LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 517 The Broken Sword is Recast. When the King Returns, whose Nirvana is it? !


Whose nirvana is it?

In this S competition, there are many veterans who are pursuing their dreams, and there are teams that have returned to the S competition. For them, this is a journey that baptizes their entire careers.

After the S-tournament quotas for the LCS and LEC divisions have been determined, teams from major competition regions around the world have been announced one after another.

Professional players from all over the world are about to gather together for the annual grand show!

In the LPL division, players are paying attention to the playoffs.

This summer, the situation in the LPL is even more chaotic.

The influx of new forces and the decline of established teams make every game unpredictable.

IG and Snake, who competed at the peak of S8, are currently ranked fifth and fourth in the regular season respectively. This has made many fans lament that times have changed.

The current number one in the summer standings is TES, followed by RNG and BLG.

After IG and Snake is EDG, and FPX led by Doinb is ahead of SN, ranking seventh.

The saddest thing is the fans of 60E.

WE did not catch the last train of the playoffs because of only one point difference.

For 60E fans and the WE staff, this is another season of fishing and regret.

Every time they see TSM enjoying great success in the LCS, they feel extremely uncomfortable.

That is the cornerstone of the 60E dynasty!

Also disappointed are JDG fans.

As a dark horse in the spring competition, they originally had a points advantage and had a good chance of getting a spot in the S competition.

Unfortunately, JDG lost themselves in the summer split and their current ranking has dropped to 10th.

The points ratio in the summer split is higher, and JDG will not be seen in the playoffs or bubble matches.

At the end of August, the LPL playoffs started from BJ and continued to the Magic City Stadium!

With the joint efforts of Penguin and LPL officials, this season's finals will be even more grand. They have plans to build the Magic City into a "global e-sports capital."

This time in the playoffs, LPL is in chaos!

Because of their close strength and familiarity with each other, accidents often occurred if they made slight mistakes during the game.

This also led to anxiety and tension in the game.

After experiencing the summer playoffs for the past three years, LPL commentators are somewhat uncomfortable with the current situation.

In the past, as soon as Snake appeared on the scene, he could just brag without thinking.

What now?

They also don't know which team will win.

The difficulty of explanation has increased a lot.

After the confusing playoffs officially started, FPX became the dark horse of the summer split. They counterattacked BLG 3:2 and reached the semi-finals in seventh place!

Is it the little phoenix who wants to achieve nirvana? !

Such expectations were shattered in the semifinals.

Facing RNG, FPX had problems in the bottom lane.

Light was still too young. In front of them, RNG's tactics of attacking the bottom lane failed to hold on in the crucial fourth game. Uzi's Kai'Sa scored a record of 10/2/4, leading RNG to defeat FPX 3:1.

On the other side, IG, which had problems in the team, relied on Rookie's stable performance to defeat TES with a difficult 3:2.

For IG fans, this is exciting enough!

According to the regular season results, IG has completed the following victory.

Fans are reminded of the glorious IG before, which was the only team in the World Championship that could arm-wrestle with the peak dynasty Snake!

The current chaotic situation in the LPL makes the audience feel how terrifying the dynasty team led by that man was.

If IG can regain confidence because of this semi-final, there will definitely be hope for the final battle at the Magic City Stadium!

On September 6, 2019, the LPL summer finals began.

In the Magic City Stadium, the fans of IG and RNG stood in front of each other, shouting for cheers at the same level.

After RNG took the lead, IG quickly tied the game at 1:1.

After the two sides fought for an hour and a half, the score was 2:2!

At the suffocating moment, the war song began to play!

In the crowded Magic City Stadium, RNG showed a more united side in the fifth life-and-death battle.

The audience can also find out after listening to the footage that the five people under the RNG lens are obviously communicating.

Uzi was talking, Xiao Ming was talking, and Tiger Emperor was outputting into the headset.

They actively communicate, communicate information in a timely manner, and encourage each other.

On the IG side, it is obviously more boring.

There may be some grudges in my heart regarding some mistakes made in the first two games and some players' somewhat "shoddy" behavior.

In the 35-minute battle, IG, which showed its individual strength but was out of touch with each other, lost to RNG, who was more team-oriented.

As soon as the sky rang, he went on stage to receive the award.

Uzi on the player bench was so excited that his eyes were red.

He finally won this meaningful summer championship trophy!

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Uzi's fans are sincerely happy for him.

The disciples of Yujianmen were all greatly inspired!

The broken sword is reforged!

The moment we have been waiting for for the broken sword to be reforged is finally here!

2019 is our era, and now, in the voice of Kaitian, we point our sword at Europe!

The veteran swordsmen of Yujianmen laughed happily, and they communicated happily in group chats and forums.

