other, TSM selected Han Bing on the fourth floor.

After this hero was selected, Teddy felt a chill in his back and immediately changed teleportation to purification.

SKT's last two hands were Excavator + Sword Demon.

TSM's counter seat was given to Bilson, and he chose a captain.

Although it is not easy to play online, there is no need for Bihuang to compete with Khan for life and death, as long as he can develop and prevent gank.

In addition to supplementing damage, the captain can also support the whole map. These are elements that TSM's lineup needs.

The lineups of both sides are locked.

SKT: Sword Demon, Digger, Ice Lady, Kai'Sa, Titan

TSM: Captain, Scorpion, Sylas, Ice, Tahm Kench

In the second game, both sides came up with something different.

SKT obviously wants to protect Teddy, and the lineup is very flexible.

TSM has some controls here and is a great threat to the C position, but the lineup is bulky and easy to be pulled.

It can be said that there is an element of gambling on both sides.

When the game entered the loading interface, the camera on the big screen swept from the golden MSI trophy and then moved to the stage.

Kim Sang-soo shook hands with Kuma for the second time.

In the player stands, the expressions of the TSM players did not change much, but compared to SKT, they were definitely more relaxed.

Li Guapi rubbed his hands and stared at the two IDs opposite.

In the last round, Guapi remembered the image of these two idiots tacitly cooperating to kill him.

In the Big Demon King's mind, there was even a scene of Li Hao and Benji laughing together when he was killed.

So irritating!

The big devil wants revenge!

The best way is to slap these two guys in the face with a victory!

"Chencheng, perform well and don't be nervous."

"Doublelift's operation is definitely not as good as yours now."

"Shiheng will help you well."

Hearing these words, the captain was obviously stunned.

Warm encouragement from the big devil!

"Okay, brother!"

Teedy responded flattered.

Mata, who had a dark face, turned to look at Faker when he hummed.

He noticed something strange about Faker and felt the fighting spirit of this legendary Korean player.

As for why there is such a fighting spirit, Mata is very clear.

Someone obviously didn't want to look bad in front of his once best brother and worst enemy.

In order to defend those things in his heart, he desires victory.

And Mata also wants to win!

He watched the review content compiled by the coaching staff during the break, and felt that his IQ was being rubbed on the ground by his opponents.

Facing Li Hao, this is not the first time such a situation has occurred.

The most powerful brain in Korea naturally can’t stand it!

"Everyone, cheer up. Their lineup is very risky and has many more flaws than the last game."

"Vision is crucial in this game, we can't continue to lose in the vision battle!"

When the hero entered the Summoner's Rift, Mata also shouted into the voice.

With the speeches of the two seniors, SKT's momentum increased.

Whether it was Brother Khan or Clid who were on the road, they both said some "harsh words".

This made SKT's backstage uniform staff nod frequently.

A group of hungry lions are about to hunt their prey.

This is the SKT they want to see!

"The players on both sides have come out of the spring, and I am looking forward to whether there will be a new opening routine this time."


Riv laughed loudly: "David, that's impossible."

"If Stupid Chicken's Scorpion dares to go to Clid's jungle to fight back, then he is too courageous."

"Also, SKT obviously doesn't want to give another chance."

As Riv said, the first-level SKT did not plan to invade, and then lined up along the river, and it was impossible to give stupid chickens another chance to invade.

Moreover, he is a scorpion and cannot touch his eyes like the blind monk.

"Faker's Ice Girl uses teleport + flash, which is very conventional."

"The King here is Ignite + Flash!"

Smith smiled and said: "Although the fault tolerance rate has been reduced, it is tantamount to telling Faker, be careful! The King has such confidence."

Riv analyzed:

"The stupid chicken needs to level up to 6 quickly. The jungle rhythm of the hero Scorpion is easily disrupted by the opponent. Fortunately, both the blind monk and the prince were banned in this game."

"Silas is very easy to fight against Ice Girl. This ignition will allow TheKing to occupy the lane. Then, Clid is afraid of TheKing and will not dare to go wild in the jungle area of ​​​​the stupid chicken. Silas can radiate his influence to Scorpion. This is a smart move. After all, it's not that easy to fight on the road. The threat that the stupid chicken faces should be Sword Demon + Rek'Sai. The captain can do very little in the early stage. Bilson doesn't dare to face a Sword Demon. presumptuous."

