LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 522 Dark Charge! !

A funny scene appeared. Smart, who was suddenly killed, took his hands off the keyboard and mouse, and grabbed his hair with both hands in frustration.

When the camera is shown to the TSM players' seat, everyone can see it.

The man in the mid lane position smiled visibly.

Obviously, Shi Yizhong enjoyed the feeling of killing his little brother.

"Brother Hao is very happy. I have never seen him so happy in a solo kill in the past."

"Hahaha, the one who killed this was Lin Weixiang. The feeling of killing a good brother may be different."

"It's too extreme. Brother Hao's calm and unhurried look makes me feel that this was deliberately designed by him."

Wang Duoduo's tone gradually became affirmative:

"There is a saying in the slow-motion scene that Brother Hao only had a small bottle of medicine on him. He had been waiting for the time to go back to fight before taking it. It also gave Lin Weixiang the illusion that he was very disabled. If Lucian didn't take the initiative to E, Kled wouldn't There may be an opportunity for a passive solo kill with a close-up attack.”

The audience took a look and found that it was exactly what Wang Duoduo said.

In the live broadcast room of Teacher Ma of the national server, the gold medal lecturer who was watching the game with the water friends kept shaking his head.

He commented:

"Do you know why Lucian died this time?"

"Being tempted or deceived? Wrong!"

"Actually, Lin Weixiang did not make good use of our hypothetical principles."

"Some people may want to say, isn't Nocturne showing up on the top lane?"

"When the little boss asks this question, he must not have watched my video carefully."

"Before we take the initiative, especially when facing a terrifying player like The King, we must make two assumptions. Will Kled turn around and fight back, or will he escape under the tower?"

"Obviously, Kled turned around and counterattacked. Do you think The King will take the initiative to kill you when he is still alive? If you believe it, you will be fooled! The result is very straightforward. Lucian was counterattacked and Kled was finished. The single kill that was originally impossible to complete in the lane, and the advantage that Snake had just established in the top lane, was found by Brother Hao in the middle lane. Lucian could have suppressed Kled based on his attributes, and the spider had a lot of room for movement, but now we don’t even talk about it.”

"Line laning is not only about operations, but more importantly about psychological games."

"Brother Hao is a master of chess psychology. Even I have to avoid his edge. Lin Weixiang must be more careful later."

Although there is an element of bragging about himself, Lao Ma's analysis is quite reasonable.

Shi Yizhong was so easy to deal with, how could he never fall over?

"Thank you to Wuhu Lao Ma Pi Yanzi for sending me the plane. Thank you to Pi Yan for the plane."

Someone recognized Lao Ma's analysis and gave him a gift.

Everyone talked and laughed and continued to watch the game.

Now the head-to-head ratio is 1:1, and there is a lot of suspense.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

While Benji and his senior brother and others praised Li Hao's counterattack, he said to Bilson:

"I told you before, Flandre is not that easy to deal with, Snake will definitely grab the wing."

"Sensen Smita, you were too careless!"

The stupid chicken was buried in Tai Jian, but there was a hint of joy on his face.

Because the spider and the captain pushed the army line under the top tower, Akali has no TP, so this wave of soldiers and monsters is very delicious!

On the other side, Flandre saw that A Tapi had no hope, and retreated back to the city while mumbling about pity.

Of course I feel sorry for Lin Weixiang.

"Xiangzi, it's okay."

"I also sensed a problem just now. Think about it, how could someone as cunning as Brother Hao give you a chance to kill alone?"

"His seduction skills are clearly written in Ritian Xue. Xiangzi, you are obsessed with it and haven't studied it thoroughly."

"At this moment, Brother Hao is probably laughing so hard."

The depressed man glanced towards the road:

"Single kill! Single kill! Go!"

"Did you shout the loudest just now?"

Flandre: "Casa, is there one?"

"Not sure."

Brother Wolf smiled sinisterly and said, "My thoughts just now were all about Akali."

"Yes, we cooperated and got 400 yuan funded by Bilson."

Holy Spear comforted him again:

"Xiangzi, hold on tight now, I'm developing well."

