LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 520 The war at the Berlin Concert Hall!

October 12th.

It's twelve o'clock noon in Berlin and seven o'clock in the evening in China.

There is a lot of traffic around the Verti Concert Hall in Berlin, Germany. This is a newly completed performance venue in Berlin, which can accommodate 4,359 people and is operated by AEG.

From a geographical point of view, its location is very good. It is next to the Mercedes-Benz Center in Berlin and in the center of Berlin. It has developed transportation and a large commercial plaza. It is very convenient for S9 World Championship spectators. .

Now, the concert hall is enveloped in an atmosphere of alliance.

It was close to one o'clock in the afternoon, and the venue was packed. In addition to most of the local European spectators, there were also many spectators from major competition areas around the world.

Many fans wear Coss-like clothing or team uniforms. From the logos on those clothes, it is easy to tell which team they support.

The Berlin scene is naturally G2’s home base.

At this moment, there are so many G2 supporters.

The defeat in the Mid-Season Championship made many European fans unwilling to accept it. They hope that G2, who will be stronger in the summer split, can keep the Summoner's Cup in Berlin on home soil.

On the big screen, the S9 group stage promotional video was playing.

It was G2 who first appeared in the promotional video. The powerful European legion defeated FNC and won the LEC summer crown.

"We have won many European championships and we dominated the spring and summer of the LEC."

"But it means nothing if we don't perform well at Worlds."

In the promotional video, Hat King said this.

After a narration, the screen turned to Ou Cheng:

"Theoretically, I think G2 should be a popular team, but again, once the competition starts, all your previous results and theories will not count. In the end, it depends on whether you can withstand the pressure on the stage. I I feel like we can be such a team.”

Ou Cheng's words were aimed at G2, and he was obviously not reconciled to the result of the summer finals.

However, if they want to meet G2 in S9, FNC must first break out of Group C.

After entering Group C from C9, the level of death in Group C is no less than that of Group D. All teams played every game well.

After the introduction of the two most powerful hosts, it came to Snake.

This is what a dynasty team should look like.

Without Li Hao, the person in the promotional video is none other than Flandre.

The production team gave a very atmospheric background music and narration:

"Ladies and gentlemen, your champion is back."


"Everyone has extremely high demands on us. We have to face greater challenges in this world championship, but what we desire most is still to win the championship."

The next person to appear was the representative of SKT, the great devil Faker.

As always, his words in the promotional video are still so high-pitched:

"We are moving towards winning the most championships in the S-League, and we will definitely be the ones sitting on that throne in the end. In 2019, SKT is back."

At the end of the promotional video, only a figure wearing a TSM team uniform was seen walking around in the Tier garden near the Capitol.

When the camera reaches this point, it is obvious that there are many close-ups, as if it has become a documentary style, and there is no worry about the pace suddenly slowing down.

A rather passionate male narration line, spoken in a string of English with an explosive and strong tone:

"Welcome to you, 2019NO1!"

The man on the screen turned his head. Unlike the big devil who was holding back his energy and tensed his face, his expression looked so relaxed and calm, as if he was enjoying the process.

Of course, that handsome face that is the fig leaf of e-sports also steadily dominates the entire league.

Before the man on the screen spoke, the cheers from the Verti Concert Hall in Berlin, Germany started ringing out!


This is the ID that has made the league crazy for almost four years!

Now, he is in Berlin again.

In the winter of 2018, the authoritative orthopedic department determined that his old injury broke out and would leave sequelae that would affect his career.

But after wandering in North America, he once again returned to the stage with incredible strength, and once again carved his ID at the top of the annual list.

Many people are discussing it.

Nirvana in 2019 may not refer to a certain team, but to a certain person.

In the picture, under the gaze of the Global Alliance audience, Li Hao seemed to have a faint smile on his face:

"I have had a lot of experience in the World Championships in the past few years, and I am very grateful to see the familiar stage again."

"In a united and progressive team, we share the same dream and will try our best to seize this rare opportunity. In 2019, we do not want to leave any regrets."


Along with Li Hao's words, the camera slowly moved.

A scene from "Under the Berlin Sky" appears, with a blue sky and a beautiful Victory Column.

The Statue of Victory is a symbol of Berlin and a symbol of Germany. It is solemn and glorious. After ten years of renovation, it has returned to its former glory.

However, the golden goddess of victory under the lens is just a replacement, and the original work has been taken away by the Soviets.

The golden goddess statue reflects light in the sun and becomes the final image of the promotional video.

By the time the audience came to their senses, the Berlin scene had already entered the BP session.

