LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 489 Take the Glory Sword! Who can stop it? !

"It's terrible, G2 completed a very beautiful combination."

Smith said with a surprised expression:

"It's hard to believe that G2 on the edge of the cliff didn't fall into chaos due to nervousness. Instead, they played in a state they didn't have in the first two games. Their rhythm was better."

"In the entire finals, G2 currently has the biggest lead against TSM!"

Riv said: "Yes, especially Yankos."

"Caps used his small disadvantage to help liberate Jankos. Olaf continued to do things and became the most active point of G2."

"TSM is now nearly a thousand dollars behind. The bottom lane troops are entering the tower. Fortunately, Doublelift has TP in this wave, so he won't lose too much in terms of experience in skateboarding shoes."

"However, TSM must be careful. G2's counterattack is very fierce. They must be steady and not let G2 open a bigger hole."


The King of Europe, who had a strong start, has already suppressed TSM, which was almost invincible at this MSI, and this has restored hope to the LEC audience.

If G2 could maintain this level from the beginning, how could TSM easily win two games in this round of finals?

The European audience felt slightly depressed and turned their attention to the screen again.

At 7 minutes and 6 seconds, Akali in the middle moved towards the river and inserted her real eye into the grass behind the red Buff’s butt. The position of this real eye was very particular, close to the extreme position of the upper part of the grass, and Not reaching the outside of the grass, this allows the real eye's illumination range to cover an ornamental eye on the front of the F6.

Caps' invasion ward was blocked by Li Hao.

At this time, the eye position that Benji had just made in the G2 blue zone also successfully captured Olaf.

Jankos is playing blue.

There is no way for the midfielder and jungler to attack together in this wave, because the opponent's Galio is already alive and will definitely be one step faster than Pike to provide support.

Li Hao quickly transferred skills to push the line. Olaf's blue will definitely be given to Enchantress. Caps went to get the blue. The ramp on the right side of the first tower was stuck by Akali. Enchantress had to go around in a circle, so Caps lost soldiers.

At 7 minutes and 10 seconds, Akali was the first hero to reach level 7 in the game, and she also had the most CS.

Caps' Enchantress was nearly 10 CS behind.

After Olaf helped the Enchantress get blue, he also saw the stupid chicken's true eyes.

But there is still one false eye that has not been eliminated, and Yankos' subsequent actions are still in TSM's eyes.

Li Hao once again cleared the minions that came online at 7 minutes and 28 seconds, and at the same time sent a signal to the stupid chicken.

TSM quickly pushed the lane in the bottom lane, and the skateboard shoes have reached 6.

The duo gathered towards the Xiaolong Pit, and the four TSM men surrounded the first fire dragon.

Although G2 knew that TSM was beating the dragon, they voluntarily gave up this wave.

EZ hit the dragon pit with a big move, which shocked both Benji and LCS fans.

Fortunately, TSM had both punishment and spear-drawing insurance, so Ah P almost succeeded.

TSM took down the Fire Dragon and stopped their losses slightly.

At 8 minutes and 36 seconds, Yankos ganked from the middle of the river in the upper half. The Enchantress, who was knocked down by one-third of her health, turned around and directed a phantom chain at Akali.

Under the nervous gazes of TSM fans, Akali used the cloud formation to accelerate and twisted the chain.

Another E was given to Olaf, and he turned over to avoid Olaf's ax and the second chain reproduced by the Enchantress' R skill.

The midfielder of G2 was messed up. Although Yankos picked up the ax and hit Akali for the second time, the Enchantress's retention skill was used up and Akali returned to the tower safely.

Backstage, compared to other members of the front office, Coach Grabb is the only one who is awake. He is not so optimistic.

G2 took the lead, but TSM has always had a stable development point.

Unless Akali is eliminated, Coach Grabb will always feel unsettled.

At 9 minutes and 13 seconds, Benji came to the bottom lane.

He wanted to find an opportunity to jump over the tower from behind, but conditions did not allow him.

After clicking the explosive fruit over the wall, the G2 duo immediately retreated.

The view of the river grass easily caught the movements of the stupid chicken.

This wave did not start a fight, and the two sides entered a brief stalemate.

Until 10 minutes and 30 seconds, after Akali in the middle took the initiative to attack the Demon Queen, Olaf and the prince appeared one after another.

With Li Hao's successful first move, if it is 2V2, there is a high probability that he can win this wave.