"In this round, I'll beat you."


In the middle, after Li Hao pushed the artillery line, his last-ditch attack was almost back, and he returned home and updated with two long swords and straw sandals.

Lin Weixiang suffered a loss. To be cautious, he went home and bought cloth armor + Duolan sword.

After all, long hands fight short hands, so he can be stable online.

However, he has lost the opportunity to press Kellie at the beginning.

On the bottom lane, Angel failed to line up.

Syndra made up for the double Dolan, and Kai'Sa already had a pickaxe.

Moreover, the last hit counter-pressured Syndra.

Zuo Wu, Chris and others frowned backstage, not satisfied with Angel's performance.

At 5 minutes and 37 seconds, the camera was shown to the center again.

Kled slashed minions continuously with W's passive 150% attack speed bonus. Lucian huddled behind his long-range minions. Lin Weixiang, who did not flash, could be said to be cautious.

He knew Li Hao very well and knew that if he sent him any more, he would definitely explode.

After eating this wave of soldiers, Li Hao reached 6.

Lucian can only hit the bottom of the tower.

With Kled controlling the line, Nocturne can move towards the river in the upper half of the area. The stupid chicken conveniently inserted his eyes into the grass behind the butt of the blue buff on the opposite side.



Lin Weixiang pinned the signal, and Flandre also noticed Kled's disappearance.

Because the captain's flash was not good, he could only give up the opportunity to suppress Akali.

This creates a perfect space for Bjergsen to develop, and he controls the line of troops in front of the tower and can finish the damage comfortably.

Compared with the beginning, the pressure faced by TSM was significantly less.

At 6 minutes and 29 seconds, Li Hao helped Benji communicate with Bilson.

After Nocturne defeated the stone monster, he still lacked the experience of one minion to reach 6.

The idiot's vision is blocked and he goes to the road to gain experience, and he also wants to take action against the captain.

At 6 minutes and 41 seconds, a large wave of soldiers from both the red and blue sides gathered in the top lane near the grass on TSM's side.

Bilson stood slightly behind, and the level 6 stupid chicken was behind the tower, with his fingers already on the R key.

All the members of Snake's backstage coaching staff held their breath, fearing that Flandre would move forward.

The captain didn't dodge, and Spider had just finished updating his equipment and walked to high ground.

At this time, if you take Nocturne's ultimate move and cooperate with Captain Akali, you will definitely die.

Flandre was not stupid. Bilson's sudden wretchedness made him feel something was wrong, and he couldn't control the line of troops, so he didn't move forward at all.

What makes stupid chicken even more angry is that


On the captain's head, a dog tag was displayed, which was the team logo of "SKT".

The melon-eating audience couldn't help but laugh, the holy spear was still skinned.


"Catch this Flandre, he is too arrogant!"

While Benji was talking, Li Hao, who had control of the middle route, rushed towards the top road first.

"Qianzi, step back, Brother Hao is coming!"

"Nocturne is indeed here. He is lining up the True Eye. There are three people in this wave!"

Lin Weixiang reminded her, and Flandre shouted:

"I can't stand it anymore when Brother Hao comes."

"Help, help quickly!"



It must be said that Snake's support was very fast this time, and both Spider and Lucian rushed to the top immediately.

Flandre's crisis was resolved instantly.

Snake fans nodded secretly, this is the kind of communication a strong team should have.

"Stupid chicken, you control the river crab, we won't fight this time."


Stupid chicken pinned the blue area again: "They blue brushed it, Lucian went to get it."

There was no fight this time, but TSM still made money.

Lucian lost the experience and economy of several minions due to his support, while Akali on the top lane developed without pressure and recovered her disadvantage.

The most uncomfortable thing about the current situation is Casa.

Spider needs early rhythm. Apart from helping Flandre get first blood, he can't find anything to do for the time being.

Syndra in the bottom lane is pushing the lane, and the senior brother will basically not stand forward.

What troubles Casa the most is the middle.

He has been hanging around F6 for a while. Kled's position is quite subtle, and if he moves a little further forward, he will be given an opportunity.