The opening match starts from Group C.

The host FNC has the first tough battle, and their opponent is SKT.

In a 35-minute game, although both SKT and FNC played very steadily, SKT's hard power was still stronger. They continuously won map resources, and Xiaolong took them all. FNC found some opportunities in the mid-term, but SKT After getting the Baron, the situation completely tilted towards SKT.

The big devil returned to the S game in the first game and successfully scored a superb record!

Back to acting, very successful.

Backstage at TSM, Kabo said in surprise:

"Faker is in very good shape. His touch from the late summer split has continued."

"I feel like he's more proactive than last year, or even the year before."

The stupid chicken chuckled: "He only wants revenge, and he hasn't fallen behind in training at all."

"Wolfberry, Xianghe is here for you."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head: "I should be here for you. I'm going to kill an SKT traitor. Guapi must enjoy this kind of thing."

"Humph, before that, we will meet Snake first. It will definitely be a wonderful scene."

The stupid chicken laughed and suddenly said:

"I discovered something interesting."


"In 2016, you were 23 years old, right?"

"This year's Xianghe happens to be the same age as you at that time, and he is in such good condition now. Is it a coincidence?"


Kabo on the side said categorically: "Faker's state is temporary. Compared with the miracle of Faker getting better and better as he gets older, there is a huge gap."

Regarding this topic, Senior Brother, Jin Sangxiu and others all participated in the discussion.

Live in Berlin, the game between IG and C9 began.

The rhythm was similar to the first game. IG's strength also suppressed C9, but this LCS team that stayed together showed a resilience that surprised the audience.

After guarding the dragon for 24 minutes, they successfully delayed the time until 30 minutes later.

The power of the mid laner Angel gradually came into play.

Everyone in C9 was also quite surprised. When they met TSM in the LCS, they were in a disadvantageous situation. Generally, after the opponent started to gain momentum in the middle, they would basically be pinned to the ground.

But after coming to this world game

Farke, why do you feel that the environment has become more relaxed?

IG can suppress them, but it is not fatal.

Vaguely, C9 could also catch some flaws in IG's formation, which made the game more suspenseful.

The battle between the two sides reached 36 minutes. Leyan, who started the game, used a wine barrel to start a good team fight. After the big move broke up the C9 formation, the shy Akali found a space to cut in.

Rookie's Lucian and Ah Shui's EZ each showed their own flexibility in team battles.

With their strong personal abilities, they used C9 to win the team battle!

No one dared to delay at all. After 1 for 4, they pushed forward from the center.

Jayce, the top laner guarding the tower, was decisively killed by IG.

The others in C9 couldn't wait for resurrection and were bulldozed.

Neither of the two games in Group C was an upset, but regular viewers also discovered that the situation was not as crushing as they imagined. A little carelessness could lead to different results.

Judging from the heroes and tactics used by both sides, S9 is also different from previous years. It is diverse, and more black technologies may appear in the future.

The third game came to Group A, with TL playing against DWG.

Judging from outside voices, people support DWG.

DWG is the same as Griffin. They are both teams that came up from the LCK secondary league. They have many young players and a bunch of talented players gathered together.

Nowadays, the powerful show girl is not something that the powerful teacher can handle.

Coupled with DWG's overall vitality and operational ability, TL, the LCS team, is obviously not favored by others.

However, the much-anticipated Big Turtle played tricks in the first game.

The top laner is a vampire, the jungler is a wine barrel, the mid laner is Yasuo, and the bottom lane is a little mage + bull head.

This imaginative combination looks like black technology, but also like a relaxed and playful mood.

TL doesn’t dare to be careless at all.

Teacher Omu took out Sword Demon, Jungle Prince, Teacher Dakai took out LeBlanc, Zven sent Kai'Sa, and CoreJJ used Galio to assist.

After the two sides squared off and battled, DWG's problems gradually came to light.

Although their individual operations are impressive, ideal coordination in team battles is simply not possible.

By constantly letting dragons take advantage of the economy, DWG slowly stabilized the situation.

However, in the 30-minute team battle near the Dragon Pit, DWG lacked a harvesting character, and TL seized the opportunity and exchanged one life of the prince for five lives. Zevn and Master Dakai each scored a double kill, and then two soil and one The dragon attribute blessing of fire flattened DWG in the next wave!

After the game, Xiu Mei stared at the screen for a long time.

Putting aside the playoffs, this was his first S game in the true sense, and he never expected this result.

This new LCK team enters the world stage for the first time.

They hit a rookie wall.

