LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 505 An unsurpassable record!

"TSM was not left until the end. NA didn't want to wait and sent their ace directly."

"So far in this European and American competition, TSM and FNC are both teams that have never lost. This will be the ultimate battle!"

"Nemesis sent out a lot of signals before the game. The Slovenian is very ambitious. He wants to be the first god-killer. This is not that easy. Many mid laners cannot do it, but this is a step that will make his value rise. The fastest way to get ten times higher. For Nemesis, this game is an arena and a fair of fame and fortune. He will give everything without reservation."


"Contestants from both sides have arrived!"

"Come on, let's see what Nemesis hides that gives him so much confidence!"


Amidst the alternating voices of the commentators from each competition area, the players on both sides had already taken their seats in the player seats.

BP background sound sounded at the scene.

At this time, the director's camera scanned the contestant seats on both sides.

On the EU side, the FNC players were generally very relaxed and did not feel the heavy weight of EU on their backs.

Bibab and Bochet put their heads together, and they were chatting and laughing.

The mid laner Nemesis is different from before.

He crossed his hands on his chin, his eyes were piercing, and the light on the screen reflected on his face. The Acid King became the most stable presence in the entire FNC, like a sculpture of a thinker sculpted by Master Rodin.

The European Emperors backstage in EU can naturally observe the changes in the Acid Emperor through the lens.

Many people feel that Nemesis has really undergone a transformation in the 2019 competition.

Strong data, few mistakes, brisk rhythm, skilled dividends, all the beautiful gestures come together, just for moments like this!

Just like Ball roared passionately in the European commentary box at this time:

"Nemesis is ready! This is his strongest attack stance!"

"He launched a fearless attack from Europe to the supreme throne of the league. He attempted to take the lead in tearing apart The King's dominance. This was a more powerful move than Jensen's trump card in the NA division. If he can succeed, he will be remembered in the history of e-sports and start a new era. A round of alliance turmoil!”

"Perhaps, the fear of The King will reach an all-time low at this moment!"

After all, Bauer is a European commentator, and his words are naturally biased. If Acid King can really succeed, the entire EU will benefit.

Therefore, even Coster did not interrupt him at this time and gave Ball a chance to show his full potential.

Of course, the pre-game off-court exaggeration cannot affect this round of competition.

Ou Cheng turned to look at the Sour Emperor and sighed:

"You were different today, you gave off some energy that I could feel."

Hi, nod:

"That's right, it's like all the things I've accumulated from Msi to now are released at once."

Pochet said in surprise:

"Nemesis, your hands are shaking!"

Bibabu's eyes widened:

"My hands that were shaking with excitement appeared again!"

"Crazy guy!"

"Hurry up and BP, I want to see the moment when you kill the god!"

Hearing the reminder from his teammates, Nemesis quickly stabilized his trembling hands. He hid his emotions in low words:

"Fight, guys."

Such an environment, such an ordinary sentence, but so appropriate.

Not only was the entire FNC player bench set on fire, but even the entire EU backstage was set on fire!

"Fight! We have to fight!"

"Pull down The King!"

"The rise of the EU!"


Hat King and others stood up in the background and shouted:

"Nemesis, come on!"

"Our good brothers, you can do it!"


TSM chooses the blue side and FNC chooses the red side.

TSM took down Pike, Prince, and Male Spear, and they have enough respect for FNC players.

On the FNC side, after taking down the wine barrel and the fan mother, they fell into a brief hesitation.

Yes, that's about whether Silas wants to fight?

TSM did not ban the mid laner, and Nemesis, the most popular card master in recent games, is still out there.

Ban Silas and lose momentum first.

Coach YoungBuck obviously took this into consideration. He was wearing headphones, which did not prevent him from hearing the huge noise at the scene. At this time, YoungBuck was more concerned about the players' own opinions.

"Nemesis, what do you think?"

