LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 585 I want to be the strongest Brother Hao in my life!

On the stage, under the applause and cheers of more than 20,000 people, Xiaohang's body could not control his trembling.

Fortunately, Yu Shuang didn't mention his name, otherwise it would have exploded on the spot.

The factory director and Li Hao were left in the interview booth. Aunt Yu Shuang had a smile on her face, clutched the microphone and asked:

"We successfully won the opening match. How does Brother Hao feel now?"

Li Hao responded:

"I'm happy to win the game, but this is only the beginning of the season. We are still in the exploratory stage, and the lineup has not been adjusted to the ideal level. There are still many challenges waiting for us."

"Brother Hao is always so demanding, demanding and pursuing perfection."

Yu Shuang said again:

"The new season's Snakes team is very similar to last season's TSM. There are many living fossil-level players. Fans are curious, what prompted you to form a team together?"

"It's simple, the same goal brings a team together and we all want to be better in the 2020 season."

Li Hao said with a smile: "There are a lot of fresh blood in the league, with high morale. Snake is a group of 'old people', and they are definitely not as energetic as the young people. I hope these teams can be gentler when they encounter us."

When he said this, Yu Shuang couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Hao, you really know how to joke."

She said to Ancestor Seven again:

"Director, I heard you were planning to retire last season. Why did you suddenly join Snake?"

I understand why the factory director went to Snake.

With the number one person in the league here, he naturally came here because of his fame.

But Jarhead would not give in when he spoke. He gestured in the direction of Li Hao:

"That night, I had already written my retirement application and was ready to hand it to Ed Zhu."

"Suddenly, someone called me and said that Snake lacked a jungler."

"I thought to myself that the first person in e-sports must be given face, so I tore up my retirement application and joined the Snakes. This was a very simple process."

Yu Shuang asked: "Brother Hao, did you really call the factory director?"

Li Hao admitted: "Yes."

"I told him that Snake lacked a jungler who could use big trees. The factory director said he was good at it, and we hit it off right away."

The audience laughed.

There were 666 in the barrage.

Someone joked:

"Revenge, this is Shi Yizhong's revenge!"

"Snake's next recruit is Abu. He will be responsible for the greening near the base and planting trees."

"Brother Hao: Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi. Back then you wanted me to be a top laner, but now I want you to be a jungler!"

Others said: "You only see revenge and revenge, but what I see is the bond between the pig killer and the pig farmer about Maokai. This will be the next story that touches the alliance."

Jokes aside, Yu Shuang returned to serious topics:

"In WE, in EDG, and now in Snake, director, this is the third time you and Brother Hao have been teammates. What is your evaluation of the different Brother Hao in these three teams?"

When ordinary people are asked this question, they may need to think about how to answer it.

But the factory director doesn’t have to.

Because of this question, he has asked himself many times in the past few seasons.

Now facing the camera, the young man with Jarhead also said bluntly:

"Brother Hao was extremely talented during the WE period. When WE first discovered him, we were all surprised, and then there were rumors that he was the cornerstone of the dynasty. But individuals need to adapt to the professional arena. It is a pity that WE did not give him more information. Lots of opportunities.”

"A man in his golden age was dismissed prematurely."

Having said this, Yu Shuang, the host, opened her mouth wide.

Although I had known this for a long time, it was still extremely shocking to hear the factory director himself tell it.

The Emperor of Japan and Heaven in the Golden Age!

In the summer of 2016, I was 23 years old.

In 2012, he was only 19 years old.

That should be the age when professional players’ physical fitness reaches its peak!

There were boos in the Oriental Sports Center, and 60E was holding his head when he came to the scene and in front of the screen.

damn it!

Which operator did it? I want to pry open his coffin!

Every time I hear this, it pierces 60E's heart like a knife.

The director skipped the EDG stage and talked about Snake today.

"This is the third time we have cooperated with Snake. The opening two games are the beginning of this season. I feel several things, reliability, reliability, and reliability."

"If this reliability can be brought back to the past, the league will become something else."

The audience could feel that the director was very unwilling.

The management of many teams felt ashamed. They were all the same. They were so blind that they didn't notice such a huge piece of gold back then.

Yu Shuang nodded: "What about the EDG period?"

The factory director shook his head and rarely confided in his heart: "That was the period I regretted the most."

Li Hao looked sideways, wanting to hear what the factory director thought.