But, he kept getting stuck at that point, going back and forth.

Kasa felt uncomfortable being manipulated, but the cunning Kled never really took the bait.

Staring at the string of IDs on Kled's head, Brother Wolf felt helpless.

It's really not that easy to gank brother.

At 8 minutes and 39 seconds, the two sides were still 1:1.

In the stalemate stage, the director gave the entire audience economy.

Kled led the game with 3295.

Flandre's captain was accused of delaying his development. He was originally in the lead and was now 100 bucks behind Li Hao.

Ranked third and fourth are Kai'Sa and Nocturne respectively, followed by Lucian.

When Chris and others saw this panel, their expressions changed slightly.

This rhythm is not good!

Someone needs to break the ice.

The players on the field thought so too.

Facing TSM's development, their strong lineup in the early and mid-term was useless.

At 8 minutes and 59 seconds, the key rhythm appears!

After Liu Qingsong returned to the city and bought five-speed shoes, his next step was to crouch in the middle, trying to kill Li Hao.

At 9 minutes and 05 seconds, he touched the grass in the lower river and finally waited for a good opportunity!

When Klie leaned towards the lower half, seemingly intending to insert an eye, Liu Qingsong called for his teammates and decisively made a hook!

Under his feet is the true eye he placed. Kled here is definitely blind!

However, what made Liu Qingsong's scalp explode was that

Almost at the moment when the hook poked out of the grass and was noticed by Kled, Li Hao reacted as quickly as possible.

Skaar looked diagonally above his blue zone, and with a touch of spirituality, he narrowly and dangerously got out of the hook's range!

"What the hell!!"

"Can you hide from this?!"

Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang shouted at the same time.

Flandu scolded: "Liu Qingsong, you're too late!"

"Wait until Brother Hao gets closer!"

"You can't give him room to react!"

"He's going to ward him and wants to move forward. Why are you so anxious!"

Can Liu Qingsong not be anxious? He finally waited for an opportunity.

However, he was also very upset.

This is definitely a killing opportunity. As long as the hook hits and he throws the lantern, Kasa can link up and Kled will be dead.

Missing the opportunity, Thresh could only slide down the road.

But it’s not that easy to just leave after pretending to be cool.

Blake was indeed slower than Liu Qingsong, but nothing happened to Li Hao, so it was his turn.

Walking out of the blue buff, Titan saw Thresh, regardless of Syndra being closer to him, he rushed towards the river and hooked directly at Thresh.


A roar of thunder sounded.

Nocturne roared!

Snake's everyone's screen went black, and they heard the unrestrained cry of Kled's ultimate move again.

Because of Nocturne's ultimate move, they had no idea where Kled was charging in this wave.

Flandre's first reaction was Thresh.

It didn't matter that he lost his vision. He had been paying attention to the situation in the lower river, so he threw a big move towards Liu Qingsong's position just now.

This time, Snake can fight back.

Because they were all together, Spider and Lucian also rushed towards the lower river, and they would arrive soon.

In the team voice, Angel shouted:

"I was the one driving!"

While he was speaking, Kai'Sa's Void Search hit Angel when he lost his vision. Big Brother and Nocturne, one from the bottom lane and the other from the blue zone, flew towards the river at the same time.

After being maimed instantly after being slapped in the face, Black Angel instinctively pressed his ultimate move to receive E, then flashed and fled towards the location of his family.

However, Skaar missed Thresh and charged towards him!

Kled's R will be temporarily stiff after hitting someone, and if you connect to EQ at this time, it will almost certainly hit.

Sindra failed to dodge and was slashed to death by Li Hao with two subsequent blows.

He turned around, E went to Thresh, and continued to output Thresh who was raised by Titan R.

After Liu Qingsong lost his health, he hurriedly pressed Flash.

Snake gained vision, Lucian used his ultimate move, coupled with the spider's cocoon to block the road and the captain's ultimate move, he finally blocked Kled's momentum.

But Syndra was killed, and there was no chance of counterattack.

TSM released four ultimate moves and also forced Snake's ultimate move.

