LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 606 Ashes under God

"Toothpaste is a pity. It almost got Brother Hao's head. This is Brother Hao's head."

The doll smiled and said:

"I think it will be difficult for Toothpaste to calm down at this time."

"Right? Such a big honor is right in front of us. All we need is a Q skill. If Brother Hao reacts slower, he will succeed."

"But, could this be Brother Hao's intention?"

Miller noticed the details: "Everyone knows about Qiyana's outbreak. If Lucian's blood volume is not on drugs, the toothpaste will be on his head."

"If Qiyana doesn't take the initiative, she will move and flash, and it will be almost impossible for Lucian to kill alone."

"No need to guess."

The bald man said firmly: "Brother Hao has stuffed the fishhook into Toothpaste's mouth."

"It's just that he was extremely skilled and ruled out the possibility of overturning."

"The more I watch the replay, the more terrifying it becomes. Brother Hao's calculation ability can only be described as divine."

"This kind of sensitivity to harm is unparalleled."

The bald guy seems to be complimenting, but he is telling the truth.

MOMO and others backstage at JDG sighed, lamented, and complained.

Coach Homme looked at the crippled Lucian and felt depressed.

The last stroke of the toothpaste was very fast, but in the blink of an eye, the opponent made the most correct and extreme reaction.

"Terrible muscle memory, horrible neurological response!"

Cui Hu also said:

"Toothpaste's performance is good enough. He grasped the timing and skill release accurately."

"But it's like he's fighting a sophisticated computer."

MOMO looked at LokeN, the traitor who was being beaten a little uncomfortable by Uzi and Lu Mao in the bottom lane, and hesitated:

"Is The King's unreasonable operation really the result of meditation training?"

Analyst Vusso said:

"That's the only way to explain it for the time being."

"Let's keep watching, the game has just begun."

"It's not like we haven't played in disadvantageous situations before."


Something that gave the JDG uniform team some peace of mind was that after Toothpaste was single-killed, his mood did not break down. He felt sorry for himself and immediately communicated with his teammates.

LokeN in the bottom lane and Zoom in the top lane are both giving feedback. They communicate closely and have no intention of giving up the game.

On the big screen, wine barrels were coming from the river in the upper half, and Li Hao had already pushed the line into the tower.

It was now 3 minutes and 54 seconds. The resurrected Qiyana had just walked to the edge of the old crystal, and Toothpaste looked at the soldier who was attacked by the tower with distress.

Without TP, the loss is close to the two-wave line.

At 3 minutes and 58 seconds, the gun carriage line came again.

Kanavi went to the tower to take advantage of the troops and try to minimize his losses.

After Li Hao returned to the city, the time jump was 278 gold, the last-hit economy was 516, plus a head of 300 yuan, and he returned home with a total of 1094 yuan.

The current version of Lucian is ruined + black cut. He bought the vampire scepter for 900 yuan, put on the real eye and went out.

Qiyana only has a white sword on her body.

The difference in CS between the two sides is more than 15 knives.

When Li Hao returned to the lane, he cut the screen and went on the road. Flandre, who got the first blood, pressed harder than before. The wine barrel appeared in the middle and took advantage of the big tree to throw the sapling into the grass. Rambo Harpoon slowed down and burned Zoom all the way. Under the tower, the big tree of Shuangdolan only has 1/4 health left.

The Exploding Wand is so cruel.

According to the attributes of the heroes on both sides, there is no way the big tree can stand up without a miracle.

Zoom didn't have TP, but he didn't know the location of the factory director, so he could only return to the city behind the tower.

However, while watching the video, the guy pinned the signal while communicating, canceled the return to the city on Zoom, drank the last layer of reusable potions, threw the saplings to guard the tower, and waited for Kanavi to come.

This resulted in no one to take care of LokeN and Duan in the bottom lane.

Snake saw the movement of the big tree and immediately judged the movement of the barrel.

The factory director came to the blue zone and ate his marsh frog.

The spider walked around behind a tower, looking for an opportunity.

However, Duan put an eye in the back of his butt and noticed the spider's movements.

The two of them stepped back, looking back to focus on the fire spiders.

The factory director smelled the smell, so he retreated and exploded the search fruit, discovering the jewelry eye.

"How cautious."

Gouzi answered: "If you study them, of course they will study you."

