LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 507 The Supreme King’s Cup!

In the past two years, the European and American competition has been in full swing in NA and EU.

However, domestic audiences did not pay much attention to it.

Most people learned which division won the championship through certain channels or information collection after the game.

This year, it’s completely different!

Before the start of the Asian competition, European and American international storms dominated the rankings in domestic e-sports forums.

Each astonishing data has brought the popularity of the intercontinental competition to a whole new level.

Tracing the root cause, it's all because of the man at the top of the league!

In the E-sports Louvre, the name of the Intercontinental Dynasty was high, and there was a lot of discussion below.

Someone described:

"It's too exaggerated. In this intercontinental competition, Brother Wolfberry produced shocking data, surpassing the past! The topic of which year Brother Wolfberry is the strongest has aroused heated discussions. Although Europe and the United States The gold content of the competition is average, but have those top Korean players who have transferred to Europe and the United States ever had such data? According to the theory of league relativity, Brother Wolfberry himself is too strong!"

"Data is the best explanation. I think Brother Wolfberry in 2019 is the most awesome!"

Someone said:

"One person, three dynasties! If you want to ask what the truth is in this e-sports era, just type this string of IDs to interpret 'The King'."

Someone put it succinctly:

"Three dynasties, eternal gods!"

Some people were also very moved:

"This is Brother Hao. He has not sunk in the European and American competitions. He does not live on his merits. He is already full of honors and is still struggling! He transforms people's otherworldly genius into great power that can be put into practice. This He is a true legend! I will follow Brother Hao’s footsteps and continue to strive in my career (moving)!”

The data emperor analyzed it very realistically:

"If you are a league data enthusiast, then after summarizing all the data of Brother Hao, you will find that it is a treasure. It is equipped with many demanding factors, but he can produce ideal data. I firmly believe that no one can Go above and beyond, because that’s the ceiling.”

The data emperor was criticized because in 2017 and 2018, they said similar things, and then they were overturned by the same person, who was naturally Li Hao.

The appearance of the three great dynasties was too shocking.

Because everyone will recall the entire process of Li Hao's three dynasties, the legendary events he has experienced, and the various legendary highlights he has shown!

Scenes that are so gorgeous that they can be called epic chapters continue to emerge.

The fans' emotions exploded in an instant!

"It turns out that Brother Hao has brought so much beauty to me without even knowing it!"

An old Hao fan cried on the forum:

"Woooooooo, I'm about to cry. In the summer of 2016, I followed in Brother Hao's footsteps. I remember that at that time, he took off the bandages that bound him, supported the snake team in the building with injuries, and finally led Snake went to Staples Center as the third seed and brought the first S tournament trophy to LPL!

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, and I think of many things in the past. In terms of study, life, and emotions, Brother Hao has been with me all the time. I watched the passionate scene of Brother Hao competing in the World Championship with my good buddies. I remember it very clearly. Now, when I feel that life has been overwhelmed, I see Brother Hao again. He is still the same. He is still the same as the first time I saw him three years ago. He is just like the boy yesterday, heroic and arrogant. I also got encouragement, Brother Hao is still by my side. "


In Xiaopo Station, many smart UPs have begun to sort out the three major dynasties.

Such as "Inventory of the first person in the alliance", "The epic of the three dynasties", "The waltz of the three dynasties" and so on.

As long as the quality of these video clips is higher, the number of views will be scary.

The grandmothers were moved to tears.

They thanked the gentlemen for their coins and thanked Li Hao at the same time.

Many people say that one TheKing can support a large group of grannies.

News doesn’t just happen in the video area

It is said that after reading Brother Hao's epic of the Three Dynasties, a novelist on Dianzhan suddenly announced that he would stop writing. He left these words:

"It's more fantasy than the characters in my novel, but it's actually a real thing! Haha, my imagination is so lacking, how can I have the face to continue writing novels? I'm done."

Even in the film and television industry, news has been spreading frequently recently.

The huge traffic surrounding Li Hao has made the big guys unable to sit still.

There are reports from big investors in China that they hope to join forces with Li Hao to make a film. Of course, it will be a regular film to interpret the legendary e-sports life.

Many people said that this film was easy to make, and it only needed Brother Hao to play his true self.

If you want to increase the number of views, you can invite some "Twelve Emperors" to help out. It will definitely be an all-star lineup.

There are rumors not only in the domestic film and television area, but also in North America and Hollywood film and television companies have also set their sights on Li Hao.

According to news from the Los Angeles Gamer House, a senior leader of a film and television company turned out to be a loyal fan.

After imparting information about Li Hao to the top, this person actually aroused great interest from the management.

In particular, Li Hao's current influence in North America and even the world is no less than that of those superstars.

In terms of the number of fans, that is an exaggerated and huge number!

The traffic of Li Hao's three major dynasties has made the Asian competition become more popular.

