LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 575 The Alliance of Tragic People

The interview time of New Youth Studio is no shorter than the column of "E-Sports in China".

On the contrary, several young people affiliated with Xinhua News Agency are also fans of the league.

They understand better than those old editors the rich meaning that Li Hao gave to the ID "TheKing" in the e-sports world.

During this trip to the Magic City Snake Team, in addition to their work needs, several young people also found considerable satisfaction in their thirst for knowledge.

Outsiders always have more curiosity, not to mention that the target is the first person in e-sports?

Then, it is common for interviews to include personal information.

Favorite food? favourite colour? Favorite zodiac sign? Do you have a target?

Zuo Wu, who was beside Li Hao, kept covering his face with his hands, and he almost laughed.

You use work to chase your idols, right?

Does your editor-in-chief know that you are fishing like this?

Zuo Wu admired Li Hao very much, because from the beginning to the end, no matter what question the other party asked, he could calmly respond to it at the first time. This also made several Hao fans nod frequently, saying that Shi Yizhong was different.

This is not their first interview with e-sports players.

When this group of young people with various personalities face the camera, there are not many people who are eye-catching.

On-site cooperation and post-editing are indispensable.

Sometimes, because some answers don’t make it onto the stage, there are very few materials that can be used.

But today is different. Li Hao's typhoon is famous for making people feel reassured.

It wasn't until nearly five o'clock that the friends from the New Youth Studio left the Snake Team with satisfied expressions.

The Snake Team persuaded them to stay for dinner, but this group of people had a mission and had to go to the Magic City TV Station.

When the setting sun wanders across the sky, a faint golden light casts a golden veil over the city.

Similarly, it also enveloped the Xinhua News Agency bus.

In the car, several young people responsible for interviewing and recording were chatting and laughing.

"Funny and calm, calm and elegant, majestic and heavy, the person in charge of LPL is right. He is the pillar and appearance of LPL, and he is also the window to the new charm of the e-sports world. Such professional e-sports players give People feel completely different.”

“If you learn about e-sports through him, many old people’s fixed thinking will be shaken.”

"The King did not disappoint us, and Li Hao did not disappoint us. He is the undisputed number one in e-sports. No wonder TIME praised him highly."

In the car, the middle-aged man who led the team from Xinhua News Agency smiled and said:

"This is an emerging industry that has shown potential and vitality in the past few years. If there are more outstanding young people like Li Hao, it will definitely develop faster."

The young man next to him smiled and said: "How many more? You are too greedy."

"There is only one number one person in e-sports, and I think it is difficult to have a second one."

The female reporter wearing glasses felt dejected and sighed, "It's a pity."

"What's a pity?"

"Of course he has a partner."

The female reporter glared at the colleague next to her and criticized mercilessly: "Another high-quality young man is missing. Only you crooks are left."


There was a sound of complaints all around.

However, today's interview went very smoothly and everyone was in a good mood along the way.

The situation at the Snake Team base was similar. During dinner, everyone was still talking about today's visit from CCTV and Xinhua News Agency.

Even pigs and dogs were shocked by these scenes.

Now Li Hao has reached a level where they all need to worship him.

"Brother Hao, the schedule for the Spring Split has been released."

In the evening, Zuo Wushuang and other uniform team members gathered with Li Hao in the office.

I called Mr. Snake and they were going to let Mr. Snake take a look at the plans for the Spring Split.

But the Snake over there really did as he promised and didn't care about anything.

"It all depends on Brother Hao." This was the answer given by Mr. Snake.

Mr. Snake is not stupid. Looking at the e-sports news these days, Snake seems to have encountered a strong wind and surged directly up.

Compared with the decline of last season, the current Snakes team has almost returned to the glory of the dynasty.

Pigs and dogs arrived one after another, adding another wave of heat.

Now it has been rated as the "LPL Elderly People's Dream Pursuing Center", and Li Hao has been called the "Dream Mentor".

Mr. Snake asked himself, if he was given the opportunity to operate, he would not consider this at all, nor would he think of using such a method, nor would he have the charisma to match it.

If you think about it carefully, it has only been a few days since Li Hao came back, and only a few days since he took over Snake?

Look, this is called professionalism!

Therefore, Mr. Snake has already figured out his position.

Not intervening is the greatest help to the Snakes.

He feels at ease now, feeling that he has a stable home base, and the shares in his hands are also rising in value.

Thinking of Boss Hou's regretful expression, he felt proud.

In the winter window of 2019, I finally made the right decision.

The new season of 2020 begins. As long as Snake plays the kind of game that fans want to see, it is determined to further increase the popularity.

Regarding tactics and personnel arrangements for the new season, these are not what Mr. Snake is good at.

Then it’s better not to go to today’s small meeting.

Therefore, apart from saying nice things on the phone, Mr. Snake refused simply.

The Snake Team uniform staff did not know the specific agreement between Li Hao and Snake Boss, but they could basically confirm it from this phone call.

Now Snake has officially entered the era of President Da Hao!

Looking at Li Hao's gaze again, it also has a slightly different meaning.

"The spring season starts at five o'clock in the afternoon on January 13th. This is the opening game."

"It will be between us and IG."

After Chris finished speaking, Zuo Wu smiled and said: "The officials are quite good at arranging it. In the past two years, Brother Hao has encountered IG in the finals, and they are also their biggest sufferers."

