LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 613 I feel so sorry for the factory

On the sixth day of the fifth week, Snake faced a special opponent.

Another hero of Lingshi Road, EDG.

When we set out for Hongqiao in the afternoon, Ancestor Saiwen became the target of everyone’s ridicule.

"Director, can the organization trust you today?"

Flandre didn't have the worries of newcomers, and she dared to joke about anything: "Brother Hao, you have to be careful. The factory director and his junior brother wore the same pants before, so be careful if he stabs you in the back."

Uzi eats well and sleeps well in the Snake Team. The flesh on his face is getting more and more, and now it bulges together when he smiles:

"When you see the factory director's empty skills later, please don't blame him."

"We are all good brothers. It is normal for us not to be able to lift a knife."


Jarhead looked at the group of people with a sneer.

"Dump the blame on me in advance, right?"

"Later, I will show you what benevolence and righteousness are."

"666~!" Xiaohang Lumao and others are the atmosphere team.

Li Hao comforted him:

"Qi-chan, don't stress, I'll be the bad guy."

"You are watching from the side, and I will kill your litter of piglets."

"I'm afraid you'll feel distressed then."


The factory director looked around and saw that everyone in the Snake Team was indeed a villain.

As soon as we talked about the war against Guodian, everyone was full of energy and joy, and they wanted to boil water right away.

Of course the factory director has feelings for the EDG guys. He has an ongoing relationship with EDG and has been with those teammates for so long.

Just like Lian Nan, like a junior high school student.

Seeing that Shi Yizhong was also in high spirits, the factory director secretly felt worried for his old brothers.

Wish yourselves the best of luck, everyone.

At five o'clock in the evening, EDG and Snake met on time at the Tiandi Performing Arts Center.

EDG is currently ranked in the middle of the league and lost to ES in the last round. The situation is not optimistic.

Snake, on the other hand, won the first seven rounds and dominated the Spring Split.

For fans, the biggest highlight of this game, apart from the continuation of Shi Yizhong's legend, should be the factory director facing his old club.

"If I hadn't come to Snake, I should be right across from you now."

In the player's seat, the factory director adjusted his equipment and spoke to Li Hao while leaning on the gaming chair.

"That's right."

"But in that case, I'm sitting and you're standing."

The factory director was a little surprised.

Because he has not mentioned to the outside world that he plans to be the EDG coach, let alone Li Hao.

"How did you know I would be the EDG coach?"

Li Hao looked at him like a fool:

"You said you were going to retire, and you said you would appear opposite me. What are you if you're not a coach?"

"Don't do research with your brain."

ah? !

Makes sense.

The factory director was speechless.


Jarhead glanced at Li Hao weirdly. Although it was very logical, you understood everything as soon as I said it. It took less than a second to think. This reaction was too fast.

Then, there was no feeling of surprise at all, as if everything had been expected.

What is the structure of this person's mind?

The factory director felt somewhat depressed.

He has always felt that he is quite clever and smart, such as his ability to react on the spot and make excuses. He can also calmly deal with Abu's difficulties.

However, compared with the guy in front of me, my IQ is really not enough.

Mudd, how can I compare my IQ with an alien? It’s true.

Now the person standing behind the EDG teammates is not coach Mingkai, but Corgi. Coach Cheng is not well-known, and the EDG he leads is as famous as he is, but has no achievements.

On the player bench.

EDG sent Jinoo, Jiejie, Scout, Hope, and Meiko today.

It seems that there are no elites, but the 61e people have opinions.

For example, they think Jinoo, the ‘Sword Fairy’, is not worthy of trust and is not as good as Audi.

As soon as EDG's starting list came out, the comments section was very loud.

The coaching staff didn't read the comment section. Even if they did, they would still say, 'You understand or I understand.'

The first game of BO3 started with the cheers of the audience, EDG blue, Snake red.

After some BP on both sides, the lineup was locked.

EDG: Monkey, Pig Girl, Ike, Female Gun, Seti

Snake: Sword Demon, Troll, Syndra, Aphelios, Female Tank

When the game lasted for 3 minutes and 20 seconds, the factory director used practical actions to prove what benevolence and righteousness meant.

The factory director yelled, "I'm sorry."

The Troll came to the middle to perform a gank. Li Hao controlled Syndra and used E to reach Ekko first. The Troll followed up and bit Ekko to death. He cooperated with Li Hao to complete the kill and let Ikko deliver a death flash.

Syndra got first blood, and the right to pass in the middle was controlled by Li Hao. Under his radiation, the director controlled the first dragon at 6 minutes and 02 seconds.

