LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 641 The Cold Moon Goddess

In the JDG player seat, Smile Toothpaste has now turned into Black Toothpaste, and the whole face has changed color.

The guy who was watching the movie kept cutting the screen to pay attention to all the news. The wave in the middle was completely caught in his eyes.

He was frightened by his opponent's operation and understood that the pressure on toothpaste was great.

But this wave of toothpaste also has problems.

But now is not the time to elaborate. He comforted himself in simple Chinese:

"Don't be impatient yet, hold still."

"Don't give me distance, just consume it and wait for me to come."

"Okay." Toothpaste responded, calming down from the excitement at the beginning.

Li Hao's basin of ice water poured toothpaste all over him.

Seeing the prince in the middle, Li Hao, who got first blood, pushed the lane and left. He had just received damage from Zoe, and was hit by a defensive tower again. His condition was very bad.

Go back to the city and buy the murder ring and red crystal, plus a real eye.

When the director saw the red buff, he brushed the stone monster first, and then the red buff, so that the red buff could last longer.

Kanavi is worthy of being second only to Shi Yizhong on the spring MVP list. He has ideas. The prince made up the lane in the middle and then went to the bottom lane. Snake saw this scene. Lu Mao sent several signals to Uzi. .

From a God's perspective, Kanavi circled his second tower and headed up the road with his backhand.

The LokeN female gun in the bottom lane cooperated with Titan to push the lane faster. JDG used a linkage. The duo pushed the lane past and then entered the blue zone to find the search fruit. With the Snake duo finishing the bottom lane, they came to the lower river channel and the two teamed up to capture the fruit. Dropped river crab.

JDG can guess from the factory director’s movements that it is safe to eat river crabs at this time.

The prince went around to the Shanglu River and ate Shanghe crabs.

Then, Zoom shouted one after another in the team voice, Flandre's eye position time was up.

The director showed the prince a shot, and Kanavi, with a grimace on his face, stuck Flandre's eyes and disappeared into the grass on the upper river.

However, Flandre was more cautious today, and the sword demon never moved forward.

After waiting for a few seconds, the movie watcher knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he immediately gave the Zoom signal, and used the last-hitting weapon to activate E, and the sword demon moved back to E to distance himself. When the prince appeared in Flandre's field of vision, he flashed directly into the scene. Tower, I am afraid of fainting from weapon flash.

Sword Demon's position is relatively far back, which does not give JDG much space in the jungle. This wave of dodges does not kill.

Coach Homme, assistant coach Cui Hu, team leader Momo and others sat back on the bench.

Continuously controlling the Twin River Crabs, LokeN took an extra wave of resources and destroyed the Sword Demon's flash.

JDG is back on track.

"If we don't die once in the middle, we will have an even greater advantage now."

Analyst Vusso said it was a pity.

Homme was ashamed and said:

"It is indeed a pity, but it cannot be entirely blamed on Toothpaste. Weren't we also cheering for his laning at the time?"

"He is in good condition today, but it's The King who uses the bright moon."

"Another person, under the same circumstances, would not dare to do this in the finals. After all, the error rate is very high. Once a mistake is made, it will be a fatal + collapse situation."

Speaking of this, Homme's voice became smaller and smaller, and he looked at Diana in the middle. He felt an inexplicable pressure in his heart.

Cui Hu continued to chant:

"The King is really troublesome. If it weren't for him, Snake would never be so difficult to defeat."

Manager Shao said nothing and stared at the screen nervously.

It's too early to say anything now, and the situation is not clear.

In the middle lane, Toothpaste's experience and equipment are lagging behind, and since he has no dodge, he doesn't dare to waste time in front of the bright moon.

This is all the foreshadowing of the first blood.

At the same time, Gaozi also discovered something even more suffocating.

Ever since he lost his first blood and his position became obscene, his hit rate against the bright moon with Feixing was completely incomparable to before.

He felt cheated.

The same technique is useless?

Thinking about the one-hit kill just now, Gaozi felt that he had walked into a hunter's trap from the beginning.


Are all professionals so evil these days?

He took advantage of the bright moon to finish his attack and once again pulled the second Q in a "V" shape.

