LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 513 The Final Chapter of the Regular Season: The Invincible Legion!

On August 4, TSM played against Fly.

The Fly team's tactics are just like their team name, take off into the sky.

Top player V1per showed off his art, using small cannons to fight against Bilson's Sword Demon.

From the moment the hero was locked, TSM's tactics were quite clear.

AD stops on the road, so that’s right.

The stupid prince is caught more frequently.

The mid laner P King still did not disappoint the audience. As one of the oldest twelve kings in North America, Pobelter's mid laner Zoe has various aerial skills.

In this game, King P was very focused and put a lot of energy into the game.

But Li Hao felt that it was easier than before.

Especially in terms of movement, he can often dodge skills without moving.

The Twelve Ancient Emperors should not be underestimated. He did not stick to the rules, but actively tried to find ways to change the situation with Li Hao.

This time, Emperor P chose psychological games!

When it comes to the arena, it’s all about prediction!

Hypnotic bubbles and flying stars came in randomly, constantly attacking Li Hao's plane in waves of tricky predictions at large or small angles.

But from the effect point of view, P Huang's prediction is more like a fight between his left and right hands. He fought vigorously, but Li Hao did not integrate into P Huang's prediction ecology.

Therefore, in the eyes of the audience, Emperor P is like a man possessed, throwing out various unpredictable skills.

Soon, Zoe was at a disadvantage.

This makes V1per on the road unlucky.

After the plane was liberated, he and the prince frequently went to the road to gank.

Xiaopao was killed again and again, and the scene was extremely cruel.

Many people say that V1per cannot be blamed for this.

Neeko and Kennen, these long-handed top lane heroes that V1per originally liked to use, have all been weakened this time.

The most used sword demon was snatched away by Bilson.

Xiaopao is also a long-hand hero with displacement. This is V1per's confrontation with the designers to express his dissatisfaction with the version changes.

If AD can really stand in the top lane, he V1per will be the leader of this version.

The shy man in LPL saw V1per's art and shouted Naisness, recognizing V1per's style very much.

it is a pity.

"The poor little cannon died under the super missile of the plane."

"This is V1per's 8th death! He surpassed the ghost in just 19 minutes."

"Haha, except for death, it is on the road to death!"

Several LCS commentators laughed and enjoyed watching the excitement.

Riv said:

"Riot should thank TSM, they once again defended the stability of the league."

"If AD appears frequently in the top lane, this brainy version will be considered a mistake."

Marshall, a new commentator who joined the league, teased:

"Perhaps, we should be concerned about WildTurtle. He and Wadid are developing diligently in the bottom lane, but they can only watch the game go further and further."

Just like what the commentators joked about, at the beginning of 28 minutes, Brother Yegui was quite depressed.

He is like a wheel mother, he has grown up for such a long time, he carefully repairs every cut, and intrigues with his senior brother.

In the end, I pressed Tab and found that the plane on the opposite side had a larger object than my own!

Even EZ, who has been playing in the bottom lane, is better developed than him.

Watching the base explode in front of his eyes, Brother Yegui felt tired.

He thought about past seasons.

Although I have suffered many setbacks in the World Championship, it is still very comfortable and happy to play in this region.

What about this season?

Since the arrival of that man, the entire North American region and even the European region next door have been greatly affected.

Tension, urgency, these elements become more.

Training time has become longer, the number of training matches has increased, and fans of the team are paying closer attention.

Of course, this is not the key.

No player likes to be dominated and beaten.

But when most teams in the LCS face this new TSM, the gap between them has been infinitely magnified due to various bad habits accumulated in the past, coupled with a lack of hard power and differences in version understanding.

What's even worse is that Shi Yizhong's mid lane environment in the LCS is too comfortable and he can't find an opponent of similar strength.

Therefore, TSM scored big wins one after another, a crazy winning streak!

LCS has completely entered the era of TSM dominance!

Digging into the depth of the history of the North American Division, this is the first time.

The LCS competition area, free and full of art, has become TSM's back garden and racecourse.

Many players in the LCS have already sympathized with the feelings of the players from the major teams in the LPL.

And almost everything about TSM's glory is maintained by that one person.

Brother Yegui, shrouded in the red light of failure, couldn't calm down when he thought of Li Hao's experience and age.

They are both veteran players in the league, so why is the gap so big?

After thinking about it, a rather impressive face walked up to Brother Yegui.

WildTurtle instantly stood up from the gaming chair and shook hands with Li Hao in a friendly manner.

Looking at Li Hao in front of him, Brother Yegui looked curious.

For the Alliance, this man's power has always been an unsolvable mystery.

However, he was calm.

"Congratulations, this is your fourth victory against FLY."

"You won both the spring and summer games."