However, the hero Galio appears and instantly turns the tide of the battle!

Li Hao judged the situation in time and decisively handed over R to escape.

When the stupid chicken saw Akali slipping back, he also dodged and ran away.

At the contestants' table, Li Hao felt a little emotional.

G2, who are really in their best form, have strong team qualities in all aspects, and their communication and support are very timely.

In this wave, if Galio hadn't consciously moved toward the middle, Mikyx would have been too late no matter how fast he reacted.

If I had tried hard just now, I would have been able to get the Enchantress' head first, but if I took Galio's control, I would definitely die.

Exchanging one's own head for that of the Enchantress is definitely a loss.

When his teammates were in a downturn, Li Hao knew his importance very well.

After a wave of death, the development will not be able to keep up.

Senior Brother and Black seized the opportunity. EZ alone could not defend Pike and Kalista, so the duo chose to jump directly over the tower.

Fortunately, Ah P is an EZ. He flashes and adds E. He dodges the skateboard ultimate move and Parker's E skill, and then moves to twist away the bone-piercing spikes.

This series of operations made Ah P on the player bench more and more passionate as he played.

The entire G2 team's voice was filled with excited chatter.

The G2 uniform staff showed expectant smiles.

In the past, whenever G2 played in this state, they would win the game with a high probability.

The European league talents have thrown away all the pressure and are already enjoying the game.

Sure enough, ten seconds later, they saw the scene they were looking forward to.

The TSM duo got a layer of tapioca in the bottom lane, and Pike immediately looked towards the river to look towards the river, and at the same time wandered towards the middle lane, looking for an opportunity.

However, G2 predicted Parker's movements in advance.

Galio and Olaf ambush at the river. After a lost Pike was punched, punched, and taunted by Galio, Olaf, who was using his ultimate, threw Q to stick him and slashed wildly.

When TSM's midfielder came to support, Galio flashed and caught up with Pike, and his passive basic attack hit Pike hard. Black was killed on the spot!

In the TSM player box, Old Black was extremely depressed and scratched his hair with his hands.

"Don't panic."

Just when Blake was upset, the voice from the center sounded in his ears, like a shot in the arm.

Li Hao comforted:

"Looking at kills, last hits, and tap skin, the difference is no more than 2,000 yuan. Our disadvantage is not as big as imagined. As long as we find a wave of opportunities later, we can fight back."

"Calm down and take control of the situation."

"Don't walk around when you have blind vision. G2's vision control in this round is very good."

"It's definitely not that easy for G2 to win this game."

"They have a strong desire to attack now, but they also have flaws. We will definitely find opportunities."

"Don't mess up your position before the opportunity arises."


He shouted, which made everyone's rapidly beating hearts calm down a lot.

Stupid Chicken took the initiative and said:

"Caps' seductress is very difficult to catch. With his position, I have no chance at all."

Li Hao responded:

"It's normal. When he stands forward, Olaf must be there."

"Also, there is a Galio in the bottom lane."

"They are much smarter in this round. They use synergy and the number of people, so they don't play the upper hand."

On the road, Bihuang, who was messing around with the coffin board’s wife, complained:

"Did G2 take medicine? Why did it suddenly seem like they were a different team?"

The North American senior brother shook his head:

"It's not that we changed the team, I should say this game is like G2."

"In the semifinals, they played at this pace."

"However, it's this kind of duel that makes me want to be serious."

"You missed the knife." Blake reminded from the side.


After everyone exchanged a few words, the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Everyone stopped thinking about miscellaneous off-field matters and focused their attention.

Li Hao nodded secretly and worked more carefully. The game had reached a more critical time.

At 12 minutes and 34 seconds, Black and his senior brother had a perfect 2v2 cooperation. Kalista, who had failed in the early stage, was much stronger than EZ. After pulling out the Spear of Revenge, Pike slashed under the tower with a big move!


Mikyx clicked the stopwatch to the limit, allowing Pike to take advantage.

EZ and Olaf, who came from behind to support him, came to attack. Black fled to the grass behind the next tower and managed to escape by clicking the exploding fruit.

He still had Olaf's wolf head on his head, but Black had five-speed shoes. After taking a look at the distance, Yankos stopped chasing.

Both sides played very thrillingly, which made the players on the field couldn't help but tense up.

The audience watching the game was also noisy.

However, what surprised everyone was.

In this game, the midfielders on both sides still had 0/0/0 data, which is really rare.

