LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 527 Tiger Tiger Tiger

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the game between RNG and SPY started again.

On the day of the match, Li Hao was surprised when he was watching the excitement in the hotel training room.

Upset, another upset!

In 29 minutes and 3 seconds, SPY defeated RNG!

Every one of Yu Jianmen's fans opened their mouths.

Throughout the game, not only was there a huge problem with BP, but Xiao Ming was in poor condition, Xiao Hu was in poor condition, and Lang Xing on the road played without confidence. His old habit of making money in the second round seemed to have happened again.

This season, the overall strength of each major competition area has been approaching.

In the context of the rise of the European competition last year, although the European Snakes are the third seed, they are capable.

RNG in such a state was very ugly on the scene.

Uzi became anxious in the end. He wanted to C, but unfortunately he didn't have the conditions for C.

After the game, the LPL forum was full of curses!

The unlucky Tiger God used Ryze to score 2,200 points of damage, and was even ridiculed as having the power of a tiger.

The unit of measurement "tiger" is officially released.

The code name is: Huhuhu~~

Li Hao was filled with emotion that RNG still embarked on this path bizarrely.

Is it all Xia Zhihu's fault?

In fact, not really. Judging from the information collected by the TSM team, RNG has almost been thoroughly studied.

RNG essentially used a lineup in several games. The whole team focused on protecting ez in the bottom lane to suppress the opponent, accelerating ez's development and teaming up around ez in the mid-term to eat up the opponent in one go. On the top lane, the wolf line was allowed to play its own game. .

After a few games, the opponent already knew what RNG wanted to do, such as SPY. They were really not stupid and directly banned Guang Xiaoming's hero.

RNG chose Lulu in this game to ensure a strong line and allow Uzi to output without pressure in the mid-term, but was defeated. With this tactic, if there is no game in the bottom lane, there will be no game. As for the performance in the top lane, it has nothing to do with the game.

There are a lot of tricks in the bottom lane of this S game, but there are not many AD heroes to choose from. It is also difficult to form a swing in the hero pool among RNG players. If there is no trouble in the top lane, you will already be in high demand, and you can't count on the carry. .

On the contrary, their biggest advantages are bottom lane and team play, so there is really no problem in choosing a lineup that can play their best strengths. They have also practiced this lineup repeatedly.

However, when a lineup that did not fit the version was discovered, it fell into passivity from the beginning.

In the first round of the group stage, everyone tried it out, but when it came to elimination in the second round, they started to act harshly.

Li Hao can see it clearly, and so can everyone else in TSM.

Kim Sang Soo rejoiced backstage:

"Brother, we followed your arrangements and started adapting new tactics in the second half of the summer split. Now it seems that it was really a smart move."

"It's scary to have your opponent find out the details."

Li Hao smiled gently: "This is not my credit."

"The most important thing to thank is that everyone has a good hero pool. If we can shake it up, the lineup will be more changeable. Otherwise, if we use an unfamiliar hero to compete, no matter how good the tactics are, they will not be able to exert their power."

Stupid Chicken nodded: "Just like RNG's top laner."

"From the summer split to the current group stage, what he is best at seems to be Gnar, Sword Demon, Crocodile, and Vampire."

"Other than these, other heroes have too few appearances."

"It's very sad. Considering the version and team tactics of the S game, his game will be even more monotonous."

“That’s where Pilsen is excellent.”

Stupid Chicken praised and joked: "RNG might as well put Xiaohu on the top lane."

Li Hao laughed:

"Xingxiong, if you think so, you can become a coach."


Everyone laughed.

Although the Edgeworth Gate is very sad now, the cheers in Berlin's Konzerthaus are harsh.

But this has nothing to do with TSM.

The swordsmen who took their swords to the skies over Spain returned to the skies above Berlin.

After SPY’s two precise snipers, many people’s mentality changed.

After Europe made its first move, the other two teams followed suit and took two more moves.

RNG's competition is getting more and more difficult!

The LMS No. 1 seed broke out, and JT fought with GAM and defeated it.

In the subsequent match between JT and SPY, they completed their counterattack against SPY.

For a moment, the LMS audience started cheering.

With this attitude, JT is going to qualify.

RNG battles GAM again.

Under the leadership of Mr. SPY, GAM also used the most correct method to play against RNG, which made the Vietnamese victorious.

It was a 40-minute back-and-forth battle, with the swordsmen holding their balls nervously throughout.

Damn it, you can’t lose!

In the last wave of team battles, the LPL commentators broke free from their depression and roared with excitement.

Uzi scored three kills in the team battle and killed GAM!

Later, SPY played against GAM and defeated it again.

Almost exceeding everyone's expectations, the third seed in Europe won the first place in the group!