Guo Zi's eyes widened, and Jiao Yue stopped his basic attacks and moved diagonally upwards, exactly at an angle of 90° to the path of the flying star, so as to avoid the skill judgment range with the greatest efficiency.

Stop acting, this reaction!

Fuck, I was fooled!

Toothpaste came to a conclusion in his mind, but he couldn't tell his teammates.

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, this kind of calculation is too outrageous and hurts their self-confidence.

At 4 minutes and 29 seconds, Jiaoyue's last hit count reached 31 knives, which was more than Uzi's 30 knives in the bottom lane.

Zoe's last hit is already behind.

At this time, the director cut the screen to the bottom lane.

Titan took out the hook and pointed directly at Uzi who was finishing up in front of the JDG tower.

But Uzi reacted quickly and stepped back. Titan hooked to the wall. The female tank pointed Duan with her backhand. Uzi gave it to W and lit it on the green hair. Titan handed the light to Uzi, then flashed into the tower and escaped. .

LokeN outputs Uzi, and the Snake duo retreats.

The female gunner's HP was higher than that of Snake, but Snake gained the advantage.

If Titan doesn't flash, he won't dare to hook at will, and the error tolerance rate will be greatly reduced.

"This person didn't dodge, so he can do it."

Lu Mao said, and Li Hao noticed that Zoe went to the lower river. Combined with the prince using the eye scan, it was not difficult to guess that the toothpaste was used to make eyes.

He pinned a rough eye position signal to the factory director, and asked Flandre to prepare to push the line.

"Do you have eyes on the bottom lane?"

"Brother Hao, we'll be there in 10 seconds."

Lu Mao already understood.

"Xuanjun, don't hand over your T."

"In the next wave, I will fight the prince, and the bottom lane troops will enter the tower to refresh. You wait for their duo to come online to the T. This wave must at least kill the Titans before interrupting LokeN's rhythm."

"Pay attention to the distance between you and the weapon, don't get cut off."

"Don't worry!" Holy Spear readily agreed.

After some planning by Li Hao, Lu Mao inserted the ornament eye into the grass near the next JDG tower. As soon as this eye position was given, the JDG uniform team in the background became nervous. Looking at Snake's personnel transfer, Homme and others A sudden realization.

Unlike ordinary teams that fight when they see an opportunity, Snake is too purposeful.

It was like a machine, running rumblingly, forcing JDG in that direction.

Snake's bottom duo returned to the city, which JDG saw.

As soon as the female gunner killed the troops in the tower, she returned to the city to replenish equipment.

It looked calm.

The bad thing is that in the middle, Diana, who has the advantage, is putting pressure. The skills were exchanged in the middle, and Toothpaste suffered again.

He was hit by Jiaoyue's two Qs, the hypnotic bubble was empty again, and the Q skill hit Jiaoyue's W, and the toothpaste was under great pressure.

The blind monk walked through the field of vision given by Zoe, and he was obviously going to catch him.

The bright moon pushes the line, and the toothpaste frenzied purchase signal shouts and shakes people.

"They want to cross!"

"I don't have a T." Zoom shouted quickly.

"I am coming!"

Kanavi spoke hurriedly. When he saw the blind monk, he rushed towards the middle road as soon as possible.

Zoe must not die again, otherwise the middle lane will collapse.

Later, when the bright moon eats tapas like crazy, LokeN may not be able to play anymore.

There is no problem in defending the middle of this wave. The stinky thing is that JDG knows that Lee Sin is also in the middle. Titan goes home and adds a real eye + reusable potion. Duan comes online in advance. He puts the eye on the other side of the river and does not take the initiative to hook it. , JDG duo is not afraid of 2v2.

The female tank dared to point out that he was matched with LokeN and the line of troops to counterattack, and there was no gap in AD equipment.

The duo's attention was drawn to the middle, and the blind monk showed up and kicked Tianyin Wave towards Zoe in the middle.

Toothpaste moved away and the prince simply showed up to persuade him to retreat.

Zoom was happily controlling the lane in front of the tower, thinking that the sword demon in the lane was a little bomb.


Flandre, who was hiding in the grass, was secretly doing bad things in Chen Cang.


