LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 691 Gunshots at Dawn, E-Sports Myth!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Wuhan Sports Center was packed with League of Legends fans from all over the world.

"Taking over", also known as "Taking Over", resounded throughout the venue.

An animated promotional video was played on the big screen, and Riot spent a lot of time researching to make the featured characters in it correspond to the players and be fully recognizable.

The bespectacled young man walking in Runeterra with a scroll on his back is obviously the two-dimensional version of Faker. Unfortunately, the big devil couldn't penetrate the runes like Ryze and got lost in Runeterra without opening the indomitable door.

The TSM players who won the championship last season also appeared one by one in the promotional posters, followed by the representatives of this season's Summer Split champions. The young figures embarked on the same road, and the animation extended on this road, eventually leading to the sky.

At the top of the shining place, Li Hao appeared.

He sat with his back on the top, being stared at from a distance by all those who wanted to climb to the top. The camera rotated between the sky and the earth, revealing Li Hao's cartoon-like front.

Under the special effects, Riot and the global finals logo appeared, and they were actually embedded in the same screen as Li Hao. He raised his hand to conjure a Summoner's Cup and threw it towards the place where the light was the brightest. It would be the goal that all Summoners are chasing. The special effect of a fist breaking the screen appeared, and the 2020 League of Legends S game flashed out, accompanied by various commentators and the cheers of the audience, ribbons fluttering, and the memories of the summer games of each major competition flashed quickly in one frame after another. .

“Welcome to the 2020 League of Legends Global Finals~!”


The opening of the group stage is obviously more formal than the qualifying round and can ignite the passion of the audience more.

The theme given by Roit is extremely clear.

Just like the animation just now, various lens languages ​​express an "indomitable" will.

Those who want to challenge the top of the league must have this will and consciousness.

In this animation, Li Hao at the top is like the final boss.

He is there, waiting for challengers from all over the world!

Although the time of the group stage is relatively tight, each team will still be given a simple and quick introduction when they take the stage for the first time.

The further you go, the more formal the introduction will be.

When Snake and UOL players stepped onto the stage, cheers and applause from the Wuhan Sports Center reached the top.

UOL is known as the "Unicorn of Love" by the Chinese audience. They were once a member of the European LEC division, but after the LEC became a league in 2019, they moved to the CIS LCL division, starting their dynasty.

Mid laner Nomanz has made a strong comeback. His unique skill Kassadin impressed the audience and helped UOL win consecutive championships.

Although this Eastern European team of kings is not as well-known in the entire alliance world and cannot be compared with the host Snake, it is still experienced and possesses some local sorcery.

For example, King Nomanz was very active before the game. When he learned that he was in Group D and had the honor to participate in the opening game, he was so excited that he shouted "Ula".

A pre-match interview between CIS reporter Cayusius and French King Nomanz also flooded the comment area at the end of September.

Caiusius: "Hello Normanz, I have a few questions for you."

Nomanz: "Okay."

Caiusius: "You are very keen on choosing Kassadin as a hero. Do you expect your opponent to ban Kassadin during the game?"

Nomanz: "I don't think I will ban, but I will choose the hero around Kassadin. Generally speaking, the team will not choose many AP heroes. When playing Kassadin, the damage type must be balanced. But I am not afraid of what the opponent chooses. I have confidence."

Caiusius: "Which mid laner is the strongest for you?"

The strong and tall Russian King in the camera insisted: "That must be The King."

"He has many championships and is very powerful. Friends in the CIS know him as a crazy guy. I once watched his game video and studied it until four in the morning. It is said that it was a time when inspiration was bursting. It’s a pity that there are no special research results. The King is a person you can’t understand. I think incomprehension and mystery are his strongest reasons. When you want to study him, you find that you have no way to start.”

"Normanz, you will meet The King in the opening game. Are you mentally prepared to face the number one player in e-sports?"

This question made the Russian brother smile excitedly:

"Of course."

"For me, it was a thrilling contest. My friends will all pay attention. I don't want them to think that I am a coward. I will not back down even if I face The King."

Normands added: "Even facing Snake, I think we are a very strong team."

"The King has dominated various world competitions for five consecutive years. I will show my strongest form to fight against him. I admire The King, but I am not afraid of him at all, hurrah~!"


Normanz's speech was recognized by many teammates and also made players from many teams around the world smile with joy.


We cannot be afraid of The King, we must challenge him and defeat him!

The dark clouds gathering over the alliance, tear him apart quickly.

The first person to support Normands was a no-brainer. It was naturally Mr. Dakai.

