LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 510 Use the original faith to talk to the times!


The 100T old crystal exploded in front of the audience, and the players' faces were reflected with a hint of red.

"Congratulations TSM!"

Riv said excitedly: "They defeated 100T and swept the first round of the LCS Summer Split! After the spring split, TSM still dominates the LCS division. This is a new record for the summer split in the division. They have the ability to take this record further. .”

"Led by The King, it's hard for me to imagine other LCS teams beating them. Compared to the Spring Split, their execution is stronger and their tactics are more mature."

Riv's words were inspiring: "Guys, I see the shadow of Snake, the invincible dynasty team of the past, in this TSM. The leader is also the same person. What an incredible thing!"

Smith's voice on the side was ups and downs, full of emotion:

"Ryu was defeated miserably at the hands of The King. There seemed to be no suspense in this duel from the beginning. It was always thought to be a suicidal challenge. A prowler on the edge of his career faced the current peak king. The final result was We expected it.”

"Ryu is a legendary player of LCK. From his attitude before the game, it is not difficult to infer that this game occupies an important position in his career. He walked to the field with a unique belief. Half an hour later, regret came On him.”

"However, Ryu chose the Lord of Shadow Stream. This is the hero he wanted to choose but failed to choose when facing Faker. Now in front of The King, he has undoubtedly made up for this regret. I feel for him. Happy. This is perfection in another sense, a unique way of Ryu's career."

"Confront the shadows and find the truth."

"I hope Ryu can get out of the shadow of the past."


There were constant emotions in the commentary box, and the highlights of the previous game were being replayed on the big screen.

After two waves of single kills in the middle, Yue Lun was penetrated in the middle.

The Canyon Herald brought by Stupid Chicken freed the Enchantress from the middle.

Black roses bloomed wantonly on the side of 100t, and the false god of meditation had the nightmare of the past again.

Ezreal and Yuumi were lying under the lower tower. Aatrox, who was flanked, was helpless and furious. Amazing found that he could do nothing but rule the jungle and become the wild king like Amy.

What made the Los Angeles Esports Arena unable to calm down was the scene in the jungle in the 23rd minute.

After chasing Aatrox to the top tower, the Enchantress once again achieved a superb record.

With only about 1/3 of her health remaining, the Enchantress fled from the second tower to the upper half of the 100t wild area. Yue Lun finally saw hope, and with full health, he turned to the jungle from the second tower to pursue the Enchantress.

Yue Lun, who was full of murderous intent, had forgotten the taboos of the alliance, and with no vision, he dug his face into the grass!

What awaits him is Enchantress's full set of burst damage!

The enchantress, whose murder book is nearly full, demonstrates the art of disappearing blood bars vividly!

The calamity was nearly 3 levels behind. The speed at which the blood bar disappeared was like an illusion. The moment the instant prison shadow killing array was activated, Yue Lun could only hear the roar of the Lord of Shadow Stream in his ears.

"What I have accomplished is irreversible!"


Zed's laughter stopped abruptly.

What disappeared together with the sound was the full blood bar on his head!

After his soul was taken away by Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll, Yue Lun's eyes turned gray again.

Even though it was just a replay now, the audience at the Los Angeles Esports Arena still burst into deafening cheers.

Everyone has been able to figure out what Yue Lun was thinking in his mind at that time.

In 2013, the fifth game of the LCK had a blind draft mechanism, with two zodiacs in one game.

That year, Faker was 17 years old.

The famous scene where Full Blood Jie was beheaded by Silk Blood Jie once made him the most successful loser.

And the scene happening now is exactly the same as before.

However, the full-blooded calamity dies faster than before!

This isn't about showing off and being shown off, it's about not even having time to react!

With the data of 1/7/2, Ryu ended the game.

Although Bang in the bottom lane didn't die too many times, the state he wanted to play was completely unfulfilled.

Bang was so aggrieved that he had no room to show off against this kind of enchantress.

You can only take advantage of the cool down phase of Enchantress's skills and use secret techniques to shoot from a distance, which will cause the effect of being itchy.

Before the game, these two legendary LCK players had great ambitions. They wanted to work together for revenge, cut off TSM's winning streak, and end Li Hao's record this summer.

To this end, they have done a lot of training and preparation.

But when it came time to compete, what he did was completely different from what he thought.

The lonely bird disappeared in the sky, and the eternity disappeared into it.

At this moment, the audience at the scene was still cheering for the replay of the highlights, but the ambition, courage, and pride of the Avengers in the 100T player seat had dimmed.

When the camera was shown again, TSM players were walking towards the 100T player seat.

Li Hao and Benji, who played the best in this game, walked at the back of the team.

When Li Hao shook hands with Ryu, Yue Lun's expression was very complicated.

He thought about that painful summer game, and a younger face appeared in front of him. Time seemed to go back, reminding him of those years and the ups and downs of his career.

