LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 673 The end!

"I can only say I'm sorry for T1."

In the North American commentary box, Smith did not hide the smile on his face:

"They are tough enough, and their performance in the second game even exceeded my pre-match expectations. After all, they were psychologically traumatized by Theking in the first game. The LCK players are stronger than I thought, but this round of finals T1 The probability of winning is already 0, yes, I don’t think there is any miracle at all.”

"No one on this planet can face The King and play two to three. This is better than a pig that can fly. It is much lower than the possibility of me winning the lottery twice in one day and being struck by lightning and being attacked by a shark at the same time."

"The award presenters should prepare in advance."

David on the side fully agreed with Smith's point of view: "We are here in Shanghai. The audience here has the same emotions as me at the moment. Everyone is conquered by The King's performance."

"If Faker could have the same impact as TheKing when using Rambo in the last game, I think T1's current situation will be different."

"I want to apologize to Rambo, because when I usually use this hero, I always complain that the sound effects of his death are so exaggerated and noisy."

"It's not Rambo's fault at all."

"If it's operated by The King, you basically can't hear those sound effects."

"In this game, he showed us the correct gameplay of mid laner Rambo, how to deal the most fatal blow to the opponent, how to destroy the opponent's defense in one second, and the timing and angle of his ultimate move. Rambo players can play well Learn something.”

The two Haobui commentators were very excited, and the old commentator Riv was equally excited.

The perspective of his comments is closer to the tactical changes of the two teams:

"T1 has prepared a lot of weapons, but Snake also has his own arsenal."

"For example, Canna, who was in good condition, was immediately targeted by Snake in this game. The King used a wave of TP to protect him, and a wave of linked junglers to catch him. It was very critical to limit Canna's rhythm and prevent him from being like the Crocodile in the previous game. The development of Canna’s equipment has led to the C level being lagging behind and unable to produce sufficient output.”

"Faker took advantage of Rambo's roaming time, gained a more comfortable development space, and took several more kills. Clockwork Demon became T1's best hope, but this advantage did not last for a few minutes. Snake grabbed T1's skills. CD decisively broke off the team, and Rambo combined with the female gun's ultimate move to melt the T1 group's health bar."

"Cuzz tried to game The King, but was easily manipulated, causing Snake to close the baron without any worries. That was the turning point of the game."

"The T1 coaching staff should ask Cuzz to think calmly. Maybe he should maintain a higher level of respect for the first player in the league."

Riv said pertinently: "Faker's development is very good, but he failed to destroy the opponent like TheKing."

"This is exactly the same as Canna's crocodile in the last game."

Smith took over the conversation:

"That's right!"

"When The King focuses on the top lane, Faker will develop better. When The King focuses on the mid lane, Canna can also grow quickly. However, no one in T1 can launch a fatal attack at the critical moment like The King. hit."

"Through two games, T1 allowed us to see clearly from more perspectives what The King means to a team."

"Now this T1 team has played well enough to defeat many strong professional teams."

"But facing Snake led by The King, they are far behind."

David echoed the sentiments of many people:

"Soon, we will witness the despair of the LCK again."

"They can reach the finals, but they can never get past The King."

"Faker is the top professional player in the league. He uses himself as a footnote to let us see clearly the huge gap between the top professional players and The King. There is indeed a new rank above the strongest king, and that should be the god-level player."

"Faker's long revenge and pursuit of The King may be the last one left."


The North American commentators were chatting enthusiastically, and every game replay was captured by them.

For example, the exchange between Clockwork and Rambo before death in the jungle has become a "glorious moment" for Haobui's commentators.

Of course it’s the great devil’s moment of glory.

"It's a worthwhile trip for Faker to be able to create this level of interchange with The King."

If the big devil heard these words now, he would probably feel so hot all over that he would have to take off his clothes and play a game to calm down later.

LCS players are more enthusiastic than imagined.

At the Los Angeles E-Sports Home and the LCS Regional Forum, many new and old players actively communicated.

During the short break during the finals, the number of simultaneous online visits was almost ten times higher than usual.

The regional forum version even posted an article lamenting this incredible phenomenon.

It’s like it’s an eSports Christmas across North America.

Posts and sharing about The King have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

At this time, when I went to the North American e-sports forum, I really understood how huge the "Hao fans" group is in the North American e-sports field.

Even those players who belong to the "League of Legends" e-sports field know that there is such an iconic figure in the e-sports world.

At this time, the TSM players at the Oriental Sports Center were also excited.

Captain Orangutan and Chief Operations Maggiola stared blankly at the tunnel where the Snake players had just entered.

Afterwards, the two understood each other's mood and smiled tacitly.

Last year, that man also led them to the finals and successfully won them in this way, breaking the North American curse in one fell swoop.

Seeing Li Hao continue to write brilliant stories at this time, both Captain Orangutan and Maggiola felt a sense of reluctance and remembrance.

Last season, TSM was in the clouds, but now they haven't even reached the threshold of mid-season.

