LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 491 The first time in nine years! Crowned!

In the Tieba forum, Dai Langhuo, a well-known Sun-Tianology researcher and one of the ancient Hao fans, left this message in the Louvre:

“The fire that ignited on the eve of the semifinals at the Taipei Basketball Stadium heralds that MSI will enter the hottest moment in 2019. Now, we have seen that the league’s first three-peat mid-season championship dynasty was once again born in the hands of Brother Hao.

The scene at the Taipei Basketball Stadium is reveling, and the LCS, which broke the rules, is reveling. Fans of Brother Hao are also very happy, but there is always something missing in our LPL division.

Half a year ago, if I had more faith in this legendary man, then it would have been an LPL team to reach the final stage of the Taipei Basketball Arena this year.

Looking back now, it seems that what really extinguished the fire in the basketball stadium was the tears of regret in the LPL division.

Regret has happened once, but I hope it is only this time.

Next season, the most important thing for the LPL must be to bring our god back to his hometown! "

Leading the gangsters to the top and shouting, his words aroused the echo of many LPL fans.

The major teams have not yet taken action, but their fans have already started the "War for Gods" in the 2019 winter window in advance!

At this time in Taipei, the man who attracted much attention in the TSM player bench stood up from the e-sports chair, came to the side of the North American senior brother, and patted the senior brother on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

What he said could not be heard by the audience.

But this does not prevent everyone from feeling the happy atmosphere.

The arrogant senior brother also had a smile on his face, which shattered all doubts about the relationship within the TSM team.

The audience also understands that the current scene is happening because the senior brother just gave up a key head.

If Spear of Revenge pulls out its spear, Akali's five kills will be gone.

However, it is precisely because of this complicated relationship that makes this pentakill so classic. Coupled with Li Hao's record of five consecutive world championships, it is equivalent to adding a "Doublelift" brand to this famous scene.

It is definitely not a loss for the North American senior brother, and this behavior of achieving teammates has aroused the favor of a lot of players.

When the players have already achieved four kills, they would probably be very happy if they had such a teammate.

In the Los Angeles Esports Home Forum, some analysts also gave an explanation. They attributed this behavior of allowing five kills to "favor."

Combined with the senior brother's previous experience in the world competition, coupled with the misfortune that happened to him in 2018, the league world is the most peaceful harbor for Doublelift.

However, this harbor has always been dark.

Li Hao's arrival lit up the entire world of Senior Brother.

The North American senior brother got his wish and won his first world championship.

"Xingxiong, what are you looking at?"

The dumbfounded idiot suddenly turned around and said blankly to Li Hao:

"I, I won the championship again!"


"Wolfberry, I now have one more champion than Sang He!"

Li Hao smiled: "So, you are looking for Xiang He, right?"


Benji looked towards the audience: "Kuma and Xianghe are both here today. They should be happy to see me win the championship. After all, they were defeated by us in the semi-finals, and I can be regarded as carrying the will of both of them. , is about to win the mid-season gold cup."

Li Hao shook his head. He still took it for granted.

I'm afraid both buckling horses and melon skin are wearing masks of pain.

Those two are both arrogant and arrogant guys who refuse to admit defeat.

While they were chatting, they had followed the rest of TSM all the way to the G2 player bench.

Maybe it was because Wonder had just played with the coffin board. The Dane's face was full of death, and he no longer had the look of killing everyone with Pike before.

When Yang Kes shook hands with Li Hao, he was still filled with regret and unwillingness.

In the early stages of the game, G2 continued to put pressure on TSM under the rhythm of Jankos, and for a time the entire G2 team saw hope of winning the game.

If there are three, then there are four. Winning the third game will turn things around in the finals.


An invincible mid-lane assassin, using kunai and ninja, shattered the illusions of all Europeans.

In the future, LEC viewers can recall:

"We were once so close to the mid-season championship. At the moment when the European division was rising, we waited for the most luxurious galactic battleship in Europe. Our opponent was an NA team that was under us. In this almost century, we could only win In one finals collision, EU lost. We did not lose to NA, we lost to the Chinese foreign aid from LPL. Europe emerged in a tragic era. Under The King's throne, there were tears in all major competition regions."

The lucky shoes that the King of Hats has been wearing for ten years, due to the huge consumption of the collision with the magic weapon of the thermos cup, all the power was used up when BP tossed a coin.

However, the smile that often appears on Caps's face has not disappeared.

This Danish genius born in 1999 is now under 20 years old. He is very young and has a good mentality.

Although on MSI, as a talented mid laner, he was promoted by Li Hao, but Caps was the first person in G2 to take the initiative to communicate with Li Hao.

"TheKing, you amaze me."