At the beginning of 13 minutes, Li Hao glanced at the bottom lane and marked the blue Buff on the opposite side.

Just then, Galio emerged near the river.



"Mikyx wants to do vision. Let's go first. This wave can be fought!"

"I'm coming!"

As the elder brother spoke, he gave up on the half-killed stone monster, and Pike quickly moved towards the triangle grass.

In the middle, Luden's Enchantress was already stepping on the line of soldiers with two consecutive feet.

Li Hao is stuck in the line. He has a technology gun and can clear troops very quickly with his skills.

Enchantress is so anxious to clear the line, she will most likely get blue, and then cooperate with Olaf to find opportunities in the bottom lane. Once she succeeds, she will get earth dragon.

This is a wave of rhythm for G2.

However, TSM acted faster and struck first!

At 13 minutes and 14 seconds, Mikyx came to the Lower Triangle Grass and discovered a real eye.

Because TSM went home just now, Mikyx knew about it.

He didn't think TSM could come so quickly, not to mention that he still had a flash on his body.

However, before arranging the real eye, he relied on the consciousness of a professional player to insert an ornament eye in the direction of the stone monster.

The moment he saw the Spear of Vengeance, Galio opened E and ran away.

The eldest brother drew his spear and slowed down, then turned the pike behind him.

Mikyx dodged to avoid Pike, but Blake caught up with the phantom again and pulled him behind Galio. Galio taunted Pike and protected EZ, but he was knocked unconscious by the phantom. Prince EQ followed up and slid in the spear of revenge. spear.

At this point, Mikyx is already doomed!

With a tearing sound, Galio handed over his head.

EZ avoided Pike's Q, and Ah P did not allow TSM to expand the victory.

But on the other end, Akali in the middle has already reached the blue buff alone.

Olaf and the Enchantress are both here, and the blue buff still has more than half of its blood.

If the bottom lane is normal, Akali has no reason to be aggressive in front of two people.

But Galio is dead and TSM has more people.

This makes Caps and Yankos a bit weak.

Akali was swaying near the blue buff, as if she wanted to grab it.

Hat King put a Q on Akali's head and hit Luden.

But Akali, the highest level 11 player in the game, did not lose much blood under this Q.

Yangkos let Lan, and after looking at the last blood volume of the blue buff, he pulled towards the three wolves.

The Enchantress just handed over Q, and now she can only step on A followed by W.

Li Hao calculated everything accurately and took a decisive step forward.

At the moment when the enchantress is lost in the shadow.

——I flow mysteries! Cold Shadow!

This Q hits the enchantress accurately.

Although Caps quickly Wed back to the imprint position, he was slowed down by Akali's Q.

Li Hao took a step forward, predicted the distance, and hit the enchantress with an E!

The Falcon dances lightly, flies to the Enchantress, and then gives Q a passive basic attack.

Yao Ji locked Akali with a chain, but he was sucked by the technology gun. The moment Li Hao made a general attack, a piece of R passed through Yao Ji's body and cleverly blocked the position of Yao Ji and the three wolves' wall, making Caps move stiffly. .

Lit A and then connect with Q to release the Xia Formation!

The enchantress being ridden on the face by Akali has already revealed herself to the mirror.

Because the prince from behind followed him, he immediately chased forward.

The next Q was almost a real body and a fake body. Caps panicked and fled to the tower in a flash.

The Taipei Basketball Stadium echoed with Akali's roar. The second-stage kill that was devastating both inside and outside passed through LeBlanc, and the Black Rose fell under the tower!

At this time, tapis fell one after another, like G2's tears, as if they were mourning.

The unexpected single kill caused the atmosphere at the scene to change suddenly!

The audience was unprepared and burst into exclamations that resounded throughout the venue!

The commentary booths in each competition area were in an uproar!


"Here comes the familiar rhythm!"

Both Miller and Remember shouted: "This crucial wave comes from Brother Hao!"

"I told you long ago, what is supposed to come will come!"

Colonel Guan also said excitedly: "The key! TSM suddenly exerted force, Akali's single kill, it was like cutting on G2's throat, it hurt so much!"

"Caps just took away the blue buff!"

"In front of Olaf, with a set of smooth operations, the blood bar of the full-blooded enchantress was emptied!"

"It was originally G2's rhythm, but suddenly it became TSM's rhythm!"

LPL peak player Haochui Wang Duoduo smiled excitedly and shouted:

"This is Brother Hao!"