"The Titan didn't dodge, but the female tank dodges and hits the target! This is a sure kill!"

"Uzi connects the control chain to W!"

"The Sword Demon is coming down! JDG can't fight here at all. MF can only dodge and escape. Titan wants to hook the wall to survive, but Sword Demon E comes up and blocks it with his body."

"No more, no more."

"The head was taken by the sword demon."

"Snake took the dragon, the blind monk went to the dragon pit, the bright moon was heading up the road, the sword demon came, and the female gun couldn't move away because of the enemy. In this wave, Snake used the dragon to kill people without losing the line, and JDG was fooled by the calculation! "

Miller was surprised:

"Wow, the Snake Team is so sophisticated in its operations, every step is well calculated."

"From the moment when the Titan was knocked out of the way, the female tank was eye-catching. There was no sense of stagnation in the linkage between these three lanes and the jungle!"

Colonel Guan said:

"This is the foundation of Dynasty Team!"

"I have seen similar TP transition line operations many times on the Snakes. It is difficult for other teams to achieve such perfection."

"how to say"

“Having another coach on the court makes a real difference.”

"Brother Hao has a super command that even Mata is absolutely convinced of."

Wang Duoduo and Wawa laughed at the side:

"Hahaha, Brother Hao has a bit of a foul."

"Stop talking, Coach Homme is warming up. Kick over the water dispenser right away."

At 6 minutes and 16 seconds, Zoom, who was on the road, worked hard to push his troops under the tower.

Counting the artillery carriage, there are a total of eleven soldiers.

If the sword demon can't eat it, he will definitely lose money.

But the moment he saw the bright moon coming, Zoom's heart froze.

Not only Zoom, but also Toothpaste’s heart has gone cold.

Seeing the bright moon makes him feel uncomfortable.

Aatrox came to the middle, and Flandre's earphones contained a lot of trash talk about Twilight Protoss and Deceiver.

At 6 minutes and 22 seconds, Snake collected the first dragon.

The second Earth Dragon logo appeared.

The guy watching the movie got the lower river crab and entered the Blind Monk Wild Area again.

He countered a group of wild monsters to stop his losses, but the one he could counter was F6.

This time, Kanavi ate up all the F6, leaving only two birdies.

It would be good for JDG to have more economics.

Li Hao returned to the city and exchanged lines with Sword Demon, and got the first blue buff at 7 minutes and 52 seconds.

JDG's response is still quick.

They gave up a wave of soldiers in the bottom lane, and the duo came to the middle lane first. Together with Zoe, there were three people in total, making it impossible for Li Hao to push the lane.

JDG first cleared out the minions in the middle, and then headed towards the Dragon Pit. Because Snake dealt physical damage in the jungle, Jax went home to make up for his armor shoes.

The prince rushed up the road, and now there were five JDG people.

The Zoom Face Jumping Sword Demon launched a forceful attack. There was only the blind monk behind Flandre, who did not dare to take a direct attack. After suffering a loss, he had no choice but to retreat back. From the river's eye position, he could already see JDG outflanking him.

Li Hao cleared the middle soldiers and saw Uzi and Lu Mao returning to the city. He knew that it was too late to go to Dalong Pit to get the vanguard.

Therefore, he did not sit idle and immediately went to the bottom lane, and the duo changed to the middle lane.

At the same time, he sent a signal to Flandre and prepared to escape.

The road tower needs to be placed.

In this wave of team battles, it is risky for Snake to hit hard.

Li Hao goes to the bottom lane to develop and eat Tapi, but he will definitely not be able to get it in the middle lane, because after the vanguard is played, Zoe will not be the only one in the opposite middle lane, and it is safer to come as a duo.

In the mid-term, Li Hao's Diana has absolute combat power, and her development must be guaranteed.

At 9 minutes and 28 seconds, JDG, who got the vanguard, took down the top tower.

The sword demon went home and went to the second tower and knocked out the vanguard.

The factory director came to the lower half of JDG, not sparing any of the Three Wolves, Blue Buff, and Demon Swamp Frog.

At 9 minutes and 58 seconds, JDG's people who returned to the city had just stepped out of the high ground, and the skin of the next tower was eaten away by the bright moon. The two sides exchanged a defensive tower.