EDG's tactics in this game are their absolute strength in avoiding Snake.

According to the arrangement of the coaching staff, Jiejie took advantage of the troll to expose his vision, and controlled the pig girl to go up at 6 minutes and 48 seconds. Jinoo's monkey activated the ultimate move to retain the sword demon, and the pig girl Q dodged and controlled, helping the sword fairy get the kill. .

The score became 1:1 again.

Backstage at EDG, the coaching staff looked satisfied.

Analyst Kim Hyun-seon and supervisor Heart laughed and talked about the opinions raised by fans. Is it wrong to join Jinoo?

This wave of top and jungle cooperation executed the tactics in place and produced immediate results.

8 minutes and 31 seconds.

Jiejie went to the top lane to engage the Sword Demon again, but under Li Hao's dispatch, this time the factory director squatted behind him, and EDG Ueno retreated upon seeing this.

Flandre got a little ahead, and when the Great Destruction opened, she chased and slashed the two of them, and the troll followed up.

If it were just a confrontation between top and jungle, Snake's performance would be worth it.

However, the junior gave up the middle and gave up Tapi to Li Hao.

Syndra's legs were short and she couldn't keep up with Ekko. The little boy came to the top in time to fight back and kill the troll!

Guodian fans are in high spirits.

2:1, we are ahead!

At the critical moment, the junior students stood up and the factory director also stood up.

"Damn it, this is not my fault!"

Normally, the young man with Jarhead would have been fine with it, but now he was explaining in a panic.

"Mine." Flandre didn't say anything harsh.

"Didn't I send a signal? Are you so bossy?"

Li Hao criticized him: "Is the winning streak gone?"

"I wouldn't dare."

Flandre said weakly: "Jiejie didn't dodge. I wanted to kill everyone before leaving. Unexpectedly, he dodged the skill and the damage was not fully applied."

"You're crushing them like clay, right?"

"Brother Hao, I'm a dog at the top."

Normally, he could still joke around, but in the competition, Li Hao was the absolute authority, and the Holy Spear would not disobey him.

Sure enough, he heard Li Hao's comforting words again.

"Don't panic, they have a good headcount, but their economy is not leading."

"I lost two layers of tarts in the middle, and Scout lost a lot of experience."

The Holy Spear guaranteed again and again, and Li Hao called for a double team. Uzi and Lu Mao also had an advantage with the help of the middle lane, and they were ready to take the second dragon.

After the Elemental Advent version, one dragon will be refreshed every 5 minutes.

Even if Ekko gets a head, he still can't change his online disadvantage.

EDG went all the way to black.

At 11 minutes and 08 seconds, when Snake took the water dragon, they were on the road again.

Flandre didn't get the upper hand, but EDG didn't give them a chance.

During the military training of three people in the center and field, the sword demon had no room to operate under the tower and died for the second time.

What made EDG fans and the team extremely excited was that Jiejie released Rift Herald and destroyed Snake's two defensive towers on the road.

"On the road to clear the level!"

"Hey, are EDG going to end Snake's winning streak?"

I remember that both the studio staff and Rita were surprised.

Backstage at Guodian, with the sound of ‘pop’, Coach Cheng and Heart high-fived excitedly.


"Our tactics worked!"

"Keep it up and win against Snake!"

"If we win the game, who dares to question our selection and BP? That's Snake with The King!"


In this wave, EDG did a great job, but they also lost Xiaolong and all the Tapis in the middle.

In the next three minutes, a small-scale team battle broke out between the two sides.

Lu Mao and the factory director each died once, and Ike was also recruited by Li Haoda to kill him.

EDG leads with 4:2 heads.

Maybe it was because the factory director was on the opposite side, but EDG and the others were playing very energetically, and their condition was far better than usual.

Flando complained repeatedly, but Li Hao didn't find it strange.

Who hasn’t had a few dumplings?

For 15 minutes and 18 seconds, the factory director himself was stunned.

Troll made a mistake in the middle and EDG seized the opportunity. Jiejie cooperated with the junior brother and gave the factory director a wave of control chains. Troll was charged until death and could not move at all.

Li Hao dealt a lot of damage, but the junior once again relied on Ekko's ultimate move to save his life.

Once the jungler died, EDG had an advantage in the fight for the second Canyon Pioneer. When Syndra walked towards the lower half, the Pioneer was captured by EDG.

In this game, Jiejie was in great form, and EDG was led forward by him.

The Snakes lost two pioneers, which is big news.

In the previous 14 games, no team had achieved it.

