LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 694: A flash in the pan and another prosperous age

On the evening of October 11th.

Former Snake retired player Cuihua and IG jungler Ning Wang were invited as guests to the lottery stage. In front of them were two lottery pools filled with silver balls, one for the No. 1 seed and one for the No. 2 seed.

SN, TES, and JDG are trembling, hoping that they are not the lucky one.

After Cuihua's hand, the first team to be drawn out was DWG, followed by G2.

Ranked in the top half together with G2. Although it was not like some players faced the second half of G2 back then, Xu Xiu, Ershu, Niu Guli and others were very happy. This is the best draw, there is nothing better than this. Yes.

Who wants to get into a semi-final with Snake?

Meeting in the finals and meeting in the semifinals are two completely different concepts.

The legend, the exposure, the prize money, it’s all different.


"Bravo Cuihua!"

Backstage at SN, everyone is happier than the other.

According to the principle of not meeting each other before the finals of the same group, TES in Group A and JDG in Group B must avoid being first in the group, so the two teams can only appear in the bottom half. One of their teams will be directly assigned to Snake to play in the quarters. finals.

The sexy fan stared at the green flowers on the screen, feeling a lot in her heart.

Unexpectedly, his former competitor would help him in a world competition.

Even if it is accidental and inadvertent, it is magical enough.

Snake and GEN are assigned to the bottom half.

The Samsung generals were silent.

In the past time, Li Hao caused them too much pain.

Since 2016, the team led by Li Hao has always swept them time and time again.

The players have changed, but the pain remains.

Especially King Chi, when he saw the ID TheKing, his head was as big as a bucket and he really didn't want to face it.

Bdd said: "Is it possible for Snake to be eliminated in the quarter-finals?"

"We all have this fantasy, but it's just a fantasy."

Clid spread his hands: "Playing against Snake is a torture."

Edger did not allow everyone to be so depressed. He encouraged: "No matter who the opponent is, we just need to fight hard."

"If you want to win the championship, you always have to defeat the strongest opponent."


Snake's momentum is so scary. It is the only team that has a complete victory in the group stage. It can easily win even if it changes the formation in the bottom lane, which shows that it has a deep foundation.

Coupled with two thrilling five-kills in the group stage, the dominance of the number one player in e-sports can be seen with the naked eye.

No matter how hard Edger and the Samsung uniform staff gave them, they couldn't get rid of the thorn in the hearts of the GEN players.

Anyone facing such an opponent will be under a lot of pressure.

After Cuihua was drawn, King Ning appeared.

Ah Shui wanted to call him a good brother, but King Ning stretched out his hand, and JDG was drawn out. JDG in the upper half had to avoid it, and could only be placed on Snake's side, who was drawn out first in the lower half.

In the quarter-finals, JDG faced Snake.

The duels of each group are released one after another.

In the other group in the lower half, Samsung played against Taobo.

In the top half, DWG and DRX are also in a civil war in the LCK.

G2 faced off against SN.

Except for JDG, the other teams are quite satisfied.

After the lottery is completed, each team only has three days to prepare.

On October 12, everyone set off to the Guangzhou Stadium together.

LPL players are very happy these two days. Among the top eight teams in the world, there are four LPL teams.

LPL will take half of it, and the rest will be given to the world’s top players.

Among the four teams, there is also a powerful dynasty like Snake with the first person in e-sports. This is destined to be the golden heyday of the LPL.

After arriving in Yangcheng, the eight teams quickly adapted to the environment and immediately started training in the training room prepared by Riot.

On October 14, everyone came to the Yangcheng Stadium one day in advance to get familiar with it.

Snake has the largest entourage. A Le, Gala, and Serena, who are not on the roster, were all brought along by Zuo Wu. They seemed very excited in Wuhan.

Although they couldn't play, as a member of Snake, they could still experience the atmosphere of the S game.

Accompanying an invincible galactic battleship, this journey brought them quite a lot of shocks.

Entering the S game for the first time, the cheers of the audience and the atmosphere made their blood swell.

Inside Yangcheng Gymnasium

When Li Hao and others were pulled by the staff to rehearse, Gala asked in a low voice while taking pictures with her mobile phone:

"Awei, how do you feel when you see so many spectators?"

"It's shocking."

Serena smiled and said: "When I arrived at the S game, many things were different from what I imagined, especially when I was waiting to go on stage and the sound of the scene was heard backstage. I felt nervous even before playing. "

"You can't even read it on your mobile phone."

"If JDG and the others read the forum before defeating DWG, their mentality would definitely explode."

"You have to admire Brother Hao."

He glanced in the direction of the stage: "I observed silently, Brother Hao never seemed nervous."

"Only when you are by his side can you understand what it means to be a real grand scene man. Xiaohang told me that he was quite nervous at first, but he felt calm once he saw Brother Hao."

A Lele laughed: "Isn't this nonsense?"