"We didn't give enough respect to the absolute strong men around us, and we didn't have any tactical arrangements."

"This leads to"

"He competes with the team and would rather hide his strength than work hard."

"It's a pity that I didn't communicate with him more at that time."

After hearing this, Li Hao had already awarded the title of Brain Budding Emperor to the factory director.

He was originally thinking about how to explain it, but he didn't expect that the factory director had already kindly explained it.

This seemed to be a big melon, not only Yu Shuang in the interview booth, but also the audience was shocked.

It is unimaginable that so many things happened to Shi Yizhong in the past.

However, it is quite reasonable.

If you don't get the respect you deserve, it's normal to be disdainful of taking the initiative because of the pride of an absolutely strong person.

At that time, the Emperor of Japan was young and vigorous, and perhaps he was thinking, 'Sooner or later, you will regret it one day'.

However, this temper is really not small.

Such a terrifying talent can actually seal itself off.

I would rather sit by the water cooler than guard my inner pride.

The audience is even more convinced that if Brother Hao was liberated by EDG at that time, it would probably become a nightmare for the entire league.

Many people think of it again.

In 2016, Brother Hao would rather retire and go to Jinling to inherit his ancestral business than bow to the major teams.

On the verge of retirement, only Snake gave him a chance.

I'm afraid it was at that time that Snake pried open this man's heart.

Backstage at the Snake Team, Zuo Wu and Chris also figured this out, and they were both scared and happy.

Without the thought of using veterans to "build team culture", how would the Snakes achieve their current glory?

"Uuuuuuuuah, I want to be the strongest Brother Hao in my life!"

"No wonder Brother Hao doesn't work hard in EDG. It turns out to be this reason."

"The mystery has been revealed, but we still don't know how strong young Brother Hao is. This is the biggest regret and unsolved mystery in the e-sports world."

"What kind of mentality can make him seal that kind of terrifying talent? This man is really different!"

Some people lamented:

"Ezuo Gurō was really something back then. I even admired him. The story of the rainy night in Huangpu will be even more legendary, because the e-sports world almost missed the most glorious era!"

"Director, after talking about this, is there anything else you want to say?"

The Jarhead youth said sincerely: "I am looking forward to the 2020 season. This is my third cooperation with Brother Hao."

"I really want to seize this opportunity without leaving any regrets. This will be a brand new year."

"Where's Brother Hao?" Yu Shuang asked.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Although we are already the oldest players in the league and are no longer what we used to be, this time, we will have the best cooperation."

The two looked at each other and smiled in unison.

There is a sense of déjà vu, as if we meet each other and forget all the grudges with a smile.

It has to be said that the nerves of some old viewers were stimulated.

Thunderous applause erupted in the Oriental Sports Center, which contained deep blessings. Of course, some malicious shouts of "together" made people stunned.

Snake defeated IG 2:0 to win the opening game, which became one of the hottest topics of the day.

The opening ceremony of the Oriental Sports Center became a hot topic.

Some news about giegies has been deleted.

Li Hao is very out of the circle now. After all, his reputation as the number one e-sports player is very resounding.

LPL reports everywhere, just for fear that others don’t know that the number one player in e-sports has returned to the local league.

A video of the welcome ceremony was released, and the heated atmosphere at the scene left many passers-by stunned.

After gaining a deeper understanding of Li Hao's influence, the views of more passers-by were refreshed.

It’s unimaginable that an e-sports player can achieve such an achievement!

This industry has shown unprecedented strength in Li Hao.

Some people have changed their ancient views on e-sports as a result.

They also began to understand this emerging industry with great potential.

After Li Hao and the factory director returned to the backstage, everyone was in a fuss again.

"How about it, my Mr. Da Hao, just enough to give you face. I actually really want to say that you play me in EDG."

The young man with the Jarhead smiled and patted Li Hao on the back.

Li Hao took advantage of the situation and said:

"Then I thank you."

"Let Zuo Wu feed you a special meal later as a reward."

"Forget it."

The factory director waved his hand, "I just mentioned it casually, don't take it seriously."

Uzi was not satisfied with the game today and asked:

"When's the next game?"

"On the 17th."

"The opponent is Team ES."

Zuo Wu looked at the schedule and said:

"Before that, there was an exclusive interview with the Magic City TV station."

Zuo Wu looked at Li Hao:

"The day after tomorrow."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Draw a small cake and add more tomorrow.

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