LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 643 Brother Hao-style romance!

On the big screen of the Oriental Sports Center, the explosion of the last wave of team battles was still being replayed.

Jiaoyue jammed the 3-second mark of the Q skill to the extreme, and used an E to refresh the skill on the prince. The female tank kept up with the control. The movie-watching brother EQed under the tower to escape. Jiaoyue immediately gave the next step after rocketing the belt with full CD. Use the Q skill, and use the light speed QE to rush under the gate tower, knock out the moonlight mark in the crowd, and open the W third stage of light speed ER. Brother Kan, LokeN and Toothpaste are all hit, and take explosion damage!

The Golden Moon Body again avoided the ultimate move that Titan made in a panic when he came out of the spring water.

LokeN's female gun was instantly killed!

In Bright Moon Extreme 3E, the murder book has reached the 25th level, Mejia's soul-stealing scroll is full, and LokeN's soul has nowhere to rest.

In this wave, the bright moon was like a swimming dragon. The moment the team battle started, JDG was already defeated.

However, when this last wave of scenes was played back on the big screen, just like the previous five-kill scene, the audience still cheered continuously.

The vast audience, I really enjoyed watching it this time.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Snake won the first game of the finals! Leading 1-0!"

The doll said sincerely:

"I feel like JDG is going to have a headache. In this game, the Snakes are in better shape than the last, and Brother Hao is even more invincible."

"Yes, what should we do in the next BP?"

"Is the way of dispensing toothpaste going to change?"

"The current situation is probably the last thing JDG wants to see."

"Brother Hao scored five kills in the first game, which was a huge blow to JDG's morale!"

In the studio, the commentators have so many topics to discuss, and everyone has a lot of emotions they want to talk about.

The first game between JDG and Snake was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

When the players on the field return to the backstage, the game highlights begin to play.

It was almost a personal show of the Moon Goddess.

After killing Zoe alone in two waves, and then five kills in a team battle, Brother Guozi was crazily arrested by the camera.

Toothpaste has been damaged by Xiu Ma, and his bubbles have never hit the bright moon. How can he play without one skill!

LokeN announced before the game that he wanted to meet Shi Yizhong in the finals, and this time he got his wish.

After Jiao Yue developed, several waves of instant kills against him were Shi Yizhong's response.

As for topics such as LokeN's meditation before the game, they are now brought out to beat the corpse.

This is not to deny LokeN, because their record in the playoffs is really strong.

The voice in the comment area is like this:

"Just like the regular season, LokeN's magic is based on not having a head-on collision with God. Once he confronts God, he immediately turns into a soft-footed shrimp. After watching the entire game, LokeN's power gained from meditation is definitely not as good as Bang. If Bang is at the level of a false god, LokeN can only be regarded as a mini version of a false god."

"Idiot fans and Chuanzi should not compare LokeN and Brother Hao. I was so scared, and LokeN was so ashamed. The gap is too big. One is dominating the game with five kills, and the other is an Ashes-level background. Of course, LokeN's fault is not his. , the mistake is competing on the same stage, and there is only one stage.”

"Some people say that Brother Hao's pentakill will be ended in this final. Does your face hurt now?"

"Brother, go to Brother Hao's bar and have a look. Regarding the dispute about Pentakill, Brother Langhuo and Brother Porter have started a battle!"


During the short break, not only did the topic "The King's Five Kills" become a hot search topic, but it also caused a huge stir in several major forums and post bars.

People who were watching the fun gathered around.

The porter brother and the leader have the same opinion. They are both Max-level Hao fans. They always believe that the five-kill miracle will happen, even if it is very difficult and requires all kinds of harsh conditions to come together.

Before the game, they gave their opinions on the topic of pentakill.

Soon someone challenged them. He was a little-known anchor in Douyu whose ID was Hai.

This person is also a fan of Hao, but he is diametrically opposed to Brother Zhan and others in terms of the Pentakill Miracle. He believes that for things like the Pentakill Miracle, strength is not enough.

Under the fire of some strings and sunspots, the two sides ended up betting.

The loser has to live stream his hair standing on his head.

Unexpectedly, just after the first game, the result of this bet came out.

Soon, in the eSports Louvre, Brother Porter updated this news.

"Hai has admitted defeat and is ready to fulfill the bet. We have also contacted Brother Geng, the Minister of Punishment. He is willing to carry out the execution and bring 'Hai' to the inverted hair washing machine."