"I'm excited about your existence in the league. G2's challenge has not stopped, and we will meet again in the S game."

Li Hao comforted and said:

"You are very talented. I hope the S competition can have a satisfactory result for you."

The hat emperor was not modest. He said in a very serious tone:

"Let's get to know Rasmus Winter again, his ID is Caps, a Danish player who entered the top league in 2016 and has been watching your legend come through."

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "A dream chaser who is determined to surpass you in the future."

Li Hao admires Cap King's professional attitude very much. He enjoys the pursuit of competition in the league world and has the drive that a young player should have.

"I wish you success."

Li Hao patted him on the shoulder:

"The future always belongs to young people, and maybe it belongs to you."

The Hat Emperor smiled happily, like a child without any scheming.

And P on the side is obviously more mature than Caps.

After shaking hands with Li Hao, he said to the Hat King on the side:

"Winter, don't believe what he says."

"If you follow the news about LPL, you should understand that he has a lie about the future. Because as early as three years ago, some people believed his lies."

"What makes people speechless is that some of the geniuses who heard him talk about the future are now dim or even retired, while he is still winning the World Championship."

"Last year's G2, last year's Sword Demon, every scene is vivid in my mind."

"You have to be careful and don't trust this old fox gullibly."

"Luka, of course I know the famous future lie."

"However, hearing him say this to me, even if it's a lie, is quite heartwarming."

Caps made no bones about it: "When the idol of your career, a man called 'God' stands in front of you, then slaps you on the shoulder and says he will entrust you with the future, this is even better than the Cathedral Red Jackets. The bishop’s words are even more sacred.”

"I prefer to listen to lies as truth and then fulfill them. This is the path that dream chasers should take."

"Luka, I won't give up!"

Hat King's eyes were sharp, staring at the retreating figure after shaking hands with Mikyx, and he clenched his fists:

"I, Rasmus Winter, will definitely follow in this man's footsteps!"

The Danish e-sports fairy tale of Hat King has influenced Croatians and Poles

Ah P, Yancos and others quickly recovered from their loss.

With the conversation in the G2 players' seats, this European team full of infinite energy has become the same as before. They are also a brilliant flower in the e-sports world.

Msi is over, but G2 will continue to move forward.

From the sky above the Taipei Basketball Stadium, colorful ribbons floated down like rain.

TSM players' shoulders and hair were all affected.

Li Hao and others walked out of the rain curtain of ribbons with smiles on their faces and came to the golden trophy of the mid-season champion.

Coach Kim Sang-soo and Maggiola also reached their peak. This was their first time standing on the awards stage of a world-class final.

Miss Jessie, the host of the LMS competition area, shouted:

"Let us congratulate Team SoloMid, who have won the 2019 MSi Championship!"

"Now, raise your trophy!"


The audience in Taipei from various competition areas was very considerate. When Li Hao and others raised the trophy together, the cheers and applause did not stop for a long time.

At the TSM headquarters in Los Angeles, Captain Orangutan stared at the big screen in the base and paced back and forth excitedly.

The staff at the base were all shouting and celebrating!


"We finally won the championship!"

"Boss, this is the MSI champion. There is only one champion in the entire North American region!"

"This is the first time in the North American division in nine years!"

Someone from the operations department praised loudly: "Your vision is so vicious. For nearly three years, you have been laying the groundwork to get The King. You have even given the largest contract in the league, surpassing many sports stars."

"Now, all those people who were waiting to see your show have become fools!"

"You proved to everyone how wise and decisive your original decision was!"

"The King was still injured at that time. There was no one else in the entire league who could trust him like you!"

"Now, the championship belongs to us! The powerful The King is the envy of other teams!"

The speaker was very excited, and although there was an element of flattery, the emotion was also very genuine.

In this matter, Captain Orangutan is really awesome.

During the 2018 transfer period, transfer operations that were judged to be C-level have now become SS-level.

It is no longer possible to lose money on a large contract that shocked the league.

In the TSM base, someone asked curiously:

"Boss, did you expect at that time that The King in the 2019 season would be the real peak of his career? Now he is 26 years old and has experienced many injuries. This is extremely crazy! How did you expect it?"

The orangutan captain was not bragging, he showed a ferocious smile:

"Of course I couldn't think of it."

"Li is so strong now, it's completely beyond my expectation."

"However, I have always believed that he is a person who can create miracles, and he can create miracles stably."

"In 2016, when I went to the Staples Center in Los Angeles chasing the S tournament, watching Snake finally win the championship, I had a strange feeling as a mid laner."

The gorilla captain looked towards the big screen at the base. The LMS host was about to make the final announcement.

"The King dominated the S6 World Championship. SKT can defeat that level. I don't know what other team can stop him."

