LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 664 The Second Sweep

The record set by Enhuang shocked the entire background world.

Nisqy avoided the throne in the 2019 season when the Emperor of Japan conferred the title of Twelve Emperors. I thought he was an ordinary and dedicated professional player, but no one expected that he would be a big hit this year!

Dragon Emperor Huhi, one of the Twelve Emperors, grasped the flow and commented as if he had cut off his arm:

"Compared with The King, what I played in front of The King can only be said to be lackluster, while The King was quite explosive."

C9 is the North American team after all.

King P, who was an early player in the competition area, also released news. Two incredible data charts and an exaggerated death record made King P use the word "art" to describe it.

"Nisqy has died in front of The King many times, but you can't feel how rough his operation is. Isn't it strange?"

"So, Nisqy is performing art."

"This is a group match that will always be appreciated and remembered."

TSM's Boss Orangutan Captain stood up to speak for Benhuang when people misunderstood him, claiming that Nisqy was by no means a complete person.

That's Kassadin, Nisqy is motivated to win.


He can't reach level 16.

This night, the Luquan forum was flooded with grace.

At the same time, after yesterday's fermentation, many Msi-related videos have exploded in traffic. For example, in the popular channel of Xiaopo Station, a video production with tens of millions of views suddenly appeared and quickly occupied the first place on the list.

This grandma with only 10,000 fans never dreamed that he would become a huge hit by narrating and editing five videos of 10,000 people from beginning to end, coupled with his master-level understanding and matching BGM.

The video quality is not top-notch, but I stayed up late to make it.

This wave is really on the cusp of the trend.

Several grannies who were similar to him cut into this MSI from different angles and locked the perspective of Shi Yizhong, and they all reaped big bonuses.

Foreign video playback software is similar, and the e-sports section has been dominated by 2020Msi.

Li Hao's enthusiasm surprised many industry practitioners.

On May 14, the group stage came to the last day.

Today's first battle is another dialogue between T1 and Snake.

The Big Demon King and others regrouped for a new round of game. After discussion with Kuima and others, the Demon King sent his natal hero, Galio.

As the saying goes, if you fly, I will fly.

Li Hao chose Silas as a response.

After some BP, the lineups of both sides were locked.

Snake: Ornn, Digger, Sylas, Skate Shoes, Sett

T1: Shen, Prince, Galio, Aphelios, Braum

After a day of reflection, T1 finally came up with something new.

Dracula Cuzz finally withdrew his fangs and got down to business.

The time had just reached two minutes, and Cuzz took advantage of Snake's unpreparedness and gambled to catch him at the second level.

Uzi and Lvmao played relatively strongly because they were online, while Captain and Effort deliberately showed weakness, and they cooperated perfectly with Cuzz.

The prince was successfully captured, and Cuzz struck and killed Seti with a flash of blood, cutting off the green hair's head.

It's hard to get ahead if you have two big guys messing around on the road.

Galio is Faker's famous hero. It's extremely difficult for Li Hao to kill him alone when he gets Sylas, especially when Faker himself doesn't have murderous intentions.

The Korean audience was not happy for long. Two minutes later, Snake hit a rhythm that caught T1 off guard.

At 4 minutes and 05 seconds, Ornn and Silas, who were in better condition, used the teleportation saved on hand to execute the plan Li Hao made after losing the first wave in the bottom lane.

Cuzz got to the bottom lane in time.

But this time, their summoner skills did not improve. Under the encirclement and suppression by Snake and the five others, none of the three survived.

Two minutes later, Cuzz wanted to get information about whether Snake had hit the first water dragon. He went to the jungle alone and was detained by the factory director's excavator. Silas came from the middle, and Faker was forced to hand over the big call for support.

But Snake's bottom lane just happens to push the lane under the T1 tower, and it is faster to support towards the river.

In the end, Faker, who was taunting after the break, became a miserable man. He was beaten to a low level by Uzi with his spear. He flashed to escape and was followed by Li Hao. He was whipped to death by the garlic man's whip near the blue buff.

Cuzz showed his true form, the bat wings spread out, and he clicked the explosive fruit + EQ twice in a thrilling way to save his life.

Dracula Cuzz lived up to his reputation. This wave sucked away at least 300CC of the big devil, and Faker shouted for blood transfusion.

Galio's first wave of ultimate moves has lost its rhythm.

The flash is knocked out and then killed.

Everyone wipes Cuzz's butt.

T1 once again fell into a disadvantage, and the head ratio of 4-1 lasted until 9 minutes.

At this moment, Snake has accepted the Vanguard, and the factory director summoned the Vanguard in front of Shen.

Then Aoun turned over, and the two cooperated with each other to jump over the tower and kill Canna.

Li Hao kept clinging to Faker, and Galio didn't dare to fly.

Watching the team heading towards the abyss step by step, Faker also became anxious.