"If it weren't for you, IG might have won two consecutive championships."

"As soon as you come back here, IG will be immediately assigned to the opposite side for the opening match. It's considered a battle between old enemies."

Li Hao looked at the lineup list handed over by Zuo Wu and sighed softly: "IG is no longer the IG it was before."

"It's a pity that they didn't retain their strongest team."

"This season, IG's bottom lane has changed a lot."

Someone in the office joked: "Yes, IG has a genius manager."

"We can't slack off. We must never underestimate the enemy at any time."

Chris is more cautious:

"The team's integration has begun to bear fruit, but we need to continue to work on it."

He thought of something and smiled again and said:

"The factory director is so crazy in training and keeps working overtime on himself."

"Brother Hao, you put a lot of invisible pressure on him."

"The factory director works very hard to keep up with you."

Li Hao said with a bad smile: "This is a good thing. He was rusty last season. How can he not wear the rust away?"

Chris asked:

"How to arrange with IG's competition personnel?"

Li Hao had already made a decision:

"Rotate, come on."

"In the first game, I have to meet the fans no matter what. Everyone has been looking forward to it for so long."

"Uzi, let the health consultant pay more attention."


The game started on January 13th, and the first week lasted until January 19th, exactly seven days.

Then there will be a short offseason, because the Chinese New Year is on the 24th, and the LPL teams have a collective holiday.

In order to have a good year, everyone wants to get good grades before the year ends.

After that, Zuo Wu looked at the detailed schedule and took out a series of information about his opponents.

In the evening, they studied until about 11 o'clock.

If you prepare now and have a good idea, you won't be in such a hurry later.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the Snakes' training match was still going strong.

People at the base are lamenting that this is completely different from last season.

Moreover, the team members are spontaneous and positive.

"My factory brother, how long do you plan to stay up?"

"Four o'clock in the morning."

The director said calmly: "I also want to see the Magic City at four o'clock in the morning, can't you?"

The holy spear with its panda eyes couldn't bear it anymore:

"You're awesome, I'll give in."

The little fat man said with a smile:

"Holy Spear, I think you don't understand."

"If Severn doesn't work harder and win the new season, I'm afraid he won't even be able to hit 4396. Wouldn't that be a big loss?"

"You can shut up." Jarhead said angrily.

"Have you seen the schedule?"

"In the opening match, let's play IG."

"Pig Factory, don't let Prince Ning raise pigs for you."

"I don't need you to worry about it. You take good care of your body first, otherwise you won't even be able to play in the opening game."


Although the pigs and dogs were pinching each other in the training room, they really had a lot of in-depth exchanges during the few nights they lived in the same base.

The pigs and dogs know very well that this season is their last hope.

In the face of the only opportunity in this life, they will try their best.

If Uzi hadn't been limited in training time, he would most likely have fought fiercely with Severn.

Over the next few days, Snake calmed down.

Version 9.24 has also officially arrived.

To the relief of the major teams, this version update finally does not have as much information as 9.23.

The much-anticipated fashionable boy Aphelios and his sister are here.

Yue Man will inject new elements into the bottom lane, which will also cause headaches for many AD players, because he is very different from traditional AD. After the update, most summoners will be unfamiliar with the skills and mechanisms of this new hero.

In addition to Moon Man, Tauren EZ Galen has been strengthened successively. This will be the last change before version 10.1 except TFT.

Time flies and comes to January 1st.

This is the first day after the winter window ends.

The dust of the LPL has settled, and the mighty reshuffle of the LCK has officially ended. All major teams in each major region will face a new year and a new season.

The Snake Team sent "Happy New Year" wishes to fans on its homepage, and also gave away a batch of signed photos as a bonus.

Snake also took a short vacation that day.

After lunch, Li Hao received a call from Zhao Xiaoan at the base.

"Change of plans?"


"Brother Hao, is there any problem?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "As long as you are happy, of course I have no problem."

He boarded the tuba and cut to the Howling Abyss map of Brawl.

At this moment, Brother Zaozi and Holy Spear came from behind hand in hand.

Looking at the screen, Flandre looked incredulous:

"Brother Hao, are you going to have a big fight?"


"My dear, you still have such a leisurely mood."

Flandre also became interested: "Okay, Brother Hao, I will be childish today and accompany you in a big fight!"

"You just have fun while you're at it."

"I have teammates."

At this time, the phone call came again.

Listening to the somewhat intimate conversation, Flandre's interested face quickly withered.

Uzi patted Holy Spear on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Holy Spear, I should call you Gouzi from now on. You are Gouzi. You are more suitable for this title."

"Don't look at it, I'm afraid you'll be full of dog food later."


Flandre raised her head unconvinced:

"Isn't it just to take care of a girl? Who doesn't know how to do that?"

Gouzi smiled gently and asked sideways:

"Are there any girls among your friends?"

Flandre was stunned.

Really unimpressive.

Gouzi consoled him: "Why don't you call Song Yuqi and see if she can play with you? She has been chasing the star for so long, really."

Speaking of this topic, Flandre showed a sad expression.

At this moment, he thought of LCK's Faker and Eunjing.

Li Hao saw through the expression of Holy Spear.

He was thinking that on the night when Faker wiped out the Korean server, he could call on the Holy Spear.

Haha, the Alliance of Pathetic People belongs to it.

PS: The next chapter will be available soon.

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