After that, a fist like Riot's special effects appeared and smashed these mirror flowers and water moons in front of Yue Lun.

He looked at the face of the man in front of him, he was so serious and meticulous.

In addition to having good looks that impressed him, there was also depth and mystery.

The bottom of a deep pool cannot be seen, and the depth cannot be known.

Looking at Li Hao is like looking at this alliance era.

Ryu couldn't see through it anymore. He was even more confused than when he looked at the 17-year-old boy.

When I left LCK and left my hometown, I was still able to move to Europe and North America. Although I was down and out, there was still a way out.

Now, Yue Lun, who was extremely confused, could no longer see the direction.

Returning from Europe and the United States and descending in front of that young man like a king, this obsession seemed to fade away in his mind.

At the end of the confusion, Yue Lun suddenly woke up.

Li Hao heard a long sigh, and relief appeared on Ryu's originally gloomy and tangled face.

This scene is very familiar. At that time, after the fight with Dade, the other party also looked like this.

Considering Ryu's current situation, Li Hao can probably guess the ending.

Over the once bright starry sky of the Alliance, another star is about to dim.

The two looked at each other without saying anything.

But the handshake lasted longer than normal.

Finally, Li Hao patted Ryu on the shoulder, which seemed like a very warm scene, like a hero cherishing a hero, and like a farewell.

After Benji shook hands with Yue Lun, he came to Bang's side.

He was extremely enthusiastic: "Junzhi, we meet again!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you missed me?"

He received a sharp look in response. Benji didn't find it strange. Instead, he smiled and hugged Bang, muttering:

"You guys are still the same as before."

"Like Wolfberry, they are both unlikable characters."

"Wolf is easier to get along with."

Bang complained: "When you were in SKT, you didn't come to the bottom lane so diligently."


The stupid chicken smiled: "Junzhi, you can't blame me. Those were all tactics back then."

"And in this game, you should ask Ryu. He was defeated by Gouqi. Facing the Enchantress, he came home and came out with a dagger. The opponent's mid laner's ID was TheKing. If it is a duke coach, the next game It’s time to put him on the bench. So, my gank is not the key.”

Bang complained to him a few more words, but still hugged him.

Li Hao smiled and shook his head.

He noticed that Yue Lun's body was shaking.

A certain rooster really can tell bad things regardless of the situation, and his bad words can be clearly heard by the rightful owner.

Before Yue Lun broke out, Li Hao pulled the stupid chicken away.

"Come on, Blake and the others are waiting. You can catch up on old times later."

The five members of TSM stood on the stage to express their thanks, and the audience in Los Angeles stood up.

There was continuous applause from the audience, and big flags embroidered with TSM were waved in the venue.

Some fans held up banners prepared in advance to celebrate TSM's sweep of the first round of the summer split.

The square outside the Los Angeles Esports Arena was also a similar scene.

The hopes and surprises TSM has brought to the LCS this season are really great!

Millions of LCS viewers dream of having a team like this, with strong team strength and superheroes.

The enthusiasm that has been accumulated for many years will be vented in this midsummer.

Now interview any North American audience who follows the LCS and ask them what scene they are most looking forward to right now, and the answer is likely to be the same.

[TSM competes in Europe, 2019 S Championship! 】

The post-game interview session was hosted by OvileeMay. This LCS girl is familiar to everyone in TSM because she and her senior brother are very good friends.

As the saying goes, like-minded, OvileeMay is also very good at acting, and her saucy talk is top-notch.

"The king who has descended on Los Angeles, please allow me to call you that."

OvileeMay was awkward with Li Hao as soon as she came on board.

However, Shi Yizhong smiled and nodded, completely able to bear it.

"I witnessed another great game. The LCS record workers are very busy. They have to compile a lot of new data. This is all the extra work you have created for them."

OvileeMay asked with a hearty smile: "So, how are you feeling now?"

"In fact, there are not many changes. It is not much different from playing an ordinary LCS regular season."


"This is a sweep of the summer split. You have brought TSM to a new record."

In the camera, Li Hao smiled and said:

“A lot of times, I hear this over and over again.”

"When every game is a record, records will become ordinary."

For a moment, OvileeMay didn't know how to respond.

It's obvious that the other person is showing off, but he's pretending to be natural.

OvileeMay really wants to complain, can you speak properly?

But I’m afraid of being retorted, ‘What dynasty are you in? ’

Therefore, the North American lady smiled and praised her, and continued to the next topic:

"Ryu chose Zed, why did you choose Enchantress?"

Li Hao said bluntly:

"This is not my choice, it is Ryu's choice. When he makes a major decision in his career, my attitude is respect and I will try my best to play this game well."

"At this time, I feel that Ryu may not care too much whether he wins or loses. He enjoys this duel."

These words were recognized by many people.

Yue Lun took the initiative to choose robbery because he was eager for a battle.

After the follow-up interview with TSM, OvileeMay also found Ryu.

The most remembered loser, after this game, has refreshed his background material.

