LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 617 Traffic Password

60E people who don’t know the truth find it very warm.

Xiye has been in WE for six years. Although he is not the master of Daxing, he has brought a lot of hope and memories to 60e.

Now, Xiye, who left WE, stood in front of Shi Yizhong again.

And this round of Shi Yizhong's sudden tenderness made them even more emotional.

In the forum, Lao 60E explained with tears:

"I understand, I understand everything!"

"Why does Shi Yizhong, who is so powerful and invincible, give such tenderness to Xiao Xiye? Can you understand?!"

"We are both fallen people from the end of the world~~"

"This is Xiao Xiye's first season after leaving WE. Brother Hao seemed to see his former self. He couldn't bear to do anything to Xiye like this. So, the emperor who was above the laws of the alliance world put away his slash and headed towards the middle. The sharp knife of indifference, staring at the self who left WE with tenderness and affection."

"This shows that Brother Hao loves WE! He loves 60E!"

"Brother Hao's bond with the Snake Team shows that he is an emotional person. Back then, he must not have wanted to leave WE. How sad it must have been for Brother Hao to be abandoned by the operation as a waste!"


I have to say that this wave of brainstorming is really reasonable.

Suddenly, the bottom of the WE homepage was occupied by the excited Lao 60e, criticizing the fatal mistake made by the cheating operator.

"Give it back to me, Brother Hao!"

"Give me back the Emperor of Japan!"

"Give me back my wolfberry, give me back!"

WE officials are furious and don’t know how this wave of rhythm came about.

That night, a WE staff member complained to his companion:

"Snake and DMO are playing a game, why are we the unlucky ones?"

"Brother, you are new here and don't understand much."

The old employees were not surprised and even laughed and said:

"Used to it."

"Just look at it, when Brother Hao wins the Spring Split MVP, we will also be bombarded. If he wins the Spring Split, we will also be bombarded."

"I'm used to it. I've been bombarded by fans for four years."

The new employee's eyes widened: "Is there such a thing?"

"I'll go to the bottom of the homepage and reply."

"Don't! Don't!"

"Give them a blast and let them vent for two days. If we explain at the end, it will be over. We must be careful next time we play at home."

The old employee sighed: "Tell me something you don't quite understand."

“The days when WE was bombarded were actually our biggest traffic days of the year.”

"Even though Brother Hao is not in WE, he still brings us a lot of traffic."


"Is this still a traffic password?"

"Do you think?"

"A large part of Yusanjia's traffic comes from this."

"As long as you live a decent life relying on being trolled, it's actually pretty good. And most people regret it, and it's not as unpleasant as the scolding."

The old employee added: "The base's current youth training is so good because of Brother Hao."

"Not only the LPL, but also teams from other regions are eyeing our youth training."

"They also want to poach a Brother Hao from us."

After hearing what the old employee said, he was amazed and gradually understood the strange ecology of WE.

Looking at the increasing number of comments at the bottom of the WE homepage, they traced the root cause of the incident.

It turned out that Xiye met Shi Yizhong.

The title of the post in the 60e bar is: "The emperor puts away his weapons, it's a warm Tuesday at night"

Zhennima has a weird style of painting.

"Awei, have you noticed it?"

"What?" Gala looked puzzled at the fussing assistant Mark.

"Brother Hao looked at you so much just now!"

"I feel like he appreciates you very much. Brother Hao even said a few words to you."

After leaving the venue, Mark walked on the road with a look of aftertaste on his face: "Awei, that's Brother Hao, aren't you excited?"

"It's quite exciting to be excited."


"Have you never heard of "Future Sutra" when you usually read forums?"

Gala laughed dryly and said: "Besides, I was beaten very badly by these two. How can I get Brother Hao's attention? The most I can do is comfort."

"Then why doesn't Brother Hao comfort me?"

Mark looked directly at gala: "I used to assist Alone, but then you came and I realized how comfortable it is to partner with a strong AD partner. Brother Hao has such a great vision. It took me more than a year to learn from him. You see talent in him and he just needs one game.”

"Hey, hey, don't be too exaggerated. I'm almost swollen by what you said."

"Awei, don't forget each other even if we are rich or noble."


Gala resisted on the surface, but inwardly she was very excited by what Mark said.

After all, that is the number one person in e-sports!

They are the ones these young players look up to, envy and admire.

Under the "Future Sutra", there are a group of geniuses who were carried away, but they are also "geniuses".

It seems like a failure, but compared to most professional players, it is a success.

When Li Hao called his name on the contestants' table, Gala did not dare to look at him, and her heart was really beating fast.

His mind is also more active because the contract is about to expire.

This summer, he will become a free man.

Everyone wants to join Snake, and Gala is no exception.


Snake has no shortage of AD right now.

Thinking of this, Gala felt very disappointed.

Snake, that is the holy land for professional players in the league!

However, what this young man couldn't even dream of was.