"If it were anyone else, they would probably teleport conservatively when facing Faker."

"But this is The King!"

David and Smith both nodded, agreeing with Riv's point of view.

As a smart Haochui, his basic quality is absolute trust.

If you can't understand, don't think about anything else. It's really just that you don't understand.

Nothing happened at level 1. Both sides were very conservative and did not choose a level 1 group.

Li Haoduolan quit two bottles of medicine and went out to learn E at level one.

When the minion in the middle was about to go online, he came to SKT's red zone from the river grass and inserted his jewelry eye into the opponent's F6.

This is to capture the Digger's jungle path while preventing ganks.

The minions in the middle were facing A. Neither Faker nor Li Hao touched the minions, and stood around the minions in the front row.

Li Hao knew very well how Silas faced off against the Ice Girl.

When the three frontline soldiers were about to lose their health, the big devil released ice fragments to clear the soldiers, and then poked the fragments in the direction of Li Hao.

——Sneak (E).

In an instant, Silas activated.

E1 brushes out a small white shield, which offsets the damage of Ice Girl's Q skill. Use this to move between the blue side's melee soldiers and long-range soldiers, break the enemy's forbidden method and passively attack to draw a circle.


This time, not only were all the three minions in the front row killed, but the ice girl was also affected.

——Abduction (E)

Li Hao moved very quickly. The second stage of E hit the ice girl at close range. He then moved passively with A. Because he was focused on fire by long-range soldiers, he retreated immediately after A came out.

The big devil chased Li Hao twice from behind, but was also hit by the red side's long-range minion.

After a wave of blood exchange, Ice Girl still had 3 and a half cells of blood left on her head, while Silas still had four cells left.

Everyone is like Dolan quitting going out and Li Hao making a small profit.

This is a routine that can be used against most heroes. Of course, if the opponent is hiding behind the ranged soldiers, there is no need to exchange blood.

However, judging from the position of the big devil, he is still full of fighting spirit.

Li Hao admired the melon skin very much.

Ice Girl's second Q improved and she went towards Li Hao.

Silas pulled towards the lower half of the river, avoiding the extreme range of the debris.

By this time, the second wave of soldiers had gathered around.

Li Hao only stably touches the edge, and will never attack the flat A and Q before reaching the second level.

Only by ensuring the blood volume can the second level have the capital to compete.

After eating the 7th minion, the mid laners on both sides were upgraded to 2 almost at the same time.

Compared with the top and bottom lanes, the director can feel the gunpowder smell in the middle lane. After the camera only scans the top, bottom lane and jungle area, it quickly returns to the middle lane.

On the big screen, Silas takes action again!

A section of E moves toward the right side of the soldier, missing the soldier in front of him.

The Big Devil was moving, but when Silas threw the second E, the Ice Girl's ID changed to the word "dizziness".

The sound of "clanging" chains sounded, and the second E was pulled directly on the ice girl's face!

Here, Li Hao has a small detail.

He deducted the W he learned at Level 2 for a while.

After E faints the Ice Girl, make the first passive attack.

The Big Demon W in place, and the Ring of Frost briefly restrained Silas.

At the moment when the restraint ended, Li Hao made a second passive basic attack.

The Ice Lady moves towards the back of the tower, and Silas Regicide follows with her thrust!

The restraint time this time was very short. Even without mercury shoes, the ice girl could not walk 400 yards!

W jumped onto Lissandra and fired another passive attack.

If EAEAW is used directly, and the Ice Lady is imprisoned, Silas will lose the means of pursuit, thus losing a little passive basic attack damage.

In the early stage, this damage cannot be underestimated.

On the player's seat, the big devil's expression suddenly changed.

The Taipei Basketball Stadium also let out a burst of screams!

In the LPL super spectator group, Sun Yalong and Sika shouted at the same time!

"It's over!"

"Faker failed in the lane and was beaten hard by Brother Hao! He was restrained and caught up again, completely maxed out! It was just a random attack!"

"Hey, dear, I still have more than a hundred points of blood, I'm just about to light it up and kill him!"

"I guess the big devil is very scared. He wants to play ice girl for a while, but he feels like he can't stand it anymore!"

"Where's Clid? If he's not dead, hurry up and move him to the middle!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Come on JDG!

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