LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 675 Who can defeat the Emperor of Japan?

"Brother Hao, once again won the MSI trophy and completed the legendary achievement of four consecutive mid-season championships in Fmvp. What feelings do you want to share with everyone?"

Facing the interview with host Xia An, Li Hao, holding the Fmvp trophy, spoke sincerely:

"From the beginning of the spring season to this moment, the team has gone through major changes and adjustments. Every player has put in their best efforts. From the spring regular season to every game in the MSI finals, Snake has devoted himself to the season, whether it is the championship trophy or not. Whether it is an MVP evaluation, they are the best reward for the hard work of the past six months."

"The glory achieved now belongs to everyone at Snake."

"When we learned that the 2020 MSI would be held in China, we set a goal to keep the MSI trophy in the LPL region."

"It's an honor that we did it."

Xia An applauded with the audience.

Applause goes to Li Hao and all the members of Snake.

The commentators recalled the 2016 MSI and compared the scenes at the scene. In addition to feeling that times have changed, they were even more elated.

The regrets of 2016 were made up for in the most perfect way in the same arena.

Xia An carried out the interview task and continued to ask questions:

"Brother Hao, you and Faker have collided many times in the world finals. How do you evaluate Faker's performance this time?"

The audience listened quietly.

Speaking of Faker, the first thing Li Hao thought of was the big devil's strange attitude after the game.

At the interview table, he responded with a smile:

"Faker's performance surprised me."

"I didn't expect that his performance on MSI would be so good. I have been paying attention to T1's spring regular season in the LCK. At that time, Faker's influence on the game was not as good as this final round. There are some things that the data cannot reflect, but as a matchup Players, I feel very deeply.”

Li Hao's casual mention was able to quickly help the big devil take the blame.

Shi Yizhong personally endorsed it, saying that the data cannot reflect Faker's strength. Who can object?

Opposition is the cloud!

"I'm Faker, and I'm already in tears~!"

"Didn't Li Guapi get messed up by Brother Hao in the last game? Qiyana 0-5. I understand! This is Brother Hao's professionalism. He always respects his opponents and doesn't bother to step on others when they are in the doldrums. , This is Brother Hao’s lofty e-sports spirit! This is the strong one!”

Understanding Emperor explained in the comment area:

"Brother Hao is actually encouraging Faker, Guapi. I hope to see you in the finals next time. If the championship trophy wasn't handed over by you, Sang Hyuk, it wouldn't be the same!"

The senior emperor asked back: "Isn't Brother Hao hinting that Faker on MSI is perfect? ​​You won't forget the night between Enjing and the Tauren, right? So, in terms of strength, just keep up with Brother Hao. "


Xia An reacted quickly and immediately praised:

"Faker was in super form. He was originally capable of competing for the championship, but it was a pity that he met Brother Hao."

"In the contest between Brother Li and Brother Li, Brother Hao is sure to win."

Li Hao glanced at her and said in his heart, you little girl is very good at talking.

However, Shi Yizhong, who has his own aura, is still quite intimidating, especially for newcomers in the workplace.

Miss Xia An did not dare to talk too much and hurriedly completed the interview task given to her by the alliance:

"Brother Hao, you tried to find an opponent to defeat you in the e-sports world, but unfortunately you failed. Are you very disappointed with this season?"


Li Hao shook his head slightly: "This is just the spring game, the hot summer is coming soon."

"I believe that when the 2020S game returns to China, we will definitely meet more opponents. I am looking forward to the arrival of the summer game."

Seeing Li Hao's interest, Xia An Chaogang asked:

"Brother Hao, this is your fifth year of dominating the World Series. Will you still say those words about the summer split and the new players emerging in the league?"

"The future is yours"

The occasion was very appropriate, especially when Li Hao was holding the Fmvp trophy.

Many viewers smiled knowingly.

How would Shi Yizhong explain?

Li Hao was exceptionally calm and spoke powerful words into the microphone again:

"Young players will inevitably dominate the next era. This is the definition given by the passage of time."

“The future is there, always waiting for them.”

"And in the future, I will inevitably reach the end."


It only talks about the "end" and does not talk about the specific time of a certain day in a certain year.

However, this topic is definitely deep and heavy for the audience, especially those Hao fans.

Li Hao's "retirement" has long been a hot topic.

Especially the interview controversy some time ago.

Although Li Hao did not express it clearly, everyone had a feeling that Shi Yizhong was using his own way to help everyone adapt in advance.

That day is really getting closer.

After the interview on the stage, the major forums became lively.

Team Snake, Pig, Dog, Gun and others jointly won the MSI championship trophy. Li Hao stood in the C position holding the Fmvp trophy. This picture in the same frame has already killed all the giegie shopping beauty searches and topped the list.

When many people shouted "Ye Qing Hui", the e-sports elders kept sighing:

"The demon king who has been silent for a long time has finally cut off the tribulation of love. He is truly intact and bursts out of the dojo with a peerless appearance! He has reached the highest level of sublimation and fights against heaven and earth to crush this era!"

"It's a pity that the fifth Emperor of Japan is an indescribable terror."

"The emperors fell down in the blink of an eye in the unknown"

"After a great battle, the Love-Destroying Demon King collapsed all over, with injuries everywhere. The emperor's wine gourd was shattered, and only his panicked voice was left in the world."