"The bet will be fulfilled in the future, but we want to try to contact Brother Hao to see if we can watch it live."

There was a crowd of people watching the fun below laughing, saying they knew how to play.

Bringing the sluts to speak at Brother Hao Bar:

"Continuing the miracle of five kills in the finals is even harder than winning the S championship. I didn't believe it could be done at first, but then I thought about it and realized it was Brother Hao, and I felt relieved. Brother Hao has brought so much. Miracle, if it were him, no matter how slim the hope, it would still produce flowers and fruits."

"So, this is Brother Hao's romance."

"Next, let's enjoy the handstand hair washing performance."

"Hai", one of the protagonists, also appeared on the forum and expressed his feelings:

"First of all, let me emphasize that I am not a little Heizi! I saw some people saying that I am Hao Hei, that is completely nonsense!"

"I have always been a fan of Hao. I don't believe in pentakills because I don't want to put pressure on Brother Hao. I watched the whole match between JDG and Snake this time and I am willing to admit defeat. Brother Hao's performance is still so incredible. What Brother Langguo said to me That’s right, I am a superficial fan, but I still can’t fully appreciate Brother Hao’s romance.”

"Turning the impossible into miracles and presenting them in front of everyone."

"This is Brother Hao, the exclamation mark on the Alliance world."

"But there's one more thing I've always wondered about."

"Is Brother Hao really a carbon-based creature?"

Below the forum, a group of people are ‘criticizing’!

"You said you're not Xiao Heizi! You actually doubted whether Brother Hao was a carbon-based creature. Didn't you know that Brother Hao was a silicon-based creature?"

"A friend of mine lives in the Centaur constellation. We have few topics in common, but when it comes to The King, everyone knows that he is the world champion. This is not a secret in the Gliese 667 galaxy."

"This little anchor is not the main target at all. Heizi and Chuanzi who gathered before are, but their vitality is too weak. He was the only one in the finals, and the gang dispersed."

Someone said with a smile: "The judgment of whether or not five kills in the finals can be used as material really convinced the black men. Can this kind of material appear in ordinary professional players? Or, can we find a second person suitable for placement? Common discussions, Shouldn’t it be about whether we can win the final?”

"So, Brother Hao is unique from the very beginning."

The gaming circle is extremely lively, and the bright moon players feel like celebrating the New Year.

They were waiting for a dream game.

The only person who can bring this hero out in the competition and create unparalleled glory is this man~!

At that moment, many members of the Bright Moon Bar with the tag "Shine the White Moon" suggested it.

"Master, add Brother Hao to our avatar~!"

They like this hero, and many people regard him as a unique skill. Today, when the Rank environment is getting worse and worse, it is increasingly difficult for old Haoyue players to persist. Now, they have hope again.

The cold Moon Goddess, through the God of Alliance, sheds divine light on the bright moon players.

As they often say: the moon will always rise.

Bright Moon players have received a game that is enough to make them obsessed.

This is the only game in the league where Haoyue scored five kills in an official game.

Last year’s Death Song Bar was crazy, and this year’s Bright Moon Bar was a carnival.

Friends in a group are even more frantic in forwarding messages, calling out to friends with the same preferences.

The people in the dog head bar paid attention silently.

Some old kobolds shouted wildly: "Brother Hao, can you play with the kobolds? The dry and dead desert also needs divine light."

Someone said happily:

"Brother Hao has experience taking dog heads to the toilet to smell them, right? Hahaha, that picture is so beautiful, it will explode if you look at it again."


Backstage at JDG, the uniform staff gave the injured players a wave of chicken soup for their souls, using simple words such as 'the audience's expectations are low', 'the game was not bad', and 'very capable of doing better'.

I can’t say how thick the chicken soup is, because time is limited.

A big defeat in the first game does not mean that JDG will give up.

From the moment they came to this arena, they were prepared for the current situation, and the players quickly came to their senses.

Coach Homme opened pages of tactical notes. He denied many of his previous ideas, but there were still many tactics that could be used.

In order to deal with Snake, Homme is fully prepared!

He slapped the tactical board, focusing everyone's attention.



"We need more collaboration!"

"If you can't open the middle lane, just hit the top or bottom lane!"

"Kanavi, you have to be more precise than in the last game. Although you have done well enough, I hope you can do better, not to wipe your teammates' butts, but to lead the team. In the spring split, you did a lot of things like this This time you have to stand up."

