LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 532 Master, I understand~~

"Aphromoo helped TSM defend the water dragon, but his head was taken by the captain again. TSM is in a bit of trouble."

Wang Duoduo didn’t want to see such a start, and Diamond Dragon on the side said more simply:

"TSM is committing a crime down the road. Send it down again and the captain will take off."

"Brother Hao's little mage thinks that Carry needs equipment. He needs to develop for a certain period of time."

"Logically speaking, TSM's bottom lane lineup really shouldn't be like this."

"Isn't it your milk? It's not enough to talk about the cow head. If Effort has the help of God, he will also bring the rhythm."

The colonel laughed awkwardly and began to analyze the competition situation again:

"TSM must be extremely careful now, SKT must speed up the tempo."

"Once it gains momentum, TSM's counter effect on SKT's lineup will be infinitely reduced."


After losing two heads in a row, Blake was also a little panicked in the contestants' box.

This is the quarter-finals, but there is no room for error like in the group stages.

The entire league e-sports world is paying attention to this round of events.

If you become a war criminal, the consequences can be imagined.

"Don't panic."

In the team's voice, an extremely calm voice sounded.

"Everyone is on Teddy. Kai'Sa can't do things like the blind monk. With the strength of the lane, it's impossible to defeat you all in a short time."

"Just guard the lower road."

"Blake, there is nothing wrong with this decision to stop the blind monk from drawing the water dragon. It's just that he was greedy for his true eyes in the end."

Hearing this, Old Black breathed a sigh of relief and said apologetically:

"It was a little short of money. I didn't expect Effort to come so quickly."

"He blocked my vision."

Li Hao comforted:

"Don't be affected by these two waves. When you see the opportunity later, you must still be decisive. Select the Dawn Goddess and do this job."

"Okay, Lee!"


"Can we catch this wave?"

The stupid chicken who was about to reach 6 kept looking away from Faker.

Li Hao shook his head:


"Guess why he still chose Akali? It's just to guard against you. The E skill is very tight. My mana is limited now. The blind monk has a wide range of activities, so I can only develop it carefully."

"Clid is now Guapi's good partner, don't let others squat against you."

The stupid chicken can understand clearly: "Okay, you can also make money from the development."

Li Hao cut the screen to take a look at the situation. After Blake came back online, he prepared his vision and guarded the bottom lane with Xia.

"SKT will definitely speed up. The best thing for Clid to do now is to hit the road."

"The vampire's side is about to have a line of artillery and carriage troops."

Stupid Chicken's awareness was not weak. When Li Hao reminded him, his attention turned to the situation of the military line:

"Clid is almost 6."

Bilson touched the grass in the river: "My real eyes are here. The blind monk will most likely find it when he comes from the river."


"On the way!"

After some exchanges, Benji started on the road.

From God's perspective, at 7 minutes and 21 seconds, the blind monk came from his blue zone and walked close to the wall of the dragon pit, but he was still seen by Bilson's real eye.

For a moment, the mini-map was filled with signals.

Clid came to the triangle grass and put down his true eye to confirm that the triangle grass had no vision.

At 7 minutes and 31 seconds, the vampires led the artillery soldiers into the tower, and Brother Khan decisively took the lead with his ultimate move!

Clid follows, and the two of them will jump over the tower to kill!

If there is only one captain, SKT will definitely succeed.

But Benji's wine barrel came from the stone monster, and the captain's reverse flash delayed time, allowing Benji to find the opportunity to enter the field.

The two sides showed off each other under the tower. Pilsen's A missed the opportunity to explode the powder barrel, and was taken over by the blind monk's second stage Q.

The barrel came and took away the vampire.

Clid kicked the beer man away.

The two sides were tied one for one, and SKT's Kuma and others in the background all cried out as a pity.

If the barrels had arrived a little later, or if the captain had been killed earlier, this wave would have been perfect.

A member of the SKT coaching staff said in surprise:

"Bengi's consciousness is no worse than it was back then."

Someone else said:

"Look at how many signals have been pinned in advance."

"Don't think that the little mage didn't do anything. He has been controlling the situation."

"However, this wave is still a pity."

"It would be great if Khan could lower Gangplank's health line in advance."

The optimistic coaching staff smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, the advantage is mine."

"In ten more minutes, they won't be able to stop Teddy."

"TheKing's choice of artistic gameplay is absolutely wrong. Without active connection, TSM is still an LCS team."

Mata, the most powerful brain at the water cooler, said:

"Effort is in good condition and can give Teddy more help."


Overall, the atmosphere behind SKT was very relaxed.

