On August 3, the summer regular season entered the final tenth week, and the playoff spots became increasingly clear.

Teams with slightly lower points are now anxious.

FPX is still ranked ninth in the league, only one point behind WE in front. The record in the first 15 rounds is 8-7. As long as they win the last round, they have hope of entering the playoffs. Ranked tenth is RNG. , the current record is 7-8, and it is useless to win the last round.

There is very little suspense in the summer split, and it only remains with the Little Phoenix team.

But what is desperate is that they have to face the mountain of Snake in the final stage.

Little Phoenix was completely lost in the summer split. This has a lot to do with the version, the player's status, and their style of play.

With the arrival of the summer version, each team's understanding of the version has further improved. Without Snake's super single-core, the single-core system will have to bear high risks and is far less stable than the multi-core lineup.

Lin Weixiang alone is not enough to support the important output task of the fpx team under the current version.

Doinb's current grasp of heroes like Syndra and Zoe who emphasize lane play is worrying. He cooperates with Xiaotian to play in the middle and jungle. It's okay when he encounters a weak team. But when he encounters a strong team, he will easily fall into a disadvantage, and then be snowballed by the opponent. In addition, Shang Xiaotian has a hand injury and his performance is not as good as before. With the pressure on the road and no tactics, Xiao Phoenix's upper limit has been lowered a lot.

In the entire league, Snake with Li Hao's presence has always been the absolute ceiling of the midfield system.

In this version, it is more difficult for Little Phoenix to collide with the Snake team. Don't expect to be able to explode in the bottom lane. The two pairs of Da Smart and Tear Shao who currently encounter Snake in the lane cannot achieve this kind of online advantage. Even There will also be a laning disadvantage.

The already sluggish roaming support tactics will be amplified when facing Snake.

It's already good if Doinb can hang out in the middle.

Everyone can understand what is on paper. On the afternoon of August 4th, Little Phoenix’s head coach WarHorse and assistant coach REFRAIN tried their best to hide their worries and constantly encouraged the players to seize the last chance, strive to win the game, and squeeze out WE above.

WE fans are not worried at all.

Snake gave WE a hand in the Spring Split. After experiencing 717, 60e believe that Brother Hao will definitely lead his team to defeat Little Phoenix.

At five o'clock in the evening, the game officially started.

Under the camera lens of the director, Khan in the single seat of Little Phoenix is ​​still wearing an 'adaptive helmet'.

In a previous interview, Khan gave the reason for not cutting his hair: "I can get four more ranks in the time it takes to cut my hair, so I don't particularly want to cut my hair and I don't want to waste time."

Today against Snake, Khan's hair went into explosive mode, and he was like an angry lion sitting on the far right of the Phoenix team.

Coach WarHorse's chicken soup has some effect. The members of Little Phoenix know the importance of this game. It is a key game that must be played as the last game of the finals.

In the first game, the Snake team is on the blue side and the Little Phoenix is ​​on the red side.

Since they can grab Aphelios, Snake will naturally take it directly. They have no obvious shortcomings in this summer split.

After some BP, Snake selected a lineup of Ornn, Troll, Rambo, Moon Man, and Thresh.

FPX selected Silas, Male Gun, Clockwork, EZ, and Titan.

Doinb has used Clockwork in four games in the Summer Split, with a winning rate of 100%. Xiaotian's male gun has an average winning rate in the summer split, but it is the hero he plays the most. WarHorse has a clear attitude and is not afraid of a head-on collision with Snake. He also still believes that Xiaotian can regain his form in key games.

As soon as the game started, the director's camera paid close attention to the center.

When Xiaotian gets the male gun, he has limited help in the lane in the early stage, and is likely to be at a disadvantage in the bottom lane. With Lin Weixiang's current laning ability, he can't get the lane right with EZ in front, and Liu Qingsong is roaming. There will be fewer opportunities, but WarHorse believes that EZ can mix, and may be able to help the Titans win the opportunity for Nosuke to play two games.

There is no lane right in the bottom lane. Once Doinb is at a disadvantage in the middle lane, Xiaolong will keep losing.

Doinb played really well in the previous games, but it was obviously inappropriate to bring it into this game.

After several waves of lost balls, he failed to make any impact and was easily pushed to the line by Rambo.

Within a few minutes of the opening, FPX played very passively.

At 5 minutes and 31 seconds, under the simultaneous radiation of Rambo and the duo, the factory director got the first water dragon alone. At this time, there was no vision in the lower half of FPX. The troll tried to gank down the road, and the green grass blocked the vision. A magic weapon-piercing hook hit EZ, and he threw a lantern to the troll factory director to follow up instantly. In conjunction with Aphelios' falling light, the three of them focused their fire and killed EZ.

The factory director and Great Clever exchanged flashes and got first blood.

At the same time, Clockwork in the middle was forced to hand over Flash because Rambo gave it to R.

The half wave of minions at the bottom of the tower will also give up.