Whether they can stabilize their mentality is the first test they have to face.

However, after the match between C9 and TL, everyone in the audience became surprised and suspicious.

"The LCS team, why has it changed?"

"Oops, is the North American region so unfamiliar? The bad guys are actually able to fight and cooperate, and even operate with the LCK?"

"When something big happens, Brother Wolfberry's technology for poverty alleviation has worked!"

"Teacher Dakai: I usually play against The King, but now I suddenly face other people, and I feel like I'm losing my taste!"

"It's normal, just like the richest man suddenly playing the national server."


In the second game of Group A, AHQ played against G2.

The European audience can finally cheer crazily!

The powerful European Legion drove AHQ to hell in 25 minutes.

The gap in strength between the two sides is the largest so far.

Rainbow's Qiyana was messed up by Caps' Akali, 9/1/5. This was Caps' perfect answer to the European audience.

The LPL viewers who have been waiting for a long time finally welcomed the penultimate game of today, Snake vs. Griffin!

In the 2018 Summer Split, Griffin successfully entered the LCK league and almost topped the standings. However, in the second half of the regular season, they lost to AFs 0-2, JAG 1-2, and Samsung 0-2, and finally ranked second in the regular season.

In the playoffs, GRF narrowly defeated AFs 3-2, lost to KT 2-3 in the finals, met Samsung again in the bubble game, and was taken away 3-2, and missed the S8 finals.

At that time, the LOL circle unanimously believed that GRF was the strongest team in the LCK!

In S8, the LCK audience witnessed the heyday of the LPL with their own eyes, and they put their hope in the young team Griffin.

After that, another young DWG team appeared, which directly doubled the young hope of LCK.

This season, GRF is still strong in the regular season, once scoring 13 consecutive victories!

However, in key games, they lost to Samsung and AFS. They were simply a power bank for these two teams.

In the summer split, SKT took another big sip of experience.

However, they still tenaciously entered S9.

For Griffin, this game is quite crucial.

The LCK audience is all staring at the uncrowned king.

On Snake's side, as a brilliant team with three consecutive dynasties, S9's first game was not only a tense group situation, but also a matter of face.

It can be read from the language of the camera. Whether it is a GRF player or a Snake player, everyone is ready to fight.

"Brother, who will win?"

Kim Sang-soo asked backstage.

This time, Li Hao didn't know the answer either.

He shook his head: "They all have a chance, and the strength is not much different. Let's see how they perform."

It seemed to confirm what Li Hao said.

On the first day of the group stage, the most anxious battle broke out!

The battle between the Brilliant Dynasty and the Uncrowned King ended in a bladder round at 42 minutes.

Perhaps it was the first game of the group stage. Both teams performed very well, but both made mistakes, which caused the game to drag on.

The audience enjoyed watching it, the two sides were very competitive and the game was quite exciting.

At 46 minutes and 39 seconds, the LPL commentators roared with excitement!

"Got it!"

"Casa has made a great contribution!"

"He snatched the ancient dragon from Tarzan! No mercy at the critical moment!"

"Ancient Dragon Diu, Griffin can't beat this team. Lin Weixiang is doing damage, and no one can control Kai'Sa! We win!"

"Three kills! Kaisha gets three kills!"

"This is the foundation of Team Dynasty! Congratulations to Snake! Congratulations to Snake!"


The snake fans released their grip on Dan and celebrated one by one.

Watching Snake play in the World Championship, I haven't been so nervous in a long time!

Group D was indeed a death group, the first game lasted nearly fifty minutes!

At six o'clock in the evening Berlin time, the first day of the group stage entered the final battle.

The North American ruler TSM will face the LMS third seed HKA who came up from the play-in round.

Very different from the bladder game in the previous round of Group D, HKA showed everyone what a real death group is.

The mid laner Mission's Akali was beaten by TSM's mid laner Dao Girl, and the bottom lane's Syndra + Japanese girl combination were also killed repeatedly under the care of Benji.

3Z used Sion to stabilize Bilson on the top lane, but except for his side lane, everything else exploded.

In just 22 minutes, HKA surrendered.

This was the fastest race of the day.

In addition to the excellent condition of TSM's players, their operation, line switching ideas, and vision control are all amazing.

The perfection of the game surpassed the previous G2, which is impressive.

The mid laner Dao Mei achieved a superb record of 9/0/6.

It is worth mentioning that the outstanding players on the first day were actually two Li brothers, which injected more topics and exciting elements into S9.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that TSM defeated HKA easily. The focus is on the next round tomorrow.

The big battle between TSM and Snake!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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