"If we win the next TL, a new history of LCS will be created by you."

Speaking of this, Brother Yegui slapped his mouth: "This is really a crazy thing."

Mutual praise in business is a basic quality, Li Haorui commented:

"The game could have ended in 23 minutes, but you delayed it by 5 minutes."

"WildTurtle, this is an ID that has impressed me since the spring split."

Being praised in person, Brother Yegui smiled with a row of front teeth, but he accepted it readily.

This game was indeed dragged down by his wheel mother.

"I was a member of the TSM team from the 2013 season to the end of the 2015 season."

"Throughout three years, I have left a lot of memories in TSM."

"It's a pity that you didn't exist during those three years."

"That's your golden age."

There was regret in Brother Yegui's words. These were not polite words, but sincere.

Perhaps in Brother Yegui's view, if he had cooperated with Li Hao in those three years, an incredible dynasty would have emerged from North America.

How strong The King was at his peak without injuries in his prime years is still a mystery to the league.

Li Hao also expressed his pity. The two exchanged pleasantries and shook hands before saying goodbye.

TSM and Fly played against each other a total of 4 times. In the first three times, Brother Yegui didn't talk so much.

This time, there was definitely a reason why he could talk to Li Hao so much.

As a veteran player, Brother Yegui also has the dream of winning the championship.

But judging from his career, there is almost no chance of realizing it.

On the other hand, TSM's big brother has received a God-given opportunity this season.

Brother Yegui, aren't you envious at all?

That is impossible.

Judging from the results of the summer split, FLY is currently ranked ninth, and they can't even reach the threshold of the playoffs.

Currently, there are three wins behind GGS, and there are no more three games in the future.

Therefore, it is impossible for FLY to play against TSM during the entire 2019 season.

According to the analysis of Li Hao's fate next season by major e-sports mainstream media, the probability of him leaving the LCS is extremely high.

Then, no one in the LCS will be lucky enough to cooperate with Shi Yizhong.

Understanding all this, Brother Yegui will also feel regretful.

Touched by the scene, he took the initiative to communicate with Li Hao for the last time.

Brother Yegui said that he had been in TSM for three years. What he actually wanted to express was that it was a pity that he was not in TSM now.

After shaking hands continuously, Brother Yegui, who bid farewell to the playoffs and S9 in advance, looked towards the e-sports arena stage.

With a quick glance, I saw Li Hao's side face.

Deep down, he let out a sigh.

Who can hate being drunk during a song? The wine is still lingering when you return after singing.

This kind of regret will always be with Brother Yegui.

At six o'clock in the afternoon on August 5, the last game of TSM's summer regular season began.

The opponent is none other than TL!

Before the game even started, outside predictions were completely in favor of TSM.

In fact, even the spinach didn't want to start serving.

The old commentator Riv is always in the commentary box, and he brought a definite message:

"Jensen had a seafood buffet after yesterday's game and suffered from gastrointestinal discomfort. Today he is in trouble with diarrhea."

"There is a high probability that Jensen will not be able to participate in this game."

"OH? Who will they send as a substitute?"

"It should be Ralap."

Roderick in the commentary box instantly smiled: "Relf? This is a newcomer. He just joined the professional arena this year."

"That's right, it's this young general."

"There is another interesting news."

"In last week's ranking of the US server's King Group, Ralph was ranked as The King. Victor, who he was good at, was so bad that The King killed him. If he had appeared on the stage today, I'm afraid he would have faced the same tragedy."

"For a newcomer to the professional arena, such a start to his career may be unforgettable."

Roderick held his head and made exaggerated movements:

"It's hard to imagine what Relf will encounter. Suppose, if I were Relf, ​​when I know that I will be facing the first player in the league from the three dynasties in five minutes, I am afraid that my hands and feet will be shaking at this time. , more nervous than going to a nightclub for the first time.”

"Believe me, there is no shame in being nervous at this time."

"TL's chance of winning is less than 10%."


The commentators were discussing it enthusiastically.

As a result, when the players from TSM and TL officially took the stage, a burst of exclamations broke out in Los Angeles.

There are no professional newcomers here in TL!

Mr. Mace, he is still here!


"OHOHOH~~, is Jensen going to play injured?"

"Haha, this is the Jensen we are familiar with!"


The TL fans at the scene were very excited and shouted Jensen’s ID loudly!





Some people think of the 2016 season, when Shi Yizhong saved Snake despite being injured.

The current scene is somewhat similar!

When everyone was not optimistic about TL, Teacher Dakai faced Shi Yizhong directly against the huge pressure on his anus. This was a tough conversation!

The director gave the shot.

Don't tell me, the big teacher just knows how to cause trouble.

At this time, he was serious and his expression was very similar to that of Li Hao.

