LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 636 Innate E-Sports Body

In the Kyoto 24H Gear Arena Cultural and Creative Park, the Haier brothers and Hirano Aya were both shocked by JDG's performance.

Before the start of this round of semi-finals, more viewers supported IG, with the support rate once approaching 70%.

Another showdown between Snake and IG in the finals was also hailed as a re-enacted classic.

There are really too many classic elements.

In S8, the Incheon Civil War performed by IG and Snake at home in South Korea is a scene that many old LPL fans dream about.

If it weren't for Shi Yizhong standing in the way, this IG team would most likely have won the S competition trophy.

With the support of various Buffs and backgrounds, IG's support is naturally higher.

Their record in the regular season is also better than JDG, ranking second in the league.

Soon, someone turned up the game between JDG and IG in mid-March.

In the Spring Split, IG only lost three rounds, and JDG was one of them!

Many people were shocked that the results of the two rounds at that time were 22:11 and 18:3 respectively, and JDG won with a big lead.

At that time, IG had a larger lineup than JDG and was in a winning streak. No one paid much attention to a loss. Not every team has Shi Yizhong.

Looking back now, combined with this round of semi-finals, clues suddenly emerged!

In the two rounds against IG, JDG's jungler and double C were very powerful, especially Brother Kan and LokeN. It seemed as if fighting IG was like eating a Snickers bar, and they were invigorating.

Today, LokeN achieved superb results in the first and fourth games respectively.

The MVP was abruptly cut off from Kanavi.

Usually, the film-watching guy is the absolute core of JDG.


As long as LokeN, a person with this trait, unlocks the gene lock, his explosive ability will be even stronger than that of Brother Kan.

It’s such a metaphysics.

In the first half of the first half, LokeN scored three super games, and LokeN also scored two super games. Everyone is MVP.

So, the bizarre incident at the beginning of the spring season happened again at the end of the season!

Those with special traits are competing against God with great results again!

"Are we going to re-examine JDG and LokeN again?"

"It's been two consecutive rounds of the playoffs, and LokeN suddenly became unfamiliar."

"JDG is definitely the biggest beneficiary of 10.8, and he is their core. Now LokeN has gained unknown power, with two wings and one to take off!"

Wawa is very good at talking about it: "At the beginning of the spring split, LokeN played epic data and challenged the gods. After that, he did not have a holiday to practice hard at the base. Unexpectedly, he encountered divine punishment in the first game after the year, and was taught by God to bring him back to his original shape. This is A classic case of failure in involution. I remember that when LokeN was practicing hard, God was enjoying a vacation. For a long time after that, LokeN’s performance was mediocre.”

"What did everyone say then?"

Miller answered tacitly: "He was defeated by Brother Hao."

"That's right!"

"But now it seems that instead of being defeated, LokeN seems to be dormant."

"He has not given up, his ambition is still there, and he has always been eager to challenge God again!"

"The dragon hides in the deep spring, and the ferocious beast walks on the high hill."

Death God Hirano Aya sighed: "LokeN, stand up again, hold your head high and look up to the dome."

Miller made a sublimation:

"Kanavi, Zoom, Lao Duan, Brother Guozi, they are all the same."

"JDG has fully recovered in the playoffs, and with the support of the version, we can no longer look at them with the same eyes as before."


"How many teams can make it through two consecutive rounds and rush to the finals?"


The voices of the commentators kept rising and falling, constantly creating suspense for the finals.

In fact, they had the official mission of LPL from the beginning. No matter who wins today, they have to make a big splash, so that the finals will be more eye-catching and more interesting.

After all, the snake team with gods is too scary now.

I originally thought there would be a bragging session, but JDG's performance today really conquered them.

The commentators expressed their feelings and showed their sincerity.

JDG fans are very happy, and they hit it off with the commentators' views. In fact, JDG fans have been looking forward to it since version 10.8, and the two rounds of playoffs have confirmed everyone's suspicions.

If 10.8 has no obvious effect on Snake, then it is like a big tonic for the current JDG.

After winning IG, a group of ten-year-old JDG fans suddenly appeared on the Internet.

These people shouted slogans and supported JDG in killing Snake.

The ingredients are a mixed bag, with Koreans and the like mixed in.

Not to mention Snakes fans, even passers-by are used to it. This group of people changes home teams every three days, and is broken up by that man every time. They have long been clowns.

After the handshake ended, JDG’s LokeN was invited to the interview table.

The translator walked between the host and LokeN to help complete the interview.

In addition to the issues related to this semi-final round, what attracts everyone more is naturally the changes in LokeN's status before and after.

LokeN said frankly:

"The regular season game against Snake left me with a deep impression. I learned a lot from my seniors. In the middle of the spring split, I never stopped trying to explore the skills of my seniors."

Xiaoyu asked in surprise:

"It's amazing to learn Brother Hao's skills! His heroic performance in the playoffs is also related to the skills LokeN learned, right?"

