LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 583 Teacher Hao’s one-on-one tutoring

Li Hao pushed his troops into the tower and returned to the city to find the burning gem. This wave of Rookie also wanted to go home, so nothing would be delayed.

The two sides entered a brief stalemate stage. As the level increased, Rookie did not dare to suppress as much as at the beginning, and began to brush each other's swords in the middle.

When the time came to 7 minutes, the head-to-head ratio was still 0:1.

At 7 minutes and 16 seconds, the prince went to fight the second red buff.

Flandre eats fruit towards the river and inserts eyes at the same time.

At 7 minutes and 33 seconds, the director focused the camera on the road. Flandre activated her ultimate move and relied on her level and health advantages to kill TheShy. In this wave of confrontation, the Sword Princess flashed and rushed to the tower, but she was The teacher also used the Great Destruction, leaning against the wall to prevent the Sword Princess from opening up any gaps. When her health was still low, she relied on the Death-Giving Sword Qi to regain her strength.

The Holy Spear did not have a W, so Mr. Shai controlled the distance, turned around and QE shot the Sword Girl again, bringing back the state and the laning situation.

But Teacher Sha didn’t expect that this was just the beginning of Snake’s rhythm.

At 7 minutes and 42 seconds, the clockwork disappeared, and Li Hao knew that Rookie was going to get the blue.

With the advantage of vision in the upper half, he wiped out toward the top.

While waiting for Miss Pin in the middle, Li Hao had already arrived at the entrance of the blue buff, and clicked the explosive fruit to go to the grass behind the previous tower.

The factory director followed him like a shadow, walking from Triangle Grass and Sword Lady to the front.

King Ning's face in the backstage of IG was dark. Leyan helped Broiler take away the blue queen. He had no intention of going on the road to take a look. Instead, he went straight to the three wolves area.

This caused Mr. Shai to confront the three Snakes!




IG sensed something was wrong, and Broiler and Leyan turned back and headed for the road.

However, they were still a little slow.

Under the tower, Teacher Shai magically moved and avoided the second company of Prince EQ. When the director was helping R to carry the tower, he flashed in reverse and fled to the grass on the upper road.

The three Snakes gave chase, but Teacher Shai kept pulling and stalling for time.

The evil fire chain reached the prince and the factory director was pulled back.

The sword demon was crippled, Leyan flashed and followed with ER, Jingcai Juejing (R) pushed the factory director, and in turn spread the damage to Jian Ji and Tetsuo. The big move was used very well.

Rookie came from the river, and after Teacher Shao gave the Death Sword Qi back to his health, he wanted to save TheShy!

"Clockwork flash to R!"

"The factory director was killed by a W, and the sword girl was pulled back. Rookie's wave is so beautiful!"

"Tetsuo flashes and dodges the big move!"

"Hammer of Destruction (Q)!"

"This time Q flashes out! Q is already reading the bar near the end of the time, and the flash does not give much reaction time at all."

"The bloody sword demon was beaten to death. It's still difficult to make the sun miss Brother Xiuhao!"


On the big screen, there was only a clang of magic sound effects, and the shy man followed the black screen.

However, his pull and personal operations have surprised many people.

If he had been in the top lane, he would have been killed by the three Snake Team members long ago.

Le Yan grabbed the element in advance, and the W cooldown had already improved. He QWQ QWQ to Sword Girl.

W cancels the backswing of Q, Q cancels the backswing of W, and plays quickly.

Coupled with Clockwork's damage, Sword Princess has dropped below half health.

Flando took a few steps towards Li Hao. Le Yan, who was greedy for aggression, chased forward. Rookie saw Le Yan chasing after him and could only keep up.

However, the Holy Spear skill improved, and Qiyana's body was broken with a backhand slash in the air, causing her blood to recover.

Li Hao and the Holy Spear had an incomparable understanding. They immediately ignored the clockwork and dealt with Qiyana together.

The Holy Spear shouted that the E skill had improved, and he drove E in and out of the grass, slashing Qiyana continuously, and stabbing her with life-threatening stabs to create a slowing effect.

Li Hao took advantage of the slowdown and performed a backhand choke (E).

Leyan wanted to get out of the range of the E skill, but he had a slowing buff, so he was caught by the iron hand and stood in front of Tetsuo.


Tetsuo's dark passive effect kept rubbing on him.