At 13 minutes and 19 seconds, the big devil wants to get stuck before Tapi disappears, and eat as much as possible to gain economy while Silas is away.

But the Snakes' net had already come around from all directions.

Four people double-teamed him, and Li Hao took away the demon king's head from the chaotic army.

At 18 minutes into the game, T1's economic deficit reached 4,500 yuan.

The snake team has water dragon, fire dragon, and earth dragon. They get three in a row, and the dragon soul draws the card.

Although T1 is at a considerable disadvantage, there is still a chance in this game.

The captain died once, but there were no kills on Uzi's side. Teddy has been diligently developing, making up for every blow, and focusing on the game.

His teammates are also giving him money.

On the economic panel given by the director, he has 7,330 yuan, while Uzi is still a little short of 7,000 yuan, and he also has a mining knife.

It was obvious that the captain wanted to C.

At 23 minutes and 49 seconds, Snake used the Earth Dragon Soul to force the team.

While the Snake team was fighting the dragon, they were also fighting with T1, competing for each other's vision.

With several skills thrown back and forth dividing the battlefield, the river situation is relatively chaotic.

Just when Xiaolong's health was running low, T1 could only act.

Cuzz controlled Prince EQ to enter the Dragon Pit and failed to fight for punishment. The factory director punished Cuzz one step faster. He shouted excitedly in the team voice, "Dragon Soul blessing, economic lead, the Snake Team was immediately full of momentum, unafraid of T1's counterattack."

Li Hao was extremely calm. Chris and others were in the background and could hear him shouting for Aphelios and constantly pinpointing Aphelios's position. This made everyone in the Snake Team have a very clear idea of ​​​​the team fight.

As for the other people in T1, Snake didn't care at all.

After the director's punishment was successful, he dug a tunnel and flashed W towards Teddy.

The captain dodged and dodged with great agility.

But in the blink of an eye, Teddy in the T1 player bench saw the Snakes taking a series of risks from the corner of his eye.

The sound of chains clattered.

Silas's second E pulled Teddy in, and Uzi threw Seti.

When the gate of heaven opens, the fire sheep gallops.

T1 used various skills to protect Teddy, but from the moment Aphelios was hit by Silas E, he was destined to die.

Controlling skills one after another, the fragile AD melted due to unknown damage.

Facts have proved that T1's four guarantees and one is an old routine, and the Snakes have great experience in playing four guarantees and one.

As soon as Aphelios died, T1 took control in place and launched a small counterattack.

But without the big core, T1 lacks the source of follow-up damage. If you control it for three seconds, this wave of team battles will still be unwinnable.

None of T1 escaped, and the group was destroyed in the river.

Snake had a lot of health remaining, but no one died. Everyone came to the Dragon Pit and took over Baron Nash.

At this point in the game, the T1 players on the field also knew that the game was over.

Garbage time lasted until 27 minutes and 21 seconds. Snake was unstoppable and pushed all the way to win the group's second victory against T1.

The cheers at the Olympic Sports Center continued for a long time, and the Chinese players were delighted.

When shaking hands after the game, the big devil, who had lost another game, was in a bad mood.

Glancing at Cuzz aside, he remembered what Li Hao said the day before yesterday. Cuzz provided a lot of money at that time.

Got some blood today.

But so what?

Isn’t it an undercover act?

What made Faker even more angry was that he watched Li Hao walking towards Dracula Cuzz and actually gave the undercover words of encouragement.

He finally understood.

This was done deliberately to irritate him.

When Li Hao came over, the big devil didn't speak to him. He looked very depressed and aggrieved.

He really wanted to win against Li Hao.

"Xianghe, see you in the finals."

Li Hao smiled and left a sentence.

Faker didn't respond, but he couldn't help but look at his old enemy's retreating back.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

After losing the second game, Faker had a different feeling.

Although Li Hao's data is not as explosive as in the first round.

But the atmosphere of the game created by Snake under this leadership made Faker feel very depressed.

In this year's LCK Spring Split, T1 had many comebacks from a disadvantage.

But facing Li Hao's team, the sense of despair at a disadvantage is something that the LCK team cannot give.

Samsung ranked first in the regular season.

Faker feels that this season's Samsung is still a slow classic car.

And the Snakes.

The roaring chariot.

It is really unreasonable for the LPL senior team to achieve such an effect.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, as C9 defeated TLN, it was clear who would advance to the group stage and who would be eliminated.

In the final match of the group stage, KBM will face Snake again. Regardless of victory or defeat, the ranking will not be affected.

Both teams did not disappoint.

For the 9 o'clock game, the Samba Star Group and the Snakes selected an all-star lineup.

The mid laner T-Huang was so excited that he chose the mid laner Yasuo and equipped it with Li Hao's championship skin.

The skin of Sword Girl was not released, so Li Hao chose the mid laner Sword Demon, which also has the championship skin.