RNG entered a life-and-death battle, and what stood in front of them was the LMS No. 1 seed JT team.

In this game, Fofo's mid laner Lucian caused huge trouble for RNG.

At the same time, JT copied SPY's tactics, making it difficult for RNG to deploy in the bottom lane, and the game was prolonged.

Maybe JT's thinking changed quickly, maybe they really caught the door to deal with this RNG.

But unfortunately, there is always a gap between the two sides in terms of hard power.

When LILV's Syndra was killed by RNG in the 37-minute team battle because she was standing in the front, fans in the LMS division were beating their chests one by one.

RNG took advantage of the situation to counterattack and defeated JT!

In the 2019 season, Yujianmen maintained a bit of dignity and did not stop at the top 16.

In this round of the group stage, who should RNG's MVP be given to?

Brother Zaozi?

NO, it must be VIT player Jiizuke!

"Give Jiizuke a thumbs up. If he hadn't drawn the lottery well, it would have been difficult for RNG to qualify in any group."

"Jiizuke is not guilty. He has tried his best. LILV is sending one last wave. He is also a good brother of ours."


There were voices of disappointment and voices of ridicule.

Even the ardent fans of Yujianmen were poured cold water on them at this time.

In this season full of diversity, each team has come up with something different.

The old self-styled routine will no longer work!

In the most comfortable group, qualifying is so difficult, so how can we play in Spain?


After losing the first place in the group, they will definitely face the top players in other groups in the quarter-finals.

Looking at the other three groups, they are all tough.

Can RNG make major changes in a short period of time?

Without changes, how can S9 go far?

In the player booth, RNG was not too excited after winning.

Uzi's fleshy face was full of fear after he smiled lightly at Xiao Ming.

Teacher Guo, who planned to retire but was retained by RNG, said something in the ears of the big tiger god, who looked bitter.

He knew with his butt that he would be screwed this time.

Fortunately, I made the cut in the end, otherwise I would have been scolded and trending.

A new meme has appeared in the eSports Louvre.

"Pigs are worse than dogs."

The damage of a pig is 4396, and the damage of a dog is 2800. Now there is a famous professional player who has a lower record than these two. If this is not a pig, what is it?

That's right, I'm talking about 伱——Kid!

This is actually not the wave with the strongest rhythm.

During the final stalemate stage between RNG and JT, a large number of black men shouted "Take a bath, take a bath and come back" on the barrage.

The people of Yujianmen fought against these sunspots on forums and barrages, but they couldn't kill them all.

Fortunately, LILV sent a wave of mercy to others and quelled this wave of black fans' turmoil.

Reaching the quarterfinals made the RNG management heave a sigh of relief.

Going home from the group stage, I really don’t know what I’m going to face.

Of course, Sika in the high-energy spectator group also breathed a sigh of relief.

He set a flag and said that when RNG's top 16 players return home, he will shave his head.

On October 18, the Group C battle is about to begin.

In this round of competition, IG is exactly the opposite of RNG.

After Prince Ning returned, he gradually got better and better.

Especially in the second game against SKT, he played at his peak.

The title of King of Shoes is temporarily given up.

Fans are joking that King Ning 'changed his shoes and returned to China'.

Gao Zhenning, who has the manual for shy men, is back.

IG's super strong top, middle and jungle rhythm destroyed SKT like a storm.

The man's ears seemed to be filled with "Don't eat, don't eat, don't eat", which was terrifying.

The Korean audience seemed to be on a roller coaster and suddenly hit the bottom.

In less than 25 minutes, IG defeated SKT!

"came back!"

"My feelings are back!"

IG fans were really excited to see the team come back in full and beat SKT strongly.

Someone said:

"In 2018, the IG who can compete with the terrifying Dynasty Snakes team is back!"

Kill C9 first, then FNC!

When the IG players were stimulated by the atmosphere of the World Championship and refocused on the game, they launched a crazy offensive in the second round of the group stage.

SKT, which was originally ranked first, was once again upset by FNC.

This resulted in SKT only having 4 wins, while IG managed to win 5 games.

The first place in Group C became IG, and SKT became the second place in the group.

The worst thing is FNC. They played very well and are fully capable of qualifying.

But that's what death panels are for.

FNC defeated C9 in the last round, and Ou Cheng achieved a superb record.

Unfortunately, this has no impact on the group ranking.

Through the lens, the local European audience saw a sad scene.

Ou Cheng turned around, facing away from the audience, covering his face and crying bitterly.

Although the audience at the scene and in front of the screen were cheering for Ou Cheng, if they want to hear the story of Ou Cheng and FNC again, they can only wait until next year.

C9 players shook hands with FNC players. They were both former LCS teams and now they are going home hand in hand.

The LCS audience felt a sense of oppression.

The LPL and LCK divisions are still strong!