Le Yan's expression changed slightly, and the crippled Sword Girl retreated to the toilet. Le Yan wanted to change the holy spear, but Li Hao used the terrain to get stuck.

Tetsuo's Q skill CD is already short, and he still has burning gems on his body. The next night meteor hits the ground hard, knocking Qiyana into a black screen!

Tetsuo, who was suppressed in the early stage, suddenly looked like a god of war without anyone taking care of him this time.

The special effects of Conqueror flicker and make your heart palpitate.

"Leyan is dead too!"

"Tetsuo double kill! Sword Girl triggered Triumphant and responded with a blow. It was fatal. Rookie didn't kill Brother Holy Spear this time!"

"Go after me~!"

"Brother Hao, turn off the lights!"

"All living things are terribly overrated!" - Mordekaiser.

When Reincarnation (R) is activated, Mordekaiser will exile himself and Clockwork to the realm of the dead for 7 seconds, and steal 10% of Clockwork's core attributes during this period.

In this 1v1Solo situation, Clockwork, as a master, could not collide with Tetsuo head-on.

Rookie could only throw away skills and move around. He took three basic attacks from Li Hao, passive damage and a Q.

But because Li Hao doesn't have AP equipment, the damage is not enough to kill Clockwork.

After the effect of the ultimate move ends, Clockwork still has more than 1/3 of its health left.

However, Broiler has no friends around him.

Flandre took drugs to bring her blood back up, but as soon as the clockwork appeared, she was broken by the Sword Lady's corpse guard.

Close to the upper river, Sword Girl's attacks became more and more fierce, and she caught up with Clockwork to kill her with a slash through the air!

On the big screen, the head-to-head ratio instantly became 1:4.

Backstage, Coach Fly felt a chill behind him.

"Why chase!"

"Let's go straight this time. The worst is 1 for 1. If Qiyana takes the route, she won't lose much!"

"I even gave Tetsuo two heads and fattened up Sword Princess!"

By saying this, Fly was criticizing Leyan by name.

Rookie wanted to leave just now, but Leyan ended up taking the job.

Fly turned his head and glanced at the shoe king at the water dispenser. He almost wanted to give up on Qiyana as a hero.

The two junglers were not worried. Neither of them could play the rhythm they wanted to see, but one was ahead of the other.

"Colonel KI gave the instant winning rate. He thinks Snake's winning rate has reached 70%."

The doll muttered, and he smiled:

"The colonel was a little conservative today. If Brother Hao plays a game at this pace, he can basically win."

"This iron man is so fat. Who can handle it later on IG?"

"Brother Hao went to the middle to collect another wave of soldiers. This wave will go back home and directly rocket the belt!"

"Then Rookie's mid lane will also be difficult to deal with, and the middle and jungle 2v2 can't be played at all."


IG is very passive now, because they can't beat 1v1 in the top lane despite the equipment gap. This means that their core top, middle and jungle system has collapsed, and the current turning point lies in the newcomers in the bottom lane.

However, as Xiaohang hooked Varus with a divine Q, Ma Ge used E with his backhand to knock out the puff flash for R.

For 11 minutes and 42 seconds, the three commentators in the studio were all frantically demonstrating their professional capabilities.

Up the river, the sword demon driving the Great Destruction transformed into a wall-mounted God of War and fought with Flandre.

Although Liao Sha's maneuvers were impressive enough, he couldn't stand up to the fact that the holy spear was well equipped and the prince appeared next.

After being knocked away by Prince EQ at the edge of the river, the factory director chopped off the first head in the game.

Qiyana, who came over to take a look, was ready to retreat, but he didn't expect that Xiaohang, who wandered to the top road, controlled Thresh, and hit Qiyana with a Q hook through the wall.

The prince came over to kill him, and Sword Princess followed closely behind.

Qiyana was crippled. At the critical moment, Nanfeng's Braum came to the rescue. An R smashed three people away in the grass behind the previous tower. Following Varus's big move, Puff continued to output, seeming to turn the tide of the battle.

Sword Queen and the prince were beaten to half health, and Thresh was beaten to a massive disability. Leyan was about to take his head, but Xiaohang pressed the stopwatch and showed off Leyan's face.

There was a chaotic fight behind the tower, and Tetsuo joined the battlefield first.

Le Yan only heard a violent "倥得" sound in his ears, and a hammer fell from the sky, smashing him into a gray screen as he had just emerged from the grass element.