Not only did they earn two flashes, but they also got the first water dragon.

The elder brother didn't get a kill, but he got a layer of tapioca in the bottom lane.

Such a result is difficult for Snake to accept.

In the next two minutes, TSM was waiting for the ultimate move, and both sides were developing.

Liu Qingsong moved more decisively and finally won a chance for Snake.

At 11 minutes and 03 seconds, Thresh reached the upper half of the river first.

Flandre used the powder keg to clear the line of troops.

Lucian in the middle also came in time, and Snake gathered four people.

The idiot's eyes caught Snake's movements, but he still retreated according to Li Hao's Pin signal.

"We are not all together, and our skills have almost improved. We cannot give them a chance in this wave. Let go of the first vanguard."

"Wait for the opportunity, and if your skills are good, you'd better catch it, they won't dodge."

"Put the line in from the bottom lane."


When Black arrived, Casa had already accepted the vanguard.

At this time, the role of Thresh's early introduction of five-speed shoes was reflected.

Liu Qingsong came to the bottom lane one step ahead of the Titans, allowing Black to eat exhaust gas.

Kai'Sa was alone under the tower, carefully finishing her attacks, while Syndra used her skills to bring down the senior brother's health line, while eating the first layer of the tower skin.

Snake fans put their hearts back in their stomachs again, this is a beautiful move.

Although TSM has absolute strengths, it is still lacking overall.

Snake's current lag is not that big. If the Pioneer can break a tower, the economy can even overtake.

At the LPL commentary booth, Colonel Guan and others were talking about how Syndra could make a lot of money by getting a layer of tart skin.

On TSM's side, everyone on the mini-map rushed down the road according to Li Hao's previous arrangement.

The money for the second layer of tapas was obtained by Syndra, but this also delayed the golden retreat time of Angel and Liu Qingsong.

Tapi, how can you be so greedy!

Syndra had already sat on Thresh's lantern, but their position was still dangerous.

At 12 minutes and 15 seconds, Nocturne launched his ultimate move.

It was still a familiar formula. The moment the lights were turned off, the senior brother found a good angle and searched for enemies in the void to hit Syndra again.

Angel fled down the tower, and Thresh blocked Nocturne.

But Syndra didn't dodge, and was still chased to death in front of the tower by her senior brother.

Titan arrived and used his ultimate move on Thresh, knocking Thresh away under the defense tower.

Skaar's cry sounded, and Spider came to support. The four TSM people rushed under the tower and overcame the two people's defense tower.

Brother Holy Spear and Bilson, who were on the road, both TPed over, and there was a fight under the tower.

Thresh was dropped first, and the spider was crippled to the sky.

Flandre endured the damage and flashed a Q to kill the Titan with residual health.

Li Hao EAA slashed at the captain, and Flandre took a bite of the orange.

The spider with residual health landed on the ground, but Li Hao ignored it. The second stage of E instantly connected with Q and hit it on the captain. The last two basic attacks were given. Ignite plus the damage brought back by Q. Together with Kai'Sa's basic attack, he was killed. The evil Flandre!

After being killed in battle, Syndra re-TPed to the bottom lane and joined the battlefield with Lucian who was late.

After Akali killed the spider, she combined the damage from Nocturne and Kai'Sa to severely cripple Syndra.

It's a pity that Bilson was a little short of damage and was killed by Lin Weixiang.

Li Hao flashed back and killed Syndra again.

At this time, Nocturne was carrying the tower to its limit, and Lucian was baptized with the Holy Spear, shooting wildly in the direction of the stupid chicken.

Li Hao was closer to Lucian. He moved his body to block Lucian's gun.

"Brotherhood is so deep~!"

"Brother Hao takes a bullet for a stupid chicken!"

"Klie was knocked off his horse, can Lin Weixiang reap the rewards?!"

"If Lucian doesn't harvest this wave, Snake will explode!"

"The stupid chicken ran away with his health remaining, and the defense tower focused on Kled. Kled is going to die!"

"Lucian, move forward! If you kill Kled, you can still pursue us!"