Taking into account the monster economy, JDG has only regained a little rhythm, but it has not made any money.

The sword demon lost experience, but he still had heads.

Snake even has a fat, bright moon.

The weapons were switched to the bottom lane, and JDG Ye Fu played two games, hoping to cooperate with the weapons to target the Sword Demon who had switched lanes to the bottom lane.

But Snake also cooperated with the wild assistant and got behind the sword demon.

Because Zoom attacked Sword Demon first, he was backhanded by Flandre and lost nearly half of his health.

The support from both sides was in place, and they met each other in the bottom lane until the point was reached.

The ADs of both sides became Solo in the middle.

This situation made many team uniforms frown.

The two sides are really competing against each other.

Snake's operation was very beautiful, and JDG was able to keep up with the rhythm, and even got the first vanguard, which did not let the Snake team gain momentum.

It is indeed a team that can reach the finals.

10.8 is definitely a bonus for JDG.

In this game, it's not so much that LokeN can meditate, but it's more like watching the film brother meditate.

He helps out in three ways, plus counter-jungle to find rhythm, which is definitely the most critical node for JDG.

In addition, Zoom is in good condition and can pull with one weapon.

If this were not the case, JDG might have been destroyed by the Snake Team.

In the commentary box, the commentators also made similar analyses.

Colonel Guan said: "Toothpaste also woke up and knew that he couldn't compete with Brother Hao. He gave up and stabilized himself online."

"Zoe has long hands after all."

"The truth is correct, but what should Gao Yue do now? In this wave of return to the city, he has already made a rocket belt and not a time staff."

"Brother Hao is eating tapas on the road again. This is so cool!"


At 11 minutes and 4 seconds, there were still three layers of tart skin left on the tower, and the toothpaste came over from the triangle grass.

The next wave of lines has not entered the tower yet.

Toothpaste is smart, he knows to clear the line first.

Pulling a flying star over to kill the remaining blood soldiers, the defense tower's hatred came to Haoyue, and Li Hao could only retreat outside the tower.

It is safer to pinch the hypnotic bubbles with toothpaste hands.


Just as Zoe squeezed into the defense tower, Haoyue, who had already taken some damage from the defense tower and was walking out, suddenly turned around!

Rocket Belt + Light Speed ​​QE + Ignite!

There was a commotion at the scene!

Jiaoyue ignored the error rate and carried the tower to attack!

Toothpaste was horrified. After being stunned for a moment, he almost felt bubbles on his face.

What made him unbelievable was that the bright moon touched his face and immediately flashed. This time it was not penetration, but prejudgment. He guessed Zoe's movements, and the paste was caught off guard!

Zoe flashed out of the tower and climbed over the wall while her scalp was numb.

The bright moon's R skill is activated briefly, and Zoe's vision can be seen when lit. The moment the refreshed E skill flies out, the arrival of the moon has been activated!

The smooth connection of skills and dazzling operations dragged Zoe back and took magic damage. Combined with the burst of W and the slash of flat A, even Zoe, who came with the pick-up healing spell, had turned into blood. .

In desperation, Guozi pressed the R skill to make a hole.

However, Li Hao stayed where he was.

One second later, Gaozi came back from the ground. Li Hao performed a real whack-a-mole and slashed out the Moon Silver Blade, ending Gaozi's despair and pain.

Zoe's health bar was empty and she fell to the ground pitifully.

The cold moon goddess walked over her corpse mercilessly.

"Again hiding from the bubbles!"

"Brother Hao's skills combo is so fast!"

"It's bloody. If Zoe R doesn't leave, it's over. We're going to play whack-a-mole!"


"Toothpaste is dead again!"

"A ruthless killer!"

Colonel Guan yelled in the studio: "Oh my god, it's so scary. Brother Hao came directly. Zoe pinched the air bubbles, and the toothpaste was numbed by prediction!"

"TheKing, is this TheKing!!"

"The King in the finals!"

"This is his confidence in choosing Jiaoyue!"

The doll exaggerated:

"Let me tell you, I feel that the style of the bright moon has changed in Brother Hao's hands."

"The cold moon goddess who is ruthless, cold and murderous."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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