LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 544 Xu Xiu, failure always runs through life


"TSM defeated DWG again!"

"UN-BEL-IEVE~~!!" Smith said three long syllables: "We have already won the match point for the semi-finals, only two games~!"

"This time, the LCS is so close to the finals!"

"In front of the Living Fossil Legion, the youthful storm blowing from the LCK will lose momentum in Madrid. They will be unable to move forward and have almost no hope of Paris."

"TSM, following the LCK team all the way, is about to enter the final hot spot!"

"This is the greatest World Championship trip of LCS in nine years. It is passionate and magical. The King brings redemption and light to LCS. He saves a division that is about to collapse. Just like S6, he is leading the second division to break through. The crownless curse is crazy! Extremely crazy! I swear, he will become an e-sports symbol!"

The old commentator Riv saw the dawn of victory and rubbed the white hair on his head:

"The old LCS warship sailed on the ocean full of the fog of war. It experienced reefs and storms and became riddled with holes. It lost its way and made its fellow travelers at a loss. When decline and despair were filled, some people were in the fog. Light the beacon ahead.”

"He is not a lonely light in the LCS, but a beacon in the league world."

"Guys, this is an unforgettable 2019. The King and TSM are accompanying us on a magical journey."


Ball's expression is more straightforward. The crocodile rated as MVP on the big screen is the best illustration:

"Desert Butcher has once again scored a superb record. This is the era of data explosion unique to The King!"

"The young Showmaker fell in front of his idol. In the eyes of the giant, he was too young and immature, like a naive prairie dog."

"The tyrant's ax chopped off heads one after another, the cold machine was running hot, and the clicking sound of the gears was enough to make the LCK's hair stand on end."

"Haha, with the help of Renekton's dubbing, I would like to ask a question to the Alliance on behalf of The King."

“Who’s next on the chopping block?”


Looking at all the previous S tournaments, there has never been a year where the LCS commentators became so excited. They were all breathing heavily when speaking, with red faces and thick necks, as if they were crushing their enemies, and then said fiercely that they would leave behind them. of hatred.

They were venting, and even more so the millions of LCS viewers.

After TSM scored the game with a strong score of 2-0, forums such as the Los Angeles Esports Players' Home were all shouting 3-0!

"The biggest surprise in the e-sports world in 2019, guys, TSM is about to sweep the entire LCK division! In the seven games against the LCK before S9, TSM won all! A North American miracle!"

A fan whose coordinates are in San Francisco said this:

"My good friend Kenny is an Annie fan and always fantasizes about becoming Tibbers. He stopped watching professional games for a long time because of the poor results of the LCS and closed the league's social accounts. He said that the LCS is weak every year. The weak prairie dog army is not worth looking forward to.

I told him all the results of the LCS this season, and he didn't believe it. But when I put a series of TSM's results in front of him, I marveled at the extent to which human eyes and mouths can open.

We have already booked air tickets to Paris, France, and spent a lot of money to buy tickets for the finals. TSM will definitely reach the finals. No one on this planet can defeat TheKing in three consecutive games, because with a team of this strength, It’s impossible to lose two games in a row. We will shout loudly for TSM and TheKing at the scene, hahaha, does it make you a little envious? "

There are also messages from fans in Philadelphia:

"It's a very interesting thing. Before S9, a Korean classmate from the University of Pennsylvania always mentioned the achievements of the LCK to us. He was quite proud when comparing it to the LCS. Several interested students watched the S9 game together. , our active Korean friend became silent, and after the last game, he said something that made us laugh."

“He suspected ‘The King is from Incheon’.”

"I told him with a smile that The King is not from Incheon, but he won the championship in Incheon last year."

"I got a ticket for the finals, which was grabbed by a Korean friend. He didn't seem to have any plans to go to Paris."


A middle-aged fan from New Orleans expressed emotion in the forum:

"Because of this semi-final, I beat my naughty son. There is nothing I can do about it. He is only 10 years old this year and is not an adult yet. I will not allow him to watch such a cruel game, even if he is accompanied by his parents. .”

"The brutal Desert Butcher can single-handedly break into the Korean camp in the mid-term, fighting in and out like a tyrant. I can't bear for my children to be exposed to this early. This is a father's love."

His speech was praised by many people, who were also happy for his child. He has such a competent father.

Just like TSM at this time, everyone is happy for TSM because there is also a competent old father in the middle.

The gods in the Esports House have a lot to say and there are a lot of heated discussions.

Every second, new comments will be refreshed.

Commentators who like surfing may have long been stuck in the forum and unable to get out.

The LCS e-sports forum has entered its most active moment in history.

Posts about The King abound, and a large number of loyal North American Hao fans have poured in.

Over the past year in the LCS, Haofen has accumulated an exaggerated amount of players.

The LCS audience has no resistance to Li Hao's style of play.

Many people asked for votes on the forum and expressed their willingness to buy at a high price.

Some people also joined forces to attack Riot's homepage, hoping that they could add seats to allow more viewers to arrive.

Although TSM has not yet won the third game, judging from their performance in the late second game, DWG was completely in chaos.

This is the disadvantage of Youth Storm, they are passionate and not afraid of any challenges.