"Tetsuo pulls back Varus with one E, and Puff will die too!"

"Thresh stopwatch, help, the battlefield is cut by Tetsuo, Rookie can't get through."

"Rocket Belt, basic attack, give it to Q, Sword Queen will break! Die!"

"Varus dies again!"

"The IG duo arrived quickly enough, but there was no attrition. They couldn't beat them later."

"Snake's midfielder looks like he can hit ten, and Tetsuo is like the God of War."

"Blast through! Four people died in this wave, and none of them have been replaced!"

"Unknowingly, Brother Hao has four heads again."

"The vanguard will also be lost~!"

At this stage of the game, if Snake didn't make a huge mistake, it would be almost impossible for IG to come back.

At 13 minutes and 09 seconds, in order to defend the middle tower, the two sides started a battle at the first tower.

In this wave, Leyan used the wall next to F6 to launch a good ultimate move.

But he was too fragile, so he went up and hit a wave without killing anyone, and then he was controlled by Prince Thresh one after another, and melted into the female gun's ultimate move.

This is exactly the same as King Ning in the last game.

His skills are pretty good, but his performance is pretty bad at first glance.

Puff joined the battle in the middle and was brought into private territory by Tetsuo's big move.

Li Hao uses the R skill while using the E, relying on the high deceleration caused by using the R skill instantly, making it impossible for the opponent to avoid the E skill.

Teacher Hao teaches IG rookies individually and provides one-on-one tutoring.

After Tetsuo's ultimate move ended, Varus lay on his back.

In this wave, Leyan and Rookie's ultimate moves worked well together, allowing Rashai to receive two heads, and IG played 3 for 2.

IG fans thought they saw hope, but they didn't expect that this would be their final highlight.

In the 16-minute water dragon team battle, Snake took advantage of his vision. Thresh flashed his hook and controlled Qiyana first. The prince followed. Li Hao stepped on Thresh's lantern. Before Le Yan could react, his screen went black.

Even worse are the puffs.

Originally he was far away from Li Hao, but after becoming too talkative, Tetsuo stretched out his hand and pulled Varus into a one-to-one tutoring class.

You can't beat 1 on 1 inside, and you can't beat 3 on 4 outside.

If it weren't for Rookie's big move that hit three people, IG would have lost the high ground this time.

In the contestant box, Puff almost collapsed.

Facing a well-developed Tetsuo, he had no room to operate.

He was cornered, beaten up, hammered with random cloaks and hammers, and then the screen turned gray.

Doing mercury can relieve control.

But IG is currently lacking in output

Looking at his achievements, Le Yan gradually felt frightened.

0/4, 0/5, 0/6,.

This record is getting more and more out of control.

Those desires at the beginning have now been drained out and become the sage mode.

Killing Shi Yizhong to prove the truth?

What a joke, when he sees Tetsuo, he has to take a detour.

At 25 minutes and 8 seconds, Tetsuo hit Qiyana on IG Highland.

Puff finally made mercury, and the one-on-one class was finally over.

Leyan cursed in his heart, what kind of mercury!

There are no ruins, mutton knives, and splitting arrows!

As an AD, don’t you have any dreams of output?

You give me mercury, what should I do?


One is chasing and fighting, the other is running for his life.

Qiyana still died under Tetsuo's sledgehammer. Mordekaiser emerged from the ultimate move and turned on his indestructible body. In an instant, he regained full health and entered the IG formation again, like the god of war.

The audience was excited!

"Puff get out of class is over and Leyan is in class again."

"Brother Hao is a god, Leyan is a ghost."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that after Leyan's battle, Prince Ning was cleared."

"One thing to say, the shoe king's record in the last game was poor, but he played more proactively than Leyan."

"Before going to the toilet, Brother Wolfberry was still resisting the pressure. When I finished going to the toilet, he looked like a god of war. What happened?"

"2:0, Snake will never work overtime!"

Some fans of Sima Laothief also said this:

"Brother Ma is having so much fun, I think he smiles. It's so right to join Snake this season."

At 28 minutes and 39 seconds of the game, Snake shattered the incisor tower. IG had given up its defense and watched Snake destroy the Crystal Hub.


The little fat guy backstage at Team Snake was very happy.

“The opener went well.”



Whether it is Snake backstage or the players on the court, after these two hearty games, they all have more expectations for the new season.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Draw a small cake and add more tomorrow.

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