The Orangutan captain couldn't help but said: "If The King is willing to return to TSM, I am willing to share the club with him."

"It's so exciting to work with him."

"I can definitely come back and play games, just pick a cat and hang it on him."

Maggiola smiled and punctured his fantasy: "Snake is already in his team and will definitely not return to North America."

"The audience here loves him very much, and TSM can't give him more."

"Boss, The King taught me a Chinese vocabulary before."

"What word?"


Maggiola explained, and the orangutan captain laughed: "I am too greedy."

"However, as the owner of a club, you can't avoid your love for the number one player in e-sports."

The senior brother was joking on the sidelines, saying that he wanted to transfer to Snake.

The gorilla captain hugged his senior brother and said that he had lost The King and could not lose him again.

This scene is actually very inconsistent.

In the past, the relationship between the gorilla captain and the senior brother was not good, and even a little tense. But last year, after Li Hao integrated into the team, those barriers magically disappeared.

Maggiola watched this scene silently, then turned his attention to Snake's empty player seat again, and then looked at the makeup photos of the players on the big screen.

The ability to dissolve TSM's disharmony stems from that man's ubiquitous charisma.

People don't know what's going on behind the scenes at this time.

When the third game of BO5 restarted, everyone in T1 in the player seats looked heavy.

Even Faker can read his inner anxiety from his face.

On Snake's side, the duo changed to the second lineup.

LPL doesn't think this is a waste.

Because now Snake's two lineup rotations are much more perfect than T1's two rotations last season, and the two cannot even be compared together.

T1 cannot execute Snake's super large core mode at all.

In addition, the super core and the command are integrated, so the team adapts very quickly.

With the same tacit understanding and ability to execute tactics, the new force is energetic and can often achieve better results.

At first, some people questioned Snake's approach, but by the middle and late stages of the Spring Split, similar voices basically disappeared.

In this game, Snake came to the red side and T1 blue side.

After the BP started, the audience discovered that T1 implemented the craziest tactics.

T1, which had almost fallen into the abyss, no longer had any worries, and they chose a complete formation system.

Canna took out the Sword Demon on the top lane, Cuzz chose jungler Silas, the Big Demon King locked Qiyana, and Kai'Sa + Seti on the bottom lane.

T1 fights with its last resort, preparing to attack Snake with all its strength.

At this time, Snake, who had three winning points, showed no signs of squandering, showing his stability.

It is T1 who is betting their lives, there is no need for them to participate.

Backhand came up with a lineup that made T1 uncomfortable.

Top laner Dashu, jungler Prince, mid laner Desert Emperor, AD Varus, and auxiliary Titan.

Seeing that the lineup was locked in, Chris couldn't help but smile on his face when shaking hands with the dunk horse.

But Kuma smiled stiffly, and it was obvious that he wanted to punch Chris.

The LCK audience is still waiting for sporadic miracles.

However, before one and a half minutes into the game, a wailing sound erupted from the LCK studio.

T1 used to design Snake, but now Snake reciprocates.

At 1 minute and 26 seconds, Snake and the others crouched in the grass and arrested the big devil on the spot. His teammates were killed, and Li Hao's Desert Emperor got first blood.

The factory director took advantage of the trend to control the prince to invade the red zone, and the rhythm of T1 exploded in the early stage.

Snake played very steadily and did not make any aggressive moves in the lane, because it was the short-handed T1 side that was anxious.

The T1 players on the field are also more impatient and constantly looking for opportunities.

At 4 minutes and 15 seconds, the prince counter-crouched to Silas on the triangle grass in the bottom lane. The higher-level factory director crippled Cuzz with one move and forced him to flash.

Titan hooked the wrist and used Effort's summoner skill.

At 7 minutes and 18 seconds, Li Hao directed the factory director to capture again. After he pushed the lane back to the city, TP supported him. The big devil only saw the tsar returning to the city, and Li Hao reached the bottom lane a few seconds later.

Qiyana led the team to Ignite, and a death in the opening game broke the rhythm. It was simply a dream for Faker to kill Li Hao alone.

The support in the middle lane could not come, and the big tree in the top lane kept the Sword Demon at the same time, and Snake easily formed a four-pack and two-two.

The wrist hero whose flash was on CD was pushed out of the tower by the Tsar and killed. Kai'Sa flashed and escaped. Snake replaced someone to carry the tower, and Varus killed the captain with one arrow.

Immediately, the first wind dragon was captured by Snake.

After this wave, Colonel KI has already pushed Snake to 80% in terms of winning rate prediction.

Canna, who was on the road, was anxious and wanted to establish an advantage in a single lane.

His tough approach paid off at 9 minutes and 53 seconds.

Snake and Nosuke came to the top lane and jumped the tower. The swords and demons flashed, but they still couldn't avoid death.

