LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 69 Hurt Your Woman Naruto


"Wow, Snake is locked in seconds, and the Counter on the fifth floor directly selects the Lord of Shadow Stream!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted excitedly: "The Emperor is full of fighting spirit, and The King here is also full of fighting spirit! I haven't seen the duel between these two heroes for a long time!"

Rita also blushed because she explained loudly:

"Yes, the Emperor's Yasuo versus TheKing's Zed, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

"For many viewers, I think today's game is really worth the price of admission!"

Remember to exaggerate quickly: "Times have changed, and the two people facing each other in the middle of the field are both veterans. The King is looking for his former peak, and he takes out the number one Yasuo in the Korean server. The King is at his peak, and he faces the Lord of Shadow Stream head-on. This Definitely a classic fight!”


The commentators were excited, and the audience at the scene was equally excited. Not only was the barrage on the LPL TV station non-stop, but the South Korean side was also very excited.

Korean broadcast platform:

Dade's games are very popular in South Korea and are often broadcast. True Love fans still believe in this once legendary player.

"Dade, come on!"

"Seeing Oppa's Yasuo again, he will definitely win!"

"Senior, I entered the alliance after watching your game. Please use your sword to judge the guy opposite, Smecta!"


On the big screen, the heroes changed positions, and an exciting game began!

NB vs. Snake:

Previous unit: Rambo vs Kennan

Jungle position: Blind Sin vs. Grain Barrel

Mid unit: Yasuo vs Zed

ADC position: Lucian vs Jhin

Support position: Thresh vs Braum

On the stage, Chris shook hands with Coach Hiro, and the scene soon came to Summoner's Rift.

Someone noticed that when the Lord of Shadow Stream walked out of the spring, the man sitting in the middle of Snake's player seat held up a thermos cup as usual.

The director tilted his mouth and skillfully completed the task assigned by the director, capturing someone's movements and giving them a close-up.

Suddenly, all kinds of jokes started flying in the barrage.

Li Hao bought the long sword three reds when he went out, which increased the fault tolerance and battery life, and made it smoother when he returned home for the first time to synthesize the dagger.

The hero Zed has certain requirements for hand speed, mind, and reaction.

At different moments, you need to come up with the appropriate sequence of combos and know your own killing line.

This hero also has two amazing features:

1. Have the ‘Successful Loser Buff’ that even a loser will be remembered in the history of the league.

2. When you have a woman who hurts you, you may become a 'Hokage'.

This version of Jie is really not weak.

Li Hao remembers clearly that until December 2017, Zed's W skill also had a passive, which was a percentage attack power bonus, which could be increased by 20% when it was full.

This one, the emperor uses Yasuo.

These two are a classic matchup, and they often encounter each other in the pub game.

If other factors are not considered, Zed at level 1-2 is at a disadvantage, Zed at level 3-5 is evenly matched, Zed at level 6 is easier to kill, and the curve of the hero is quite clear.

Yasuo is definitely easier to catch than Zed with W because of the forward-moving attribute of E.

At level 1, the two teams guarded the river and did not cause trouble.

From a God's perspective, before going online, the duo on both sides were eating Demon Swamp Frogs and Stone Monsters at the same time.

Because the current experience of non-epic wild monsters only belongs to the one who kills them, the duo cannot share the experience equally. Those who grab level 2 online are basically the ADCs of both sides.

On Snake's side, Cuihua starts with a regular stone monster. After reaching level 3, you will just enter the lower half of the river near the river, which can form a certain degree of protection for the duo.

NB's Swift started with the Demon Swamp Frog, and he and Zzr basically thought of going together.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, Li Hao cut the camera to the middle.

There is no doubt that you can learn Q at level 1.

Li Hao followed Xiao Bing, paying great attention to his position.

Jie is very weak at level 1. If it cannot replenish its troops, it will not do so. It must not be over-consumed, resulting in a disadvantage in the line. While finishing the last hit, use Q to wear down your opponent.

The priority is bloodline \u003e troop replenishment \u003e consumption.

When fighting Yasuo, use Q skills to break shields, penetrate troops, and replenish troops.

In the middle, the emperor came up with a Q and directly poked the minion.

Li Hao, who was well prepared, flew out a shuriken directly, passing through the melee soldiers and flying past Yasuo.

With a sound of 'Cang~', Yasuo's white shield of sword intent was broken.

Dade knew that the cooldown of the shuriken was 6 seconds, so he pressed forward directly in front of the melee soldiers, hoping that Li Hao would miss the sword.

He was focused this time and cared about some details.

However, Li Hao had already made a calculation. When his second Q shot turned well, the melee soldier with residual health that he had previously Q'ed had just enough health to take it away with one Q.

Jie didn't lean forward at all. A gust of wind gathered on the Emperor's body as he looked for an angle.


The strong wind passed by, and I was easily able to avoid it by moving.

Li Hao's next Q shot was to take away the other two remaining health soldiers before his own long-range soldiers could be damaged.

The second wave of minions comes online, and the emperor plays tricks.

He pretended to retreat, but the Lord of Shadow Stream actually moved forward.

When he was robbing Soldier A, Yasuo suddenly pulled back and slashed out with Steel Flash at great speed!

Unexpectedly, for such an unexpected blow, the opponent still gave up the last hit and then turned around to avoid it.