The Dane once sounded the first horn of the anti-Hao alliance in the LCS, but unfortunately it failed. He was exiled to the background world and became the permanent king of trumps.

At this time, the trump card in TL highly affirmed Normanz's attitude.

As the spotlight spread from late September to today's opening, Normands has never been more famous than he is today.

The first battle to pull God down from the mountain begins at UOL.

Project Normanz, codename: Guns of Dawn.

After appearing on the stage, the two teams entered the player stands to start BP.

"I admire The King, but I'm not afraid of him at all"

As it turns out, Nomanz is not a mouthful.

In the European studio, when Coster saw UOL locking the hero on the top of Haofui, he was stunned:


"Nomanz has gone crazy. If you ask him what his last name is, he will definitely not know. Kassadin? Why does this hero dare to be selected in front of The King? Nomanz still thinks he is in the finals?"

Amid Ball's wild laughter, Coster said categorically to the screen:

"If you are not an adult yet, I hope you can call your drinking father to your side and ask him to watch this game with you. I have already seen The King sharpening his knife. This will be a cruel event. The killing!”

"Believe me, a big tragedy is about to happen in the S10 opening game!"


The moment Kassadin locked, Snake's heroes locked.

The LPL audience shouted that they had seen this scene before.

A tall and delicate lady appeared elegantly.

"Accuracy or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery."

Coster shouted excitedly: "So, Normands."

"Come and have some afternoon tea with the Gray Lady."

Ball answered from the side: "I'm going to do an operation by the way."

As the heroes appeared one after another, the cheers at the Wuhan Sports Center became louder and louder, and surprises continued.

Blue square Snake: crocodile, wine barrel, green steel shadow, fortune teller, robot

Red side UOL: Stone Man, Male Gun, Kassadin, Rat, Lulu

Neither team plays conventionally and each has its own self-confidence.

During the play-in rounds, Normands repeatedly brought out Kassadin, such as against Fly.

At that time, King P of Germany selected Vayne in the middle, and Nomanz's life was just fine.

In this game, the Qinggang Ying he faced against Li Hao had a completely different style of painting.

The hero script in Nomanz's fantasy is that he develops slowly in the early stage, and the team is not in a hurry to fight Snake. When everyone's equipment is developed, his Kassadin will naturally dominate the game.

This hero Nomanz really has a unique skill. It is not impossible to make Snake's base smoke.

After one game, he is absolutely world-famous.

However, at 2 minutes and 19 seconds into the game, his Kassadin was pushed out of the experience zone by Qinggang Shadow.

Nomanz didn't dare to move towards Qinggangying except for throwing Q without any pain to consume Qinggangying.

The jungler "Ah Ha Ci" is a good brother of Nomanz. It doesn't matter whether he is wild or not. He is at a disadvantage in the middle, so he will definitely help.

At 3 minutes and 37 seconds, the male gun made a strong catch!

Aha Ci once said that playing in the finals feels the same as playing in a training match, which shows that his character is unrestrained and bold, and he dares to fight and do things.

I heard your name is TheKing, right? !

Ah Ha Ci controlled the male gun and threw smoke bombs to chase the Qinggang Shadow, as if he wanted to drive the Qinggang Shadow out of the experience area.

This scene showed the CIS audience that he, Haci, was enough to brag for a long time.


LPL studio is overjoyed:

"I knew you would come. The factory director succeeded in squatting and cooperated with Brother Hao to continuously control the male gun!"

"Ahhaci flashed and wanted to run away. Camille's tactical sweep was W to slow down. Brother Hao walked up and kicked him to death with Q in the second stage!"

"First blood + red and blue buffs, the UOL base started to smoke for three minutes."

Wawa smiled and said: "There's nothing Kassadin can do. These two brothers are too powerful in combat. He is only level 2 now, and he doesn't even have any experience due to being suppressed by Brother Hao."

"Even if you are superstitious about Kassadin, can't you choose it last? Hahaha, the opponent is Brother Hao!"

Miller joked: "It's okay, even if it's against the odds, just have fun."


Nomanz looked at the red and blue buff and the green steel shadow for a while, not knowing what to do next.

The male gun helped Li Hao a lot. His QW was thrown into the pile of soldiers, and the army line came closer to the front of the Qinggang Shadow Tower.

Nomanz watched from afar, occasionally taking a few steps forward to act as an experience thief.

At 4 minutes and 21 seconds, Li Hao found an opportunity. He gave way to Kassadin, used the extreme distance to release control of his computing power, and moved the second E towards Kassadin.

Nomanz was cautious enough and showed up immediately.

But he was kicked unconscious by Li Hao!

After being slowed down by W, Kassadin, who had no displacement, was already dead.