The factory director asked: "How about LokeN?"

"To be honest, I really don't feel anything."

"Rumors kill people. I was a little nervous at first. It was said that he was a Hao brother-level figure. In the spring split, he was crazy about fulfilling his talents and also crazy about involution. He was said to be the next Korean AD to surpass Bang, but now I see."

"He's really not as good as Deft."

"If I had Brother Hao's strength, I should be pressed under the tower now, and then the wine barrel would come over to put pressure, and the top laner would teleport over to jump over the tower and start the rhythm."

Gouzi joked:

"Brother Hao, did LokeN become confused when meeting you?"

"It has nothing to do with me, it's just that you are too strong."


The fact that they can start chatting shows that they have taken the initiative in all aspects.

On the mini map, the location of the wine barrel is exposed on the upper triangle grass.

Flandre acted as if she hadn't seen it, pushed the troops under the tower, and used the harpoon on the old tree again.

The movie guy withdrew from the Triangle Grass again. Rambo's HP was so high that the old tree couldn't stand in the first move. It was unrealistic for him to cross the troop line with a wine barrel and hit the higher-level Rambo.

JDG can only give up.

At 5 minutes and 14 seconds, Li Hao pressed the toothpaste under the tower. Qiyana's blood volume was less than half, and she drank the corruption potion again.

Toothpaste cannot exchange blood as successfully as it did in the beginning.

Lucian's equipment can suck blood, but it can't be consumed.

Kanavi, who was frustrated on the road, went from the entrance to the red zone to the river, preparing to cooperate with Toothpaste to kill Lucian.

"With eyes~!"

Lucian took the first step and retreated to the river in the lower half of the area. Watching the film, Brother knew that the operation failed.

"The wine barrel is gone."


There was no need for Li Hao to remind him, Flandre had already reached the back of the tower and cut off the line of troops.

After returning home to replenish supplies, the factory director also came to the blue zone. His team was clearing the jungle, and he also stole several groups of wild monsters, which were higher level than wine barrels.

After Snake's transfer, JDG was unable to fight in the entire first half.

Zoom came back online after returning to the city. He is now very scared. JDG knows that the spider has come up.

If he is drained of blood again, he will definitely be jumped over the tower.

After returning to the city on the bottom road, Duan walked towards the middle road very keenly.

As for the wine barrel, he first turned from the three wolves to F6.

At 5 minutes and 58 seconds, JDG backstage was on tenterhooks.

They saw the barrel crouching Lucian on the outside of the F6 wall.

The spider, on the other hand, did not go to the upper road, but rushed towards the middle road.

Kanavi was squatting under Li Hao's eyes.

There is less than 10 seconds left for the jewelry eye.

The gap in vision and control put JDG in danger.

Toothpaste drank a layer of corruption potion. His W had just grabbed the element and was waiting for the next W skill to improve.

However, a white spider web flew from the entrance to the red zone and hit the wine barrel directly!

In the factory director's human form, E hits, then WQ, and then long-range basic attack.

Open RE and coil the thread to the barrel's face, then Q and AW to continue the basic attack.

With two sets of skills and electrocution, the wine barrel has become disabled.

Li Hao ignored Qiyana in front of him on the right. When the factory director made a move, he raised his hand E to close the distance. His basic attack instantly sent the holy light through his body. He then threw W towards the corner of F6 near the defense tower at the moment A, and then followed up. Basic attack.

Lucian's passive and skills are connected together.

The moment Kanavi's control was released, because the spider was behind him, he could only push towards the defense tower.

Just take damage from the Zealous Bullet while in the air.

As a result, Lucian's last two basic attacks on the barrel caused Kanavi's Gragas to fall in front of the tower as soon as it landed!

The coordination between them is so smooth.

Toothpaste missed in time, and as he didn't dare to go up with E, he could only throw out his Q skill.

"The real eyes in the grass, the fake eyes in the wall, Brother Hao clearly figured out Kanavi's plan."

"The barrels must be facing up for support. Snake knows exactly what they want to do."

"Kanavi feinted a shot in the middle and killed another carbine. Unexpectedly, he fell into Snake's trap."

Wawa smiled coquettishly: "You will suffer losses if you plan with the Snake Team. Kanavi needs to have a longer memory, you are facing Brother Hao!"