The factory director played the Widow, and Flandre took down Kennen. She also had an S-crown skin, which highlighted her heritage.

Uzi, who was undergoing load management in the background, shouted at Zuo Wu about blood loss.

If I had known it was so exciting, I would have asked Shi No. 1 Middle School to let us enjoy it again.

Especially when Emperor T selected the swordsman, Uzi could not hide the envy in his eyes.

"It's so much fun! It's so much fun."

"This is a series that I will never regret in this life."

Uzi chattered on and on.

Zuo Wu said: "If you choose Yasuo, I feel you can defend against Brother Hao alone."

Uzi smiled proudly: "Right."

"The intensity is still there, but it's a pity that I didn't have the chance to play."

Lu Mao suggested: "You can queue up with Brother Hao, wait for a second lock opportunity on the fifth floor, and stab him in the back."

"That should be quite fun."

Uzi imagined that beautiful scene, with a smile on his lips.

But he thought of something again and shook his head decisively:

"Enjoy it, but forget it."

"I don't dare."

Lu Mao lowered his head and smiled secretly.

The little fat guy just pretends to be happy, but he is actually cowardly.

However, just think about Brother Hao's stern face when he suddenly became serious, coupled with his terrifying personal aura, and think of his series of honors and status in the e-sports world.

Lu Mao's body trembled.

It's really scary to stab Brother Hao suddenly in the back.

If Brother Hao is in a bad mood and sinks directly into the river, even the coquettish pig will not be able to fish him out.

He asked the well-informed Zuo Wu:

"Manager, I heard that Brother Hao was the boss in Los Angeles last year. He had a group of gangsters who were escorted by a large number of bodyguards when he went out. Is this true?"

Zuo Wu nodded directly without thinking.

"it is true."

"I have specifically sought verification on this matter, so please don't go around talking about it."

Zuo Wu said seriously: "It's on Santa Monica Boulevard, close to the center, and very close to the North Hollywood Bank. When Brother Hao was running at night, he encountered a group of gangsters robbing a supermarket. On Brother Hao's head, Brother Hao's vision and terrain were blocked, and he killed several of them with a rifle."

"I see!"

"Brother Hao is holding two spears and using the holy spear to baptize, right? Hahahaha..."

"Ha ha!"


Although the game has already begun, it does not affect the relaxed atmosphere backstage at all.

There is no suspense about the outcome of this game.

The T King in Brazil has no record of playing Yasuo in his entire career. Now facing Shi Yizhong, you can know just by thinking about it.

In the final moments of MSI, neither the Brazilian team nor T-King will be obsessed with winning a game.

A valuable opportunity to interact with Samba e-sports idols.

Maybe, it's just this once in a lifetime.

Even the two Korean juniors in KBM followed the atmosphere in this game and completely relaxed. They dared to fight and send away, and there was no need to hesitate to take the lead.

King T is happy with his E soldiers in the middle. Judging from the consistency of his E soldiers and the accuracy of his Q skills, it is obviously not very good.

At 3 minutes and 03 seconds, Emperor T gave away his head in joy.

But what he gave was not first blood. Assistant Ceos gave first blood in the opening 2:32 of the fight.

Snake also gave the Brazilian a chance. He played in a rough manner and jumped over the tower when he should.

In the lively offensive battle, KBM got 8 heads from the Snakes and gave away 24.

T Huang and others can be proud. They are the team that cut off the most heads from the Snakes in the 2020 MSI group stage.

And this is the last one, don’t worry about others breaking it.

Such a small honor can already satisfy the CBlol division.

At 28 minutes and 19 seconds, Snake destroyed KBM on the high ground and sent away the Samba Army in one wave.

The audience at the Olympic Sports Center applauded.

Dedicated to the most powerful team in the history of e-sports, congratulations to Snake for winning the group stage and completing two rounds of sweeps.

At the same time, applause is also dedicated to KBM.

CBlol’s passion for e-sports will have greater brilliance in the future.

At the same time, Brazil's domestic Luhuan circle also focused on reporting on this game.

There was no strategy and the fight was very chaotic.

But they enjoyed watching it.

As Gayle said in the CBlol studio: "KBM has completed their mid-season mission, and they have conveyed the spirit of the Cblol division."

"We also successfully met the esports legends at the Olympic Stadium in 2017 and witnessed the continuation of the legend."

"CBlol has added its own shadow to this story. This will inspire Samba Esports. The future of CBlol is exciting. We will have the opportunity to get closer to the legend The King and move in his direction."

When shaking hands after the game, Brazilian midfielder Tuts was as excited as he was in the first round.

Trembling and with a hint of uneasiness, he took the initiative to ask Li Hao if he could still visit the Demon City Snake Team base?

Li Hao smiled and assured that there would be no problem.

After a series of friendly handshakes, the 2020 MSI group stage officially ended.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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