When he lamented that he was born at the wrong time and that Snake had no shortage of ADs, his personal information appeared on the desktop of the Snakes' Crystal Hub on Tuesday night.

And the man he admired and yearned for the most was looking through the data compiled in the file with great interest.

Chris pulled the chair closer, while Zuo Wu stood next to Li Hao.

"Brother Hao, there's nothing to say, your eyesight is this!"

Zuo Wu gave a thumbs up: "No one can judge people more accurately than you."

"We took good care of him in these two games. As soon as Gala collapsed, DMO collapsed immediately. I compared the previous DMO games. This young man did not attract attention, but his role was hidden. In fact, Bigger, DMO relies heavily on his performance.”

"He doesn't overwhelm others in the lane, nor is he strong, but he is stable in team fights and dares to deal damage. He is a person who can take care of everything."

Chris said:

"He's still young and doesn't get enough exercise."

"But there are some qualities that remind me of a person."



Chris shook the sun-dried hair of Silence and added: "Of course, he is far from Bang's level now, just talking about certain qualities."

"If you have a good team, he will be a trustworthy point in the team."

Li Hao couldn't help but nodded, thinking that these two people had spent all these years in the Snake Team in vain, and they could still see something.

"His contract expires in the summer window, right?"



"According to the regulations of the World Championship, only seven people can play in the team. Our goal is to compete in S10. There must be no extra places in the World Championship."

This is indeed a problem, Li Hao thought: "This cannot be forced. When the time comes, the situation will be explained and it will be up to his own choice."


Zuo Wu laughed loudly: "Brother Hao, this is not a problem at all."

"You underestimate your influence."

"I won't brag. Looking at the entire league world, as long as there are players who can join our team, 99% of them will not refuse."

"Furthermore, if this young man transfers to another team, he may not have a chance to go to the World Championship this season."

The discussion on the newcomer's issue was quickly concluded.

The next two games will be the key to whether Snake can continue his winning streak.

TES is currently ranked fourth in the league, and FPX is currently third in the league. Both teams are second only to IG.

Once these two levels are passed, Snake will have a smooth road ahead.

In the next few days, in addition to daily training, Snake also paid attention to the trends of TES and FPX.

Compared to playing TES, Li Hao is more looking forward to the contest with PFX in the eighth week.

Because the two former little brothers are now in Little Phoenix.

March 14th.

This is a big Saturday for Snake.

"Uzi, what's our winning percentage left?"

The factory director couldn’t remember how many times he had asked this question.

Every time he could hear Uzi's words, "I have the advantage."

"Don't panic, the probability of us winning the bet today is 3/4, the advantage is still with me."

Flandre said with a heavy face:

"I know two very bad things."


"First, V5 is going to put King Yan in the bottom lane to play AD."

"I'm convinced. I don't understand what they are doing. They really treat King Yan as Brother Hao."

"Stop talking, I know this too, V5's official website has announced it."

"They also said they would fight the DMO with all their strength."

The factory director sneered: "Seeing how badly Gala was targeted by us, V5 used him as a breakthrough point and wanted to put the team's best hope in the bottom lane and let him carry the whole team."

"I'm a jungler, and I see things more clearly than V5. The bottom lane combination of Gala+Mark is really not that easy to catch. Only our perverted Snake can create opportunities by relying solely on operations, and he shows off that the DMO has no temper. That's not the case with V5. Can the mid laner do it with half a bucket of water?"

Xiaohang, Xiaoma Ge, Lumao, and Wuzi were all a little panicked when they listened.

"Fuck, V5, don't mess with us!"

"If you play hard, don't you have a chance? If you don't play art, you can't play the game, right?"

While talking, they took out their mobile phones and looked at the V5 homepage.

Geneva, really!

"What's the second worst thing?"

Holy Spear said: "I heard Chris discussing with Zuo Wu, preparing to kill us with a seafood dinner."

"The kind that kills hard."

"Geneva, Chris is a piece of shit!"

Uzi suppressed his voice and yelled angrily: "Close the iron gate downstairs and don't let him come up."

They were discussing in full swing when Riat and Cat appeared in the center of the screen with their headphones on, and Cat had a red LPL printed on his white tie.

Behind them are the icons of DMO and V5.

"Do you believe in the light?"


"Then let's give V5 a beam of light."


Flandre, who was very good at it, turned on the flashlight with her mobile phone and shined it towards the V5 icon, illuminating the drink in front of Rita.

"V5, charge me!"


Zuo Wu mischievously filmed this scene from the sidelines.

If the V5 uniform team knew this scene, they would probably be moved to tears.

The whole world is waiting to see our jokes, but there is a group of people who are silently cheering for us.

Today, V5 will fight for you!

A scholar dies for a confidant!

In the first game, V5 once again came out with three axes in the opening game. The jungler Lee Sin first defended the blue buff, and then cooperated with the top crocodile to win in a 2V2 situation, allowing the Lee Sin to get first blood at 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

At 11 minutes and 23 seconds, V5 mid laner Zoe cooperated with the auxiliary female tank to control the double kill with strong control. Although Zoe was killed by the later prince, V5 controlled the water dragon.

