LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 603 The Fleeing Kings

Severn's whole life is definitely the icing on the cake.

At the beginning of the season, many fans discussed:

"Will the factory director be arranged by Mr. Dahao to twist the tree spirits when Snake is in the jungle?"

Back in Guodian, when Shi Yizhong came on the scene, it was Maokai who was in the top lane and was put in trouble.

Today’s live broadcast, what is it if it’s not ‘revenge’?

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, e-sports Xiao Yan must learn a little bit, this is a refreshing template for a slap in the face.

Fans who love excitement finally got their wish.

There are also people in @Abu, the Snake team still needs a takeaway guy, do you want to come?

After all, when the game officially started, Li Hao and the factory director were working hard.

Mid laner Qiyana + jungler Maokai.

In Rank, these two cooperate seriously, and the effect is exaggerated.

The awareness of the members of the King Group is generally in place, but after all, communication and execution are far from those in professional competitions, because every detail in e-sports must be fought for, and that slight difference will affect the final outcome.

Nuodao + Haodao are indeed the masters of assembly line operations.

The supporting facilities for raising and killing pigs are complete, and screams erupted in the live broadcast room of Huya Sally.

His best hero, Snake Girl, had once competed with Zuo Zuo, but now she was facing Shi Yizhong and was well arranged.

Sally, wearing a black hat and white top, looked at the barrage with a smile, even though the screen was already black.

Ever since she got to the first place in the queue, Sally was so excited that she wanted to show off her strength.

This is a good opportunity to increase your popularity and become famous.

If a story happened with this person, the publicity would be much higher than that of the left hand.


The truth is so cruel!

"Brothers, this is really unbeatable."

"It can't be operated."

"I just can't get enough Q."

"Crazy, the anchor is crazy, he still wants to manipulate Brother Hao"

"Not bad, I persisted until level 3."

Some water friends marveled:

"Today is the first time I've seen Sally look so miserable. Before, her record was all green, but now I can't even think about winning."

Others said:

"From Sally's perspective, Qiyana's reaction is really fast!"

Sally was also watching the barrage, and he explained:

"Not only is the reaction quick, but the anticipation and pulling are even more terrifying."

"To be honest, I feel like Brother Hao is leading me by the nose, and I'm drifting into his rhythm."

"Qiyana has high explosive power and strong mobility. I knew that without armor, I would be easily defeated, so my initial strategy was to clear the line and avoid the battle. But as I continued to fight, I fainted, as if I saw an opportunity. .”

"I was also wrong in the damage calculation just now. I thought I couldn't die, but I was killed by the ultimate attack."

"Flash didn't hand it over?"

Sally in front of the camera shook her head and explained: "It's too late, Qiyana's basic attack has already been taken, and it's a death flash if I hand it over."

After resurrecting, Sally held her breath and concentrated.

It was the first time that he was lined up opposite Shi Yizhong. When watching the game in the past, he had thought that if he were Shi Yizhong's opponent, he would feel that there would be an opportunity to operate at some point.

Now that we are actually playing against each other, we understand that what we see with our eyes and what we actually do are really two different things.

He is worthy of being the first person to make the kings of several regions scream and cry!

What are the urban legends of esports?

When you see the ID on the opposite side, the points you worked so hard for are gone in an instant.

He had just come online, and the e-sports poet who was watching the live broadcast at home was very excited and started typing on the keyboard quickly.

Li Hao's words kept appearing in the barrage.

"Here we come, the factory director caught us!"

"The big tree is tied behind the back!"

"Qiyana EQWAQ~!"

"Follow and dodge!"


In the live broadcast room, Qiyana killed Snake Girl again. The big tree carrying the tower fled to the blue buff jungle area, and was taken away by the opposite jungler Wine Barrel.

The audience laughed and joked that the barrel number was gone.

After one wave of fighting, Sally's game was completely over.

At 7 minutes into the game, Qiyana came to the bottom lane. Li Hao grabbed the element and waited for the W to cool down, then cooperated with the factory director who arrived first to directly jump over the tower.