At 10 minutes and 54 seconds, a small team battle broke out between the two sides in the bottom lane. The director sold his ultimate move and left T1 with three people. Li Hao and Faker arrived one after another. T1 was helpless against the Tsar's wall of forbidden troops, and was defeated again. Snake hits 2 for 3.

The Desert Emperor scored three kills, and Unstoppable couldn't stop him!

The big devil stared at the gray screen, the war in his heart almost extinguished.

In the next 8 minutes or so, T1, who got the lineup with a sudden face, could no longer implement the characteristics of the lineup.

Not only can you not kill anyone by rushing into Snake's formation, you can't come back either.

After several consecutive attempts, the head ratio on the field became 5-13.

At 19 minutes and 03 seconds, Xiao Ma lost Xiaolong solo, and Snake Earth Dragon Soul drew the card.

This was the fastest time Snake listened to Dragon Soul in the finals.

Both Kuma and Comet in the backstage of T1 couldn't sit still. They looked at the chaotic rhythm on the field, listened to the team's voices getting smaller and smaller, and counted the growing financial gap. They were pacing back and forth anxiously.

Occasionally, he complained a few words, and then sighed again and again.

Before T1 came to China, they knew exactly what kind of opponent they would face.

They are fully prepared and think they are prepared to face failure.

But at this point, the emptiness and disappointment in my heart are indescribable.

"Cheer up and play the game well!"

Kuma was so anxious that he shouted.

He expected Faker to remind his teammates, but Faker himself was not in good condition.

Thinking of the struggle with the Snakes over the years, Dunma looked at the string of IDs in the middle of Snake's right side. After letting out a long sigh, he stared at it for a few seconds, shook his head and sat back on the bench.

Can you blame Xiang He?

No one knows better than Dun Ma how hard Xiang Hyeok worked during the spring season.

He just wants to beat that opponent.

That level of desire even exceeds the pursuit of championships.


Athena is a monster!


We always want to defeat an enemy that is simply unbeatable.

Five years is such a long time in the e-sports world measured in milliseconds. Now that he is standing in the fifth year and looking back at the past, given the situation of T1 at this time, he feels a sense of loss and suddenly feels very tired.

Maybe it's time to admit defeat and put down the burden on your shoulders.

21 minutes and 19 seconds!

"The factory director and Brother Hao came to the Dalong Pit. The Czar's development is so good. The two of them can Rush the Dalong!"

"Not aware, T1 doesn't know at all!"

"The dragon's blood volume dropped so fast, Snake and the other three were acting."

"T1 found the pin signal, it's too late!"

"Snake gets the baron!"


The cheers of the Oriental Sports Center sounded like thunder. Snake won the Baron, which was like the final word. T1's chance to counterattack with the Baron was gone.

T1, who arrived belatedly, could not accept this reality. Canna started to destroy the enemy, and Silas stole Titan's ultimate move and cooperated with the Sword Demon to rush forward.

Snake adjusted his formation and counterattacked decisively.

Give Titan to R, Varus to R, ultimate move to R, and Prince EQ enters the field.

A series of controls and backhands perfectly restrained T1's charge. The Tsar's big move blocked Faker. Qiyana, who was a second slower, was controlled by the tree and died under the violent attack of the sand soldiers.

T1 replaced Varus with four heads and was defeated like a mountain.

The economic gap between large screens has reached 10,000 yuan!

At 24 minutes and 13 seconds, Snake invaded the T1 jungle area to start a team fight. Although the big devil's ultimate move hit four people, the huge equipment gap was still irreparable. After killing the three people in T1, Snake pushed down the bottom lane and retreated to the high ground, eating Earth Dragon Soul.

Once the Earth Dragon Soul is obtained, the probability of T1's comeback approaches infinitely to 0.

At 27 minutes and 21 seconds, Snake pushed down the high ground in the middle of T1 and then moved up. Then T1 chose to give it a try. Sword Demon Kaisha cut Varus to death together, but the Tsar's subsequent continuous damage directly destroyed the T1 front row.

It turns out that Ma Ge is just bait.

The three bodyguards of Laoshu, Prince, and Titan make the Czar's output environment almost perfect!

Snake's super core operates ruthlessly.

The killing machine reproduces the dominant scene!

The elegant figure of the Czar combined with the damage of the explosion, T1's heroes fell one after another in full view of the public.

People witnessed the arrival of the Shurima Emperor. As far as the eye could see, there was yellow sand everywhere, and T1's corpse also blended into it. This was his kingdom.

Li Hao scored four kills. If Qiyana hadn't been knocked to death by the prince in the rebellion, this would have been his second five kills.

After a wave of group destruction, Snake rushed to the T1 highland.

Witnessed by the global League of Legends audience, T1’s Crystal Nexus was shattered.

At that moment, all suspense about Msi in 2020 ended.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Let's congratulate Snake!"

"Sweep T1 3-0!"

"we are the champion!"

In the sea of ​​joy at the Oriental Sports Center, Wang Duoduo roared out the classic line again:

"The legend is immortal and the legend continues~~!!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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