The situation has always been under V5's control.

"Almost, all three axes have been used."

Flandre said horrified: "Is there a fourth axe?"

V5: “No one knows how to lose advantage better than me.”

In the 13th minute, the crocodile went crazy and attacked the bottom lane, but was controlled by the Titans and was given nothing, and the head was taken by gala.

At 14 minutes and 43 seconds, DMO snatched the Canyon Pioneer, killed the two middle and assistant people at the Pioneer, and got the Pioneer again.

At 29 minutes and 45 seconds, the V5 blind monk R hit the female gun, but Gala reacted quickly, flashed to a safe position, and used Titan's cooperation to release her ultimate move, maxing out her damage.

V5 killed four people in a row, and the dragon was taken over by DMO.

From the advantage to the last breath, V5 played a V5-style game that suited their style. At 34 minutes and 35 seconds, they were dismantled by DMO and surrendered.

"Is this V5's tactic for the bottom lane? It's eye-opening, Gala is amazing!"

The director's face darkened, and the Uzi alarm sounded.

These people had a strong sense of immersion, and their blood pressure soared.

On 9/0/7, Gala’s female gun became MVP.

In the second game, V5 got worse and worse, and DMO took advantage from the beginning.

In just 23 minutes, DMO crushed V5 Highlands.

After a few more minutes of garbage time, DMO swept V5 with an economic lead of fifteen thousand.

Xiaopeng's Reksai led the whole game, scoring 8/1/6.

In the studio, Cat King held back his laughter professionally. While congratulating DMO, he said:

"V5 loses its 22nd game in a row, catching up with Snake who has a winning streak."

"Now the pressure is on the Snakes' side again."

Rita laughed: "Hey, I always feel like this is a very weird comparison."

"Have it?"

Rita: "Tell me, is it Snake's winning streak or V5's losing streak?"

The Cat King was stunned. He really didn't know which one was safe for a moment.

"Everything is stable."

The barrage flew up:

"Are the commentators trying to make me laugh to death? hiahia~"

"V5: Snake, why are you so arrogant? I, V5, can compete directly with you and have a record of arrogance. Is it possible that I can become crazy in just one hit?"

"Today, the cafeteria lady asked me why I was serving rice but not vegetables. I smiled and said no, because V5 can serve meals."

"Looking like a person 15 minutes ago, and looking like a person 15 minutes later?"

"A team like Snake is not grounded. Brother Hao, I can't even understand it. I even doubt it is a game. Unlike V5, they make me feel that I can also play professionally."


"No light! No light!"

"The world is dark."

"Yeah, how can such a team exist in the alliance? Do they have no shame?!"

"A team that defeats five can't win a game?!"

"Destroy it, I'm about to snap my fingers."

There was a lot of complaining backstage at the Snake Team.

8 consecutive losses in the easiest schedule!

V5 is an incredible guy.

Lu Mao shouted regretfully: "I was wrong. Brother Hao, please give me another chance. I will definitely be on your side."

Uzi was frustrated: "I shouldn't challenge the God of Gamblers in Las Vegas. What Senior Brother said is right."

Flandre sighed: "You only have one chance to defeat Brother Hao in this life. V5 is a sinner. I will write him on the back of the family tree."


"It's no use saying all this."

"One of you, come out and make arrangements for tonight's barbecue."

"Bosses, you are so generous~!"

Chris and Zuo Wu both smiled crookedly.

Li Hao asked: "Will you still bet in the future?"

"I bet that V5 will lose all season, will anyone take it?"

"Only a fool takes it!"

"How can the team behind them beat us?"

"Bet on me again!"

Li Hao suddenly said: "If I bet that V5 will win, will you take it?"

This condition is very tempting.

Uzi and others wanted to agree, but they felt it was wrong.

Brother Ma said: "It's a scam!"

"There must be some fraud!"

"Yes, absolutely can't believe it."

"You really don't want to bet?"

"Brother Hao, don't think about it, I will never be fooled!" Flando said firmly, and stopped the puppy, for fear that he would come up to him.

Li Hao turned back to Zuo Wu and said:

"I wanted to lose once, but they wouldn't let me, so there was nothing I could do."

Zuo Wu praised: "Brother Hao is benevolent and righteous, they don't know what is good or bad."


This night, Snake is very lively.

Equally lively is the TES Club.

The coaching staff is arranging tactics for tomorrow's game against Snake.

The person with the strongest sense of crisis is undoubtedly Photic!

According to reliable information, Ah Shui is about to return to the team!

As soon as Ah Shui comes, he will be on the bench or be directly transferred to the secondary league.

E-sports Xiao Yan is naturally unwilling to give in!

Looking at the lights on the TES ceiling, Photic couldn't hear the coaching staff's voice this night.

I am photic and must seize this golden opportunity.



My photic will definitely do something big!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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