"As soon as Brother Hao appears on the stage, the other person becomes nervous immediately."

"That's two five kills!"

"Brother Hao gets five kills in the S game every year, but I only need to get five kills in the S game once in my life."

Gala became familiar with him and struck him face to face:

"It's very difficult for you."

"The vast majority of professional players will never get a pentakill in the S game in their lifetime. If you have this idea, don't drink ice Coke next time and pick up a thermos cup as soon as possible. This is your only chance."


Although they have only stayed at Snake for less than half a year, these newcomers feel that they have learned and experienced more in these six months than before combined.

When the number one person in e-sports who has won countless honors is still training so hard in front of you and never forgets his original intention, then he realizes that in his limited life, they should seize the time and dance on the keyboard.

Learning from the heart and exerting subjective initiative made all three of them feel fulfilled and each made progress.

The previous games played in the secondary league were all MVP-level performances.

Snake's targeted training is very effective for them.

Now I understand why those who came to Snake all became stronger and reached the peak of their careers.

It's a great environment.

The number one player in e-sports has shaped the culture of the most successful team in the league world.

When Zuo Wu recruited Li Hao to the Snake Team, his original intention was to use the experience of veterans to build a team culture.

At this moment, they accidentally collided and coincided with each other.

On October 15, in the Guangzhou Stadium, the LCK civil war began.

DWG Dialogue DRX.

Longcha held his breath and wanted to get past the big turtle, so that they would have a chance to enter the finals.

In the first game of the quarter-finals, the two sides staged a classic operation. DWG seized on the mistake of Dragon Cha to seize the Dragon Soul, Baron and Ancient Dragon, and then ended the game in a devastating manner. Pyosik is really crying now. Kindred played for nearly 39 minutes and only had 4432 damage points.

Chaowei definitely didn't lose, with 410 dollars in the lead.

In the second game between the two sides, DRX defeated the big turtle in the jungle team battle and gained the advantage. Unexpectedly, in the subsequent wave of DWG, Ornn and Thresh made contributions. At a disadvantage, they chased the Dragon Cha and DWG got the big advantage. The dragon nibbled away the dragon fork again.

DWG got three match points and became more comfortable. In the early stage of the third game, Beryl Panson's roaming took advantage. Second uncle Qianjue stacked up the mark crit flow to defy the dragon fork. DWG swept through strongly and entered the semi-finals.

For DRX, the saddest thing is Mr. Dai. He fell on the S field again, and his dream seems to be getting further and further away.

On October 16, G2 played against SN.

After the group stage, no one will underestimate this European team, even DWG, who is also in the top half, is studying them.

G2's current play style is similar to Snake's. Today's Cap King is extremely brave. His big advantage can drive the jungler, but the middle lane collapses and the jungler is in disarray.

In the first round of the showdown, Caps scored luxurious statistics of 11/2/6 and used two waves of key moves to lead G2 to defeat SN.

In the second game, the richest man came back to his senses and cooperated with Daan to make consecutive grabs, and SN regained the game.

In the third and fourth games, the two sides tied the score at 2:2.

The duration of each game is more than 35 minutes!

An extremely tense atmosphere gathered in the Guangzhou Stadium. No one expected that this round of competition would be so anxious.

SN, the fourth seed from the LPL, played like the real second brother of the LPL, with outstanding performances in every game.

The trend of dark horse is getting stronger and stronger.

G2 seems to be similar in strength to SN, so it's hard to say who will win.

In the fifth life-and-death battle, SN and G2 fought for 42 minutes, which was simply dark and dark.

The advantage of one or two thousand on the field is no longer useful, everyone is in a group.

The tense and suffocating atmosphere was released at 44 minutes and 1 seconds. In the LEC studio, Coster shouted that it was a pity.

"there is none left!"

"Caps did not borrow any more divine power. This power was borrowed by SN's Bin. Sword Girl got three kills and G2 failed."

"Congratulations SN!"

"The first LPL team to enter the semi-finals!"

In the studio, only Changmao was feeling a little sad. He was a G2 fan.

It is no longer easy for the European emperors to reach this point.

On October 17, the quarter-finals came to the bottom half.

The civil war between JDG and Snake begins.

This round of quarter-finals can be said to be the most disparate contest in terms of paper strength. Whether it is past performance or current ability, Snake crushes JDG in all aspects.

However, there are still some people who are eager for an upset.

Especially the LCK teams and Han Zai.

The GEN players watching the game in the training room may be more nervous than the JDG players on the field. They really hope that JDG can win.

However, this is destined to be a fantasy.

At 6:40 in the evening, the head ratio between JDG and Snake in the first round reached 23:5.

The financial gap on the big screen came to 11,000 yuan.

0/6/1 Guozi was sweating profusely, and Syndra on the opposite side beheaded 13 people!

In less than 30 minutes, JDG lost.

