LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 563 Crazy clearance!

Two pieces of transaction information set off the first big wave of the LPL 2019 winter window, which is very different from the previous news about retirements, transfers, and free agents, because the Snakes duo is in their prime years and was the mainstay of the team last season. .

Frankly speaking, after Li Hao left, these two contributed the most to the Snakes' return to the World Championship.

The contracts of Da Mingming and Shao Shao expired, but Snake has the first right to renew. As long as they match FPX's contract offer, they can still keep the duo.

The Snakes have a strong foundation. The Dynasty has made a lot of money in the past three years, so there is no way they are short of money.

Even if FPX offers a contract worth tens of millions, the Snakes team can definitely keep up with its current strength.

Therefore, as soon as the transfer information came out, the audience was shocked.

Old Snake fans were still dreaming about the return of the Snakes team at the peak of the dynasty. Brother Hao has not returned to China yet, and the dynasty airs of the past have fallen apart.

From the perspective of Da Mingming and Shao Shao, they won the championship in the Snakes and improved their reputation.

I definitely have feelings for Team Snake.

There is nothing wrong with cashing in your fame now and exchanging it for a big contract.

Those who thrive on youth must of course look for opportunities to make money.

If the Snakes don't match the contract, there's no need for them to take a salary cut to stay on the team.

Likewise, Snake can't guarantee anything.

Will the league's No. 1 player return to the Snakes next season?

No one knows at all.

Everyone has his own ambitions, and there is no such thing as a feast that never ends.

Snake official interface:

"Thank you Lwx, thank you Crisp, thank you for your contribution to Snake, you will always be a part of Snake, I wish you all the best in your future career."

A brief farewell, and the Snakes officials did not explain the reason.

Although the comment section exploded, the management did not come forward to explain.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong also posted their respective updates and sincerely thanked Snake.

The two sides got together and parted easily, shattering the rumors spreading on the Internet that there were huge conflicts.

At this moment, EDG Club on Lingshi Road, Magic City.

The boss, Ed Zhu, was wrapped in a thick coat, pushed open the glass door, and walked towards the operations department with a heavy face.

Picked up a few documents and walked all the way to the general manager's office.

The young man with the pot head is already waiting there.

Edju didn't have the airs of a boss. He greeted Severn as soon as he arrived. The two had a close personal relationship and they wore the same pair of pants in EDG.

"Have you figured it out?"

As Ed Zhu spoke, he pushed a document in front of the factory director.

The cover is a plan, and according to previous arrangements, the content inside was supposed to be released in five days.

"On December 16, 2019, Clearlove retired and transitioned into the head coach of EDG."

This is the plan in the plan, and it was also proposed by Severn himself.

But due to certain factors, Severn changed his mind.

Seeing the pot lid head looking at it carefully, Ed Zhu smiled and said:

"I disagreed before. Why are you rushing to retire? Your condition is unstable, but it's not that you can't play. What if you suddenly break out like The King?"

"You are players of the same era."

Speaking of Li Hao, Ed Zhu was in a bad mood, and his mouth was straight:

"We really made a mistake at first!"

"Four consecutive championships! Cover star, for God's sake!"

"Just gave it to RNG? And then they don't know how to cherish it."

"Fantasy, it's too much fantasy. It's even more fantasy than if you didn't amplify it."

Seven felt uncomfortable hearing what he said and rolled his eyes.

Ming Kai, who has been a listener, said:

"I can indeed fight, but it's impossible for you to expect me to be the same as that guy Li Ritian."

"That kid is a monster. He must have been dissatisfied with the lack of tactics arranged for him, and then deliberately acted like us."

"As long as he takes the initiative to say a few words, we will definitely take care of it."

"The result. Alas, I won't mention it anymore."

"Boss Zhu, tell me, is there any hope this time?"

Ed Zhu moved his buttocks and sat next to Ming Kai.

"Boss Ming, I really hope to help you win a championship. You have been such a loser in your career. What impresses you most is a few numbers."

"You can't blame me for not being sure last year. You weren't optimistic about it at the time either."

"The opportunity is now on the table, but to be honest, I'm not sure about it."

"In Li Hao's mind, we belong to a team with criminal record. Our impression score is very average. In other words, you have the same friendship and a good personal relationship, but it is difficult to convince Li Hao with these."

"It's a little difficult for us to come up with the prices that the European and North American teams have shouted out."

"The current maximum salary in the LPL is probably less than one-tenth of Li Hao's."

"Of course, he is worth the price, but this is also the reason why the major LPL teams dare not take action rashly."

These principles are very simple, of course Mingkai understands them.

"Didn't you go to a dinner party yesterday? What did you gain?"

LPL officials invited the management of several major teams, and Ed Zhu went there himself.

When the factory director talked about this, Ed Zhu sat up straight:

"The harvest is not much, but the smell of gunpowder is strong."

"Everyone understands the hidden meaning of Bobby and those people. We must bring Li Hao back to the LPL next season."