Serious and indifferent, like a killing machine about to be activated!

The game hadn't even started yet, but TL was doing this, and the atmosphere was instantly in place.

Deafening sounds continued to come from the scene.

Maybe, Teacher Dakai will create a famous scene in his career today!

Fans are looking forward to it and paying close attention to BP.


When the game officially starts

In the LPL barrage and comment area:

"I misunderstood, I'm a villain. At first I thought TL was the master of spreading rumors, but now I see that he really has diarrhea. This operation has caused a lot of diarrhea!"

"After Emperor P used Zoe's 'Divine Prediction' yesterday, I knew that Emperor Mace was definitely going to cause trouble. The Second Ancient Emperor is well-deserved!"

"Teacher Big Mace: The King, don't do that to me today. If you don't kill me, you want to leave? Haha, it's a joke!"

"It's obvious that Teacher Dakai has given him a gift. He can't hold it in anymore! This is a flavorful regular season, 23333!"


This was the heavy sigh uttered by an old man from Yujianmen:

"In the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational, if our RNG arranges a seafood buffet like this for Xiaohu, wouldn't that man naturally come on stage? Why worry about the Sword Sect not being popular!"

"We had the opportunity to collect the Four Swords of Immortal Killing, but instead the swords were broken every year."

The old man from Yujianmen was very melancholy and could no longer speak.

The picture on the big screen left TL fans stunned.

In just 19 minutes and 39 seconds, TSM demolished TL's incisor tower.

Jian Huang's vampire in the middle was killed randomly by Li Hao's male sword!

Physical discomfort had a great negative impact. Jian Huang played more urgently than usual, which allowed Li Hao to find a solo kill opportunity at level 2.

A vampire's flash of death is extremely satisfying.

Coupled with the fact that Benji succeeded in counter-crouching at 4 and a half minutes, both the TL midfielder and the jungler were killed, and the pace of the game was accelerated like a propeller starting.

When Benji's spider got the Rift Herald, the vampire had already died 4 times.

At the early 12th minute, Benji was placed as the vanguard in the middle and demolished both towers in the middle of TL.

Assisting Guanghui to defend under the second tower, he was killed by the male sword by leaping over the tower. The vampire released his ultimate move, but the male sword took the attack from the defense tower and escaped over the wall. Jian Huang had no choice.

When the stupid chicken's spider finds out the killing ring, he can think of the crushing situation of the game.

After the male sword was liberated from the middle, the monsters raised by Emperor Jian began to slaughter on the side.

Teacher Omu was very depressed. It was a good situation on the road, but the male sword collapsed after two waves.

When TSM demolished the base at 19 minutes and 42 seconds, Mr. Omu, who had just been resurrected in the spring, stopped defending and watched the base explode like a piece of wood.

TL fans can only give TSM their applause and cheers.

After this battle, TSM's summer regular season is over.

They swept the entire summer, leaving a record that future LCS teams can never break.

And the ID TheKing is deeply rooted in the hearts of millions of LCS players.

"Congratulations TSM! They did it!!"

"Spring Split, Summer Split, and TSM have achieved the absolute dominance of the LCS!"

"Since the birth of the league, the strongest team in the LCS is TSM in the 2019 season! This invincible army is led by the number one player in the league!"


Riv became more and more excited as he spoke, and stood up at the commentary table:

"In less than a year, let's see, what has TheKing done in the LCS?"

"In the future, when it comes to LCS data records, you will not be able to avoid the ID of TheKing!!"


In the TSM player seats, Li Hao, Benji, Big Brother, Black, and Bilson all stood up to celebrate and echoed the cheers of the fans.

The TSM uniform team backstage also rushed to the front stage to share the joy of victory with them.

This is an ordinary regular season game, a game of less than twenty minutes.

But it is full of meaning for TSM and LCS.

The 2019 LCS regular season has come to its final chapter, ushering in the only invincible team in the history of the division!

Countless fans and players of the LCS will look forward to this team competing in the S9 European arena!

Host: "Jensen, we know that you are unwell and the coaching staff has plans to let you rest. Why do you insist on playing?"

Teacher Dakai said bluntly:

"Actually, I also thought about taking a rest, but my stomach is still aching."

"However, I remembered The King's previous experience of fighting with injuries, which was full of legends."

"I want to try to see if I can do it."

Teacher Dakai smiled bitterly:

“It turned out to be very difficult!”

At this time, all Hao fans were moved to tears.

"Wow, wow, you are indeed a great teacher!"

"Yes, even if Mr. Mace's backdoor is lost, he is still working hard to prove Brother Hao's greatness! And, through his own efforts, he helped TSM win!"

"What an inspirational background! I cried to death~~"

"Teacher Dakai, you are the best!!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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