Except for Khan who is on the road, Little Phoenix is ​​completely inferior.

At 8 minutes, FPX invaded Snake's blue buff. Originally, everyone was in the middle and jungle without giving way to each other, but Snake's advantage in the bottom lane showed up. Green Hair's roaming was always one step faster than Titan. Until the clockwork was knocked out by Li Hao, Green Mao hooked Clockwork through the wall, and Rambo flashed across the wall to compensate for the damage and kill Clockwork.

The male gunner and Silas focused their fire on Rambo. Li Hao did not survive this wave, but FPX's male gunman was also dead, and Snake easily took over the Canyon Pioneer.

At 10 minutes and 50 seconds, Snake started his rhythm. All the midfielders and junglers gathered in the bottom lane, forcing the FPX duo back. Waiting for their support to come, they released the vanguard to break the first tower. Using the influence of the army line and the vanguard, they turned around and got the second place. A wind dragon, the dragon soul in this game is determined to be a mixed earth dragon.

At 14 minutes and 20 seconds, Li Hao found Xiaotian's jungle route through the vision hole. He and Lu Mao counter-crouched together. The male gun came to the red Buff as expected. Lu Mao controlled the male gun, and Xiaotian was buried in Rambo's flames. under.

This caused Khan, who was on the road, to retreat, and Snake destroyed another tower on his road.

At this time, Xiaofenghuang's economic lag was close to 4,000 yuan.

At the beginning of 16 minutes, Little Phoenix finally caught a rhythm. They squatted down the trolls and then turned to fight the earth dragons.

Because Clockwork released his ultimate move, Snake took over the team with 4 on 5.

Aoun called the sheep to cooperate with Rambo's ultimate move. Li Hao clicked on the explosive fruit and went down into the dragon pit to roast wildly with Q. He used the stopwatch to dodge the first wave of damage from the male gun and Clockwork.

When Uzi gave Qinghui Ye Ning, the Titan died suddenly.

FPX retreated while fighting, Thresh hooked the man's gun, Xiaotian punished the earth dragon with his life, and delayed Snake's dragon soul time.

However, because Clockwork was out of shape and there were few people in FPX, the mid-tower, which already had little health, fell again.

Dragon Soul's time was delayed, but the economic gap was even greater.

For 20 minutes, Snake firmly occupied the field of vision near Dalong Pit.

At 21 minutes and 19 seconds, Snake was not polite to FPX and directly Rushed Baron.

Little Phoenix was forced to take over the team. After taking Ornn's ultimate move in the river position, three people were burned by Rambo's ultimate move. Thresh flashed and hit Clockwork, allowing Doinb to take full damage from Rambo's ultimate move. When Clockwork was about to die, He only cast a less-than-perfect ultimate.

Khan's Sylas is very effective in the front, but the front and rear rows are separated by Ornn and Thresh's ultimate moves, and no one can take damage in the follow-up. Xiaotian uses the male gun to try to blast the big dragon pit, but the miracle does not happen. Demonic Punishment takes down the dragon.

Snake got the Baron with 0 for 2. Using the Baron Buff, they destroyed all the outer towers of FPX and removed the top lane high ground.

At 25 minutes and 46 seconds, the economic gap reached 13,000 yuan, and the game entered garbage time.

The last wave of team battle did not start. When defending the incisor tower, Rambo R used Clockwork and EZ. The exaggerated magic damage forced everyone in FPX back. The troll opened R and sucked Silas fiercely. Khan who rushed up was killed. Snake focused his fire and fell instantly. The people behind him returned to the city to resupply and then came back. The incisor tower was gone.

Snake didn't penetrate any more and exploded the crystal to end the little Phoenix's pain.

There were not many kills in this game. After Snake gained the online advantage in the early stage, he used his rhythm and operation to crush FPX.

To some extent, this is more harmful to Phoenix than a game with a huge headcount.

The audience couldn't see that Xiaotian's expression was in a daze when he returned to the backstage.

Khan, on the other hand, was so depressed that he seemed to have a lot of strength, but then he couldn't use it all.

Doinb is relatively calm, because he will be mentally prepared before hitting Li Hao every time.

Can't win.

In the second game, FPX formed a lineup of Tetsuo, Olaf, Lulu, Kai'Sa, and Wanhao on the red side.

Snake uses Sword Demon, Blind Monk, Card, Ice, and Female Tank to deal with it.

At the beginning of the game, there were no problems, including Lulu in the middle of Doinb.

But after both sides reached level 6, the style of the game changed drastically.

Cards and blind monks were caught frequently, and Lin Weixiang had a purification on his body which was not enough.

Kai'Sa died three times in a row, and FPX's bottom lane collapsed.

Four packs of two, five packs of two, various packages are locked on Kasha.

Just over 24 minutes later, Lin Weixiang in the contestants' box took a long breath and finally got off Snake's assembly line.

Kai'Sa was developed on the spot on 1/7/3.

No surprise, Snake swept FPX 2:0.

