LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 571 Gathering on Lingshi Road!

Old thief Sima never imagined that this man would call in person.

It's no exaggeration at all, his hands and body were trembling slightly.


This phone call is so important that it affects my entire career.

Old thief Sima believed that this man would not come to him for no reason, and their friendship could not reach this level.

Combined with his status as a free man, the answer is self-evident.

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao!"


Old thief Sima couldn't suppress his excitement and asked:

"Brother Hao, what do you want from me?"

"Signed? No!"

"I'm still a free man now!"

Later, after hearing Li Hao's description, the old thief Sima nodded repeatedly.

"No problem, I accept it."

"Brother Hao, I can definitely do it."

"Okay, okay~!"


About ten minutes later, the old thief Sima put down the phone excitedly.

He was absent-minded for a while, and then opened the call record to make sure that it was not an illusion.

It’s different, I, the old thief Sima, is different!

Marco in the room clenched his fists in celebration.

What S racing floor?

I want to touch the Dynasty floor!

This is an invitation from the first person in the league!

The old thief Sima was full of energy at the thought of being a teammate with that man.

After all, this is what many league players yearn for.

Old thief Sima returned to the Tieba forum and replied to the person who sent him a private message. Those who were not very polite among them were naturally scolded by him.

Go to Tom's retirement, you must have eaten too much intestines in the ninth turn, labor and management are going to Snake!

At this moment, a sentence echoed in Old Thief Sima's mind.

"I have to think about whether this is my only chance in this life."

Snake, Shi Yizhong, the magic city at four o'clock in the morning~!

I'm coming!

Soon, the OMG operations department received a call from the old thief Sima.

"What, not coming?"

OMG people thought they heard wrong.

They thought that signing Marco back was a matter of course.

Because OMG inquired very clearly, there are not many teams that are interested in Marco.

In comparison, OMG's conditions are superior.

A player who has never even played in an S game is not worth the high price.

Brother Ma, who could handle things at will, suddenly became slippery.

The people in the operations department noticed something was wrong and immediately said 'add more money'!

As an immediate combat force, Sima Laothief is very good, and they don't want to give up.

So, they played the emotional card again and talked about the time they had worked together.

Unfortunately, the old thief Sima on the other end of the phone didn't even want to hear how much it would cost, and was not interested in anything OMG described.

After eating the weight, he said directly that he would not go to OMG.

In the hotel, listening to the disbelieving tone from the other side, Ma Ge smiled happily.


Very cool!

He didn't like OMG's previous attitude at all.

There was a quarrel between them back then, and then it was hidden.

Only when the team is forced to have no choice, these people will remember that there is a person like him.

There was no need, he didn't want to go back at all, even if the uniform team changed a group of people.

It was night now, and although he had not received an invitation from Snake, the old thief Sima was not worried at all.

Li Hao's name is too famous.

Shi Yizhong has already spoken, but he is still afraid that the Snakes won't give him a contract?

Old Thief Sima narrowed his eyes happily, with a smile on his face.

If fans see this scene, they may be shocked.

Damn it, is this Brother Ma?

The character is broken! The indifferent second person under the Alliance God?

For the first time, Old Thief Sima experienced how refreshing it was to lean against a towering tree!

"Brother Hao, who were you calling just now?"

In the apartment, Zhao Xiaoan looked curious and was very interested in what Li Hao was doing.

In front of her was a copy of the contract that Li Hao brought back from Boss Snake.

"Han Jin."

"Hey! No, are you inviting Teacher Ma from Wuhu?!"

A pair of big eyes widened. She had also heard about the reputation of Wuhu horses, so she couldn't talk about it.

Li Hao couldn't help laughing:

"It's gold, not a golden dragon."

"It's SMLZ, last season's SN.ADC."

Zhao Xiaoan said oh, but he didn’t really understand. She moved to Li Hao and watched him sort through the Snake roster. There were also some IDs that she had never heard of. They were not well-known and seemed to be newcomers.

"Brother Hao is even more charming when he gets serious~!"

Zhao Xiaoan was looking at him, and Li Hao pointed to the cup next to her. She trotted and took a cup of hot water. She tasted it and found that the water temperature was just right.

"None of these people are familiar with each other."

Li Hao explained:

"It's normal."

"You don't watch every team's games."

"But if professional players want to stay in the league for a long time, they must understand all aspects of the league, especially their opponents."

Zhao Xiaoan agreed very much: "The new members of Snake were all brought up by you like this."

"Beside you, those who were originally unknown have now become famous players in their own right."

"I really admire your vision."

"Brother Hao, after you take care of the matter with the Snake Team, I will get my best friend and let her feel the strength of the league's number one player."

"Hehe, satisfy my vanity."

"No problem." Li Hao agreed readily.

The young lady next to me is a curious baby, or in other words, she is very interested in things in the professional e-sports circle, especially those around Li Hao.

For example, about Uzi.

Uzi issued an injury report. Everyone knows that there is no second Li Hao in the league.

Therefore, the market for Uzi has dropped to a historical freezing point.

The talented boy who became famous in S3 is now on the verge of retirement.

"Brother Hao, what did Uzi say to you in Las Vegas?"

"You're obsessed with him."

"Are you going to play solo?"


Li Hao smiled and said: "He asked me to give up and give him a chance, and I gave up in the second game."

"I became interested in him during the off-season because we had a conversation in Las Vegas and he said that if there was a chance next season, he would like to team up with me."

"This little fat guy said a lot of things from his heart. I think he feels aggrieved and unwilling."

"We worked together during the 2018 Asian Games and defeated the South Korean team."

"I told him that team formation is difficult and conditions need to be created."

"After that, he made a lot of promises to me and wanted to try again in S10."

Li Hao pointed to the contract on the table:

"You know, I'm bound to Snake now, and I hope the team will be better."