"At critical moments, you can always trust him! In this round, G2's midfielder kept trying to kill Akali, but failed."

"Now, Brother Hao faces the opponent's midfielder and jungler alone without any fear!"

"If he thinks he can kill, he will never show mercy! Is there anyone else in the alliance who has this kind of vigor and confidence?"

"The three-foot sword in the waist can kill more than ten million!"






There was a lot of praise in the TSM team voice and backstage.

As for G2, they saw a scene that sent chills down their backs.

The director showed the camera to the TSM player seats, and you could see Bilson, Big Brother and others, all of them excitedly celebrating.

However, when the screen was shown to the middle, there was only an extremely calm face.

He was so focused, staring at the screen with serious eyes, opening his mouth, and then various TSM signals on the mini-map, obviously directing the next move.

The feeling of pressure coming from behind made G2 feel suffocated backstage.

In the front row of the audience, Kuama and Li Guapi stared blankly at this scene.

Kuma shook his head:

"Xianghe, after this wave, G2 will have no chance."

Li Guapi murmured thoughtfully: "Is that so?"

Kuma saw the close-up on the big screen and complained:

"It really hasn't changed at all."

"Huh?" Li Guapi looked at him.

"I said The King."

"Do you know? Since 2016, this look and this face have been appearing in the backstage of SKT. I can already imagine the mood of the G2 coaching staff at this time."


TSM pushed down the first tower and started to fight the second earth dragon.

On G2's side, Yankos, who had been very brave in the early stage, may have been frightened because he just saw his teammates being killed in front of his eyes. Before his teammates were in place, he suddenly lost his way.

He was wandering near the dragon pit and was hit by Pike's Q.

Yankos, who was running away, was framed by the prince's EQ. Akali was in the cloud formation. She approached Olaf with an anti-E, and then used basic attack and Q to deal damage. Olaf had no magic resistance and was two levels behind Akali. The beating hurt.

When the second Q was given, Li Hao shouted Black.


With a muffled sound, Pike beheaded Yankos.

Akali and Pike both received 300 yuan, perfect financial management.

Li Hao's 2nd stage E returned to the Xia formation and accepted Xiaolong together with the skateboard shoes.

The chaotic battle was not over yet. Pike went to the bottom lane and slashed Galio's face with his ultimate move that was about to hit CD. At the same time, he pulled E to stun Mikyx.

But in this wave, G2's support was very fast. Enchantress and EZ arrived, and the coffin board on the road was also TPed.

Parker was killed. In order to expand the victory, G2 chased the skateboard shoes to the triangle grass.

On TSM's side, the old driver and the prince joined the battlefield, the senior brother kept beating, and Galio was already disabled.

EZ saw that the situation was wrong, and E went to the dragon pit.

Ah P was startled, Akali was waiting below.

Two QA's, with their long butcher's knives, chopped off Ah P's head.

Ah P can no longer understand the exaggerated damage.

The stupid chicken was killed, but everyone on G2 except the Enchantress was killed. Akali scored a double kill, and the number of kills increased rapidly.

Bilson and his senior brother came to the bottom lane and destroyed the first tower of G2 in the bottom lane.

At 15 minutes and 39 seconds, TSM's economic lead has reached 3,000 yuan!

Some people went to the bathroom while watching the game and felt like they had lost their memory when they came back because the situation on the field was completely reversed.

At 16 minutes and 04 seconds, Yankos sneaked into the Canyon Pioneer.

Just when he got the Eye of Vanguard, the TSM army arrived.

The crippled Olaf used R to escape over the wall and entered the G2 crowd.

Just when Yangkos thought he was safe, he released the Xia Formation in the Akali dragon pit, a reverse E over the wall, an R pursuit plus QA plus technology gun plus electrocution.

Olaf in the G2 crowd died suddenly on the spot!

By the time the Enchantress reacted and threw out the chain, and when Galio punched righteously, Akali had already flown the Thunder God across a thousand yards and returned to the dragon pit!



Already gone berserk!

"Wow, this is dead!"

"Everyone in Yankos is stupid. I'm surrounded by brothers. How dare you come to kill me!"

In the high-energy viewing group, Sun Yalong sighed:

"Brother Hao defied heaven!"

"I feel like Yang Kos's mentality will be shattered. Brother Hao just killed Enchantress in front of him, and now he's killing him in front of everyone in G2, asking for everything."