But at an absolute disadvantage, they did not have enough experience and mentality to support them in completing an impossible comeback.

The number of mistakes made in the middle of the second game far exceeded that of the first game.

Moreover, DWG's weaknesses were magnified in the semifinals.

The core king cannot be reused, and the weak bottom lane cannot fight tough battles.

When facing other teams, DWG's midfielder and upper jungler will be targeted. The Nuclear King can get a version of a strong hero. Without being targeted, it is hard to see how much he can lose.

In these two games, TSM found opportunities in the bottom lane. Judging from the performance of the core queen, they are no longer in game condition.

At the same time, Xu Xiu in the middle couldn't get an advantage at all. Instead, he was repeatedly plotted against him. He didn't have enough computing power and looked green.

After failing again and again, DWG failed to seize the opportunity to make a big push. LCK's Youth Storm was unable to continue, and the probability of losing the series was nine out of ten.

Not only other divisions see it this way, but even the Korean division itself is in despair.

At the DWG backstage at this time, it was really Galen who was whispering, silent and breaking the defense.

The good brothers happily competed in the semi-finals, shouting to pull Shi Yizhong down.

However, the plot didn't go in the direction they planned at all.

The current acres of land are unacceptable to everyone.

Nuclear was unhappy, why not be convinced in his heart?

Just after entering the backstage, the members of the DWG uniform team did not find Xu Xiu, who had been educated by The King in the early stage, but instead interviewed him.

Although the members of the uniform team were very angry, they politely expressed the need to unite at this time.

The nuclear emperor's emotional intelligence is not high, but he can still hear it.

In the last game, the bottom lane had an advantage. They had lane rights, which was evident from the Titans' ability to roam.

It was the middle lane that collapsed, how can you say that the bottom lane took the blame?

But in the eyes of the uniform team, it was incompetent to have a big advantage in the first game and do nothing, to have a strong hero in the second game and do nothing under no pressure, and then give it away in the later stages.

Xu Xiu's responsibility is not small, but others have been actively competing.

In the end, the Nuclear King vaguely vented his anger on his teammates, which DWG could not tolerate the most.

He is the oldest and his qualifications are normal.

However, you are not yet qualified enough to be able to point out the country.

People at The King's level are not as bad-tempered as you.

After some communication, the nuclear emperor seemed like a tamed sheep and did not dare to challenge the uniform team.

But the feeling of being stuck in the throat can never be removed from my heart.

This led to the fact that when Jin Jingzhu called everyone to summarize the previous game, he only said three hastily words.

When discussing tactics, Jin Jingzhu, who was pregnant with his belly, kept looking at the bench and the water dispenser.

His eyes were shining with hope, and he was looking forward to someone making some noise at this time.

Kick over the water dispenser and save DWG and the Korean Division!

At this time, someone needs to stand up!

Jin Jingzhu's eyes were dazed for a moment. There seemed to be a figure filling a thermos cup by the water dispenser. When he turned around, it overlapped with the face in his mind.

Jin Jingzhu was very excited, so happy that he wanted to jump.

However, that impressive face smiled and then disappeared from sight.

Those are all hallucinations!

There was no one at the water fountain.

At the moment of life and death, no one can save LCK!


Jin Jingzhu sighed inwardly.

As for people who can kick over the water dispenser, TSM has a pair. Not only do these people kick over the water dispenser, they also brutally kick the LCK into the endless abyss!

After talking about tactics for a few minutes, Jin Jingzhu chatted with Xu Xiu alone.

He cares about this boy very much.

Even if he fails this time, Jin Jingzhu believes that this young man will have a chance in the future.

Next season, DWG will undergo a slight reform and will definitely become stronger!

"Xiu, what are you thinking about."

Jin Jingzhu sat down, his voice concerned.

Xu Xiu turned her face sideways, her face full of fatigue: "Coach, I lost the duel."

"Senior is very strong."

"Very, very strong."

Xu Xiu repeatedly emphasized: "He is better than any mid laner I have ever encountered. I can be sure that Faker in his youth was definitely no match for him. Only when he is truly on the line can he understand his operations and unparalleled computing power."

It is not surprising that a young man would have these feelings when facing the pinnacle No. 1 Middle School for the first time.

Jin Jingzhu patted Xu Xiu on the shoulder:

"Xiu, try to treat this World Championship as a baptism."

"Playing against The King and playing against him will become your wealth and the wealth of DWG."

"Even a broken wing can be repaired and fly again."

"Think about The King, how twists and turns his career has been, benching, transfers, injuries."

"Without these setbacks, how could he become what he is now?"

When Jin Jingzhu said this, his tone was filled with admiration unconsciously.

As an opponent, he was extremely moved by this.

Xu Xiu's eyes were a little brighter and she said quietly:

"This is what's so great about our senior. He has embarked on an extraordinary path and is a great professional."


Time waits for no one, and the short rest time passes.

League audiences around the world have turned their attention to the Madrid arena again.

Korean fans are extremely nervous and anxious.

Whether LCK can hold on to its last hope depends on this game!

Xu Xiu got Akali, who had helped DWG win two games before. TSM changed their thinking and Li Hao picked Ryze first.