Turning his head, he looked at YoungBuck. The Sour King said nothing and shook his head.

YoungBuck understands instantly!

"I see!"

The atmosphere has been enhanced here, so naturally there will be no ban. If the opponent really chooses Silas and Nemesis completes the God-killing, it will definitely cause a huge earthquake in the alliance world!

Thinking of all these things, YoungBuck, as a coach, is excited!

"No ban!"

"We won't ban!"

Hearing YoungBuck's excited words, the Sour King's eyelids twitched.

You know what a chicken!

I shook my head, couldn't you interpret it as not letting the opponent take it?

When the Sour King was depressed, Bibabu was very confident: "The hero Silas is not that scary. G2 and OG have given too many opportunities, so we are not afraid!"

“This is FNC’s confidence to gallop in Europe!”

FNC's third move is to get rid of the cat.

Immediately, the Los Angeles E-Sports Arena exclaimed.

"The King, Silas, who set off a killing feast for three consecutive games, was not banned!"

Riv couldn't help but said: "Stubborn EU region!"

Yes, it was this seemingly stupid and stubborn decision that made many people feel the EU's unwillingness to admit defeat!

In fact, many teams watching the game shook their heads in denial, and their emotions were shaken, which aroused strong resonance. Who doesn't want to be wild with the passion for e-sports? !

In the LJL division, many Japanese e-sports players praised: "This is the romance of Sour, the romance of EU!"

FNC's madness awaited TSM's strong response.

"On the first floor of TSM, lock Silas the Liberator!"

Smith shouted at the top of his lungs: "In the European and American competition, The King selected this hero for the fourth time!"

"EU will regret it! They can't break free from God's prison!"


Riv laughed with satisfaction: "This is an epic battle!"

David: "The competition has taken on a new meaning, and its nature has changed at this moment."

On the FNC side, after seeing Silas appear, Acid King felt numb from his back to his forehead as if there was an electric shock.

A long time ago, the hero Silas had nothing to fear.

But in this European and American competition, the opposite Silas's state was too scary.

Now that the matter is over, Nemesis no longer thinks too much.

With the atmosphere in place, he could only fight hard!

Both sides selected players one after another, and FNC won the Excavator and Wheel Mom.

TSM selected Lucian + Pig Girl.

After FNC locked onto Titan, they took down Gem and Jace.

TSM banned Sword Demon and Neeko.

FNC selected Sion and left the last move to the Acid King.

TSM took out Gnar and Braum.

People's eyes are fixed on the Counter seat on the fifth floor of FNC.

The Acid King didn't use any black technology, nor did he choose Zoe, who was easier to fight than Silas. Instead, he used a traditional mage.

Mechanical pioneer Victor!

The audience was slightly disappointed, but they felt it was reasonable.

If Nemesis really uses some weird hero to fight The King, the winning rate will be very low.

The use of such a stable mid laner shows that he has carefully considered the challenge to TheKing and it is not just a whim.

At least the old EU viewers are more at ease.

However, some data analysts frowned slightly.

Mid laner Victor is very common, but Nemesis's Victor is not common, and there is even a lack of relevant data records.

Joker from the domestic event commentary live broadcast room said:

"Nemesis took out a mid laner hero that he didn't use often. It seems that this is his hidden trick."

The principal of Guangda University thinks so:

"It should be the trump card hidden in the arsenal. Brother Hao should be careful when dealing with it."

As a guest in the live broadcast room, Mr. Prostitute used his own experience to analyze:

"We know that Europe is the hometown of French kings, and there have been many legendary old French kings. Victor is a traditional hero, which is completely in line with the traditional genes of the European division."

"Sour Nemesis takes out Victor now, she must have something to say."

"What's Victor's name? Mechanical Pioneer! This has a lot of meaning."

"If the mid laner who called out to fight The King in the LCS was Master Dakai, then the pioneer in Europe's fight against The King was Nemesis. His reputation is not as big as Caps, and he is not as good as the previous Ah P, but his attitude this time It was so tough that a lot of people involved in the league didn’t expect it.”