At this time, the LCK commentary box and the comment areas of relevant Korean live TV stations were similar.

The strong SKT that takes the initiative to attack, coupled with its current advantages, makes the entire LCK excited.

This is a good opportunity to defeat TheKing!

However, after watching the horse slam backstage for more than three years, I felt a little worried.

He's seen so many amazing things happen.

The result of the game is uncertain, so I don’t dare to be too optimistic about the horse deduction.

Looking at Xiaofa, who was like an earth-bending spirit in the middle of the road, he buckled his horse and shook his head.

This guy shouldn’t be too magical!

At 8 minutes and 31 seconds, the returning wine barrel came to the middle line and helped Li Hao, whose mana had bottomed out, push the line.

Akali carries a small scimitar and is very capable of relying on lanes.

After Faker pushed the line, he still had a chance to steal F4 when the stupid chicken exposed his vision.

Without taking into account the passive income of Xiaofa, Faker is obviously the one with better development. After the cannon lane was pushed away, Akali led by 7 CS.

At the beginning of 10 minutes, SKT successfully captured the first water dragon by virtue of the line rights in the middle and bottom lanes.

On the big screen, SKT's economic lead is close to 2,000 yuan.

The balance of victory seems to be tilting towards SKT.

The North American fans in Madrid were a little nervous and their attention was even more focused.

At 10 minutes and 34 seconds, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

Akali in front of the tower took the initiative to exchange blood with Li Hao, taking the damage from the defense tower and knocking the little mage down to less than half health.

At the same time, a flying thunder god returned to Xia Zhen.

Many people were worried about Li Hao, because he had mastered his skills very well.

Because, on the small map, you can see that one division of SKT's troops has moved next to the Three Wolves.

"four people!"

In the Madrid home commentary box, Coster shouted in horror:

"Faker held back the little mage and didn't let The King retreat immediately."

"Nutau, Kai'Sa, and Blind Sin, they are all here, terrible encirclement and suppression tactics, so targeted at the middle, SKT wants to cut TSM's throat!"

"Can they succeed?!"

"This is an extremely critical rhythm!"

Charles kept talking: "It's difficult, it's difficult, The King is difficult!"

"SKT's killing intent can be felt even in the commentary box. They will not give up such a good opportunity."

"After a season, this is SKT's crazy revenge on its mortal enemy!"


The North American audience was extremely nervous, e-sports veterans were grinning hideously, and fans were watching the game with their balls in their hands.

On the SKT player bench, Effort took the lead under the control of Niutou Yiniu.

His eyes were firmly fixed on the little mage who was still alive.

"Master, Master!"

"This is the moment!"

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

Deep inside, Lee Sang-ho roared loudly, and his eyes turned red, like a mad bull.

Maybe it was induced.

In the SKT base, Wolf couldn't help but stand up.

He stared at his beloved disciple.

"Xiang Hao, kill him!"

"you can do it."

Within a very certain distance, Niutou passed between the two defense towers and prepared an offensive posture.

Li Sanghao could swear that he was confident enough to hit this skill!

Dadi Fan (Q)!


"Effort moves first and dodges!"


"Reacted, Brother Hao predicted Niu Tou's movements, the timing was just right, and the limit flashed past the low wall next to F6!"

"The blind monk comes to the bull head, Akali comes over, the stupid chicken comes to E from the second tower, and stuns the two of them!"

"Teddy outputs barrels, Faker and Q, the stupid chicken is focused!"


"Stopwatch, stopwatch!"

In the team voice, at the TSM backstage base, Li Hao, Jin Sangxiu, Kabo and others were all shouting, regardless of whether they could be heard by stupid chickens.

Stupid Chicken did not disappoint everyone.

At the sound of ding, several people who were SKT jumping over the tower were stunned on the spot.

"Death bombing!!"

For the first time, Bilson received ultimate support on the top lane.

This is something Khan cannot provide.

SKT immediately wanted to retreat.

They subconsciously moved towards the passage towards the Three Wolves.

However, a magic wall in the little mage's twisted space happened to be predicted to be at the most deadly location!

This E is the absolute essence of the Little Mage!

Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy!

This symbol that kept beating on the heads of everyone in SKT made the Madrid crowd scream in surprise!


"The King stunned three people, and Kaisha who was not stunned is also in the circle!"

"Here comes the little mage W!"

"Wine barrel's ultimate move!"



The stupid chicken with the stopwatch effect released used a big move to backhand the three people who were stunned and blasted them into the second tower.

The blind monk who took damage from the defense tower was crippled on the spot.

Clid was shocked.

Because he caught that wave, his flash didn't improve.

The cooperation between Li Hao and Benji is perfect.