Jinx was tied up, Li Hao used QR during E, and then WQ.

Jinx, who had nearly a full blood tube under the tower, was knocked out of his health bar.

More than 10 minutes later, the blue side could have surrendered.

However, these kings obviously cherish the opportunity to play against Shi Yizhong.

The points are gone, so it’s always a good idea to find some opportunities to share the same frame.

Even Sally, who has a miserable record, has been resisting tenaciously.

At 19 minutes and 02 seconds, Qiyana suddenly flashed in front of the Snake Girl. She calmly turned her head and shocked everyone, shocking the live broadcast room.

To avoid being petrified, Qiyana used a backhand R to change the shooting position, catching the three men on the blue side who had received the snake girl's signal and followed forward off guard.

Thresh, Jinx, and Snake were all hit by the angle-adjusted shock wave and hit the wall.

Sally yelled what the hell and quickly took her hands off the keyboard.

Some professional e-sports people looked at each other.

A certain older veteran, while talking to his friends, explained his intention of action, and at the same time used incredible reactions to avoid the sudden murderous intention!

The audience heard a "WTF!" rang out from the Snakes base!

Obviously, the teammates witnessed this extreme scene through the factory director's first-person perspective.

At the JDG base, a bunch of people were also watching the live broadcast.

In an instant, both Brother Kan and LokeN's expressions changed.

Analyst Vusso and assistant coach Daxiong widened their eyes.

"This annual vacation really has no impact on The King at all!"

Vusso screamed: "Oh my god, I can't understand~!"

"How does he do it, keep himself at such a high level."

Big Bear said: "It's really bloody, I tell you."

"Based on our hometown, he is almost 28 years old."

"If this continues, are we really going to be thirty years old and kill people indiscriminately?"

"Why is there such a monster in the e-sports field?"

Team leader MOMO raised his glasses: "I don't believe it. I'll just stare at it now. If I don't believe it, he will continue to be distracted."

"Going home for the holidays will have an impact no matter what."

"The older the players are, the greater the impact should be."

“This is in line with our understanding of the e-sports profession!”

After saying that, he took off his glasses and wiped them with a glasses cloth.

Through sharp lenses, he wanted to find his own understanding.

Behind him, JDG coach Homme wanted to remind MOMO of one thing.

The guy had a lot of injuries over the past few seasons and was out of action for three months.

However, after his return, he still made a killing in the professional league.

It's only been a few days since I went home for vacation, and it can't be compared to the off-season days I spent due to injuries.

Homme's mood is as solemn as theirs, because JDG will face Snake directly on the 5th.

As for TheKing's offseason secrets, Homme has conducted in-depth research.


"What level is The King's meditation at?"


The game continues, and the blue side lasts until 28 minutes.

Originally, the fight could not last this long, but Li Hao and the factory director were obviously giving him a chance.

Qiyana's kill count has exceeded 20, and she basically kills everyone on sight.

"Killing the king like a pig, no wonder everyone likes to watch God's live broadcast. Where can I find this sense of empathy?"

"After watching Brother Hao's live broadcast, I feel that I can beat the strongest king. I even feel that the king is nothing more than this. Have I evolved?"

"You are swollen, let me wake you up."

Someone smiled and said:

"If you want to learn technology, you have to look to Brother Ba. Brother Ba can understand the operation, but people can't learn it here."


In this game, in addition to Li Hao's Qiyana being unstoppable, the factory director's jungle presence is also very strong.

He took the initiative to control hard, and combined with Li Hao's follow-up to increase the explosion damage, it was extremely unsolvable.

The opponent has no room to operate at all, and the screen will go black if you encounter them.

This intensity has even attracted the attention of professional teams.

However, connecting Maokai and Severn is too much work.

Many pigs said.

No, I really can’t stand it anymore.

If you look at it too much, it will explode. If you get closer, it will melt.