"For this matter, there is no need to have a dinner party at all, because everyone wants to make it happen."

"Then, FPX and RNG started to test each other, and few told the truth."


"There is one person who is very decisive."

The factory director guessed: "Mr. Snake?"


"It is difficult to get the recognition of the league's number one player with pure money. Because his influence is so exaggerated that he can completely change a club. Even the lowest team will instantly become the darling of the league."

"The hidden benefits here are very huge."

"What the club has to weigh now is decentralization."

Ed Zhu looked directly at the factory director:

"In front of free agents, several big clubs can come up with corresponding conditions."

"Now it's a question of whether to let it go or not."

"If we want to get Li Hao, we may want him to become the boss of EDG, and I will have to give up a considerable amount of shares."

"Kai, this would be extremely painful for any boss."

"EDG may all have the surname Li in the future. Only in this way will they have the best chance of standing out from the winter window, but that kind of goes against my original intention of creating EDG."

The dynasty has won four consecutive championships and brought the cover buff of the era. This time the league's first player returns, and no contract is profitable for him.

How big and small clubs decide has become a big issue.

Mingkai knew some inside information: "Is it true that Mr. Snake was looking for Boss Hou from OMG before?"


"His stocks were all green and he lost a lot of money."

Ed Zhu gritted his teeth: "This guy is gambling and is ready to hug the big tree Li Hao. If the tree grows strong, he will benefit from it. If it grows crooked, he will imitate Emperor Chongzhen and hang himself from the southeast branch."

"Fuck!" Severn complained.

"So, during the dinner, Mr. Snake told Manager Bobby and Mr. Huang not to worry."

"He said that he will take full action on The King's side."

"You haven't seen that the LPL officials are all smiling happily and wishing they could kiss him. The others are similar to me and are thinking about whether to join the game."

Ed Zhu patted Severn on the shoulder:

"This is no small matter, you have to be considerate of me."


Mingkai saw the transfer information brought by Ed Zhu and pointed to the latest transaction news:

"So, FPX took advantage of the situation, right?"


"They have long been optimistic about the Snake bottom duo, but they never had a chance."

"Snake wants to keep money and clear salary space. They only have Li Hao in their eyes. Those individuals are smart people and they know it is a good time to rob."

"Sure enough, Snake gave up the matching contract."

Ed Zhu patted his forehead: "Damn it, if I had known, we would have taken action quickly."

"Jungle Kasa is pretty good too."

"It's too late~"

Mingkai murmured and pushed the phone to Ed Zhu.

Alliance reporter Xiao Ai brings the latest transaction information:

"Snake champion jungler Karsa announced his departure from the team and will start a new S10 season with RNG!"

Ed Zhu's eyes widened:

"Snake mid laner Angel announced his departure from the team and will move to SN for the new season."

SN official announcement: "Welcome to join, Angel, SN will be your place to take off, show your talents to the fullest."



Boss Zhu was shocked: "Crazy! The Snake Team is really crazy, it's a clearance sale, right?"

"The present and the future are all sold!"

"These guys are digging corners so fast."

"What's left of the Snake Team?"

Ancestor Severn touched his chin: "There is also a polished gun."

Boss Zhu also wanted to join in the fun and rubbed his hands together:

"The bare rifle is good. We want it. We want to poach the Dynasty. EDG will help us no matter what."


"The contract was renewed for two years, and it won't expire until next year."

Ed Zhu said it was a pity.

"The Snakes are determined."

"Ming Kai, give that guy from the Snake Team a shot of sedative, so we can have hope. He plans to sell the Snake Team for The King."

"He is paying for the 2018 winter window."


Ancestor Seven also thinks Snake is crazy.

The team of champions clears their stock when they say it will.

But then I thought about it, if I could really welcome back Li Hao, would the winning puzzle be important?

In S9, they took TSM to sweep the Korean team.

Living fossils, every dream has come true.

Is it difficult to find a group of living fossils in LPL?

It's really not difficult.

The Snake Team may seem silly, but they are actually very understanding.

Ed Zhu looked at the silent Ancestor Seven and patted his shoulder again:

"Kai, you have always been running EDG."

"To be honest, you are the boss of EDG. You are responsible for forming the team and buying people. I am just a paid tool and have nothing to worry about."

"Helping you win a championship is the common wish of you and me."

"Li Hao is amazing. He led a group of living fossils to win the championship. If you can bring him to EDG, you will definitely have hope."

"But again, I can't sell all of EDG. It still has the surname Zhu. I have feelings for EDG."

"Okay, Lao Zhu!"

The factory director raised his voice: "I understand you."

"I also have deep feelings for EDG. There is no best solution in the world. Let's try hard. It's a pity. That's what I, Mingkai, are destined to do."

"Haha, the eight strokes and eight strokes are even weird to me."

Hearing his candid words, Ed Zhu smiled:

"Brother, I don't want you to leave EDG, and I don't want you to retire with regrets now."