Faker wanted to turn around and output Xiaofa, but Li Hao didn't give him a chance.

The pull under the tower gave no distance, so Akali could only disperse and evacuate with her teammates at the moment of hesitation.

As soon as Akali left, the little mage turned back.

Li Hao's Q passed through Kai'Sa and hit the disabled blind monk.

Pellet died on the spot!

The beaten stupid chicken didn't dare to pursue him, but a rolling wine barrel was left at the entrance from the Second Tower to the Third Wolf.

Kai'Sa and Bullhead were slowed down.

They moved a few steps, and just after they passed the dangerous zone, Blake, who had been holding back his energy for a long time, cut off their escape.

Big move, EQ!

His skills kept falling from the air. With the purification on his body, Teddy withdrew from the battle with one-third of his health. At the same time, he moved to deal damage to the female tank. Faker, who passed through the middle tower, also wanted to support the jungle area.

Unfortunately, the senior brother has also arrived.

The female tank withstands the damage and creates output opportunities for Xia.

The bull's head is clouded, and Teddy plays passive. His damage is very high, so he has to fight back with his remaining health!


"Oh hey hey hey hey hey~~~~"

A string of harsh, mean laughter sounded in his ears like a mockery.

A large ball of magic energy locked directly on the head and flew towards Kaisha from a distance of 650 yards.

Energy bursts!

Teddy's eyes turned gray and he stopped walking smoothly.

Excessive magic damage, smashing him to death on the spot!

"——I am the devil! Don't laugh!"

The evil little mage revealed his ferocious side.

The scene in Madrid was noisy.

"Dead! Kasha is dead too!"

"Brother Hao steals one, double kill, fourth level of murder ring!"

"SKT got too big and Brother Hao was forced to take off!"


Faker gritted his teeth and retreated. Effort was eaten by TSM in a panic, and the senior brother got his head.

"0 for 3!"

"TSM actually won!!"

Colonel Guan was stunned: "Do you dare to believe this?!"

Wang Duoduo clapped his hands and praised:


"The excellent cooperation between Stupid Chicken and Brother Hao disrupted SKT's tough offensive and completely reversed the situation that was about to collapse!"

"Brother Hao dodged Effort once, and the stupid chicken came up to seduce and start the stopwatch. Brother Hao backhand stunned three people and then framed Kai'Sa, which is equivalent to controlling four!"

The bald man exclaimed: "My dear, this is incredible!"

"Faker is going to start the voice chat soon, Brother Hao, stop showing off."

"The captain's ultimate move is on the top lane, and the TSM duo is also coming to support from behind. This wave of SKT is going to be a big hit!"


In the LPL barrage:

"I was so scared that Brother Hao was going to die, but in the end, Brother Hao was still your Brother Hao!"

"Brother Hao, I apologize. I thought you were going to die just now."

"The captain counts as half a person, plus the two defense towers, TSM has 6.5 people in this wave. It's normal that SKT has never played before."

"Wrong, there are actually seven people, and half of them are on top of the little mage."



In the screen, an extremely evil dog tag "EDG" appears above the evil little mage!

"It's starting again. It turns out that Ancestor Seven is also exerting his strength."

"SKT didn't lose unfairly~!"

Seeing the little mage showing off his dog tags, the big devil was so angry that his teeth itched.

The LPL commentary booth burst out laughing:

"The older you get, the worse you get."

Wang Duoduo said: "This is Brother Hao's competition experience. It will give you a little mental strength at critical moments, making your blood pressure rise and you will be in a hurry."

"I have watched so many games, and only Brother Hao uses mental attacks the best."

"Hahaha, are you referring to the EDG brand?"

"Stop it, your account will be gone later."


The LCK division is now in mourning, and everyone is looking at this scene in disbelief.

After TSM took the lead in a wave, the full-health captain, who had an advantage in the top lane, moved towards the Dalong Pit.

Pushing the lane in the middle, everyone in TSM regained 77% of their health and decisively accepted the Rift Herald.

SKT's backstage dunk was scratching his hair, and e-sports Wang Leehom was sweating on his forehead.

It's like this again!

Why are you in such a hurry!

Everyone thinks so now, but everyone generally agreed beforehand.

Being shown off, there is nothing I can do about it.

The population, economy, and situation were all reversed.

This also feeds back to the players.

On TSM's side, everyone is more excited and communicates more.

On the other hand, SKT looked quite solemn.

The game started so well, and they were sent out in one wave!

TSM begins operating Rift Herald.

Effort, who has always been in good form at the start, became TSM's first target.

Near the Xiaolong Pit, the eyed bullhead encountered the little mage for the first time in the jungle.