"The next two years made this point clear to me, so I didn't care about his injuries at all, I just wanted to take a crazy gamble."

"As for age, it depends on the person. Ma Run from S5 is a good example, and how can Ma Run be compared with The King?"

In the TSM base, many staff members nodded secretly.

Captain Orangutan may seem crazy, but he has enough reasons to support his madness.

Someone mentioned:

"Boss, there is enthusiastic feedback from the LCS audience. They want to meet The King."

"what do you mean"

The orangutan captain had already planned: "Let's listen to Li's opinion. If he has no problem, we will arrange a large venue to hold a celebration ceremony for Msi."

He chuckled: "This is easy to do. You have to know that Riot is also promoting this matter from behind. The enthusiasm of North American players has been awakened. Riot is even happier than us."

Captain Orangutan said ambitiously:

"If we really have a chance to win the S Championship this year, I will contact Riot headquarters and organize an unprecedented e-sports championship parade in Los Angeles!"

"TheKing, Riot, TSM, let's make a lot of money together and increase our popularity and influence. This is a huge win-win situation!"


The orangutan captain drew a piece of pie at random, and everyone was a little hungry as they had wild imaginations.

And Miss Jessie's voice on the big screen woke them up again:

"Winning the 2019 MSI Mid-Season Invitational Finals Fmvp is"

She smiled brightly, and there was no doubt about the result.

Following the audience, Jessie shouted out the ID that shocked the league world.


"Congratulations to TheKing! Fmvp is well-deserved, allowing us to see the most superb performance this spring!"

"At the same time, this is also the third consecutive year that The King player has won the mid-season Fmvp award after 2017 and 2018, achieving a miraculous three consecutive championships and three consecutive Fmvp awards! He has also become the sole owner of the mid-season dynasty!"

"Today's Taipei arena is the second dynasty coronation ceremony for The King players!"

"Let's congratulate him!"

Jessie used all her strength when she shouted. Many spectators waved their flags, and tens of thousands of people made an extremely uniform voice:





This is a symbol of the conquest of the audience at the Taipei Basketball Stadium. Everyone congratulated from the bottom of their hearts when they witnessed the legendary scene.

Ada, the head of the Riot LMS division, faced the audience and the camera and handed the trophy to Li Hao with great solemnity.

The Fmvp trophy is not heavy, but it is full of honors.

Li Hao raised the cup with one hand, facing the lights on the scene, making the trophy even more dazzling.

Many people took photos or took screenshots of this scene with their mobile phones.

This marks that in the spring of 2019, the Alliance world still belongs to The King’s era.

Young geniuses have to wait until later if they want to rise to the top.

As for which day to wait, it probably depends on the mood of the man on the throne.

In the front row of the Taipei auditorium, Big Devil and Kuma had a good line of sight and could clearly see the scene on the stage.

Li Hao held the Fmvp trophy alone, while Black, Benji, and Senior Brother next to him held the MSI Gold Cup with smiles on their faces. The four living fossils won the championship in the same frame, which was extremely inspiring.

Young Bilson opened his mouth and smiled, showing his white teeth.

Kim Sang-soo, Maggiola and others all had winner's smiles on their faces.

His eyes swept over the bodies of Benji and Li Hao, and the big devil felt a little uncomfortable in his heart while sighing.

The same goes for buckling horses.

The two of them seemed to have eaten a lemon alive.

At this moment, they already regretted coming to the scene.

"Xianghe, let's leave as soon as the meeting is over."


"This year, we must reverse the current situation in Europe."



At the scene in Taipei, Miss Jessie’s eyes were bright, staring closely at Li Hao’s face.

But regarding the tenderness and attention of the little girl Wanwan, Shi Yizhong's expression remained as usual, without any change.

"Brother Hao, I have a question for you."

Li Hao nodded and motioned for her to ask.

Jessie slowed down and tried to make her voice clearer and nicer. She said with a Bayan accent:

"Brother Hao, at the beginning of the season, did you ever think about winning three consecutive MSI championships?"

Li Hao naturally shook his head:

"of course not."

"At that time, I was even thinking about whether there was still a chance to reach the highest competitive stage. Then, I was lucky."

"With the help of my teammates and team, I got through the difficulties, and then we worked together to achieve the current victory."

Jessie: "How do you feel about being the only dynasty owner of MSI?"

Li Hao said seriously:

"This is new scenery in my career and I enjoy competing in this kind of competition."

"I am very happy to share this honor with the fans who support me, and what I want to express is that the road to competition is not over. I also want to see new scenery."

He smiled softly, his meaning already clear.

The teams in each major competition area are in a state of turmoil, and they all feel the internal odor.

Three consecutive MSI championships and three consecutive S competition championships. These incredible achievements still cannot satisfy him!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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