"Just asking, who can limit it?!"

"There is no limit, God is God!"

Sika smiled and said: "In the first ten minutes, G2 had hallucinations and seemed to be winning. Even us commentators had hallucinations. G2 rose and it felt like we had to work overtime today."

"Then God became displeased and refused to work overtime. He defeated G2 in two waves!"

General Sturgeon said cheerfully: "It seems that Shenzhui's show has been updated. I'm anxious to go back and watch it. G2 can't stand it."

"As I understand it."

Before General Sturgeon could say anything else, Diamond Dragon interjected:

"According to your understanding, G2 can order food, right? Hahaha!"

"All joking aside, G2 played pretty well."

"But they didn't seize the advantage. It was too much of a chance. Galio's vision didn't need to be so deep."

"If you are familiar with Brother Hao's team, you should understand that you must not get carried away when beating Brother Hao."

"You dare to waste your money in front of Brother Hao even if you have an economic advantage of more than a thousand, the only G2 in the alliance can do it."


On the big screen, TSM was still chasing, hitting the second tower in the middle.

The Enchantress was knocked out of the mirror, but Caps killed Pike with Galio's sacrifice.

Mikyx was killed by Akali under the second tower.

In the next wave, G2 used Rift Herald to hit the upper tower and regain a little blood. However, their last upper tower was also pushed down by the duo that TSM exchanged.

Wangde led the lane in the bottom lane and destroyed TSM's next tower. G2 returned to 200CC.

At 19 minutes and 2 seconds, Wonder, who was still involved in the bottom lane, was caught by TSM.

Because he has the Purple Linyu Fist, Cloth Armor, and Three Phases, he was quite able to resist with the help of his wife before everyone in TSM gathered.

It was precisely because Wonder held on that he gave G2 the opportunity to support.

Galio fell from the sky, and TSM and G2 started a battle on the ruins of the next tower.

Black's ultimate move cut him into the air. With his remaining health, he was ignited by Galio and fled in a hurry.

Wonder wanted to shoot Pike to death, but as soon as he took a step forward, he was killed by Akali with a Q.

Caps came from the triangle grass, W stepped on the Spear of Vengeance, and attacked QE in the direction of Pike, and received Black's head with an electric shock.

But he was knocked away by the prince, got Sion's charged Q, and was marked by Akali's E.

"Olav rushes into the battle to chase down the barely-healthy Skateboard Shoes, the Prince charges into the EZ, and the bottom lane is in chaos!"

"The Enchantress returned to her original position with her second W, and Akali followed with her E, and then passed through with her R to kill the remaining-blooded Enchantress!"

"The enchantress has been killed!"

"Caps brought Akali to EZ, it's over, Ah P is going to die!"

"Xia Zhen gives Q, basic attack, technology gun!"

"Ah P flashes, there's no way to escape!"

"Akali dodges to avoid Galio's taunt! Second level R kills!!"

"The prince was shot to death by Ah P's secret technique. Instead, Akali turned around and killed Galio again!!"


At this time, the commentator's seat was already going crazy!

Wang Duoduo from the LPL, David Smith from the LCS, Coster from the LEC, and Brother CT from the LCK all stood up from the commentary booth! !

"Four kills!"

"Already four kills!!"

"TSM is killing people, the Spear of Revenge didn't pull out the spear!! He deliberately didn't press E! He was killed by Olaf!!"

"Eldest Brother, this is Eldest Brother!! He is using his own life to fight for the Pentakill for Brother Hao!!"

"I'm in tears!"

"You led me to win the World Championship and illuminated my dim career. So what if I just lost my life?! Is this the bond of TSM!!"

"——Take the sword of glory and find balance in chaos!"



With a clear roar, the Ninja Scythe not only pierced Olaf's flesh, but also harvested his soul!

"Penta kills!!"

"This is MSI's first pentakill in 2019!"

“From TheKing~!!!!!”


"——Penta kill!!!"

This sound that made the summoners' blood boil resounded throughout the Taipei Basketball Stadium, completely setting the venue on fire!

The tens of millions of summoners in front of the screen are also enjoying the audio-visual feast at this moment.

In the TSM player table, the North American senior brother smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Such a scene was frozen, and many people were filled with emotion.

Who would have thought that the arrogant-looking senior brother from North America would actually have such a side.

On G2's side, Caps showed a helpless smile.

Everyone knows that after this wave, MSI 2019 is over!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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