LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 546 The expectations of the alliance world!

At ten o'clock in the morning on October 5, Maggiola posted an update on TSM's official website.

After 2 hours and 10 minutes, they arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport from Madrid.

A photo of all TSM members landing in Paris was posted on the official website, with the following words written affectionately:

"Guys, we have finally arrived at the holy land of our dreams. The story of the LCS has been told to its climax. The finals! The S finals! This day, not only TSM, but the entire LCS has been waiting for nine years!"

"Our opponents are very strong. They are IG from the LPL. In 2018, they were a strong team that could compete with the Snake Dynasty. In the next few days, the whole team will carefully study this difficult opponent. We will Put all your energy into it. We have seen the letter you sent. Your encouragement resounds in the hearts of the TSM players. Thank you for your companionship and witness along the way."

"Now that we are in Paris, we will soon be going to the AccorHotels Arena, where I know there are many friends waiting for us."

"The weather outside is nice and sunny."

"We love everything today, thank everyone at TSM for their hard work, and thank TheKing!"

"Millions of viewers of the LCS, let's look forward to it together. Will the LCS's Arrival of Gods season be glorious to the end?"


Below, Maggiora gives another photo.

In Charles de Gaulle Airport, everyone in TSM dragged their suitcases, their tall, short, fat and thin figures, neatly dressed in team uniforms, facing the sun and moving forward firmly.

Under the homepage, a large number of LCS viewers sent their blessings.

These updates released by TSM are also known to domestic audiences through various channels.

The IG team has also arrived in Paris, and the two teams will meet at the arena soon.

In major forums, group chats, and post bars, discussions about this round of finals have already started!

At the E-Sports Louvre, someone posted a prediction for the finals. There were many skyscrapers below the post, and everyone had their own opinions.

"I hope IG wins. In this way, LPL will win four consecutive championships!"

This is the voice of IG fans.

Someone said:

"I am a passerby. The four consecutive championships are indeed four consecutive championships, but they should be the four consecutive championships of Brother Wolfberry. Before the match between TSM and DWG, I was only optimistic about Brother Wolfberry and not TSM. But after this game, TSM showed the championship Like. In terms of average strength, IG is definitely in the lead, but TSM is definitely stronger. In addition, take a look at the game tactics of IG and TSM. TSM is obviously the more difficult one to figure out. Brother Wolfberry is too changeable and easy to use. No, Rookie can't use similar tactics."

Someone also jumped out and said:

"Not necessarily. TSM will have a big problem on the road. Shy Man is very strong now, and Bjergsen is easy to be broken through at a single point. The main reason is that King Ning has returned to form. He has a manual to cooperate with Shy Man. How will Bjergsen play?"

"If IG is smart and plays on the top lane to give Shy Man an advantage, Rookie should be able to hold on, and then IG will be safe!"

Some fans are very confused.

There is an LPL team on one side and Brother Hao on the other. Who should we support?

In the Tieba forum, there was a person who understood the emperor and made a strong statement:

"If you could feel that man's desire for four consecutive championships, you could guess who the winner would be."

"I saw this scene three years ago. This season, if he can lead TSM to the finals, no one can stop him!"

There are many e-sports coaches in the forum. They give advice and explain various tactics. If the coaching staff of the two teams surfs the Internet, they will be greatly inspired.

Of course, there are still many people watching the highlights of the Madrid semi-finals.

Death Song Pentakill DWG, this kind of picture continues to refresh the cognition of summoners.

Faced with this kind of operation, all I can say is ‘I’m on my knees’.

An interview video of Xu Xiu was also widely circulated. Fans finally knew what Shi Yizhong said to Xiu Mei when they shook hands.

Interview video playback:

Xu Xiu: "Senior comforted me. He told me that failure always runs through life. This is life. After failure, you should look to the future."

"I very much agree with the words of my seniors. The glory of LCK has not yet been recast, and I will continue to walk on this path!"

Suddenly, Brother Rongguang’s name became even more famous.

But many old people are trying to persuade Xiumei not to get into too deep.

Because Shi Yizhong has no signs of decline, there is still no hope for his glory next season and he will be taken off the field.

The highlights of the battle between Xu Xiu and Li Hao were also made into a separate collection.

The name of this collection is: "Xu Xiu is not allowed to show".

A semi-final made Xiumei's ranking on the league's background board rankings continue to rise.

But if you want to be on par with the Twelve Emperors, you still need to work hard.

In the LCK, Neclear was scolded miserably. Before he even boarded the plane, his nationality had been expelled by the stickmen.