Looking at Homme's trusting eyes, Brother Kanpi stood up excitedly and shouted "Yes" with a red face!



Homme said: "You executed our tactics perfectly in the last game. The biggest flaw is just one. Don't try to show off with The King again, at least not today. The King is in a terrible state. This monster is not something you can match up with at this time." 1 defeated.”

"Next, in terms of tactics, you have to execute better and don't be a personal hero."

"Remember, you are facing off against the most powerful player on the planet! Don't take any chances. Our entire coaching team still can't understand his computing power."

Toothpaste took a deep breath and nodded to show his understanding.

Homme also gave Duan, LokeN, and Zoom pointers one by one, explaining the pros and cons.

JDG's coaching team is working hard.

Afterwards, gathered in front of the tactical board, Homme talked about a series of tactics and gave everyone a new script.

When the sound of cheering came from JDG's side, so did Snake next door.

Soon, the second game begins.

JDG took the initiative to choose the red side.

After some BP, the two sides locked in a completely different lineup from the previous game.

Snake: Ornn, troll, Syndra, female gun, cat

JDG: Sylas, Kindred, Rambo, Varus, Braum

One wants to get the match point, and the other wants to get back to the same starting line. In this game, everyone no longer tests, and everyone is extremely cautious.

Toothpaste took the coaching staff’s words to heart.

This time, he would rather lose troops than waste his troops in front of Li Hao.

The junglers on both sides tried to find opportunities, but neither succeeded.

JDG played steadily, and in 6 minutes, the two sides were still 0:0.

However, Snake still has the advantage in the middle. When Syndra disabled Rambo with a set of skills, the Snake team happened to be pushing the lane below. Li Hao immediately commanded his teammates and captured the first fire dragon at 6 minutes and 35 seconds.

But soon, JDG’s linkage began.

Kanavi and Duan both swam to the top lane at 8 minutes and 01 seconds, forming a three-pack with Zoom on Ornn. In this wave, Flandre was strong enough to use Kindred's ultimate move.

JDG had the numerical advantage, but Ornn still died.

Syndra arrived in time and took over Qian Jue. The two sides played 1 for 1 on the top lane.

However, there is only one LokeN in the bottom lane, and it is a bit difficult to play as Uzi and Lumao take advantage of him.

Backstage at JDG, the coaching staff saw this situation and knew that they had suffered a loss. Everyone was very nervous, for fear of making another big mistake.

JDG showed their resilience and they stabilized the situation.

At 12 minutes and 22 seconds, the two teams were fighting in the bottom lane. Toothpaste finally made a sound. Rambo made a big move and R hit three people!

This hero's ultimate move does high damage in the early and mid-term.

Even though this wave of Snake team battles started well, they were forced to retreat.

Kanavi used Sheep's Breath to save LokeN from Syndra's ultimate move, which was almost only one ball away from damage. It was so extreme that LokeN was sweating from behind in the players' seats. He had just been pushed by Syndra's predicted movement, and he thought he was going to die.

Coach Homme and others shouted "Nice", but their hearts were agitated, it was so exciting!

As soon as Snake retreated, JDG successfully controlled the water dragon.

The two sides competed with each other.

The dragon soul in this field will be the earth dragon.

At 14 minutes and 23 seconds, JDG regained its rhythm, and five people invaded Snake's red zone.

This time, they came for Syndra.

However, what shocked the spectators in the major competition areas was that after realizing that the JDG people were missing, the man in the middle, with amazing awareness, gave up half the wave of minions without vision, retreated towards the blue zone, and got out of the way of JDG A sure-fire design!

"Damn it! I don't want any more soldiers, let's go!"

"Here goes!"

"Brother Hao, oh my god!"

In the super watching group, General Sturgeon jumped up in fright.

"How did Brother Hao know!"

"This wave has no vision!"

The bald man made a classic comment: "I don't understand, I really don't understand, Brother Hao is so weird!"

"He guessed it!"

"If the knife doesn't repair it, it's already too late!"

"It's scary, this consciousness!"

"Dandy's consciousness must have been strong enough back then. I don't think it was enough to see him in front of Brother Hao. It was like opening the whole map. I felt that JDG was confused at the time and doubted whether he was seen by the eye."

On the big screen, the director specially gave the view, and Syndra really avoided it with consciousness.

However, JDG responded very quickly. Everyone was pinging wildly in the bottom lane and finally caught Snake's flaw. Not everyone has the abnormal sense of smell and execution ability as in the middle lane.