LokeN was high-spirited and smiled confidently: "Yes."

"So, the finals will be another test for me."

"Every time I think about facing my seniors, I always feel panic and anticipation."


I thought it was just an ordinary interview, but I didn’t expect LokeN to break such exciting news!

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Even the uniforms of major teams are frantically focusing their attention on LokeN.

Everyone has seen his crazy performance in the early spring and now in the playoffs. Unexpectedly, he did not break out by accident, but learned from TheKing.

The meaning is completely different!

Could it be that JDG has made progress in research on The King quietly?

And LokeN is the first clone warrior created by JDG to imitate God?

Next, if JDG produces LokeN in batches and sends clone warriors to the field one by one, if they can all have a record with God

wocao! !

What a horror!

Wouldn't that be the chaotic age of the gods?

Many teams are studying God, but there are almost no results.

The emergence of LokeN is the first of its kind.

Has JDG really taken advantage of it?

People focused on LokeN with surprised and suspicious eyes.

Xiaoyu asked excitedly:

"LokeN, can you reveal something?"

"Where did you learn from Brother Hao?"

LokeN was not timid at all. Smecta said a lot, and the reaction guy conveyed his thoughts.

"I don't have the innate e-sports body of my predecessors, but I can learn from my predecessors' ideas, follow their path, and use their methods."

"My skills are"


There were bursts of exclamations in the cultural and creative park. The audience's eyes were curious and excited, and a few were questioning and crazy.

What LokeN said is not a secret, but it is extremely mysterious.

"Sun Study" and "Meditation", these are the most famous e-sports thoughts of the first e-sports person.

If put to ordinary people, these ideas have no value at all, and no one will pay attention to them.

But as long as we understand Shi Yizhong's life and look at his career, we cannot exclude these two thoughts.

Many e-sports experts are studying it, and so are major teams.

For example, the TSM team has a dedicated spa sleeping cabin at the base to create an environment for meditation.

Learning from the absolutely strong must be meaningful.

The alliance also has a group of practitioners, but the successful ones are almost invisible.

As strong as Bang, he also lost himself in meditation and became a warning in the taboo field.

who would have thought

When JDG counterattacked and rushed to the finals, and when LokeN showed his strength again and stood on the interview stage, he would say such amazing words.

The amount of barrage increased crazily, and it was even more terrifying than during a game.

[My friend is a psychology expert. He saw the way LokeN spoke and concluded that he was not joking. 】

[I admire LokeN this time, he really dares to speak out and doesn’t hide anything]

[No, LokeN said that Brother Hao has an innate eSports body. What’s going on? After studying meditation to the depths, can you feel the eSports body? 】

[I am the director of the Psychiatry Department of the Second Hospital, and I have been following LokeN for a long time]

Reason Emperor said: "LokeN is by no means groundless. As MVP, he stood on the semi-final stage for an interview. There is no reason to lie. And is it good for him to make such nonsense? The answer is not at all!"

"So, even if I scorned meditation at first, I have to start believing it is true now."

“When there is the first successful case, there must be a second one.”

"Is the corner of Shi Yizhong's mysterious veil about to be revealed?"

The discussion outside was very intense, and the e-sports elders suddenly roared in deep thought, vaguely seeming to be warning:

"Even Bang failed and fell into the taboo field of Emperor Ritian. It's hard to believe that in today's fifth life, someone in the younger generation can really pick up the "Meditation Sutra" and follow the path of the emperor again? No, this is absolutely impossible ! The future will prove that everyone is delusional, the emperor is a lonely lone traveler, and the only way can never be copied!"

"What's going on, Brother Hao?"

In the SKT base, Flandre looked at the post-match interview with a shocked expression.

"LokeN really knows how to meditate?"

"Today is April Fool's Day?"

The factory director and Uzi crowded forward, and Xiao Ma Ge's eyes became eager, especially those of Lu Mao and Xiao Hang.

The factory director grabbed Flando's arm and looked at Li Hao:

"It's not like LokeN is lying. His state in this round of playoffs is really scary. Could it be that after learning meditation, the effect is really so incredible?!"

Before Li Hao had time to explain, Flando, who was indeed a senior scholar of the Sun and Heaven Society, immediately spoke up:

"Meditation is a kind of super-dimensional review method. It is actually very scientific. However, the brain does not have enough computing power, the understanding of the game is not deep enough, and it does not have strong control over many details such as hero attributes, canyon maps, skill CDs, fine distances, etc. It is simply It’s impossible to meditate effectively.”

"Brother Hao relied on meditation to cope with his injuries. He has this kind of super-dimensional review ability. I really don't believe that LokeN can do it."

Li Hao glanced at the Holy Spear in surprise.

You are the Emperor of Interpretation, right?

So that's it.