A sharp voice sounded.

It turned out that Ed Zhu tore up the December retirement plan.

He threw scraps of paper on the ceiling and said sincerely and forcefully:

"I have to consider whether this is your only chance in your career."

"Kai, watch what I do next."

Ancestor Seven suddenly felt that Boss Zhu was a bit handsome.

The scraps of paper fell one after another, like a golden rain.

At the same time, after the continuous transfer news came out, the Snakes homepage exploded.

"What's going on? Can the management please give us an explanation?"

"Flando: Yesterday I was fine, but today I'm a polished commander?"

"Is next season going to be ruined? Wake up, this is not the NBA, there is no No. 1 pick!"

"Lawless, what on earth is Snake doing!"

"I seem to look back at the scene when Samsung was hollowed out. Is the Snake Team bankrupt?"

An insider broke the news:

"It's just bankruptcy!"

"OMG had insider information last month. The boss of the Snakes found Hou Gueting and seemed to want to cash out. Don't ask, just ask and you'll get the green light."

Some snake fans shouted:

"Isn't that the end? We still expected to welcome Brother Hao back, but in the end we couldn't keep anyone!"

"The 2018 winter window was a mistake. Stop playing around and quickly find capital to invest."


In the comment area, some people analyzed calmly, some watched the excitement, some cursed, and some gloated.

Many fans of other teams are watching Snake's jokes.

Even for the Dynasty Team, it only took an instant for them to fall from the clouds to the ground.

Many people compare Snake with the LCK, which is undergoing a major reshuffle, because they are very similar.

Especially the DRX team.

The whole DRX team, apart from coach Mental, only has one Deft left in the team.

The others were either sold, became free agents, or retired, leaving no one behind.

Snake fans are the worst.

The day before, they were laughing and laughing at DRX. They only had one polished Mr. Dai.

As a result, when the snake fans looked back at their homes, they only had a polished gun.

Damn it, isn't this right?

BJ Yujianmen base.

The new head coach Mata, assistant coach Sereno, analyst Tabe, manager Li Mingxiao, and team leader Jin He sat together.

Boss Bai was not at the base, but he started a video conference with them.

There are several topics this time.

1. Uzi was diagnosed with injuries. In addition to being troubled by hand injuries, the glycosylated hemoglobin index was close to 11%. In order to avoid complications, load management must be carried out.

Uzi himself also stated his position. If there is no hope of competing for the championship next season, he will gradually disappear from the league stage.

For Yujianmen, this sword has been used for many years and repaired, so the value of recasting is not high.

2. Betty, the Uzi substitute brought from Wanwan, was initially recognized by the uniform team and successfully poached. Karsa filled the vacancy of MLXG and competed with XLB for the position.

3. The King’s recruitment strategy is to draft a new contract, but the competition is too great and the success rate is low.

Follow Boss Bai's instructions and do your best.

Of course, he must be the one in charge of RNG, and this cannot change.

On the RNG side, a bunch of smart people have understood what Boss Bai means. They have told fans that they will try their best to win over Li Hao.

The most disappointing thing is Mata. He really wants to coach TheKing, so it is possible to repeat what happened to Chris and Kim Sang-soo, but it is difficult for RNG to create conditions.

He knew that RNG had prepared a lot of money, but he didn't have much confidence in impressing the league's number one player.

In the BJ base, Uzi has returned to China from Las Vegas.

According to common sense, Uzi should be very pessimistic after not getting SoloKing and finding out about new injuries.

However, Uzi, who was sitting in the lounge, was smiling and holding his mobile phone, communicating closely with some people.

At the end of the World Championship, his strong thoughts of retirement were slowly fading.

In Jinling City, an indifferent young man who had just left the SN contract and became a free man was walking in the Confucius Temple.

As he walked, he thought.

"Should I go to the Huangpu River?"

"That's where the guy was thinking."

"Which club should I accept?"


Occasionally a young man recognized him.

"Brother Ma!"

"Damn it, it's really Brother Ma!"


The old thief Sima nodded to them and did not refuse the requests of several young people to take photos.

As a free man, Barflower is thinking about his career.

Similarly, there are many free agents and professional players whose contracts have expired who are confused in the second half of the transfer window.

They don't know where to go next.

Los Angeles.

On the afternoon of December 12, Li Hao packed his luggage with the help of Kabo.

That evening, he received a domestic call.


"Hello, is this Li Hao?"


The voice became eager: "I am a reporter from CCTV's Journey of Discovery column."

From the subsequent conversation, Li Hao learned one thing.

CCTV is preparing a program.

"E-Sports in China".

The other party informed that they were planning to contact Li Hao on the first day after the column group was established.

At the moment, no one represents it better than him.

On the cover of Time, there is no second person in the e-sports world.

After hanging up the phone, Kabo on the side confirmed:

"Brother Hao, is there a flight the day after tomorrow?"


"The day after tomorrow, I will return to China."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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