How could the media miss such a topic-filled figure?

But what no one expected was that Ryu made a major decision in front of the camera!

OvileeMay: "Ryu, did you choose the Lord of Shadow Stream to make up for your regrets?"


At this time, Ryu confessed his feelings sincerely: "Before playing against TSM, I had repeatedly considered whether this was the only opportunity in my career."

OvileeMay was puzzled: "But that robbery was Faker, not The King."

Ryu shook his head:

"Similarly, The King is stronger than Faker. He keeps defeating Faker. Defeating The King will have a greater impact on Faker!"

Yue Lun introduced the theory of canyon relativity, which made the audience laugh.

Ryu was indeed vindictive and stabbed Faker in the back at this time.

"It's a pity that I lost."

"But I can sleep well tonight because I don't have to think about it all the time, and at the same time, another mystery is solved."

OvileeMay and the audience are very curious:

"What kind of doubts are there?"

Ryu said:

"I've been thinking about my position in the current league."

"The King represents this era. After having a formal dialogue with this era, I helplessly found that I am seriously out of touch with this era."

"Some of my old friends have left the league, and I feel sorry for losing them."

“Now, it’s clear to me that I want to follow the same path as these old friends.”

The topic extended here, which was obviously beyond OvileeMay's expectation.

The North American young lady was surprised: "Could it be that you..."


Yue Lun looked solemn: "I choose to retire."

"What a shame!"

OvileeMay's voice became much louder. She didn't want to see such a scene: "You have brought a lot of excitement to the LCS and to the league. There are still a large number of viewers supporting you. We can try to move forward. "

"This is how TheKing got out of his confusion back then. He is shining brightly now. He was a player of the same era as you. You should give it a try!"

"Ryu, don't be impulsive."

Originally, everyone was joking about Yue Lun, but when they heard what he said, many viewers became nervous, hoping that it was a joke or a joke.

What’s wrong with Background Emperor? He’s also everyone’s old friend!





The audience at the scene echoed that they hoped to retain Yue Lun in this way.

In front of the camera, Yue Lun licked his lips, his eyes were slightly red, and then he firmly picked up the phone:

"thank you!"

"But, I still have to leave."

"My level can no longer keep up with the top players, and I don't want to disappoint my fans anymore."

"Thanks to The King for giving me this opportunity. I used my original beliefs to talk to this era. Now, I have found the answer."


This is very similar to the scene where Dyrus cried and bid farewell to the game in the 2015 season. The same sadness and the same ending.

In the end, Ryu left, unswayed by the audience's insistence.

In the LPL studio, the atmosphere has obviously changed.

Before, everyone was still making fun of Ryu’s iron-headed robbery and the famous scene like two tribulations.

But now, everyone is very emotional.

"Yue Lun, announced his retirement!"

"According to his wishes, the battle with Brother Hao dispelled his obsession and lost his original desire for revenge."

"Seeing the gap between you and Brother Hao, I guess you will feel sad."

Miller sighed: "There are fewer and fewer players of the same era as Brother Hao."

"Among the players of the same era, Brother Hao is the most special one. He seems to have gone against the flow of time and taken a different path."

Ruofeng, who has retired, smiled bitterly and said: "This is exactly why Brother Hao is so powerful and legendary!"

"Do you still remember the Great Emperor?!"

Wawa suddenly mentioned.

Miller reacted: "Yeah!"

"The general in the LCK also had a big battle with Brother Hao at the end of his career, and ended in a disastrous defeat. After that, he chose to retire."

"Looking at Yue Lun again, he is really similar to what he was back then."

Wawa exclaimed: "These veterans were defeated by Brother Hao and chose to be sent away by Brother Hao!"

"Yue Lun made it very clear."

"He and Brother Hao are fighting against each other in this era. They are veterans who have been buried by the times and left in the most meaningful way."

Miller suddenly said:

"I feel a little sorry for Brother Hao."

"He sent away the players of the same era one by one, while he moved forward alone."

Ruofeng's eyes showed longing: "This is the path of a king. This is how the strongest king should be defined."

"Wolfberry, what are you thinking about?"

Backstage at TSM, Benji looked at Li Hao, "Ryu has long had the idea of ​​​​retiring. He struggled a few times and still reached this point."

Li Hao nodded and responded:

"I wonder when I'm going to retire."

"Brother, don't think too much!"

Kaguo defended: "Brother, I can fight until I'm 40. The older I get, the better I become."

"In the future, I will point at the screen and say to my children, this is brother, my former teammate, who has won ten consecutive championships. I was by his side at that time and was the best jungler."

Li Hao smiled and patted Kabo on the shoulder.

The stupid chicken on the side said "Axi".

"Bingquan, does an MSI championship + an Intercontinental championship make you so inflated?"

"You should tell your children that Bengi is the best jungler!"

They were laughing and joking, but their attention was still drawn to Ryu's picture.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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