"Young people are still too impatient. Without the position of factory director, we really can't do this."


Li Hao was the first to reach 6. He staggered the minions and swept Qiyana in front of the tower with the Holy Spear.

Toothpaste was knocked out of health and retreated after receiving Thresh's lantern.

Originally, LokeN's female gunner was going to attack directly, but the factory director and Li Hao forced him too hard, so he could only turn back to the middle to help defend the wave.

Of course the three JDG people, Li Hao and the factory director, will not waste time.

He took the damage and removed a layer of tower skin, then retreated.

Uzi and Lvmao can open the water dragon without any pressure.

The position of everyone in JDG was exposed, and they directly threw their ultimate move on the road. The tree escaped with remaining health and was almost killed alone.

The Zoom fight was very frustrating.

The hero's restraint, coupled with the previous first blood, made him very uncomfortable.

He recalled the reminder from the coaching staff years ago: Be careful with Flandre.

Rambo's noisy and mean laughter rang in his ears, and Zoom was upset.

Not only him, in just 6 minutes and 42 seconds, JDG players experienced the biggest setback of the season.

Snake is more powerful than they thought.

These ‘old people’ are each stronger and more excited than the last.

Together, they execute tactics efficiently, as if they are all in their prime.

6 minutes and 48 seconds.

The camera was given to the middle, and Toothpaste took another opportunity.

He died once in more than 3 minutes.

The unwilling toothpaste is not afraid!

After upgrading, the blood recovery, plus the recovery from taking drugs, has reached more than half blood.

JDG needs someone to step up now.

Counting on idiosyncrasies?

Toothpaste cursed in his heart, it was difficult for LokeN to make a sound in this game.

He hopes that the JDG uniforms can understand that the way they are doing it now is not acceptable.

Let me save this dilapidated JDG!

"Qiyana got the ultimate move!"

"It's a pity that I almost pushed it into the wall."

"The damage was still done."

"The grass element becomes invisible and causes damage."

"Lucian pulled back, but Qiyana didn't chase him and returned to the tower."


Toothpaste couldn't hear the commentator's voice, and his eyes were always fixed on the arrogant Valentine Lucian.

Calculate your own damage and Lucian's HP.

Light it up, that's it.

The CD of a weak person is longer, so it is not good at this time.

At this moment, three blue soldiers entered the tower.

Just as Toothpaste imagined, as soon as he retreated, Li Hao pressed forward.

Harass him in front of the tower for last hits while rubbing the tower's skin.

And this is exactly what toothpaste wants to see.

bring it on!

Heavenly Courage (E).

At the moment of Lucian's A tower, even though he pulled back, Qiyana rushed towards him with an E.

Ignite, A plays electrocution.

Lucian slid forward and received the Holy Light from his body.

Qiyana dashed forward a short distance to the Circle Shaping Order (W) and grabbed the power of the earth element.

Drawing closer, she was next to Lucian.

The passive cooldown will be reset after she grabs a new terrain element. This time, her basic attack will cause additional physical damage.

Sure enough, Lucian's health dropped to 334 points.

Lucian didn't have a good flash, and he didn't have E. It was impossible to dodge the face-to-face Q.

This time, the fury of the earth element will cause an additional 60% damage to units with less than 50% health.

Ignite the burning, and Lucian only has 128 blood points at this time!

Lucian made two basic attacks, and the damage from the strong attack made Qiyana even more disabled.

Toothpaste raised his hand, and A made the last basic attack!

"go to hell!"

Toothpaste roared again, and the audience in Hongqiao screamed in surprise.

But what makes toothpaste both ecstatic and icy cold is that

Compared with the previous wave of games, he made that move ahead of Lucian.

However, Li Hao ate the cookies on his body, and coupled with the blood-sucking effects of his bloodline talent, Vampire Scepter, and Dolan Sword, he recovered his health when he used A in his basic attack.

As a result, Qiyana failed to kill Lucian with her last attack!

"—Death is a mercy, and I have enough mercy to bestow upon you."


The black muzzle and the angry red coat.

The dark-faced Lucian shot Qiyana in the head, directing the toothpaste into hell.

On the contestants' bench, Brother Guozi was stunned.

That's how he felt now. He wanted to rush, but didn't. After continuing to rush, he realized something was wrong.