Li Hao has been weighing the situation. He let go of the vanguard because there is suspense in this wave of vanguard competition, which may lead to a big disadvantage.

The third dragon is the fire dragon.

Pioneer can only defeat Snake and hit one tower at most. If you give up, EDG's hit tower is gone anyway.


This is what Li Hao emphasized in 15 minutes.

At the beginning of 16 minutes, Li Hao wandered to the bottom lane and played Hope's flash.

The factory director and Flandre both came to the bottom lane.

Snake's five people gathered together, and with the advantage of vision, Syndra flashed in hand.

At 16 minutes and 31 seconds, the factory director punished the control dragon, and Snake's Fire Dragon Soul drew the card!

Through Jinoo's monkey lead, EDG seized a counterattack opportunity. At 19:34, they put the vanguard in the middle and pulled out Snake's first tower.

Uzi and Lumao both wanted to join the group, but Li Hao stopped them.

There is no need to fight now, the economic gap between the two sides is not big, seizing the opportunity to get the dragon soul is the most stable plan.

The audience in Hongqiao and in front of the screen were all staring at the situation that was gradually becoming tense.

Everyone did not expect that EDG could play so well in this game.

If it weren't for Ritiandi's huge advantage in the middle, which stabilizes the younger players, EDG would have snowballed a long time ago.

Li Hao kept cutting the screen to watch monkeys.

He knows Jinoo well. This season, he will take care of him if he has a line, and he will die if he dares to catch him.

He has personal abilities, but he also has a strong ability to set the pace.

That's why fans are clamoring for Audi.

Being familiar with your opponent is also extremely important.

Sure enough, at 21 and a half minutes, through his deep vision from the bottom lane, Li Hao immediately discovered the monkey's movements.

He even pinned the signal, and everyone in Snake paid attention.

At 21 minutes and 53 seconds, something happened that made Guodian fans angry.

Jinoo's monkey bottom lane was too deep, and Snake's order-taking started too quickly, giving Jianxian almost no time to react.

"Still trying to run!"

In the voice of Snake's team, Mad Puppy yelled, he controlled Aphelios, Flash + Weakness to force him to stay!

Li Hao and Lu Mao came from the river. Jinoo flashed to avoid the Japanese girl's ultimate move, but was knocked unconscious by Syndra's EQ. Lu Mao flashed and pointed at it, keeping the monkey with Q.

Jinoo was crippled, and he tried to run away even though he opened the door.

Syndra's energy poured out, and five balls were thrown at it, smashing the monkey's body into pieces and emptying its health!


Backstage at Snake, Chris and others shouted excitedly.

Unexpectedly, a game against EDG excited them.

Without Monkey, the key player in starting a team and cutting into the back row, Li Hao decisively directed the fight against Xiao Long.

EDG didn't want to let go, so four people came over to harass them.

But the director of the factory recruited a pig girl, and Jiejie couldn't harden up instantly. He failed to withstand Snake's double C damage. After being crippled by Li Hao, his head was taken away by Uzi.

The female gun used her ultimate move to kill the female tank with the help of the wrist hero.

But the sister's wrist was smashed to death by Syndra with a W.

EDG2 changed to 1, had no jungler, and was in poor condition. When the Sword Demon started to destroy the enemy, they had no choice but to let go of the Fire Dragon.

In less than 23 minutes, Snake got the Fire Dragon Soul!

The expressions of Guodian fans and uniforms changed. They were not happy for long.

The situation began to be out of EDG's control.

After the last wave of fighting, there was a stronger smell of gunpowder on both sides.

At 25 minutes and 38 seconds, this was a critical wave, and the two sides fought again in the lower river.

The elementary school boy was very courageous. After TP detouring, he wanted to cooperate with Pig Girl to steal Snake's strongest point, Syndra.

However, they underestimated Li Hao's reaction.

Pig Girl dodged past the troll from the grass in the river and went straight to Li Hao.

Snake doesn't know the rear view. If he succeeds, Ekko can make up for the damage.


Li Hao flashed forward and pushed back with QE. Not only did he dodge the pig girl Q, but he also pushed him unconscious in front of the troll and the female tank.

Guodian fans are wailing, so disappointed!

EDG made the first move, and the duo couldn't keep up.

As a result, Piggy was killed by Aphelios, Ekko didn't do enough damage, and Syndra, who moved flexibly, couldn't be dropped in seconds.

Lu Mao cooperated with Li Hao to launch Ike's ultimate move.

The junior boy had no choice but to make a forced exchange with Uzi.

Hope uses her ultimate move to help the younger students achieve their goals.