The prostitute teacher was very good at talking nonsense, which made the audience think more.

TSM asked the gods to renew the LCS's dying luck, while FNC wanted to snatch the fruits of the LCS by killing the gods.

The two teams are both traditional giants in their respective divisions and have been fighting for many seasons.

Thinking deeply, this is not only Nemesis, but also a game between the two competition regions!

NA and EU will even be discussed again because of this game.

There was a commotion in Los Angeles, and the lineups of both sides locked up.

TSM: Gnar, Piggy, Sylas, Lucian, Braum

FNC: Sion, Digger, Victor, Wheel Mom, Titan

No fancy art is present in this game.

Tradition and wisdom go hand in hand, creating a sense of heaviness and tension.

When YoungBuck and Kim Sang-soo shook hands on stage, the game entered the loading interface.

All European and American spectators must admit that their breathing has never been so rapid since watching the intercontinental competition.

So much so that when the heroes first entered Summoner's Rift, huge cheers erupted in the crowded square filled with spectators inside and outside the Los Angeles Esports Arena!

The most exciting contest has begun!

The director is very good at what he does, and the camera quickly scanned the TSM player seats.

In the mid lane position, the man who has suffocated all the major teams in the league is commanding the team as usual.

The stupid chicken on the side nodded frequently, probably receiving some kind of instruction.

Li Hao's mood has not changed much, which will not surprise anyone.

After all, considering the big scenes he has experienced, what does a challenge from the LEC mean?

If he hadn't been so famous, such a challenge wouldn't have caused any commotion at all.

Li Hao's side, the regular ignition flash, go out Dolan Ring + small medicine.

When Sylas faces off against long-handed heroes, the most basic game is the line of troops.

Li Hao also paid attention to Nemesis's game. The European Emperor's handling of the army line was actually very rough.

If he didn't change a little bit in this game, this matchup would be easier.

As for the challenge suddenly shouted by the Sour Emperor, Li Hao was not worried, but he found this person quite interesting.

It turns out that Sour Emperor is not only good at talking, he also has a non-coward side.

Little did they know that Nemesis wanted to chop Bibabu down!

At level one, both sides stood along the river and did not invade.

This is much more stable than several other European and American competitions.

At 1 minute and 28 seconds, the soldier in the middle came online.

Li Hao controlled Silas to move back and forth in front of the soldiers. He found that Nemesis on the opposite side looked eager to try.

Victor hit the minion and moved forward.

Li Hao seized the opportunity and took a step towards Victor.


After this wave of pretending to be stupid, Nemesis was indeed fooled!

Siphon energy and throw it at Silas's head.

Li Hao immediately retreated, laughing secretly in his heart.

Three melee soldiers and one ranged soldier in the middle began to chase Victor because they were attracted by hatred.

The first step of Silas's long-range lane setting has been completed.

From the moment Victor Q came out, the Acid King's matchup was basically over.

This wave of Acid King attracts hatred, and the red soldiers will advance quickly.

Li Hao retreated after replenishing a disabled soldier. He would not go up to the A soldier, nor would he use skills stupidly.

This wave of operations will create opportunities for level three solo kills.

At 1 minute and 55 seconds, the second wave of soldiers came to the line in the middle near the river wall, and Li Hao controlled Silas to move forward.

The Acid King pushed the line and wanted to consume it. He seized the opportunity and indeed received the second Q skill.

Li Hao saw that Xiao Bing was being hated again, and he knew that Victor was already G.

The challenge launched by the Acid King has ended in this wave.

This wave of lane planning in the middle is almost perfect, and the troops can 100% enter the tower.

Then, after entering the tower, the third wave of minions will also enter the tower, and no one will attack the minions under the defense tower.

This means that Li Hao can 100% reach level 3.