So bad~!

"God! This is God!"

"Be calm in times of crisis!"

"Brother Hao still has 12 points of blood. This is really a heart-beating game!"


The 12 drops of blood, five and seven, are indeed there.

Backstage at JDG, MOMO, Cui Hu and others were jumping up and down anxiously.

They all thought they were going to kill, counterattack, and kill the gods.

As a result, it failed again!

Both times, there was a slight difference.

"Damn it, damn it!!"

Manager Shao, who was personally sitting at the water dispenser, slapped the bench with endless regret.

Even Homme, who was very calm, had a high blood pressure at this time.

Everyone looked at the bottom lane. LokeN didn't have much to do, and he was taught a lot by Uzi.

Toothpaste, on the other hand, has repeatedly performed thrillingly.

He toothpaste, a mortal.

He keeps declaring war on God.

This ridiculous scene shocked the JDG uniform team.

They even doubt it.

Before the game, it was Toothpaste who meditated on the sword master of S6. It was him who was unsheathing himself and fighting Shi Yizhong with unstoppable force!

Even if it turns into ashes, it is like a momentary firework, spreading in the air and shining brightly.

The huge cheers at the scene were the best explanation.

Vusso said in surprise:

"Did we make a mistake?"

"Toothpaste is the special one?!"

A uniform team member said:

"Although Toothpaste is a bit impulsive, these two waves are indeed opportunities!"

"And he really dares to do it!"


There was also a JDG uniform team roaring in the background:

"Both the upper and middle schools collapsed, will our special ones take action?"


"Prove yourself~!"

"Yeah, we need you!"


Amid JDG's huge expectations, LokeN took action.

Two minutes later~~

Sun Yalong shouted in the studio:

"Bron holds Thresh back."

"The pig-killing combination wandered down the lane, and Uzi flashed to R!"

"Beautiful, LokeN is under control!"

"Director Pansi goes up to the sky and the E soldiers are approaching. Turn on the R human form and renew the control chain with the cocoon!"

"Uzi Arrow"

"Brother Hao pushed the barrel of the gun into the muzzle of the female gun"

"The body is brightened! LokeN is gone!"

"Bron passively points out, Varus shoots Thresh!"

"JDG also exploded in the bottom lane!"


Watching the film, Brother arrived a step too late. He threw his ultimate move, but still failed to save his companions.

In the barrage, many viewers burst into tears.

Under the camera, Pig Dog and Li Hao both smiled after they cooperated perfectly.

This poked the G-spot of many veteran players.

Who would have thought that we would see such a beautiful scene in the 2020 season.

A group of 'old guys' who are about to retire are actually still cool.

"Ye Qing is back~!"

"Ye Qing is back~!"


While commentating and excitedly discussing with the audience, Snake, under the command of Li Hao, took advantage of the existing huge advantage to launch an even crazier suppression of JDG.

"The poisonous snake has injected its deadly venom into the enemy's body."

Miller's description is quite appropriate.

Canyon Pioneer, one tower in the middle lane, one tower in the top lane, and one tower in the bottom lane.

At 13 minutes and 29 seconds, all JDG outer towers were pulled out.

This was their most brutal game this season.

At 21 minutes and 34 seconds, a team battle broke out between the two sides in the jungle.

In this wave, LokeN finally found an opportunity and released a big wave.

However, his equipment couldn't keep up and he couldn't deal a devastating blow to Snake immediately.

Lucian cut in alone, slid over the wall to the female gunner, stuffed the barrel of the gun into her mouth again, and shot her brutally.

When Qiyana came over to give R, Lucian lit the stopwatch and cured Toothpaste's hypotension.

Uzi is 'alarm alert' here, the toothpaste is almost red and warm.

At 24 and a half minutes, Snake Baron forced the team.

Flandre's damage is terrifying, and her ultimate move almost melts the C position.

The female gun enlarged by LokeN was burned to a pulp by Rambo's ultimate move, and died under the baptism of the Holy Spear fired from a distance by Lucian.

Toothpaste tried his best to replace the spider, but JDG was beaten to death.

Flandre and Uzi each scored double kills, and Li Hao got the head of the female gun and successfully surpassed the gods.

They didn't take the dragon and followed the middle lane to end the game in one wave.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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