At 30 minutes and 9 seconds, the blue square crystal exploded.

However, none of them exited the settlement interface.

Everyone was typing on a public screen, and there was no sign of hostility. Everyone was polite and easy-going.

Fans, fans, fans.

Everyone is revealing their identity.

However, Shi Yizhong kills fans all year round.

The Jinx player on the opposite side even cried:

"Brother Hao, this is the third time I've met you. Every time you're on the opposite side, I can't live anymore!"

Jungle Wine Barrel said:

"There is a complete truce tonight. I am a jungler in solo queue. If I crash, I will be on the opposite side. I am afraid I will lose points overnight. It will be too painful."

"Brother Hao, can you give me a friend seat? I'm Loli Yin~"



There was a lot of fun chatting inside, and Li Hao also interacted with them while typing.

Exiting the interface, Li Hao clicked on the ranking again.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, the audience was curious about what the trophy would look like.

Li Hao held a sample of the 2018 Summoner Cup in front of the camera.

After that, he successively took out the Fmvp trophy and the King Cup, the highest symbol of honor in the league!

This Dynasty Cup is named after his ID.

It's probably very difficult for anyone else to get those extremely harsh conditions.

Seeing that many fans were interested, Li Hao immediately sent out benefits.

It said that the Snake Team will organize activities and invite 20 lucky fans to visit the base and experience the "E-Sports Golden Hall" on site. For fans in other cities, the Snake Team can reimburse the round trip expenses.

As soon as he finished speaking in the live broadcast room, many netizens discovered that Snake's official interface quickly listed an announcement, saying that there would be a lottery draw tomorrow, and you could sign up by leaving a message on the homepage.

Therefore, this efficiency is scary.

What does it mean to be an absolute emperor? This is it. It is already at the level where words can be followed.

Many viewers were interested, which also caused a surge in the number of followers on the Snake Team homepage.

After the ranking started again, Li Hao was talking and operating as before, occasionally glancing at the barrage.

Anyone who knows the business knows that this is difficult.

Moreover, this is the king's game!

In the Rank of the Chinese server, it is already at the highest level!

However, Li Hao can control it perfectly from beginning to end.

In about 30 minutes, we won our second consecutive victory today.

If it weren't for the row of eye-catching rank boxes on the loading interface, it would be hard to imagine that this is really a thousand-point king game.

Talking about the operations in the game, Snake's current team, and his life in TSM in 2019, fans are always more curious about Li Hao.

And because of his illustrious reputation in the field of e-sports, his words are even more convincing.

In addition, Li Hao has a wide range of contacts, and he can tell a lot of interesting things about the LCS.

For example, the enthusiastic fans he met in Paris, or the embarrassment of an NBA star inviting him to double queue but not being able to queue together because of his rank.

Compared with some funny anchors who are full of jokes, the 111 live broadcast room is not only genuine, but also quite interesting.

Coupled with the dense barrage, there are many "literary sluts" among the water friends, and their speaking methods are very interesting, which keeps the entire live broadcast room in a very active atmosphere.

None of the ‘boring’, ‘boring’, ‘excellent program content’ and other things that competitors on the Douyu platform wanted to see appeared.

This can't help but make them feel frightened.

A terrifying and powerful opponent will stand in front of them this year.

From eight o'clock, Li Hao played until 10:30.

Slowly, a bigger problem emerged.

The time it takes to qualify for a round is not as long as the waiting time.

If it is normal, just wait and wait.

After all, today is the first day of resumption, and the content of the program still needs to keep up.

After 20 minutes passed, the factory director came to the exhibition room from the training room next door.

"What's going on, where is the king of the national uniform?"

"I do not know."

Li Hao smiled and said: "I guess I am too afraid of Director Nuo to dare to go online."


"I'm afraid I'll get points from you."

"I've told you before, don't fight so fiercely, give them a little hope. These kings are very reluctant to score points. They won't play if they are afraid of losing. How can we improve the score." The factory director complained.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt a sense of absurdity listening to their conversation.