Such a reaction!

The emperor was slightly shocked.

At the moment, he had no skills, so Zed turned around and took the last hit without missing a single soldier.

The two of them went one to two.

At this time, the emperor moved a little more carefully, and the red buff of the wine barrel on the opposite side must have been finished.

Zzr likes to hit the mark now, and he doesn't dare to be careless.

However, Swift gave strong support and controlled the blind monk to squat on the right side of the middle wall for a few seconds. Seeing that the wine barrel did not come, he did not dare to waste time and went directly to the lower half of the area.

Li Hao learned E at the second level, not only to facilitate last-hitting, but also to deal with rushing heroes.

We all know that level three tribulations are very powerful in terms of consumption. Therefore, heroes with dashes like Nandao, Yasuo, and Little Murloc all like to come up to level two and attack with sudden attacks.

The emperor is very eager to fight and is naturally very aggressive.

Dade glanced at Zed who was hiding behind the ranged soldiers as the QDC. He immediately controlled Yasuo. First, he used E to kill a melee soldier with low health. The second E, he stepped forward and stepped over the ranged soldiers. The step forward was extremely smooth and he came directly. Go to the Lord of Shadow Stream.

Li Hao didn't panic at all. He knocked down the white shield of sword intent with his flat hand, and Yasuo also hit him.

Ghost Slayer (E) followed up to deal damage, and the emperor directly EQ'd Jie's body. He controlled the distance well and did not have the embarrassing situation of E entering the tower. He made another basic attack with his backhand, and then the E long-range soldier left.

Because Yasuo's attack speed is faster, it looks smooth.

However, Li Hao's damage was not less. When Yasuo stepped forward and slashed away, he accurately chased out a shuriken, triggering the thunder, and Yasuo's blood dropped a little.

Azordolan sword plus his own shield, Dade looks healthier after the blood exchange.

Although Li Hao did not suffer a loss, he no longer gave the emperor a chance to exchange blood easily.

When the third wave of artillery soldiers came up, he controlled Zed to stand at a safe distance and only used his Q to hit the target, not allowing the windy Yasuo to come up and do a set.

Dade couldn't find a breakthrough, so he could only blow the wind, but Li Hao moved to avoid it.

He had no choice but to push the line and advance to level 3 first.

Then, Dade leaned towards the river in the lower half of the area and helped the blind monk easily take down the river crab. When Jiugong saw that the middle line of troops entered the tower and the disaster was impossible, he gave up the river crab directly.

Li Hao supplements the tower sword in the middle. Because of the passive [Soul-Destroying Tribulation], it is enough for him to have the tower sword in hand.

After reaching level 3, the situation in the middle lane quietly changed.

The Emperor's Yasuo no longer dares to play E as happily as before.

At 3 minutes and 49 seconds, the two sides battled in the bottom lane.

Thresh hooked Braum, and Lucian beat Jiezou below half health with one move. Braum backhand Qed Lucian, Gangzi's fatal brilliance (W) immobilized Lucian, and with his backhand A, he threw a Manwu grenade.

Gangzi wanted to continue chasing A and play the Whisper passive, but Swift's blind monk suddenly came to kill him. Jiezou was very decisive and directly dodged to avoid the sound wave.

Gangzi could only retreat, and was chased by Thresh and Lucian.

After looking at the soldier line, Gangzi directly handed over the treatment acceleration to ensure the health of the blood line.

Swift grabbed a wave and temporarily helped Aishe Jiayi gain an online advantage.

However, Kennen, the holy gun brother on the road, lost his V blood too quickly due to several waves of precise QW consumption, and was knocked home and handed over TP at 4 minutes and 54 seconds.

In the middle, whether it is the Emperor or TheKing, they are very careful in laning.

From the perspective of God, we can see that both Barrel and Blind Sin went to the middle to counter-crouch at the beginning of 4 minutes. The smell of gunpowder was very strong, but they never found an opportunity.

Moreover, both Zzr and Swift know very well that once the opponent counter-crouches, the rhythm will be lost.

At 6 minutes and 05 seconds, Yasuo in the middle reached 6, and Kenan in the top lane also reached 6.

Li Hao cut the screen and saw the troops on the top lane, and immediately said: "Cuihua, go up and do Rambo."

Brother Holy Spear smiled and said: "You can try to surpass. I have a big move. V lost experience before. Rambo can only reach 6 after taking this wave."

Zzr marked the opposite jungle area, and there was no vision at all in the blue area.

"The blind monk may squat backwards, and Swift's head is not exposed."

Li Hao stared at the status of himself and the emperor, with a faint smile flashing at the corner of his mouth, "Just go over there. As soon as Mr. Xuan pushes the line, the blind monk will definitely get there, so don't get there."

"This wave, just lure the blind monk over."



Watching the military line advance, Li Hao's eyes were fixed on the swordsman.

The emperor who reached six looked eager to try.

Li Hao was making calculations, and the voice of the Lord of Shadow Stream also echoed in his ears.

"——The ignorant are doomed!"

('-'*ゞThanks to [Master Yulong], [Do you know where the most beautiful girl is], [The girl was given homework by three teachers], [Uncle Shen] for the 2000 point reward! Thanks to [You Gu Fangcaoshi]’s 500-point reward! Thank you book friends for your support!

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