This hero with the highest appearance rate in the mid lane in 2019 once again exerted his magic in the hands of Li Hao.

TSM has three games and three tactics.

In the match point game, they continued the style of radiating towards the wings at the end of the summer split.

The middle and junglers roamed together to quickly encircle and suppress the bottom lane.

This tactic takes into account the opponent's rhythm control and team communication.

If TSM uses this trick against DWG in the first game, there is a high probability that they will hit a wall, because that is when they are most active and communicate most closely.

But things are different now. DWG, which has suffered repeated blows, has lost the core of Youth Storm.

Nuclear, who is on the bottom lane, is even more worried.

In addition, Kai'Sa and Xayah were all defeated, and Core King still couldn't get the most advantageous hero, and there were problems with Beryl's online coordination.

TSM will not be soft-hearted and will only attack the painful areas.

Stupid chickens are caught frequently and create dangerous situations.

If it weren't for Canyon's timely support, DWG's bottom lane would have collapsed long ago.

However, Akali in the middle could not suppress Ryze. As Li Hao's ability to push lanes became stronger, he got more opportunities.

After more than 7 minutes, Ryze went directly to the next level after returning to the city.

The stupid blind monk followed.

DWG reacted a beat too slowly and was cut off by Ryze's car.

A four-pack of two in the bottom lane killed both Niutou and Verus.

Two minutes later, the Korean division was in mourning.

Bilson and Li Hao TPed to the bottom lane at the same time, and Niuguli TPed for support.

But in this wave, TSM's five-pack and two-pack were formed first, and they once again completed the tower kill.

Niu Guli, Xu Xiu, and Canyon are all here.

But TSM's five people covered the retreat of the blind monk who was still alive. Xu Xiufei's thunder god was indeed handsome, but the damage was a little short and he couldn't kill the stupid chicken.

He was imprisoned by Li Hao and almost didn't have the chance to return to the Xia Formation.

After this wave, the bottom lane completely exploded.

Fire dragon, fire dragon, earth dragon.

The dragons that caused the collapse of the LCK were constantly refreshed, and TSM controlled all the dragons.

The vanguard that Canyon grabbed was only able to steal the tower and stop the loss at 14 and a half minutes, without forming an effective rhythm.

At 20 minutes and 1 seconds, the head ratio between the two sides was 13:4, and TSM firmly held the advantage on the court.

The stalemate lasted until the 26th minute, when the two sides fought for the red buff.

The Nuclear Emperor prayed to the gods, and Wei Jiang was the only one who answered him.

Varus shot Ryze straight away, once again consolidating his throne.

Although this wave of DWG's midfielder and jungler played good output and cooperation, AD "dropped", coupled with the huge gap in equipment, they only got a tragedy of 4 for 2.

TSM did not defeat the baron and directly destroyed the high ground in the middle.

Beryl, the only one alive, had a hard time.

Being watched by everyone, it would actually be better to die.

Niutou failed to guard the tower and watched the high ground being demolished.

Beryl's psychological pressure is very high.

At this moment, how he wished there was a healing game full of young ladies to soothe his heart.

Two minutes after the high ground was broken, TSM operated the dragon pit well and opened the dragon decisively.

Canyon failed to make a stunning grab.

Before he could even lower his barrel, Ryze flashed up and imprisoned him.

TSM did not pursue the barrel. After safely winning the baron, they returned to the city to replenish their equipment and climbed to the DWG high ground in the best possible way.

At 31 minutes and 34 seconds, LCK fans no longer dared to watch the game.

DWG's three lanes were broken, and LCS was at the gate.

Under the lively explanations of the commentators in each major competition area, TSM won the highland team battle with 1 for 3 and demolished DWG's incisor tower.

Super soldiers, heroes, surrounded the Crystal Hub.

In the voice of the TSM team, Big Brother, Bilson, and Black are all shouting to go to Paris! !

"Congratulations TSM!"

"LCS reached the S finals for the first time! This is a historic breakthrough~!!"

"Congratulations to Brother Hao, congratulations to Brother Hao!!"

Wang Duoduo shouted:

"This is the fourth consecutive year that Brother Hao has reached the finals of the S competition! He is going for the fourth championship!!"


In the roaring Madrid scene, the audience gave the biggest applause and cheers.

The North American audience went completely crazy!

The camera follows the TSM players to the DWG player bench.

After the man talked to Niuguli and Canyon in turn, he stood in front of Xu Xiu.

Xiumei, who had always been calm, was a little panicked at this time.

The two shook hands.

You can see in the camera that Xu Xiu opened her mouth and said something, but no one could hear it.


Li Hao heard this whisper.

He raised his hand and patted Xu Xiu on the shoulder. This time, he did not urge the "Future Sutra", but said to Xu Xiu sincerely:

"In a complete career, you will always experience a lot."

"No need to be depressed."

"Show, failure will always run through life, this is life."

Hearing this, Xu Xiu's body trembled slightly.

This sentence gave him a very familiar feeling, as if it spoke from his heart and penetrated his soul.

At this moment, he felt that he was seen through by the tall and towering man in front of him.


PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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