Ekko was killed by Syndra, and the female spear's ultimate move took away the remaining health Aphelios, and also knocked down the rest of Snake, thereby protecting the dragon.

However, Sword Demon and Monkey soloed on the road, and Flandre, who got the Fire Dragon Soul, started the great destruction. He was full of momentum, and had the terrifying buff of the triple crown top laner. Jinoo felt a little weak at first, and he wanted to leave but Being left behind by the Sword Demon's Q and W, he was forced to fight.

The two fought against each other, which made Guodian fans break their defense.

The sword demon, who had been targeted frequently in the early stage, lost most of his blood, and struck with the death sword energy, killing Jinoo!

Both top and bottom blossomed, and EDG's morale plummeted.

At 28 minutes and 54 seconds, the two sides fought decisively in Longkeng.

Lu Mao released a beautiful ultimate move and cooperated with Sword Demon to enter the field, forcing EDG back together.

Uzi used Tongbi and Yingyan to deal damage to the EDG crowd.

Li Hao flashed through the dragon wall, and R on the support wrist hero, a goddess scattered flowers, stunning everyone on the EDG river!


The scene erupted in exclamations!

The studio commentator's mouth dropped open.

With exaggerated control, coupled with the W that smashed into the crowd, Syndra's violent AOE killed the half-health female gun in an instant, coupled with the crazy output of Uzi next to her, I could only hear Flandre shouting "It's so cool! So cool! Kill, kill, kill!"

The "dong" and "dong" sounds of the sword demon's annihilation continued to refresh, and the demon's wings spread out, constantly picking up the heads maimed by Uzi and Li Hao.


"The group is destroyed!"

"The Sword Demon scored three kills, Syndra and Aphelios each had a kill, EDG is gone!"

Remember to shout:

"Snake's cooperation is great. Brother Hao pushed five of the Tiannu Sanhua! He pushed five of them, my god!"

"Syndra's angle, there is a strong man in front to cooperate, how wonderful~!"

"Perfect angle, perfect timing!"


The noise in the studio, the noise in the scene, and the barrage filling the screen.

EDG's backstage was completely silent, and their extravagant hopes for the start came to nothing.

On Snake's side, the director, who only placed one pillar, a big move and a small amount of damage, was quite depressed.

"Hey Hey hey"

"Give me two heads!"

"Why do you want a head?"

"Let me clean up my record!"

Guogai's face darkened: "You know it with your butt, there must be someone out there trying to hack me. Come on, I really gave him a good beating."

"Hahaha, you don't have a head."

Flandre attacked the crystal while laughing:

"It's real!"

"The factory director dared not leave the factory and couldn't lift the knife."

"The director of the pig factory did not dare to kill the piglets, so he had to give them away."

"Shut up, you bitch!"


While they were noisy, they smashed the EDG crystal hub with a wave from the middle.

The first game was won by Snake.

Facts have proved that Seven understands netizens.

In the barrage, it was pretty much what he guessed.

"Qi-chan: You're not up to par, I've already given you a few heads, why can't you win?"

"Seven wants to go undercover, but the sword fairy doesn't agree."

"I'm a fan of Guodian. The factory director tried his best. Not only was the thigh of the opponent too thick, I didn't expect Uzi to be so powerful."

"Give up, Qi-chan. If you encounter a pig-killer in your pig farm, you will be defeated. The little boy is in such good condition, but he is still suppressed and loses his temper."


Of course, many fans were joking.

After all, Syndra took first blood, and the troll had merit.

However, some people say that the troll deliberately performed meritorious service at the beginning to clear himself, and then hid it deeply.

If Patriarch Seven saw these well-founded analyses, Muay Thai might have given him a warning.

When the second game between the two sides started, EDG was no longer in the same state as the first game and showed a level that should be expected in the middle of the league.

Snake destroyed EDG's hometown in just 24 minutes.

However, what makes the factory director "more and more shady" is that after he was replaced by the pig girl, he still didn't have a head.

The head in the middle cannot K, this is the principle.

There is no other way to reach K.

Off the charts!

The factory director swore that he really wanted to kill EDG with his own hands. He wanted to kill his junior brother with the sacrificial knife several times and use his sister to control the sacrificial flag.

But life is impermanent.

However, the way Guodian fans look at the director is different.

"With tears in my eyes, the factory still loves Guodian!"

"After returning to the Snake Team, there will definitely be a meeting at the factory."

"Mr. Dahao will probably punish him for playing with the big tree again."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I feel sorry for the factory, but I also want to see him play with the big tree."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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