In the second game between the two sides, JDG adopted a strategy of resisting pressure in the middle and playing on the sideline.

In this game, they exposed more problems and a more obvious gap with Snake.

Both sides got cards and Galio in the middle.

There were no kills in the early stage, and JDG did not collapse as much as it did at the beginning of the game.

However, JDG's wingers couldn't take advantage of Snake at all.

After the sixth level of the card, Li Hao led Snake's rhythm, defeated LokeN in the bottom lane with several waves of roaming, and cooperated with the factory director to catch Zoom to death.

JDG wanted to open the wing, but all the wings were blown through.

The creamy Galio did support and released a few waves of ultimate moves, but the damage to Snake was too little.

As soon as the cards become more powerful, JDG will inevitably die.

With the entire game collapsing, JDG lost this game even faster.

In the mid-term, they lost towers continuously. At 18 minutes and 23 seconds, Snake broke through the bottom lane high ground, and all map resources in the jungle were lost.

At 21 minutes and 03 seconds, JDG was beaten 0 for 4 in a panic, and Snake ended the game with a wave.

"This series can be said to be over."

Miller emphasized: "The gap between the two sides is too big. When I go back, I can study Brother Hao's cards. It is equivalent to teaching him a lesson on how to play rhythm and support."

"Snake got the match point, JDG didn't want to think of a way, and was about to be swept."

Wawa said: "LCK is fighting a civil war, and LPL is also fighting a round of civil war."

"However, the combination of Brother Hao and Snake will undoubtedly bring us a greater shock."

"There is no anxiety, very little suspense, and it is completely overwhelming."

He couldn't help but sigh: "With the addition of Brother Hao, the team will be stronger."

After a short break, JDG's cliff round began.

Only 10 minutes into the game, the JDG uniforms backstage had already bought their tickets back to Kyoto.

JDG, with a broken mentality, failed to show any confrontation.

Li Hao's rock bird wandered in two waves on the road, making Flandre's crocodile fat.

Taking advantage of the top lane, they got the vanguard and destroyed Sylas' first tower early.

Silas is almost sleepwalking.

LokeN in the bottom lane, who was originally a special player, has now changed his operation. In this game, he played Ice, and he may have wanted to predict when he enlarged the move, but the magic crystal arrow was crooked.

All he had to do was shoot an arrow behind him.

At the beginning of the spring split, LokeN was so brilliant, able to compete with Shi Yizhong in terms of results.

In the playoffs, the special players emerged in the second stage and competed with Shi Yizhong for results.

As a result, those things only brought hallucinations to JDG. Just like studying meditation, they are both dead ends.

Li Hao is still the only one, so strong that there is no fluctuation.

He's an exception among exceptions, and what happened to him doesn't apply to other players.

What about LokeN, the idiosyncratic person?

Just a flash in the pan.

At this time, when we look back at everything that happened, we will inevitably have more feelings.

Double C is lost, and Zoom can only play dirty duels.

In less than 25 minutes, Snake easily won and swept JDG.

At this time, even JDG fans must admit that SN played better next door, but JDG looked like the fourth seed.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Congratulations Snake!"


Player Snake walked up to the JDG player bench, and Gao Zi and Lu Mao hugged each other.

Now, he envied his former good brother even more.

The only thing that pleased the JDG uniforms was that because they were swept by Snake, not many people complained, because no one thought Snake would lose. Everyone started celebrating Snake's entry into the semifinals, and JDG was quickly forgotten and forgiven.

Even if someone criticizes him, JDG can still ask with his soul:

"Who won't beat 3-0?"

You can even be more forceful until others have nothing to say:

"Okay, go and beat The King! If you can't beat him, shut up!"

If JDG is swept by other teams, in its current state, it will definitely endure endless abuse.

October 18th.

GEN players are still thinking about how to fight Snake?

What tactics should be used in the semifinals?

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Sanxing was doused with two basins of cold water by Taobo and woke up.

Xiba, why is it 0-2!

The LCK audience was in disbelief. Before nine o'clock, Taobo sent Samsung home 3:0.

The LPL audience laughed to death:

"BDD is useless, he will act like a tsar at critical moments, a big-eyed monster, and he will be able to fool around with time. This is the case in the LCK. You can even take care of him with your left hand. How can you fight Brother Hao?"

"Actually, it's the same. If you encounter Snake, you'll also sweep."

"It's not a shame, it's not the first time anyway."

"This year's LCK really can't be compared with the LPL."

"Chiku Di also has a reason to say, my teammate is CoreJJ, the leader of An. Who are you in this batch? You asked me to lead you. Clid Laifu is playing jungle assistant, can he play? He can't play, he doesn't have the ability to know. ?"


With the promotion of Taobao, the list of the top four of S10 is released.

Snake, TES, DWG, SN.

The lonely DWG was surrounded by LPL teams.

LPL, it’s a prosperous time again!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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