"I dare to ask, who in the world can defeat the Emperor of Sun and Sky?"


Regarding whether Shi Yizhong can find an opponent to defeat itself in the summer split, the vast majority of viewers think it is impossible to find one.

Some people also refuted this:

"If, I mean if, Shi Yizhong is indeed invincible, but what if Cuzz brings his talent to Snake, joins forces with Holy Spear to form Dracula's blood-sucking system, and sends 50 heads to the opponent at the beginning, and the opponent is top laner Doctor Strange, Jungler Captain America, mid laner Black Widow, AD Thor, and support Iron Man, how should you deal with it, Shi Yizhong?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There are really many talents in the forum, and all the photos have been edited.

The avatars on the blue side have turned into the Avengers heroes above. On the red side, Snake’s top laner Holy Spear and jungler Cuzz all wear high-collar trench coats of the vampire family. Their faces are extremely white and they have fangs. Image of yuppie.

"Hahaha, this lineup is hot!"

"Is this the only way to defeat Brother Hao with this magical combination?"

"Magneto applied to fight, and at the beginning he sucked away Brother Hao's keyboard and mouse. Supernatural powers are not considered cheats (laughs)."

"It's useless. After you were paired, Brother Hao had already snapped his fingers a series of times, and the world and dimensions were destroyed."


After the interview on the stage, Snake and others returned to the backstage and were chased by many media people to ask questions. The scene of them celebrating and cheering backstage was naturally filmed.

Zuo Wu's photo had long been uploaded to the Snake Team's homepage.

Those who want to send it to Moments can take photos in front of the trophy.

The most positive ones are Maggie and Uzi.

Although the 200-pound fat man is in the red temperature state, he is very happy to be in the red temperature. This is the first MSi championship in his life.

If it were in a corner where no one cares about it and no one can see it, Uzi would definitely be crying when he holds the trophy.

Life has been so difficult, but finally I got what I wanted.

After Xiao Ma took the selfie, he pulled Li Hao for a photo of the two of them. Even if Sheng Qiang tried to get along, Xiao Ma was disgusted.

After taking a satisfactory group photo, Xiao Ma sat aside and played with his mobile phone alone.

He clicked on Tieba.

Tonight, he will kill people in the Tieba forum.

If anyone is dissatisfied, then take out the photo with Shi Yizhong and shock everyone.

Brother Xiao Ma has no sleep tonight. This is a night filled with joy, revenge, and soul-stirring emotions.

Lu Mao happily took a photo and sent it to his good brother Zhuangzi.

"Baozi, I won the championship."

"Gaozi, this trophy is quite heavy."

"Gaozi, did you watch the game? My performance was okay."

"Gaozi, this is a photo of me and Brother Hao. Brother Hao is so awesome. Watch more of Brother Hao's videos and learn the techniques. One percent is enough."

"Baozi, do you know what it feels like to win the MSI? Oh my god, more than 20,000 people cheered together. My heart rate was at least 300."

"Baozi, I'm so confused now. Suddenly I'm the champion support, this, this..."


"Gaozi, please reply to me when you see the message."


In the JDG base, a young man turned off his mobile phone.

"When was the last time you won a trophy? Not counting this spring game."

"When I think about it, it seems not too long ago, 2016."

"And you?"

"Not too long ago, six or seven years ago."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing the conversation between pigs and dogs, Holy Spear almost laughed out loud.

He hugged the factory director with one arm and Uzi with the other, and said proudly:

"Brothers, I have to tell you this."

"My trophy is worth it."

"It's actually not that difficult."

"Whatever Brother Hao asks me to do, I will do it, and then I will be the championship."


"You are a bastard!"

"You bastard champion has no gold content."

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't it good for you to say this while holding the trophy?"

The three of them were chatting and taunting each other. Li Hao, who was watching the show, was amused.

The pig and dog duo who just said that the bastard championship has no value touched the MSI trophy and couldn't help but ask Li Hao:


"Is there still a chance to get this thing in the summer?"

"Which thing?"

"this one"

The pig and dog pointed at the championship trophy at the same time. Li Hao stood in front of them, and Zuo Wu accurately took the photo.

Upon hearing this, Holy Spear shouted first:

"Is there any suspense?"


"You guys have so little confidence in Brother Hao! It's a disgrace to the Snake Team!"

Li Hao touched his chin, stared at the trophy, and said to them in a very relaxed tone:


“I would probably be a little more excited if there was an opponent that could take the trophy away from me.”

The pig and dog were stunned.

Gan! Brother Hao, you are so pretentious.

However, it sounds really comfortable.

Gouzi, Zhuchang and Xiaohang next to them all started up the rhythm and shouted NB.

Spring is very happy, and everyone is looking forward to summer again.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

I watched the MSI game tonight, JDG played against GG and won 3-0.

G1: JDG14-7GG, time 24:39, economy 50.7K-39k

G2: JDG17-11GG, time 31:33, economy 62.5K-53.7k

G3:JDG17-7GG, time 27:01, economy 56.1K-42.6k

Yes, JDG can easily handle GG, and the strengths of both sides are not on the same level.

But take a look at the data.


? ? ?

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