The LPL audience is even more enthusiastic about the Asian competition.

In 2017 and 2018, LPL won the Asian Championship twice in a row.

If they win the championship again this year, it will be the third consecutive championship in the division. This is a division dynasty, which coincides with Li Hao's dynasty. That is a beautiful thing.

IG, TES, Snake, and JDG, these four teams also embarked on the journey to Seoul with the hopes of LPL players.

Time flies and it’s July 1st.

This is the day after the European and American International Championships, and NA’s carnival is not over yet.

In recent days, there has been an endless stream of fans visiting TSM headquarters.

Some lucky netizens tweeted that they got the chance to meet The King.

Seeing those close-up photos with Shi Yizhong can make these people's friends jealous to death.

The luckiest person should be a streamer on Twitch.

His name is Saleh, the king of the American server, and his best hero is Riven.

Old Riven players should know this person, BestRivenNA.

He is the founder of Riven Lightspeed QA and a former high-level player on the US server. Saleh is a good friend of BestRivenNA and a player who also loves Blade of Exile.

Lucky Saleh got a chance to play solo with Li Hao.

On that day, Saleh came to the TSM base happily. He was ambitious and made bold remarks in advance in the live broadcast room:

“Who can break God’s prison?”

"Maybe it's my Exile Blade. When the broken sword is reforged, I will chop the cage into pieces!"


That afternoon, Saleh and Li Hao had a passionate battle.

In the evening, Saleh returned to the live broadcast room to share his results with fans.

He played the recorded video of Riven vs. Riven.

In front of the camera, this young man with fluffy brown curly hair spread his hands and said:

"Before the solo started, I originally only had one chance to challenge, but The King generously gave me three opportunities. At that time, I felt that he was insulting a professional brother."

"I will let him know that the consequences will be serious!"

Speaking of this, Saleh had a straight face, but his tone changed again:

"But then, as you guys saw, I used up all three opportunities."

"turn out"

"Total defeat."

"Oh, of course it's nothing. Facing the first person in e-sports, I just lost my own beliefs. Right, it's nothing."

Later, there was a lot of crying in the live broadcast room.

A well-meaning person comforted him: "If the anchor doesn't cry, then you haven't violated your own words."

"When the broken sword is reforged, then the cage is chopped into pieces."

"I see that you have played three solo games, and none of them have reached level 6. Naturally, there is no recasting of the broken sword."

The crying in the live broadcast room became louder.

I haven't even reached level 6, what's the difference between it and the Acid King?

Vegetable dog!

On July 3, Li Hao unexpectedly received an invitation from Riot.

"What's the matter? It's so mysterious."

At the entrance of the base, Li Hao, who had already gotten on the bus, asked curiously.

Maggiola smiled:

"Of course it's a good thing."

"I don't know much about the surprise Riot gave you."

"Brother Hao, let's go quickly."

Look at the way he smiles, it's a ghost only if you don't know.

Li Hao saw through everything and didn't ask any more questions.

There are two Passats at the front and rear, and a business car in the middle, both of which were prepared by Captain Orangutan.

When Li Hao goes out, he will be accompanied by TSM's highest standards of security.

Even Captain Orangutan doesn’t need it when he goes out on his own.

There are many bosses in the North American division, but there is only one leader in the league.

Santa Monica, California.

Li Hao has been here many times and already has enough understanding of the layout of Riot headquarters.

Although there will be some minor changes, it does not affect Li Hao's ability to walk all the way to Ryze and Tryndamere's offices. The guides will accompany them with smiles, and there will be almost no chance of guiding them.

"Haha, Li, welcome!"

“Our first person is on time and welcome!”

"Introduction, this is Talomi, and this is The King. You will have a wonderful communication, and the alliance world will remember this meeting."

"Nice to meet you." Li Hao greeted him familiarly.

The blond middle-aged man smiled with a smile on his face and stretched out his big hand: "I know, I know, Ronaldo will call you an alien, the most powerful and greatest e-sports genius on the planet!"

"I'm Talomi, from Thomas Lyte Company."

This time, Li Hao was really surprised by Riot's handiwork.

Thomas Lyte Company, designers of the Summoner's Cup.

In the following conversation, Ryze and Tryndamere were very satisfied with Li Hao's reaction.

This man, who had always been calm and composed during the game, finally couldn't hide his inner joy.

It seems that this surprise is in place.

Talomi recounted the details of previous communications with Riot, and they were designing a trophy.

The gold content of this trophy will even surpass the Summoner Cup!

In the league world, there will be a higher pursuit, and that is the Dynasty Cup!

Only teams that have won the S competition for three consecutive years, or players who have won the S competition three times and won Fmvp consecutively, are eligible to win this trophy.

In order to commemorate Li Hao's great achievements in the three dynasties and his contribution to the league world, this supreme trophy will be named after his ID element.

King Cup!

This will become the fantasy of future professional players, a new goal.