Level 3 Silas fights a traditional mage, which is a classic full-blood kill line!

On the big screen, the red soldiers entered the tower, and the third wave of blue soldiers had just arrived behind the tower.

At this time, Suanhuang went to the river to make eyes according to the usual thinking.

According to the senses, Victor's experience may be ahead of Silas, after all, there are so many soldiers gathered in front of the tower.

However, towers deal with minions extremely quickly.

When Victor returned to the line, the front row troops had already entered the tower.

Li Hao only needs the experience of two front row soldiers to level up to level 3.

On the big screen, after Victor returned to lane, he stood in front of the river wall, and a precise death ray poked onto Silas, who was finishing his wounds.

Silas, who was full of health, was drained of nearly 1/4 of his health.

However, after A lost this last hit, the situation in the middle suddenly changed!

The moment Sylas reached level 3, he didn't care about the line of troops at all. An E hit Victor's face and set him on fire.

At the FNC player table, Suan Huang, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly became excited.

He fired the siphon energy and ran away.

Silas made his first passive basic attack. The Acid King wanted to avoid the second E, so he used his flash and moved in the opposite direction towards F6.

Li Hao pinches E in small details, and stacks Conqueror with two extra A's.

The Conqueror's stacks are high, and hitting people with skills will hurt even more.

"Dang Cang~!"

The sound of a chain sounded, the Acid King failed to move, and Silas' second E was dragged on Victor.

Acid King did not cross-dodge immediately because he still had more than half of his health before taking the second E.

Moreover, our own excavators are coming here to provide support!

This time, he was pulled and received a passive basic attack. Victor only had 4 and a half health cells left.

Victor turned around and leveled his A, then staggered away from Silas and walked towards the middle in the opposite direction.

This wave of reversal and positioning was handled quite well by the Acid King.

But Li Hao made no mistakes with his feet and followed Victor with basic attacks.

After Sylas came out with his Q and added a passive basic attack, followed by the exclamations on the scene, Victor, who had only a little more than two small health cells left, couldn't hold it anymore, so he flashed directly to the grass in the river to avoid being chain whipped. Hit with follow-up damage.

Li Hao followed up with a flash attack, aiming for the health bar on Victor's head.

Before Pochet's excavator started, WA got the first blood!


"Nemesis was killed by Brother Hao with full health! It's crazy! This wave came so suddenly! It was directly on the line of killing with full health!"

"Bochet is here! But Victor dies first, and Brother Hao also has residual health. Can the excavator stop the loss by killing people!"

"The excavator tunnel, the underground Q connects with the A to fly! AQE, so smooth! Brother Hao is disabled! The excavator has red, it can kill!"

"Stupid chicken, stupid chicken, stupid chicken is here!"

"Pig girl Q flashes! There is a stupid chicken within a thousand yards, the savior at the critical moment!"

"Sylas eats a biscuit, and the excavator is controlled. Sylas' E is then followed by a basic attack, which is the ultimate AOE. This distance control is wonderful!"

"Bochet was interfered by the stupid chicken and couldn't reach Silas! The pig girl was stuck to the excavator and had a fourth layer of effects in the permanent frozen field. She was stunned. Silas turned around and attacked, and the excavator released the control. Silas Second stage E and then control! Passive basic attack, move and pull!"

"The man is paralyzed! Pochet was stretched and paralyzed! The excavator is also disabled, and he wants to leave!"

"Mei Zhu, keep clinging, Brother Hao is waiting for the CD!"


In the domestic game commentary live broadcast room, several commentators were excited.

On the big screen, Silas, who was still in health, was close to the excavator. Bochet turned around to QA and brought Silas's health to the dangerous line. However, Silas's regular attack with a sudden stab and the regicide sucked the blood away again. Come up.

After exchanging the next wave of basic attacks with the excavator, Li Hao communicated with Benji and released the chain whip!