Nirvana, Nirvana, the real meaning should be RNG’s Nirvana, Uzi’s Nirvana!

S9, it’s time for us to return!

Here comes the sword~!

As the Summer Champion, RNG became the No. 1 seed in the LPL.

IG finished second, and with the accumulation of points in the spring and summer, they became the second seed in the LPL after excluding RNG.

Despite getting a spot in the S competition, IG in the player seat was not too happy.

Chicken Lord sat on the gaming chair, covering his face with his hands.

Perhaps, IG did not lose to RNG, but more like losing to itself.

The shy man walked up to Chicken Lord and patted Rookie on the back comfortingly.

From his mouth, fans can seem to hear him saying: "Rookie, there is still a chance in S9, let's go and play S9."

Such a scene has become a memory for IG fans.

There are also some IG fans who are looking forward to this:

"IG's strength is definitely not lacking. As long as the problems within the team are resolved, we will get back on track. I believe that when we reach the world stage, IG will reunite our hearts."

"The difficulties will eventually be overcome, and the success of S9 will be a true nirvana!"

This is the beautiful expectation of IG fans. They innocently accompany IG and compete in Europe as the second seed.

When the news that RNG won the Summer Championship spread throughout the forum, the bubble game started the next day.

The excitement is gradually spreading to the largest group of snake fans!

Perhaps stimulated by RNG and IG, Snake, who was lost in the summer split and playoffs, is currently the largest team in the LPL and the only league with three consecutive dynasties in the world. It seems that it has woken up!

In the first round of the S9 qualifying round, the bottom lane combination of Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong was like a god of war. In two games, they continuously defeated the FPX bottom lane.

In the third game, FPX relied on Doinb's showy tricks to get back into the game.

However, Snake won the fourth game in less than 30 minutes.

In addition to the strong performance of jungler Kasa, the top laner Holy Spear and the duo also contributed outstanding performances.

Although the Black Angel in the middle was suppressed by Doinb and did not perform as fans wanted to see, the game was still won successfully.

As Snake's mid laner, naturally you have a heavy responsibility.

After all, this is where Shi Yizhong used to be.

Angel has been trained for a long time, but since Li Hao left, his status has often had ups and downs.

Trying to hold up the banner of Shi Yizhong is obviously a delusion.

After the battle between FPX and Snake, their goals have changed.

Staring at Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang, everyone in FPX was jealous.

The two Snakes really fit the FPX system.

If it can be introduced, Little Phoenix will really take off.

Assuming that these two are in FPX at this time, the flaws in the bottom lane of the team will be made up for in an instant.

Then, it is impossible to lose so miserably in this year's semifinals!

What is very friendly is that the contracts of these two people will expire this year.

FPX has begun operations after the first round of the bubble competition.

The S9 bubbling competition continues, and the memories of old snake fans are brought back.

Especially on September 11th, when the battle song of Kaitian is played again!

The ultimate battle between Snake and TES!

After 38 minutes and 9 seconds of fierce battle, Lin Weixiang, Flandre and others on the contestants table all jumped to their feet!


"Snake wins!"

In the LPL commentary box, Miller shouted excitedly:

"Snake fought all the way through the bubble competition. They are the bubble competition champions and successfully got the third place in the S competition!"

"How can there be no dynasty team in the 2019 S Championship!!"

“So touching!”

I remember saying, "In 2016, Snake was also the third seed!"

"I remember very clearly that Brother Hao was injured and fought to help Snake win a spot in the bubble tournament. Then they fought out of the bubble tournament and finally won the S6 championship as the third seed, which created a miracle!"

"Three years of reincarnation, Snake is on the same path as before. This is amazing!"

The doll mentioned:

"Do you think this is also a kind of nirvana?"

"Going back to his original path, can Snake still create the miracles he did back then?"

"This Snake without the leadership of Brother Hao, he showed great strength in the bubble competition. Even in the S competition, he is still very competitive."

"Another point is that when it comes to experience in the S competition, Snake has no shortage of it. This will be another advantage for them."

Miller laughed. He did not answer the baby's words, but said:

"Snake has locked up the third seed, TSM is the first seed, and they will meet again in Europe."

“I’m really looking forward to what that scene will look like.”


"When all the LCK quotas are available, the lottery ceremony for the S competition will not be far away."

Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu, Chris and others were celebrating.

It was really an unexpected surprise to get a place in the S competition.

Although it is much worse than the previous three years, being able to enter the S9 can be regarded as saving face.

After naming and praising all Snake members, Flandre suddenly asked: "When is the draw for the group stage?"

"The night of the 23rd." Someone from the uniform team answered.