JDG fought all the way to the second tower and killed the female gunner and the cat. The factory director accidentally moved and was hit by Silas' E and was killed again.

At this moment, JDG relied on linkage and bold speed changes, and in an extremely risky play style, completed 0 for 3!



Cui Hu and others went crazy, shouting excitedly, analyst Vusso slapped the team leader on the side, and everyone in the JDG uniform team was excited.

Hope, burning hope!

JDG made the right bet. They gained the advantage and controlled the third dragon at 17 minutes and 42 seconds.

In the next few minutes, people on both sides interacted with each other, but it was all dry and there was no big rhythm.

JDG has the upper hand, but they have to be careful with Syndra.

Syndra had a kill, and her last hit was the highest in the game.

At 21 minutes and 47 seconds, a battle broke out between the two sides in the river. The troll pillar combined with the female gun's ultimate move to hit a lot of AOE.

Zoom controlled Silas to enter the field from the side, but not only did it not achieve any effect, but after Syndra's physical skills were messed up, he was hit by Li Hao's ultimate move. Zoom became the springboard for the dark sphere, allowing Syndra to launch it at the river mouth. The goddess's skills shocked everyone, and the three of JDG were stunned! Kanavi pressed the R button frantically, but Syndra hit her face with W, killing the stunned Kindred.

Flandre came from a distance and took away the residual blood of Braum. Rambo, who was out of touch, was also killed.

In this wave, Snake only had the troll killed, but with 1 for 3, he really fought back.

At 24 minutes and 01 seconds, the two sides entered a balance of power and another team battle broke out.

Zoom continued to cut sideways and was arrested on the spot by Syndra. This time, he did not flash and was instantly killed by Li Hao!

But Kanavi relied on her ultimate move to kill the troll who had oversold him, and snatched away the dragon with the female gun's ultimate move, avenging the previous game.

Flandre's TP circled back and cut off Varus and Rambo's retreat. Snake took advantage of the victory and pursued the enemy, killing Toothpaste who risked his life to cut off the enemy.

Snake made a one-for-three and was already ahead financially.

But JDG didn't panic, their Dragon Soul listened to the card!

Snake is in poor condition, and there is no jungler, so he doesn't dare to bet on Baron in this wave.

The outside audience was surprised. They didn't expect JDG to be so good at playing.

Just three minutes later, the two sides fought again in the lower river.

This time, Silas stole Ornn's ultimate move, and Zoom and Flandre each shouted "Sheep".

LokeN wanted to make a contribution. When Syndra moved to hide from the sheep, he blocked his vision in the grass, suddenly cast a cold arrow, flashed towards Syndra and gave R!

Unexpectedly, Syndra reacted in a shocking way, flashed forward, almost dodged LokeN's ultimate move with a shuttle dodge, and pushed him unconscious with his backhand. WR instantly killed him!

Kanavi was a beat too slow when he flashed to R to save people.

This resulted in JDG also having to be started.

Silas rushed forward, Syndra stopped the clock to avoid JDG's first round of damage, Pig Dog continued to use pillars to cooperate with his ultimate move, and Holy Spear Ornn flashed into the pillar, and the green-haired cat opened R, forming a formation with Pig Dog The four parties cooperated, allowing a bunch of JDG people to get full of big moves next to Syndra's golden man!

LokeN's face was ashen, JDG only flashed Rambo and removed the explosive fruit, and everyone else was buried under the perfect ultimate move of the Snake Team!

The Oriental Stadium was in a state of excitement.

Snake didn't die and took the dragon with his backhand, establishing a victory in one fell swoop!

At 30 minutes and 2 seconds, Snake relied on the Baron Buff to forcibly cut through the two highlands of JDG. When Syndra retreated, he pushed the two of them unconscious and beat Rambo to half health. JDG could not retain anyone and watched Snake helplessly. retreat.

At 32 minutes and 9 seconds, Snake advanced from the middle.

The pressure from the two super soldiers was too great, and JDG was too busy to defend.

If you delay any longer, you can only wait for death.

Under Rambo's ultimate move, JDG started a team without thinking and launched a death charge!

They rushed into the formation and killed Syndra by force. They waited until the light flashed and rushed towards Syndra.

Li Hao replaced two people before he died, and Uzi cooperated with the remaining three to harvest!

JDG was wiped out, and Snake ended the game with a wave!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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