The Q skill dealt damage, and the excavator tried to pull away, but Pig Girl pinned him in place.

0.5 seconds later, magical energy burst out from the intersection and exploded on Bochet!

"An ally has been slain!"

Everyone in FNC heard the sound that made them collapse.

The excavator is dead and the buff is transferred!

Silas, two heads.

When killing the excavator, Silas laughed wildly, and the entire FNC could hear it clearly.

A cage seemed to appear above and around them.

Many viewers were dumbfounded and then looked thoughtful.

Challenge The King?

Killing God?

There was a lot of thunder, but there was no rain, and he was struck on the head by the divine thunder.

EU's old fans were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe the situation had changed so quickly.

They were still brewing, and "Geneva refunded the money" almost blurted out.

At the players' table, Suihuang tried his best to stabilize himself.

He TPed to the line and developed steadily to level 5. During this period, he successfully poked Sylas with the death ray.

But at 4 minutes and 54 seconds, in the middle of the road near the river in the lower half, Victor, who wanted to step forward and consume him, was hit by Silas E. Then, the Acid King, who did not flash, only heard the thump of the chain swinging by his ears. Voice.

"Killing Spree!!"

Silas is on a killing spree!

In the European commentary box, Ball was almost silent.

He couldn't continue to be a good man for the Sour Emperor.

There were so many expectations and hopes before the game, but they were shattered so completely in such a short period of time!

Destroy it quickly.

Returning to Coster's home court, he kept shaking his head:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can only reluctantly say that the LEC game is over here."

"Next, we will enjoy another killing performance from The King."

"This European and American competition belongs to NA, to TSM, and even more to The King!"


At 6 minutes and 28 seconds, Bochet found Zhu Mei in the bottom lane and decisively caught her.

But Silas almost ignored the excavator. When the excavator wanted to fly forward, Li Hao turned back to Q, and a section of E twisted the excavator into the tunnel under his feet, and stabbed Victor with a regicide.

The second stage E lit up the stolen Chaos Storm and launched a passive basic attack. Li Hao turned around and prepared to pack up the excavator.

Bochet glanced in the direction of the Acid King, and Victor melted under his own chaotic storm.

Although the Acid King also released his own Chaos Storm, Silas in the Chaos Storm felt more like a great demon to Bochet!

"Guys, let's fight together~!"

Before the game, these high-spirited words had disappeared from my mind.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

He didn't care about Silas' health and just ran away towards the river!

Li Hao pursued decisively, but the excavator followed the previously dug tunnel and escaped continuously.

Li Hao also didn't expect that Pochet would have so many backup plans.

Pochet successfully escaped under Li Hao's pursuit. This escape was his best move in the game.

Surviving in the hands of God, Pochet himself felt that he could survive.


Silas has gone berserk~! !

Can't beat two against one.

At this moment, in the EU commentary box, Ball, who was originally silent, also said:

"it's over."

Throughout the game, the phrase "It's over" seemed to be the mantra of the LEC commentators.

People have counted and they say the LEC is over more times than Silas has killed people.

It can be seen how disappointed the entire EU division is.

The Acid Emperor launched the 'God-Killing War', and was beaten to pieces by the gods. The level of fragmentation exceeded that of ghosts.

At 29 minutes and 34 seconds, Victor was guarding in front of the front tooth tower and was killed by Silas again!

This was the tragic moment for the Sour Emperor, who gave away his ninth head in the game.

Mejia's soul-stealing scroll can no longer hold any more souls.

"it's over!"

"Congratulations to TheKing, congratulations to LCS, they won the intercontinental competition."

After Ball finished speaking, Coster announced loudly:

“We have to see a surprising statistic!”

"During the European and American competitions, The King scored a total of 100 kills in four Silas games!!"

"In the years to come, this will be a record that will be dusted in the league. I don't think anyone can surpass this record. The King will carry this record with him until the end of the league's world!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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