After the game, Li Hao comforted his old teammates and encouraged Da Mingming and Shao Shao to continue working hard.

Snake helped WE secure a spot in the playoffs and win 15 consecutive rounds.

On August 8th, BJ time, LPL Summer Split Miracle V5 ushered in the final battle.

The shameful 32-game losing streak is long gone. V5 will definitely look forward. They are now sixth in the league.

Therefore, it is self-evident who is the biggest winner in the summer transfer.

Biubiu, WeiWei, Mole, SamD, Ppgod, this group of young people teamed up and played a beautiful summer split.

At seven o'clock in the evening on August 8, the Tiandi Performing Arts Center was full, the lights were bright, and the atmosphere was high. Unfortunately, this was not a V5 stage.

In two consecutive games, Li Hao beat up Emperor Yan and brutally killed him in a double kill!

After one encounter with Enchantress and another with Syndra, Mole exploded and was single-killed continuously.

Li Hao showed more desire to end the game quickly in the final stage.

Snake Nosuke travels twice, acting as a worker to cooperate with the middle.

Lv Mao is a cat, directly bound to Li Hao's body, which saves trouble and makes the murder book stack faster.

The factory director was very envious. It would be great if the alliance produced another eagle hero. He could sit directly on Shi Yizhong's shoulders and have a cat-like binding effect.

When Snake defeated V5 in 22 minutes and 39 seconds, there was warm applause in the Magic City.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Winning 32 consecutive games in the summer split, sweeping the league again!"

"Yeah, congratulations Snake!"

"Another record that no one can break!"

I remember shouting: "Although the playoffs haven't started yet, I have a hunch that Snake in this state is unstoppable! They will aspire to win the LPL and enter S10 as the No. 1 seed!"

The doll on the side shared:

"As early as the beginning of the summer split, Snake was hailed as the favorite to win this year's championship. Today, they also used their own strength to prove that people at the time were not wrong. They won another complete season. I couldn't imagine it. "

"Brother Hao undoubtedly retains the No. 1 spot in the world player rankings!"

"Have you noticed Riot's comments about Brother Hao?"

"How to say?"

Miller raised his voice and repeated: "The most terrifying opponent, the super ruler of absolute nightmares, the human incarnation of the god of e-sports!"

"I am looking forward to the arrival of the playoffs, and even more looking forward to S10 being held in China this year."

"You know, the venue for this year's final is the Bird's Nest!"

"Dream back to S7!"


After Snake shook hands with everyone and walked to the stage to thank him, LPL's manager Bobby also walked onto the stage, followed by two hostesses.

Tonight is a good time.

In addition to witnessing Snake ending the summer regular season with a complete victory, the LPL summer regular season MVP was awarded in advance.

There is no doubt about this award.

As the absolute core, Li Hao continued to conquer everyone in the summer split with his dominant performance.

During the interview, Li Hao repeated what he had said before.

He hopes to meet an opponent who can defeat him, and hopes to encounter more challenges in subsequent games.

Shi Yizhong's mentality at this time is no longer something that ordinary players can understand.

How can you feel the loneliness of the invincible if you have never reached the top?

Looking at the e-sports world, Li Hao has become the most special person.

There are still two games on August 9, but the changes in points of the mid-to-lower teams have no impact on the playoff situation.

However, when the game between RW and DMO ended on the night of August 9, the audience looked at the regular season rankings and couldn't help but think of Li Hao's prediction at the beginning of the season.

The favored TES is currently ranked second in the league, with a record of 13 wins and 3 losses!

The under-promised DMO is indeed at the bottom of the league, with 1 win and 15 losses, almost replicating the V5 miracle of losing streak in the spring split.

The only team DMO defeated 2:0 was embarrassingly EDG.


Thanks to the veterans of 61e!

On June 29th, the factory director was affected in the Snake Club. Flandre and the others joked about the record of DMO and EDG. Even the factory director who was far away in Snake was like this. You can only imagine what EDG would be criticized for at that time. look.

That night, the wind was very strong on the rooftop, so the junior students teamed up with Audi to send the gambling dogs up.

Justice performed belongs to yes.

Looking at Li Hao's prediction at this time, someone even took out the original interview video, just like what Coach Abramovich from EDG said:

"We have to admit that we still underestimated TheKing's ability to judge teams, versions, and players."

"A player who is always number one in the world has a vision that ordinary people, including professional e-sports people, cannot understand."

Even the dunking coach at T1 spoke out after learning about this:

"If The King becomes a coach, it must be of the highest level."

"This is the reason for Snake's victory. Their coaching staff stayed on the court after BP, and we could only watch anxiously in the background."

As the playoffs are about to start, Riot is not idle, they also expressed their intention to help the field!

Version 10.16 is stuck before the World Championship.

After updating Lilia in the last version, now they are updating again with a new hero.

——Demon Sealed Sword Soul·Yongen.

"Brother, the strong wind also has its way back."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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