Damn it, is this the king of District 1?

Do you have to be coaxed to play?

"This is by no means the first day. Do you still remember the previous Black Thursday? On the day when professional players had a holiday, all the passerby kings went to play trumpets. Today's live broadcast by Brother Hao was too sensational. If I were the passerby king, I would also avoid it."

"Don't you want to become famous in one battle?"

"Too young. Many people tried to crash before, and they were knocked out one by one."

"Look at these weapons. Brother Hao is fighting at a professional level."

"Hahaha, I just want to be tortured, but my rank is not enough~!"


This night, the alliance has another legend.

After that man's shocking landing, the kings who had dominated for countless nights chose to hang up their battle-free cards and turn off the lights to sleep.

Perhaps, the kings will also watch the live broadcast from under the covers to see which poor little guy is being publicly scored tonight.

Many video producers watching this live broadcast already have the editing title in their minds:

"Kings, escape~! 》

It's okay to wait any longer.

Ezuo Kiro was called over.

"Lao Zuo, please give me another account."

Zuo Wu smiled and said:

"Brother Hao, are you going to fry fish?"

"Well, it's been too long to wait."

Shi Yizhong fried fish?

Water friends heard Li Hao say again: "Get a master number and go to the master fish pond."

Suddenly, a question mark appeared in the barrage.

"Master Fishpond?"

"I'm golden, I'm excited, fish pond, it's finally my turn to come on stage and end the myth of e-sports. Is this the result?"

"You really can cook like a master, right?"

"This sounds like a complete boast. Master Duan called him a fish pond? What a fart! But when I looked at the speaker, I thought he was being humble."

"The cancer! The anchor is a cancer! I just beat the king, and now I'm beating the master again!"

"Zuan Yizai sheds angry tears, Shi Yizhong is guarding the goal, who can pass?"


Sure enough, once you get the master number, it will be easier to queue instantly.

Originally, Li Hao planned to say good night to the audience after fighting until 12 o'clock.

However, the screen full of "One Hundred Million More" kept him busy until two o'clock in the morning.

When it was time for him to go off the air, a huge cheer erupted from the Jiangcheng Douyu headquarters.

"Breakthrough, an epic breakthrough!"

Lao Zhou from the monitoring team yelled: "The peak number of people online was 4 million!"

"This is the level of a superstar! Invincible, simply invincible!"

"Brother Hao is so awesome!"

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Chen didn’t sleep either, and stayed behind the scenes at Douyu.

They laughed excitedly and heartily, and even trembled a little in their laughter.

This night, they witnessed a miracle and saw the real ceiling.

Although there were previous estimates, the actual data still exceeded expectations.

There are too many people in the live broadcasting industry who falsely report data and make gimmicks, and they are very knowledgeable about this.

For the sake of appearance, some false gods will be created.

The deeper they understand the industry, the more terrifying they find this data.

Even during Li Hao's live broadcast, Mr. Chen asked someone in the technical department in a low voice if there was an error in the data.

The result is no!

Totally real data!

For such a person, all the top streamers on multiple e-sports live broadcast platforms combined are not as high as this one.

Moreover, such calculation is completely unscientific.

When attention reaches this level, how can the accumulated data be compared? It's not a one-dimensional comparison at all.


This is true God!

Lao Zhou was still unfinished: "It's a pity that many overseas live broadcast data cannot be fully counted, otherwise, it will definitely be higher!"

Foreman Zheng, the boss of the technical department, said:

"This is the only e-sports player with such great influence in the world."

"I didn't feel sleepy tonight, I feel like I can still fight!"

An elite from the operations department said: "Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhang, I feel that we can now imagine the vast overseas market."


After that, Mr. Chen also delivered a speech and sent big red envelopes to the employees who worked hard all night.

Seeing this posture, several supervisors who participated in the whole process whispered to each other.

Be careful in the 111 live broadcast room.

They can block other live broadcast rooms, but in 111, the person can block the super management.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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