This is also the first head-on encounter between Effort and Li Hao.

Hex Technology GLP-800~!

Without hesitation, the active effect of the ice gun directly slowed down the bull's head.

The current and disgusting tricks can stick people to death and greatly improve the hit rate of skills.

Niutou has no ultimate move and cannot escape control.

Glacial growth, distorting space~!

Effort was very frightened, and the wine barrel he least expected to see appeared in his field of vision.


The beer man pushed it with his stomach, Q was given in the air, and W passively dealt damage.

Xiaofa's W fell and killed the cow with one Q!

Add 5 points of extraordinary evil power and 2 layers of murder ring.

Effort was distraught.

One face to face, the other person is gone!

In my mind, what my master said in the past echoed.

Faker wanted to come to support, but was still too slow.

TSM quickly rallied towards the middle and summoned the Canyon Herald.

When they got the advantage, the disgusting nature of the lineup became apparent.

Clid, who was preparing to defend under the tower, suffered a serious blow. Li Hao used a precise E to control Clid under the tower. Following the female tank, SKT watched Clid melt!

The first tower was given away directly, and the top of the tower was eaten by TSM.

The second tower was also drained of most of its health.

The big devil forced himself to calm down. He called to his teammates to stay calm.

Perhaps his words had an effect, as SKT did not lose face again in the next five minutes.

However, the fire dragon was in contention at 18 minutes and 34 seconds.

Brother Khan, who has always wanted to save the situation, habitually took the initiative and opened R to enter the TSM crowd.

This wave, the vampire's first move is very beautiful.

But what's terrible is that Khan came from the top lane, and his position was out of touch with the rest of SKT coming from the bottom lane. Coupled with the captain's ultimate move to slow down, the rest of SKT couldn't keep up.

This scene made the LCK commentators beat their chests, anxious and angry!

Teddy, who was forced to come over to cooperate with the vampire, overestimated the damage he would do and donated it together with Brother Khan.

At this moment, Faker felt like he had returned to the low stage at the beginning of the summer split.

They haven't been this chaotic since S9!

This is a bigger problem than disadvantage.

Faker looked stiff, knowing that the game was going far.

Lost the fire dragon, and lost two defense towers in a row!

On the big screen, TSM's economic lead reached 7,000+ in 21 minutes.

TSM did not choose to play Baron because the huge weakness of TSM's lineup has been exposed and they cannot defend the tower.

Li Hao's equipment had already taken shape. After having the twin shadows, ice gun, murder book, magic shoes, and stopwatch, he started to cook meat.

This is the kind of build that makes SKT blush.

The current version of the glacier mage is very disgusting. It has full control, high damage, short CD, and cannot be killed.

In a specific lineup, if you survive the early stage, you will have strong rhythmic ability in the mid-term.

Bjergsen blocked the powder keg beside Xiaofa, and was escorted by the female tank and wine keg. SKT couldn't die and couldn't defend the tower.


"No one can clear the line. Bjergsen's powder keg has hit Kai'Sa. SKT can't hold on, and the high ground is gone!"

"There is no way, Faker stepped forward to clear the line. If he hadn't reacted quickly to avoid the female tank's control, the screen would have been black."

"TSM is already in its lineup strength period, and with its huge advantage, SKT doesn't do enough damage. If they don't kill the C position, they will lose their fighting capital. It's not that easy to just rely on TSM to make mistakes."

"Yeah, the key point is that TSM can't make mistakes now. In the battle in front of the little Fatta, it keeps throwing away skills to make you sick. TSM still has so many controls, and no one in SKT is standing forward. We can no longer count on Brother Khan, who will rush to the front." Died six times.”


On the screen, TSM was so stable that SKT's scalp was numb.

After all three highlands were destroyed, they went home to update their equipment, collect buffs, and instead of fighting the baron, they took super soldiers to the SKT highlands.

At 30 minutes and 4 seconds, the LCK audience kept cheering.

A roller coaster ride!

In the player's seat, the young player Effort looked at the evil little mage with a superb record on the panel.

The little mage's evil laugh seemed to still linger in his ears.

Master's sincere teachings filled my heart again.

"Xiang Hao, when you meet that guy, you must be very alert."

"That's a player who can't be treated with common sense."


This feeling of being destroyed with one hand and falling from the clouds to hell.

Such confusion and panic.

Master, I seem to have understood.

That guy is very special.

Effort swallowed a gulp of saliva and left the players' stand amid Teddy's shouts.

Backstage at SKT, the duke coach said towards the water fountain:

"Mata, we're going to do it another way."


PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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