TSM's upcoming schedule may also be difficult to follow.

North American viewers who have been paying attention to S9 are saying that if there is no TheKing this year, the LCS has no chance.

On October 19, the battle in the group stage spread to Group A.

The one that attracts the most attention is undoubtedly DWG.

The LCK commentary box, which has been somewhat silent, was detonated by DWG!

Korean audiences saw their hope.

The talented youth team played more rhythmically in the second round of the group stage.

Facing AHQ, they took 21 minutes and 19 seconds.

There is no familiar Korean operation, only a strong sense of oppression!

Xu Xiu took out the mid laner Yasuo and used Li Hao's championship skin.

After the whole game, Xiu Mei scored an exaggerated record of 9/0/6.

Apex, who came on as a substitute, was killed in the lane!

Canyon's jungler Rockbird cooperated with Yasuo in the top and bottom lanes, and AHQ's defense collapsed.

What's even more shocking is that under the camera, Xiu Mei, who has achieved a superlative record, has a very bland attitude.

He always had the same expression, without excitement or joy.

Assi, South Korea’s killing machine? !

Roaring Emperor said horrifiedly in the commentary box:

"Dongjun, Dongjun Smita!"

"For a moment, I felt that The King was sitting in the mid lane of DWG. Our Xu Xiu really looked like The King!"

"This boy will be the hope of LCK!"

Of course, Jin Dongjun is not calm. He has many complicated interjections in his mouth, his expression is exaggerated, and his mouth is bulging like a mouthful of kimchi:

"It's unusual, especially his game attitude. That kind of concentration, calmness and calmness, combined with the strong sense of oppression in the game, is completely The King's style!"

"I followed him last year, and he has changed a lot and improved a lot."

"Perhaps, only Apex in this game can experience that sense of pressure."

"If he is a younger TheKing, then LCK will usher in a revival!!"


In the commentary box, the Korean commentators found their target and praised it in various ways.

Although the words are slightly exaggerated, the Korean audience approves of it.

Even the audiences in various competition areas were shocked by Xu Xiu's state.

Especially during that brief post-game interview session.

"Showmaker, what do you think of your outstanding performance in this game?"

Xu Xiu held the microphone in her hand and spoke calmly:

"I just successfully implemented the tactics given by the coach, and Canyon gave me more support."

"Compared to my own record, I am more happy that DWG successfully won the game. We need to remember this rhythm. This is only a small part of S9. There will be a more difficult road ahead."

"If this is the scenery of S9, then it is gone."

Host: "Your style is very similar to The King's, the most similar I have ever seen. You even used his skin and performed amazingly with Yasuo. How do you see yourself and The King?"

When it comes to Li Hao, Xu Xiu expressed modestly:

"I have been following in the footsteps of my predecessors. I admire his achievements in the LPL and the World Series. But I am still far away from my predecessors. If I have a champion, I will accept the word 'like' more readily." .”


In the LPL barrage and comment area:

"Damn it, Xiumei's words smell like wolfberry~!"

"Tell me, how long have you been lurking in the Wolfberry Bar?"

"I'm so angry. The LCK already has Little Wolfberry. Why are we in the LPL still trying to get rid of Tiger Tiger Tiger? Where is the young Wolfberry?"

"Little Wolfberry still needs to rely on Brother Hao's efforts. If Brother Hao makes a baby, LPL will have a future."

"So, Brother Hao, don't be stuck on gender~!"


The building is getting more and more crooked, but the LPL audience doesn't have much dislike for the show girl in front of the camera.

Apart from some minor teasing, Xiumei's operation has conquered many people.

The competition in Group A continues.

After G2 defeated TL, they faced DWG.

This time, DWG completed its revenge. Xu Xiu even used Enchantress to suppress the King of Hats, and played a strong midfield linkage with Canyon's Blind Monk. After several waves of support, Niu Guli on the road overthrew Wonder.

DWG also played a crazy top, middle and jungle rhythm, and G2 was defeated in the 32nd minute.

TL defeated AHQ and gave AHQ their sixth consecutive defeat. The two sides shook hands and went home together.

Both G2 and DWG have won 5 games. In order to compete for the top spot in the group stage, both sides entered the playoffs.

In a tense battle that lasted 36 minutes, DWG had the last laugh. G2's mid laner tactics were broken, and Canyon won the MVP.

This makes the DWG look even scarier.

If you use more strength, such a team will be more difficult to deal with.

The LCK audience was very excited. Although DWG was the third seed when they came, they are now the clear leader in the group.

From fighting all the way through the finals, DWG's growth is visible to the naked eye.

This young team is more promising than Griffin in Group D.

The final suspense of the group stage is about to be revealed.

On October 20, 2019, the Group D competition officially started.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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