On the big screen, another shocking scene appeared.

After Kled dismounted, he got close to A and accumulated 15 points of anger. At this time, Lucian's close attack seemed to be a sure shot.

But Li Hao's W skill improved again!

The large attack speed bonus provided by his violent temperament allowed Li Hao to slash 4 times in a short period of time!

In the same script, Lin Weixiang saw that he had less than 100 HP.

Every time Kled kills a hero, he gets 15 points of rage.

The previous sword plus the current four swords totaled 75 points of rage.

Lucian raised his hand and was about to kill Kled.

But Kled also raised his sidearm.

Because the distance was very close, all five bullets from the Q skill bombarded Lucian. Each bullet increased his anger by 5 points, for a total of 25 points.

Including the previous 75 points, it is exactly 100 points full of anger!

Lin Weixiang's eyes were as big as copper bells.

His gun, failed to find its target.

Wang Duoduo and Sun Yalong in the commentary box both slapped the table and shouted excitedly:

"Oh my god! Lin Weixiang has seen a ghost!"

"I've seen it before, and it's this scene again!"

"Brother Hao mounts at the speed of light!"

The colonel shouted: "Skar, come on Malay!!!"


Li Hao mounted his horse again and used his backhand EQ Lucian to take the basic attack.

The stupid chicken is also kind and righteous. He risked his life and turned around to get a Q skill.

The senior brother clicked, Lucian retreated, Klepin pursued A followed by E, and then launched a basic attack.

When Q pulled back, he stuck Lucian's E skill CD, slashed with Tiamat's effect, and killed Lucian under the tower!

What made everyone in Snake despair.

Kled was knocked off his horse again, but escaped with blood.

The person resurrected by Snake is still in the spring, and there is nothing he can do against Kled.

"It's so cute~!"

Wang Duoduo smiled and said: "Lin Weixiang will never believe in Kled's blood volume in the future."

Colonel Guan said:

"Heartless Brother Hao, you are still showing off when you meet Snake."

The bald man said helplessly:

"Blast through, Kled hits three heads in a wave, no one can stop it."

"TSM played a wave of 2 for 6, Syndra died twice in a row, it was useless."


This wave made Snake feel a little dazed.

They remembered the past.

The invincible Kled who had mounted and dismounted back then was on their side, leading them in a fearless charge.

Now, things and people have changed~~!

Next, while Kled was away, Kasa used Rift Herald to eat the three-layered tartar, saving some money.

But this was almost Snake's final counterattack.

TSM is still targeting the bottom lane. Angel regrets it now and shouldn't have switched to the bottom lane.

At just over 15 minutes, Syndra and Thresh were killed again.

The second fire dragon was thrown away.

At 17 minutes and 02 seconds, Flandre led the way on the top lane and was hit in the face by Kled alone.

This is the first one-on-one conversation between Li Hao and Holy Spear in the World Championship.

Nocturne turned off the lights and Kled R got in the captain's face.

At the moment of impact, he connected with E and then ignited, followed by two flat A. During this period, the captain, whose health plummeted, retreated while fighting. Li Hao pursued with the second E and then connected with QAA.

A set of REAAEQAA was completely filled, and Flandre's screen went black.

After he finished, Kled's dog tag flashed over his head.

Dog tags were also displayed on the dead body of the captain.

This is a tragic scene of brothers killing each other, and it is also a scene that makes the audience smile warmly.

The LPL barrage has changed its tone:

"My stupid Oudou!"

"Teaching game between elder brother and younger brother~!"

"Brother's love is as strong as Kled's sharp knife."

"Cruel Onii-chan~!"


The game lasted until 28 minutes and 9 seconds.

That moment was called "Dark Charge" by LPL players.

TSM once again launched a familiar offensive.

Nocturne turned off the lights, and then a group of TSM people followed Kled and rushed into the Snake formation.

Due to the equipment gap, Snake was unable to block it.

Kled, who once charged, is now as unstoppable as he is on the opposite side!

Not only Snake, but the entire LPL region audience felt the fear of being dominated by Shi Yizhong!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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