In front of the tower, Kassadin had just died, and bad news came from the bottom lane.

Lu Mao's robot hooked Lulu, Uzi took control of W Huacai, and the two pursued and killed SaNTaS.

One minute later, the Crocodile on the top road killed the Stone Man alone, which was a three-way flowering in the upper, middle and lower lanes.

The side lanes are barely playable, but Kassadin is really the game over here.

At 5 minutes and 9 seconds, the male gun was caught again. Qinggangying retreated first to seduce Kassadin forward, then suddenly turned around and counterattacked to kill Nomanz first.

The kill was upgraded. Qinggangying, who had reached level 6 in an instant, used his ultimate move on the male gun. At this time, the damage caused by Yaoguang's combination of skills could not be tolerated by the male gun. In addition, the flash was not good, Qinggangying chased to the side of the tower and kicked Kick the male gun to death.

Both the midfielder and the jungler were killed. Qinggangying, who only had about 100 health left, did not go home and even ate a layer of tapioca.

The violent scene of killing two people in a one-on-one attack made fans happy to see it.

The director was unwilling to move the camera. After Qinggangying came online again, he directly jumped over the tower to kill Kassadin.

At 7 minutes and 23 seconds, there was a three-level difference in the middle, and Normands was shattered.

However, one must admire the mentality of these big Russian brothers.

When the director gave them the camera, the two brothers Nakano actually held their heads and smiled during the conversation, seeming to enjoy the moment.

The game lasted 19 minutes and 13 seconds. Even though Normanz's heart was harder than diamond, he was trembling when he looked at his record.


It’s so exciting, Ulla~!

UOL is enjoying the game, and Snake is enjoying the game even more.

Uzi and Flandre, who were facing each other on the wing, couldn't hold back their laughter.

The fat on the little fat man's face always bunched up because of his smile.

The mouse on the opposite side made a magic cut, and the stone man who beat the crocodile made a tear of the goddess, which is the top understanding of the CIS.

When Snake was preparing to open the baron in 20 minutes, UOL naturally would not show any mercy.

Flandre was having fun. She rushed into the crowd with her R, crippled all the stone men and Kassadin in the front row, and retreated after eating Lulu's control and rat damage.

Green Hair hooked through the wall and dragged R to Kassadin near the red buff grass.

Nomanz's void walk had not yet turned around. After the robot knocked Silence away and the wine barrel collided with it, he was kicked to death by Qinggangying.

Uzi set up his gun and fired R to shoot at the mouse from a long distance, while the crocodile pulled in front.

Li Hao saw the opportunity and used an E to pass through the wall to stun the mouse, and the W tactic swept the opponent.

The stone man turned around and faced Qinggang Ying, but Li Hao used a big move to avoid it.

At this time, the second stage Q brought violent real damage, and the Hydra's halo swayed under the Gray Lady's feet, like a sharp scalpel. With this kick, the mouse with about half health left was kicked to death!

AD player Gadget was shocked when he looked at the screen that suddenly went black, and he started uttering all kinds of Russian words.

The male gun is outputting Qinggang Shadow, but the damage done by both sides is not at the same level.

During the chaos in the wild area, Aha Ci was kicked to death by Li Hao under Jin's long-range sniper attack.

As Lulu screamed, the stone man, who realized something was wrong, flashed through the wall and fled towards the middle tower.

Huacai, the dramatist, immobilized him.

Flandre, Factory Director, Uzi, and Lu Mao almost all excitedly shouted "Penta Kill" in the team voice!

The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.

This gray streak soon appeared on everyone's computer screen in UOL when Qinggang Ying E crossed the wall and chased the stone man.

"The Stone Man is dead! The damage of the three major items in 19 minutes was too high, and the Stone Man couldn't handle it."

"Five kills!"

"Brother Hao killed five times in the opening match!"

"We are still discussing whether the five-kill miracle in this S game can be continued. Brother Hao came up with the answer right away!"

"Scored five kills in five consecutive S games!"

"The myth of e-sports, this is the myth of e-sports!"


The major studios are buzzing!

Wuhan Sports Center was filled with exclamations!

At this moment, the summoners all over the world who are paying attention to the S game are in shock.

This is a very disparate game.

But pentakill is not that easy to get.

But that doesn't seem to matter to the world's strongest man.

The game lasted 22 minutes and 19 seconds, and Snake gave UOL a super bald head with a score of 24:0.

Full-court suppression, three-line blowout, one goal and two super gods, five kills in the opening game, Linglong Tower!

The world's strongest host, a terrifying dynasty team, is showing off its muscles without any scruples.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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