The DWG uniform team also put some thought into it.

The bottom lane is a weak link, and the Nuclear Emperor has a difficult task. They need to find a genius to perfect the galactic battleship DWG and pursue the dream of S10.

On the afternoon of October 5, TSM and his team arrived at the AccorHotels Arena in Paris.

This is the largest indoor stadium in France.

Li Hao entered the arena and saw densely packed blue seats.

The stands around the stadium are all open, and the huge screens above are playing debugging pictures.

“The seating is very dense.”

Kaguo said in surprise.

"Of course."

"Look over there, the seats near the corridor are all occupied."

Maggiola explained with a smile:

"I can't imagine how enthusiastic the fans are. Audiences who can't buy tickets have already broken into Riot's headquarters. They should choose a bigger venue."

"Audiences from Paris, Madrid, Los Angeles and Brazil don't want to miss the finals."

“People are saying that the gods of esports are coming to this venue.”

When Maggiola said this, he looked towards Li Hao.

“The AccorHotels Arena has been adding seats like crazy and has already reached 30,000 people.”

"In a few days this place will be flooded with cheers."

"This is indoors, our ears will be blown away, hahaha."

The senior brother squatted on the ground and said to Li Hao: "Brother Hao, take a picture for me."

"What kind of weird gesture is this, touching the floor?"

Li Hao smiled.

"Yes, just touch the floor."

"I, Doublelift, finally touched the floor of the S finals!"

"This is something that countless North American players envy."

Blake and Bilson also looked proud.

Looking around, they all felt dreamy.

Unexpectedly, I actually made it to the finals!

However, a sense of crisis will also arise in the mind.

With the Summoner's Cup so close, they must consider whether this is their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In the afternoon, IG players also came to the arena.

The two sides said hello without much communication.

After that, I followed the staff in the venue and went through the admission process for the finals.

Equipment debugging, appearance sequence, appearance position.

Everything went smoothly and there was no delay.

In the evening, the venue became lively as officials let in a group of lucky fans.

They will receive autographs, photos and peripheral items from the finalists.

There were several people who impressed Li Hao deeply.

"Brother Hao, we are fellow villagers. I am also from Jinling. I am two years younger than you. I was in Madrid a few days ago and arrived in Paris yesterday. I was sitting there on the final day with a flag in my bag. I will Come on! Brother Hao, you can definitely do it!"

The young man in blue smiled and pointed to the south stand, which was a location with a good view.

Li Hao expressed his gratitude to him, signed his autograph, and took a photo with him giving a thumbs up.

"Lee, I'm from Rio! Remember, my name is Feliciano and I am your craziest fan. I listened to your e-sports story and it moved me. You made me bounce back from my illness. We will all Becoming very good. I have spent all my savings along the way, and I will witness you reaching the top in this venue. This is the passion of Samba Esports!"

Looking at the tanned Brazilian boy, Li Hao took off his hat and gave it to him.

"Not all viewers in LCK hate you, there are also many people there who love you, Li Haoxi, thank you for bringing the e-sports waltz, it is so amazing." This was a Korean girl, Li Hao was quite surprised.

S9, it is not unfair at all to say that he personally sent away three Korean teams.

There is also a very special fan. She is a little blond girl from Los Angeles who was brought to her by her father who loves e-sports.

He was also the only person in the group photo who could sit on the shoulders of Emperor Ritian for the photo.

The Los Angeles dad joked that his daughter is Yumi and The King is Silas, and they fight together.

Li Hao smiled happily and ran around the field with her on his back. His ears were filled with the sound of the little girl shouting "Youmi" and "Youmi".

Even Shi Yizhong showed a very envious expression.

He has a champion, but not a lovely daughter.

Stupid chicken has been secretly taking photos and recording everything.

He has an account on eSports Louvre.

Stupid chicken swears that he will upload the immature side of Shi Yizhong.

When exiting the AccorHotels Arena in Paris, Li Hao's mood was still difficult to calm down.

A leopard can be seen in the tube.

You can already imagine how much Hao fans in the outside world are looking forward to him.

November 6, 7, 8, 9.

These days, TSM and IG teammates are training crazily, and they have also played training games with each other. Basically, they have not exposed too much.

As the competition approaches, the pressure on the players increases.

At this time, you must resist.

Just like Nirvana, only when you can survive it can you be reborn from the ashes.

November 10th, the day that made the entire alliance world excited, finally arrived.

PS: I feel very bad and it is difficult to type out these words.

Happy New Year, book friends.

Good night.

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