Everyone looked thoughtful. Flando's explanation was quite reliable. Li Hao did not deny it. It seemed that his interpretation was correct.

However, LokeN's words still caused waves in everyone's hearts.

His super state can be explained by meditation. If we can also meditate successfully, then? !

Li Hao opened the door and left the training room. The factory director, Uzi and others grabbed Flandre and asked:

"Do you think we have a chance to meditate?"

Flandre glanced at them and felt bad inside.

He shook his head: "You and I can't do it just by looking at it."

"Why?" Uzi frowned.

"Didn't you hear what LokeN said? Brother Hao is an innate e-sports player, but you guys are not."

"Nonsense, what am I?"

The Holy Spear pointed at the factory director: "You have a four-bird body."

Pointing at Uzi: "You are the alarm body."

He pointed at Brother Ma again: "You are promoted and demoted."

"Your physique is not good, I am a dynasty holy body, but I am."

"Oh oh oh~~"

"Spare your life, spare your life!"

Flandre talked nonsense and was chased during the training match. Li Hao outside the door heard a huge noise.

At this time, JDG backstage, looking at the waves of noise caused by LokeN above, the uniform team all showed satisfaction.

Assistant coach Cui Hu gave a thumbs up to head coach Homme, and Manager Shao on the side also praised:

"Compared with ours, Little Phoenix's overall operations are still not good enough."

"Binding TheKing will have the greatest traffic."

"As expected, in the past two days, all the news in the league circle will be about our JDG. Combined with The King's strong overseas influence, our JDG's reputation can spread throughout all major competition areas."

Manager Shao’s eyes lit up and he spoke excitedly.

Analyst Vusso was more calm and asked:

"LokeN is tantamount to exposing part of our secrets. Is that okay?"

"Don't worry."

Homme gave him a reassuring look: "Besides, this is exactly the effect I want."

"I'm sure Snake will also see the interview."

"Are they afraid of LokeN who suddenly became stronger and The King's secret?"

"Even if they are not afraid, they dare not forget this matter."

"This little thorn, even if it takes away a little bit of Snake's energy, is still a profit for us."

"As for secrets. Can this be considered a secret?"

"How can meditation be so easy to practice? How much energy did LokeN put in? What's more, he is a special person."

Everyone nodded unanimously, deeply agreeing with what Coach Homme said.

As for outside discussions, JDG is not afraid at all.

Which team will dislike its large traffic?

Later in the collective interview, Tengjing reporter Xiao Wu specifically mentioned what LokeN said in the post-match interview, and also extended the question about the situation within the JDG team, meaning: LokeN is meditating, but where are the others?

In this regard, as the head coach, Homme's attitude is very ambiguous, neither denying nor admitting.

He has always said that he is looking forward to the spring finals.

A thoughtful person picked up JDG's data panel, and at first glance, it really made sense.

The data of Kanavi and Brother Guozi are very good, and even Zoom is more reliable than before.

Could it be

In the spring finals, JDG will explode! ?

People in the esports media are excited, but they don’t care if it’s true or not.

Big news!

Something big is about to happen at the Oriental Sports Center in the spring finals!

Hupu senior esports editor Mika posted: "One LokeN loses to Snake, what if it's a group of LokeN?" 》

Tengjing reporter Xiao Wu published an e-sports column: "Homme has organized a terrifying army, and the JDG semi-finals are just a test of the knife!" 》

A certain search portal: "Shocked!" JDG interprets meditation, and the clone army of God appears! 》

"The secret of the god of e-sports has been cracked, meditation is no longer a secret, the league world is in turmoil, everyone can become a god, and the chaotic era of the gods is coming! 》

"Bang bang bang!" Click the link below to check your own e-sports physique》

At Modu University, a student from the School of Chinese Language clicked on the relevant link.


"Hahaha, e-sports waste body, the upper limit is silver."

The classmates on the side laughed: "This thing is really accurate!"

Some students who are interested in the alliance asked: "Who has bought the live tickets?"

“It’s impossible to grab it!”

"Isn't it? You can't even get ten or twenty thousand tickets?"

"It's too hard to grab!"

A well-informed person joined the discussion: "Aren't you online?"

"The mid-season is about to start, and many foreign e-sports audiences have already come to China in advance."

"Fans from all major competition areas are using their own methods to grab tickets through various channels."

"This time at the Oriental Sports Center, there will be spectators from all major competition areas. Isn't it exciting?"

"There are scalpers on Tieba, and ticket prices have increased five to ten times. There are also rich people who spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy tickets. The popularity has exploded."

"Damn it, I also want to see Brother Hao live~~"

There is another reason for the explosion of popularity in this wave of spring finals.

Except for the LPL division, all playoffs in other divisions have been completed.

Therefore, more eyes will be attracted here.

In the LCK spring finals, Samsung became a tragic backdrop, and SKT once again had the last laugh.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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