At the same time, Li Hao's achievements were completely integrated into the alliance world.

This is respect for the three dynasties and respect for a king.

Regardless of Riot's intentions, for Li Hao, it is full of good intentions.

It was a bigger surprise than he expected.

I came to Li Hao today not only to inform him about this matter, but also to ask for Li Hao's opinion on the trophy design.

Li Hao provided some elements to support Thomas Lyte. Whether the company will adopt it depends on the later results.

This matter is currently kept confidential.

Ryze made it clear that as soon as the trophy design is completed, it will be announced immediately to inform the billions of League summoners about this exciting news.

After all, Riot didn’t keep Li Hao any longer, but they knew how to give him what he wanted and gave him many precious figures.

In the digital alliance hero figure room, Li Hao actually found the "Pao Sister" figure!

Ryze is determined, Tryndamere is determined~!

Looking at Sister Pao's exclusive moves, Li Hao felt a little like Miqin who was still in the Magic City.

Although we communicate all the time, we are separated by network cables after all.

For a moment, he thought about it.

Looking out the car window at Los Angeles, no matter how prosperous it was, it could never keep his heart.

Li Hao laughed at himself, could this be considered the e-sports version of "Being in Cao's camp and being in Han's heart"?

On July 4th, the Asian Continental Championship officially begins!

South Korea's LCK, China's LPL, China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan LMS League division/Vietnam VCS, 12 teams in 4 major divisions started a four-day battle.

Although the LMS and VCS divisions are united, the layout is similar to the previous two Asian competitions.

The protagonists are still LCK and LPL, and the others are supporting characters.

In the group stage, the LCK division took first place with a score of 7-1.

The last game of the group stage is IG vs. SKT. Star players gather together and the competition is very fierce. It is a clash of technology and spirit. The top players from the two divisions complement each other.

At the beginning of the game, SKT chose the strong combination of Kalista and Titan, while Faker in the middle played the Czar. IG came up with the Kasha Lax combination and mid laner Thalia to deal with it. In addition, Neeko on the top lane is also very good at beating Kamil.

In the early and mid-term, IG's top, middle and jungle rhythm was quite good, leaving the blind monk lost in the jungle with no rhythm at all. Kalista in the bottom lane also fell into IG's rhythm because she did not receive favorable support from the blind monk. IG's situation was very good.

However, Faker stood up in a desperate situation!

When IG advanced to the highland tower on the top road, Tsar's wave of TP directly defeated IG, causing subtle changes in the originally one-sided game situation. In a desperate situation, Lee Sang Hyuk temporarily saved the dying SKT in three kills.

Faced with such a powerful opponent, IG worked together and quickly adjusted in the later stage, successfully scoring a point for the LPL and breaking the LCK's winning streak.

This makes LPL players excited and feels that there is still a chance for the intercontinental competition!

Faker, who was in the player seat, was very upset.

Many people are saying: If it were another Brother Li, he should be able to save SKT!

After the group stage, there is no suspense in the semi-finals.

LPL swept the combined forces of LMS and VCS 3-0.

On July 7, seven o'clock has arrived.

The final battle between LCK and LPL!


LPL sent ace IG in the first round, but fell to KZ in 29 minutes.

In the second game, SKT took 32 minutes, and Neeko made a perfect entrance with her ultimate move, winning the game with 1 for 5.

The New Snake team faced Griffin in the third round. It was a tough battle. Snake and Griffin fought hard for 43 minutes and finally won!

Many Snake fans and LPL fans lamented.

Today's Snakes team is no longer the ace of the LPL, and has reached the point of struggling with Griffin.

However, the glory of the past still shines.

They ushered in hope for the LPL division.


In the fourth game, DWG, a new team that has emerged in the LCK this season, exploded with terrifying combat power.

Under the leadership of Xiumei, DWG easily defeated JDG, which was a complete crushing game.

Many people are discussing that they can see the shadow of the Tigers in them!

Moreover, these talented teenagers make LCK look full of vitality.

After silence and decay, LCK seems to be ushering in a new life.

The LPL, on the other hand, lost its third consecutive intercontinental championship!

For a time, there was an upsurge of "missing Li Hao" in the LPL division.

Who said there is no great emperor in LPL?

The Emperor of Sun and Sky only went to quell the dark turmoil in North America.

Many people are assuming that if Brother Wolfberry is still in the LPL this year, will the situation of the intercontinental competition change?

Fans firmly believe that things will change from the group stage.

Seeing the LCK win the championship, the two people in North America smiled happily.

Ryu said with a smile:

"Junzhi, the LCK has regained what it lost, and we should take action."

Team 100T, Bang turned to look at Ryu's screen, which was the settlement interface.

Ryu, has a superb record in the US server champion group.

"Are you ready too?"

Yue Lun snorted coldly and looked in the direction of the TSM base in Los Angeles:

"Of course!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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