"Uzi has a lot of influence in the LPL and e-sports world. If he joins Snake this season, he will retire with the Snake team in the future."

"That's one thing. What's more important is that an obedient dog is very powerful."

"When it comes to making my dog ​​obedient, I have a little bit of confidence that he will obey orders."

"However, considering Gouzi's injury, Snake needs to manage his load. smlz is a very suitable immediate combat force. If you understand smlz's career, it is not difficult to guess that if he has this opportunity, he will definitely go all out. "

“The Snakes will be good next season.”

The confidence revealed in Li Hao's words made Zhao Xiaoan's eyes shine.

Right, this is Brother Hao whom she admires~!

"These newcomers are the future you chose?"


Li Hao said enthusiastically:

"We can't just look at the present, but also pave the way for the future. After I retire, Snake will continue to move forward. This is my expectation for it."

"It is like our child now, and we must take good care of it in every aspect."

The more Zhao Xiaoan listened, the happier he became, especially "our children".

Yes, our children must be taken good care of.

"Brother Hao, when the new season starts, I will take the column team from the Magic City TV station to Snake to interview and learn about the e-sports culture in our Magic City."


Zhao Xiaoan squinted his eyes slightly, looking forward to it.

She smiled sweetly:

"I'll bring my bestie with me and enjoy her envious eyes."

Li Haoxin said that he didn't expect Xiao An to like to spread dog food.

Tsk tsk, there are still a bunch of people in the Snake Team. It’s not good to hand out dog food to everyone.

Seeing the happy and hopeful look on the young lady's face, Li Hao had the idea of ​​teasing her.

He leaned into Zhao Xiaoan's ear, broke down what he had just said, and repeated topics like "children".

Then, he pointed at the wolfberry that Mr. Snake gave him.

Soon, after a series of "deng-deng-deng" sounds, Zhao Xiao'an was frightened away.

Before closing the bedroom door, she left cold words like "Brother Hao, you sleep on the sofa."

Xiao An's timid look is quite cute.

Li Hao continued to work, searching for prey in the transfer list.

He doesn't want to let go of some high-quality players who can cut off Hu at present.

Some are players that Xia Chuang can cut off, and he needs to prepare in advance.

Since taking over the leadership of the Snakes, his workload has obviously increased.

Of course, this is something that no one else at Snake can do for you.

In the evening, he called Zuo Wu and Shuangquan again.

These night owls were very energetic and chatted until eleven o'clock.

When I was washing and sleeping, the bedroom door was unlocked.

When he opened the door, there was no movement in the house.

Seems to be asleep?

When Li Hao climbed onto the bed and lay down safely, before he could react, his soft and fragrant body slipped into his arms, and after a few nudges, he found his position more skillfully than last night.

After that, a small sound was heard again.

"Brother Hao, the nest is warm and I've been waiting for you."

"I'll take you to Lingshi Road tomorrow morning."

He urged again: "Sleep quickly, sleep quickly, I'm already asleep."

Li Hao's smile was submerged in the dark night.

Early the next morning, they had a quarrel on the bed, which ended when they were both disheveled and red-faced.

There was breakfast downstairs in the apartment, so I was too lazy to make it.

Li Hao wears a peaked cap and is very low-key.

Zhao Xiaoan joked that they were sneaky, like 'little thieves'.

On this day, December 18, No. 476, Lingshi Road.

In front of the familiar glass door, Li Hao saw an unforgettable scene.

At the entrance of the Snake Team base, four bleak figures were sitting on the bench.

They kept staring until Zhao Xiaoan's car stopped and until Li Hao got out of the car.

Suddenly, the glass door was quickly pushed open.

The new wind from the magical city rushes towards you.

"Brother Hao!"

Ezuo Kiro, Chris, and Shuang all shouted excitedly.

"Brother Hao~~!" This is the holy spear. It screams the loudest and runs the fastest.

They saw Li Hao, still as beautiful as before.

Nothing has changed!

Of course, these few people also saw the very good-looking young lady who helped Li Hao carry his things.

"Brother Hao, this is..."

Flandre was just halfway through her words when she heard Shuang Quan, Chris and Zuo Wu shouting in unison: "Sister Hao!"

Three old gangsters with sharp eyes.

That posture was almost like a ninety-degree bow.

Holy Spear was shocked!

Such eyesight~!

No, my reaction is too slow!

"Big sister!"

He opens his mouth and comes.


Several people were amused by him.

Zhao Xiaoan came to the door for the first time and couldn't bear the scene. With a touch of red on his face, he drove away in a hurry.

Li Hao went up and kicked him, but the holy spear moved to avoid it.

"Brother Hao, be gentle with your feet."

"Kicking me is a small matter, but throwing you is a big deal~!"

Li Hao said: "Xuanjun has changed and his speech is much smoother."

People around him echoed: "Yes, the Holy Spear is not the Holy Spear it used to be."

They said a lot of bad things about Flandre again, and everyone walked into the Snake Team base laughing.

Chris looked at Lingshi Road. He walked at the end and closed the door of Snake's base.

At that moment, under Chris' oily head, there was a face filled with joy.

The heart that was originally empty suddenly became full.

On the afternoon of December 18, the ACE Alliance delivered a series of news that shocked the alliance:

"The free agent SMLZ joins Snake and the contract officially comes into effect."

"Uzi and RNG broke up peacefully. The two parties reached an agreement on the subsequent two-month contract. The third party Snake intervened. In 2020, Uzi officially joined Snake!"


Just two pieces of transfer information caused a huge earthquake in the LPL.

Many LPL viewers held their heads and shouted, "Is today April Fool's Day?"

Gun, pig, dog, snake, horse

Gather on Lingshi Road!

Snake, 2020 new season, classic server

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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