Flandre touched her chin and asked a question worth thinking about:

"TSM is the No. 1 seed, and we are the No. 3 seed."

"Do you think we will be assigned to a group with TSM?"

"In that case, we will have a direct confrontation with Brother Hao."

Lin Weixiang almost choked on his water:


"TSM has been targeting the bottom lane recently. I'm not afraid of Senior Brother, but Brother Hao will definitely come to mess with me. It's hard to resist!"

Liu Qingsong shook his head repeatedly: "No, I'm easily frightened when I see The King's ID. I don't want to confront Brother Hao."

Dark Angel said nothing, he obviously did not want to discuss this topic.

Casa smiled and said to Flandre:

"Qianzi, when you meet Brother Hao, you won't hand over your gun in advance, right?"

"How can it be!"

Flandre said seriously: "If I really encounter Brother Hao, I will fight with all my strength."

"I want to show him that a top laner like Bilson who has become a monk by the way is definitely not as reliable as me!"

People around him made noises.

I thought Holy Spear wanted to commit rebellion, but it turned out that he wanted to prove that he was a better Jigsaw.

The uniform team also understands everyone's mood.

Li Hao accumulated too much dignity during his three years at Snake.

It is very normal not to want to face such a big brother.

Today is a good day to get a spot in the S game. Coach Xili naturally wants a better atmosphere within the team. He closed the door and said with a smile:

"Stop dreaming. The chance of meeting Brother Hao in the group stage is very small."

Everyone nodded.

The probability of 1/4 is indeed not high.

That night, many people at Snake sent messages to Li Hao.

Over in Los Angeles, Li Hao, who was preparing to go to Europe, also saw Snake's performance in the bubble game.

He responded to all the messages he received.

Li Hao is happy for Snake's promotion and is even more looking forward to this trip to Europe.

In Berlin, he will meet many old friends.

The next day, Benji, who had been paying attention to LCK, hurried to Li Hao's dormitory.


"They won!"

Li Hao, who was making tea, saw the stupid chicken making a fuss and understood: "Faker won the championship, right?"


"SKT won the summer championship. It's amazing. I didn't expect Sang Hyuk to win the championship this season!"

Li Hao also paid a lot of attention to:

"At the beginning of the season, their state was really not good, and BP's thinking was even worse."

"But after winning the news agency war and winning the Intercontinental Championship, SKT started a winning streak as if the five-game losing streak at the beginning of the season had never existed. From KT to AF, SKT won 9 consecutive victories. They have found a hero that suits the team. and tactics.”

"With the state that continued from that time, it is normal for SKT to win the Summer Split."

The stupid chicken nodded, and then said:

"However, Sang Hyuk is in really good condition."

"Recently, he has been playing games centered on the two heroes Tsar and Neeko. In the regular season of the summer season, he selected these two heroes 13 times and won in 13 games, with a winning rate of 100%. Enchantress also won two games. , the winning rate is also 100%.”

"You have to be careful. Xianghe trains very hard in private. He works so hard just for you."

Li Hao smiled: "Xingxiong, are you worried that I will lose to Faker?"

"No way!"

The stupid chicken kept shaking his head, denying this fact.

He pretended to be angry: "You ruined my and Xianghe's dynasty!"

Li Hao hugged Benji's neck:

"Xingxiong, that's all in the past. Now, I'm working hard for your third crown."

"If we face SKT, no matter what Faker's status is, we will give him failure."

"Continuous targeting is respect!"

This sentence finally allowed the hypocritical chicken to find a comfortable level.

"Yes, I respect Sang Hyuk very much."


Not long after, there was a video call from Seoul.

This time, it was the Big Devil who showed off his championship dinner in front of Benji, and he also placed the summer championship trophy not far away, 'accidentally' letting Benji see it.

They chatted for nearly half an hour and then hung up the video.

"This guy Sang Hyuk actually just wants to show off."

Stupid Chicken whispered.

Li Hao was furious: "That is the LCK Summer Championship trophy, which is more valuable than your LCS Summer Championship. Xingxiong, you still lost to Xiang He."

The stupid chicken stopped talking and suddenly pulled Li Hao and said he wanted to double queue.

The LCK No. 1 seed is confirmed, and SKT is back as the king.

After witnessing the strength of SKT, many sticks emphasized:

"SKT returns strongly, this is real nirvana!"

After that, GRF became the second seed in LCK with higher points.

In the qualifying round, DWG, the third-place team in the summer, showed their terrifying strength. They swept the qualifying round and won the third seed seat.

Many people say that the talented turtle is more terrifying than Griffin!

Time passed by and came to the night of September 23rd.

Alliance players around the world began to pay attention in front of the screen.

S9 lottery ceremony officially starts!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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